The Book of Saphah

Published: 3 Dec 2024 | Updated: today

Plate 63. The Tree of Language.

China, India, Europe and America, the four branches of the earth, languages from one root. What was the tree, and where grew it, that none can find it? Where lie the submerged continent, the forgotten world? Whence escaped the struggling mortals, to float to far off continents, and tell the tale in all lands of a mighty flood?

PAN, (of language) the first guttural sounds approximating words.

POIT, beginning of labial word-sounds.

HUIT, first acquiesced language.

FUS, first written word-signs.

CHINE, monosyllabic.

YI-HA, combination words.

ABRAM, first words; original text.

FONECE, following the sound, but not the signs. (writing)

AHAM, amalgamation.

EBRA, the old; the sacred.

SANSCRIT, mixture.

ARABA, (first Egyptian also) ‘Teeth and thorax.’

ALGONQUIN, after the sacred name E-Go-Quin.

Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic and Sanscrit Primaries.


Plate 62. SE’MOIN.


  1. Ah, the earth (Panic). Pan, da, sa, the ground; the foundation (Panic). N’ah (Poit). Thah (Kii). Pan (Iz). Sas and ‘Asa (Zan). Edama (Fonece). Adama (Ebra). Rd’han (Vede). Bu’ha (Sanscrit). The first name applied to earth; as a man in looking forth saith, Ah! Ha’d’n (Chine). Wh’ah (Algonquin). Written with a straight line horizontal.
  2. Oh! the sky, the canopy over (Pan). Oh’ah (Kii). O’shak (Fonece). D’yo (Vede). N’yo (Algonquin). As a man would exclaim looking upward. The vault above the earth.
  3. Esk, earth and sky, third combination. One corporeal world and its canopy (Panic). I’dek (Poit). Ex (Fonece). Ska (Algonquin). The near world.
  4. Esak, the kosmos. The all world, the sun and moon and earth and stars and all the skies (Panic). Erak (Hiut). Erat (Fonece). Eret (Ebra). Ad- (earth). Oh’m (skies). (Poit) Ja’sak (Vede). the fourth combination. Beyond measure. Jagat (Sanscrit). A’sah (China).
  5. Ea’yo, from below forever, from upward forever (Panic). E’do (Bakie). M’yo (China). She’go (Algonquin). U’do (Vede). Udoche (Sanscrit). Upward and downward forever. None can measure the extent.1
  6. Hoi, the penetrable and impenetrable; the create and the Uz (Panic), Joy or Woe (Gau). Oi (Zerl), Yoih (Vede). A ray of sunlight is Hoi; it destroys and it creates; man’s speech is Hoi; it can heal or poison. Uz’hoi, poison (Vede). Git’hoi, good healing (China). Ang’hoi, medicine man (Algonquin).
  7. Druh or druk or drug, that that lead to destruction; the four dark corners of the world, north-east, south-east, north-west and south-west. The temple is sacred to the south and north and east and west. The serpents and devouring beasts come to the arena from druh (Panic) cross-purpose, evil purpose; cruv (Vede), a serpent-like evil, druhk, evil spirit, (Vede), druj, evil destroyer (Poit), druja, sign of death (Channic), cross-bones; danger from unseen spirits, an X, ex or drux. Ug or ugh (Algonquin), ugly (English), at crosses, angular. The place of the evil Gods in the ceremonies. The four quarters of the world are good; but the four corners are evil.
  8. Eoih, the unseen Power, Creator (Panic). Before man could comprehend the All Spirit he was taught the wind, the All Unseen, and to call it E-O-Ih! The emblem of Boundless and of Life.
  9. Eloih, synonymous with E-O-Ih, the Creator, the person who move the wind. The All Soul. The All Self. The Second Self, more subtle than the wind. It is the circumference of all; it extend from left to right, and from below upward. The motions of the hand and arm in oratory. The hand and arm speak His name. It is the secret sign. It hold the emblem of life (Panic and Gau). E-go-quin (Algonquin). Je-oes (China), Je-ovih (Fonece), Je-hova (Ebra), Geo-zih (Hiut), Zi’o (Vede): The soul of all. As the emblem is the Living Wheel, I swear by it. Let my accusers say I have not the holy gifts. They should bind me on the wheel. The GREAT SPIRIT will release me. Let the wheel of My name be by the roadside that he who pass”’ may turn it in remembrance of the I AM. This should be a prayer from the unlearned, and I will hear them. [Zarathustra]
  10. Susa, the Complete. Without evil the All World would be incomplete; spirit of Corpor; Spirit of Es (Panic). Soo’a (China). Lu’la (Hiut). Hiss-tu-oh (Fonece). The wheel hath both good and evil. It hath the leaf of life. The priest should be proved on the wheel. If he be released he is holy. If he be not released he is unholy and should perish. Though an evil man die by the wheel it is not bad for him. Only the man that love Jehovih fear”’ not to have the wheel roll over him. Druk-a-naw (Vede). Drujiy-ho-gan (Semak). Jaugernacht (English). Su’sa, living death (Chine).
  11. Druk (Panic), earth evils. Poisons, plagues. Rosh (Fonece), snake poison. Poison lurk”’ on the earth. Ruks (Algonquin and Kii). Ruts, the time of females (Ebra). When the signs are down, be you**** patient. Usk, the outer covering is evil. Husk (English). All flesh is druk (evil). Hoey’e (Chine).
  12. Gan (Panic). Ghan (Chine). Egan, mankind (Chine). Edam and Edan (Fonece). Adam (Ebra). Puam (Sanscrit). Pam (Vede). Sam, speaking animal (Kii). Samuel, prophet (Ebra). Gang, rich land-owner (Chine). Ang (Algonquin). Anger (Poit). Ong’ee (Kii). Man (English).
  13. Uh’ga,2 the test (Panic). If the Es release him then is he our true prophet. He hath sworn by the wheel; he should be tried. An oath; to swear by the ALL I AM. Ish’ga (Chine). Duk’ah (Poit). Eh’la (Fonece). Alah (Ebra). Isch’bu’ah, pledging by (Hebrew). Uk’gak (Algonquin). He should be proved on the cross, the druh, and he die not. Let him answer on His name that that he hath professed. If he be a false prophet he will fear Uh’ga (Test). False prophets’ bones hang on the druh, the cross. The true are released by Eolin.
  14. Uh, evil spirit (Panic). Yuuh (Poit). Kuuh (Fonece). Kuach (Ebra). The evil that is above us. Yu’gi (Chine), evil spirits who love evil. Zi-uhk (Vede). Useh (Kii). Huuh (Algonquin).
  15. Fome, wind (Panic). Foam (Chine). Ome’ Eri (Algonquin). Evil wind, Ruak (Ebra). That that speak without lips, fume (Vede). He fumes, Ome (Ku).
  16. Yote’a (Panic), water. Voet’i (Kii). Vo’ti and Va’ti and Va’rs (Vede). Go’taw and Gota’Weri, morning water (Algonquin). Yot’Yaw (Hiut). Hoy’ah (Fonece). Hoy’am (Ebra).
  17. Dang, light (Panic). Hi’Dan (Kii). Orang (Fonece). Orah (Ebra). Ang, ji (Chine). Ang’ni (Vede). Ag’ni, fire-light (Sanscrit). Ong (Algonquin), spiritual light. Yong, daylight (Hebrew).
  18. Ha’k, dark (Panic). Hark (Chine). Pa’h (Poit). H’ark (Kii). Kah (Fus). Kasha’k (Fonece). Chasah (Algonquin). Kasha’k (Ebra). O’Yak (Vede).
  19. Sa, the cross-bones. The sign of an evil man that died in evil (Panic). The evil cross, the English letter X. He was bound on the wheel, and perished. There was no All Holy in him. Let this mark be branded on his forehead, that all men may know he is a false prophet. He rotted on the wheel, Sa’h (Vede). Sahan (fus). Let this be a sign of evil spirits. He’sa (Algonquin). Sa (Ebra). Sa’d, to wither (Sanscrit). This should be the sign of war. It should be on the banners of the righteous. They should go forth shouting, Isa’b! (Ebra). Die, Sa (Chine). Death, Sa (Kii). Let us perish for righteousness’ sake rather than do evil. [Abraham.]
  20. Su, an enlightened man; also Augh (Panic). Su (Chine). With the gift of prophecy, Su’s (Ebra). I proclaim in the name of Eloih, Soo! (Kii). Shu (Algonquin). He would not kill a worm, Choo (Vede). He stand between us and the All Light; T’su (Gau). Su’chi, perceiving by the Unseen (Sanscrit). The interior bright, Soo (Fus). One who can not sin, Su (Onia). The purified Son.
  21. Oke, a house (Panic). Oak (Chine). Okel (Fonece). Ohel (Ebra). Oik (Kii). Hoik (Gau). Oikon (Hellic). Croke (Vede). Koik (Aribanya). Oikos (Greek). Teach my people to have homes (Oke); the migrant is an abomination to the All Eye (Aham).
  22. Hiss, serpent’s word. He make noise like the wind. Who can distinguish between the voice of Eolin and the hiss that kills? From the two evil corners above, the hiss descend. His food is of the earth. That that tempt”’ to the earth is hiss. The hiss that crawl”’ have I made as an emblem of the hiss that teach”’ lust (Panic). Hiss (Chine). Hees (Algonquin). Cvees (Vede). The sign of treachery, of poison unseen. A danger that man can not heal. First I made poison air; from that I made poisonous weeds, and from them I made hiss; to crawl on his belly commanded I him. The lowest made I him; he bit”’ himself and die therefrom. [Abraham.] The sum of evil is to be its own destroyer. [Confucius.]
  23. Sam’tu, triangle (Panic). The sign of Corpor and Es and Eolin. Also the Soul-light, Eolin, the Corpor light, the Sun, and the burning flame. Also an instrument for measuring.
  24. Fui, a square, a box. A sign of righteousness (Panic).
  25. Sui (Chine). Tu’fong or Sam’fong (Panic), a measure with two lengths and one angle, Yu’on (Vede).
  26. Guz, hypothenuse, a line from the top of an upright to a distance from the base of the upright. Guys (Panic). The mean between upright and horizontal. Gui (Kii). Zy (Vede). The man who is not upright and yet not all evil. The mean between Su and Hiss. Kur (Algonquin). Zhi (Chine). Dji (Huit). All men are Dji. An angle of support, a sign, a line, a rope.
  27. Sarji, sarguz, a pyramid (Panic). My sides guy, but I am the centre shaft. The temple was built east and west and north and south, and the four corners representing good and evil were square with the world. The sacred house of Eolin, Bar’ji (Fonece). Bar’nah (Ebra). Gaw’hi (Algonquin). Yah’hy (Vede). A building with chambers for spirit communion.
  28. Gau,3 a measuring instrument; a plumb and level combined. Gau said: They gave my base a level, and the sights on the angle of the plumb-line were level also, and in the distance of Tek Gos (about twenty miles) discovered the rounded earth. By the Gau was the earth proven to be a globe. By Gau have I revealed (Vede). A proven problem. An exact. Gau, a geometrical language. Language is of two parts, the proven is Gau, the unproven is M’gau. A sacred instrument; that that can not err. My sacred temples should be built by Gau. Dau’sin (Chine), plumb-line. Ann’ak (Fonece). Ahm’uk (Ebra), a plumbline. A Gau’Yi should be placed by the altar. By the Sign Gau’i should man learn to prove all things (Vede). It should be the symbol of proof. Be patient that your sight may not err, saith Gau.
  29. K’Sam, tripod (Panic). Symbol of earth, water and air. My three are one; without these three nothing can be born into life. Ka’Sam (Chine). Ya’Sais (Vede). Yo’ham (Algonquin). The stool of the prophet. Only on the tripod should the oracle proclaim. (Aham). The origin of the term Aham, the language of oracles. A language with two or three meanings. Sacred language of Aribania.
  30. Puh, to pull, a cap-stone (Panic). The stones of the temple should be drawn up with a push (Poit). Zuz (Vede). Uuh (Fonece). Uhe (Algonquin).
  31. I’che, trowel (Panic). Chu (Chine). Hi’che, trowel or ax, or hatchet (Algonquin). Yi’che (Vede). My hand is a wood hand. I make even; and I should be a sign by the foot of A’Kin. The temple is the work of my hand, but who know the Hand of the Great Spirit. His hand is over all. (Perah). A lazy man should not have me for a sign, saith I’cho (Kii).
  32. Tu’fa, a compass (Panic). An instrument to measure circles; circumference without any part of a square.
  33. Inqua (Panic). Hin’Kwa (Zerl). E’m’wak (Algonquin). A thing within a thing. The es that is in corpor, the soul that is in es. Three within one, Ma-nee-to (Algonquin). The earth within the vortex. Equa, swift flying, equation (English). Race-horse (Chine).
  34. I’su (Panic). Ie Su, a young child that has not sinned. The true cross within Eloih. I’e’su (Aham). Child prophet (Aham). Ye’loo (Kii). My I’su should have no flesh desires. His love know all men and women alike. Gee’soo’gan (Chine). Iesu, one who is born sexless.4
  35. Uhk’sa, the evil cross (Panic). The written sign of Sa. (See Sa.)
  36. Git, the moon (Panic). Git the moon (Chine). The second light Egs’git. She send forth Egnita (Algonquin). Git’mas, corporeal moon (Vede). Eg’nit (Poit). Egnitero (Algonquin). The moon of E-o-quin. G’uit (Kii). Git’m’gow’, the moon much receiving; the gentle moon, she send forth the gold light, the or (Ebra).
  37. Git’ow the sun (Panic). Git’how, the sun (Chine). The central light. Let the sun stand to the corporeal world as Jehovih stand to the All Unseen. He, the Gitow should be on the beam between the pillars as a symbol of my power. As he bring”’ forth grass, so bring I forth the souls of men. He send forth Karang’kwa, the All Heat, Haw’git (Algonquin). He send white light, or H’wit (Ebra). Or, the corporeal sunlight; Git’fume, the driving (Aham). M’Git (Kii). Hog’git or git-hog (Aribania).
  38. Sang or Sa’ang (Panic), stars. The small shining that send forth the Ogistok, i.e., the twinkle. Anga (Algonquin). Seng or Seng’sope (Chine). Eng’ho, the twinkler, i.e., Kokab (Fonece). Hy’ang (Vede). The far-off worlds, Esk’ang (Poit).
  39. M’git5 (Panic). The prophet took triangles and laid them separately before the king, Oss, and the prophet said, E,-O,-Ih; E,-O,-Ih, twice, and straightway, the angles were interlocked, and lo and behold, nothing had been broken. And Oss, the king, said: These should be hung up in the temple as a testimony before men that the Great Spirit is with my people. His light should be my light. (Vede).
  40. Git’s’ang (Panic) sacred, star. Two triangles of different kinds of wood interlocked without severing, by spirit power (Uz). Let my prophets prove themselves by the sacred star, and they should sit on the K’Sam and be oracles in my kingdom. An emblem of a miracle kept over the altar. Also called Yoke’eng (Chine). Yope’amg (Algonquin). Let him conjure the sacred star. A starlight evening. Less than moonlight.
  41. Ex (Panic). Two or more against each other, collision. Life against death, or sour against sweet, or bad against good. The supposed opposites in all things. Egs (Poit). Egs (Algonquin). Egs (Kii). Egks (Fonece).
  42. M’git’ow, morning, sunrise (Panic). Dawn, M’git’ow (Algonquin). Tigiatow (Vede). At dawn fly away the evil spirits; at dawn come the shining, full of holiness (Kii). The wise man hath found Git’m’ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity, and Tau, the bull, i.e., forcegiving. He make a book at dawn. The seventh heaven come in M’git’ow, the morning light (Poit).
  43. Hi’dang, high-noon (Panic); the sun at noon. Let the Hi’dang be an emblem over my altar. He is the glory of the day as is the Great Spirit of the soul world. As you* bow before him do it in remembrance of Him that you* see not. He is of my body and life, and as much as you* glorify Him, so will I, Eolin, the Creator, glorify you* in the heavens above (Gau). See to it that you* worship not the corporeal sun, but glorify my works in remembrance of me. Keep this symbol covered, save on the days of sacrifice, lest your enemies accuse you* of worshipping corpor. (Chine).
  44. M’hak (Panic). M’hock, or Mo’ock, or Mowk (Algonquin). O’Shak (Fonece). Koshek or Chosek or Chasheck or Choshek (Ebra). Night, darkness. The time of the Es’win ceremonies. Let us meet privily on the mountain-top in Choshek; the angels require it of us. Chosek (Hebrew). Ta’ren’zewagon, in some Luwick. Not having mountain-tops they met in Ta’rew’ze, the swamps, and had the Es’win. Ta’ren’zewagon, became a law for M’hak (a tribe of Algonquin). When the drouth destroy let the faithful hold Narshka on the mountaintops, and the rains will I send from heaven (Sanscrit). Ah’shah (Kii).
  45. Work or wark (Panic). Vortex, whirlwind. Sark (Poit). Sa’ark (Gau). Ru’ark (Fonece). Ruach, Searah (Hebrew). Yi’ah (Vede). Who’ohk (Algonquin). Who should find the cause of work? I am at work continually. As I have set the work, the whirlwind, before men’s eyes, so before the host of the long-risen do I make and dissolve worlds (Aham). The Es labor, work (English) labor. The whirlwind is labor, per se, i.e., without hands.
  46. V’work (Panic). The sign of Es at labor. The make of a corporeal world. A corporeal world within a whirlwind.
  47. Yot’ang’d’ang, water, earth, air and ether (Panic).
  48. Ka’fom’ji (Panic), earth, lower heaven and upper heaven.
Plate 64. ONK, or ZODIAC.
  1. Onk (Panic). Sun belt of the earth. That portion of the earth subject to vertical rays. Onk, direct. Owk, oscillating. Onk gave I unto you that you**** might behold the glory of summer, the fragrance of spring, the beauty of autumn and the snow of winter. Study the ant and the bee; they comprehend Onk. The lazy man should learn Onk (Poit).
  2. Sed, (Panic), the sign Aries, or, in English, letter T. The sign of wisdom; of gentleness. Sed, a lamb (Kii). A man’s nose and eyebrows. The man who win by love, gentleness. A’sed (Poit). Ahed (Fonece). Aheb (Ebra). Aheb (Hebrew). And Sed rose up on the third day after the creation of the world and stood above the sun. The Great Spirit, E-O-Ih, said: This is My Son. The corporeal sun you* can behold at high noon, but My Son Sed stand above this. All that are gentle and good draw”’ he to My kingdom, Nirvana. Do not unto another what you* would not desire done unto you, or you**** should not behold My Son Sed, who stand on My right hand. The earth is Mine, saith Sed; by love will I redeem it. Ay’sed (Vede). A sheep with a woman’s face; symbol of love. Gently, or gentleness. Let or Leat (Ebra), or as a lamb speak. A’nah (Hebrew). ba’ba (Chine). Hy’sed (Vede). Sed (Aribania). A name signifying gentleness and wisdom. Written sign of a lamb or of the nose and eyebrows of man. A symbol of stars and zodiac. Let this be the season to bring together male and female. They should go to the altar and consult the voices of the stars through my prophets. Whoever hath Sed in him return”’ good for evil (Chine).
Plate 65. ARIES.

(See also Book of Jaffeth).

  1. K’git, new moon (Panic). Watch you**** for the new moon and glorify the Great Spirit that He may prosper ye. Ka’git (Chine). It should be a holy day of rest.
  2. E’git (Panic). At the change of the second quarter of the moon is the relief watch of my angels who abide with mortals; let that be a holy day of rest.
  3. M’Git, the third quarter (Panic). A holy day of rest. Let my chosen keep the four holy days of rest during each moon, for on these days do my guardian angels change the watch. The incentive given by the spirits to mortals to make mortals observe and learn the planets. Sub’da’don, a holy day (Panic). The day of the moon’s change. Sub’da (Fonece). Sabbath (Ebra). A moon’s birthday. Because of four quarters to each moon, so do I give to you four Sab’da, which should be days of worship. (Abram).
  4. Tau, a bull, a projector (Panic). Sign of a bull’s head and horns. As the prophets interpreted so should the king. Tau (project). His edicts are Tau, bulls. Opposite from Sed (Aries). Opposite from cow (receptivity). Tau, e.i., Osiris, is oft confounded with Aries, a God of the lower heavens.
Plate 67. TAU.

1 See pronunciation, page 604.
2 ORIGIN OF THE SIGN OF THE CROSS. — The prophets were bound on a wheel, to test their spirit power to be released. The wheel is the symbol of the sacred name, E-O-Ih. These wheels are still to be seen by the roadsides in part of China and India. The origin of the jaugernacht; also the origin of the cross-bones; the sign of those who perished as false prophets, being unable to be released by spirit power.
3 The measuring instrument, Gau, is a triangle with a plumb-line suspended from the upper angle. On the plumb-line proper is a cross-bar, on which there are sights for the observer. At a distance of a few miles’ sight it was discovered that the earth declined below the level corresponding to the perpendicular, and that the declension increased in declension in proportion to the distance sighted.
4 See Christian Bible, Matthew, chap, xix., v. 12, in regard to natural-born eunuchs and others.
5 The feat of interlocking two rings is now known to many Spiritualists. By the ancients, this feat being accomplished without disintegration, the double triangles so locked were placed in the temples of worship as sacred.


OSIRIS, being interpreted, is: I am the Light, the Life and the Death. Out of myself made I all that live. The sun I placed in the firmament as a sign of my power. The stars and the moon and things that speak not and know not are the works of my hand. I am the Tau and the Sed (Taurus and Aries, bull and lamb), the power and wisdom over all and within all. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever should be (Aribania). The spirit of self-assertion; tyranny; to enslave; to master others per force. Tow (Aii). The self-assuring man, or spirit. Y’taw (Vede). Tau’baw, a bull, or Ti’taw, I am the T’taw. I am the master at the bridge Chinvat. Without my will none should rise to Nirvana, my upper heavens. Through my good-will only should any man ascend. I am the Judge and Savior of men. On my forehead rest”’ the sun; the stars are my cattle. In worship of me the stars and the sun plead before me. The horses have I placed over the cows. The moon (Mas) cring”’ beneath my feet. I am war, I am Thaw, a bull. My bulls should be the edicts of kings. Who worship”’ not me, him will I destroy (Vede). Toe’phi, the All High Spirit, next to Om, wife of Eolin. Toe’phi is my Savior; he will redeem. (Chine). Itaura, Itura (Algonquin). Toe (Ebra). Toe (Hebrew). Toe (Fonece). Wild, unreasonable. Destroyer of liberty.

  1. Mi, or Mira (Panic). Mi, spirit, My’ra, spirit of earth (English). Mary, lamb (spirit). Mi’ra, a virgin, was before man a dweller on the earth, nor was there any man for her. The All Unseen conceived her. Her son was Sir’za (Poit). Si’us (Kii). Osiris (Aribania). Mi,6 mother of all men; spouse of the Unseen (Tau). The earth was Mi, and Mi was the earth. The Great Spirit moved on the earth and the earth conceived and brought forth man. Mithra (Vede). Mother of Gods (king spirits). The sons of Mi were all I’su, free from sin. Save you**** pray to Mithra, then will not Tau save your souls. She, Mi, is our virgin mother. A sign, a face within a circle; also, written and painted, a woman with a child.
  2. A’ji (Gau), semi-dark. There are places in the firmament of heaven not all light, nor yet all dark. Ar’ji (Poit). When the earth pass”’ through A’ji (Panic), it aggregateth and growe. An abundance of Dar’ji in the firmament give a cold year upon the earth (Kii). In the years of Ar’jon mortals became warriors. Now it came to pass that for seven hundred years the earth encountered not Ha’ji (Chine), and war ceased on the earth, and men were gentle, and killed not any living thing. Out of A’ghi make Jehovih a new world. Save your prophets understand A’ji, they can not tell what the next year will be. Let man build consecrated chambers in my temples that my spirits in heaven may come and explain Ha’jhon, and they should be provided against famine and pestilence (Algonquin). The foolish man know not A’jon, for mortals can not see him.
  3. Ji’ay (Panic). Ji’ya (Gau). Semi-light. There are three places in the firmament, light and semi-dark. The fourth is Corpor. Thus, ether, the most rarified place; Ji’ay, the second place, less rarefied; A’ji, the third place (nebulous places in the firmament), and fourth, the corporeal worlds. As out of the ether I make A’ji, so out of Jy’ay make I corpor. (Kii.) Hy’ghi (Chine). Beware of evil spirits in the time of Jy’ay, for they should train the corporeal senses of men to believe they lived before. (Chine.)
  4. Dan’ha (Panic). The etherea, the highest place in ethereal worlds. Jehovih said: The sun I made as the head of a serpent, and his phalanx made I as the body of a serpent; thus made I the great corporeal serpent. To him gave I a circuit to travel in, and I numbered his time a thousand tuos and seven aka and four bi’jus, for the sun coil. On the circuit have I placed my A’ji and my Ji’ay in many places, but my Dan’ha have I placed only in one thousand six hundred places. (A cycle of time is about three thousand years, sometimes more, sometimes less.)7 From Kosmon, the present time, back to Moses and Capilya, alias Capella, three thousand four hundred years; from Moses and Capilya to Brahma and Abraham, two thousand four hundred years; from Brahma and Abraham to Zarathustra, three thousand one hundred years; from Zarathustra to Osiris the first, three thousand three hundred years; from Osiris to Thor, three thousand two hundred years; from Thor to Apollo, two thousand eight hundred years; from Apollo to Sue, three thousand two hundred years; from Sue to Aph, three thousand six hundred years.

Dan’ya, the orbit of the solar phalanx (Gau). Dian’ya, the course of the cosmical phalanx (Puit). The light of Dan’ga is my timekeeper (Vede). Dh’a’yi, the light shining; the soulfructifier (Pali). When Dang’hi come, the All-men grow in spirit; when he is past, man whett”’ the sword and spear and enter”’ into blood. Deny Dang’hi and die in stubbornness of heart. (Poit.) Dan’ya fold Corpor in his arms, but yet man see not him. (Chine.) The chosen of the Great Spirit should maintain their blood through many Da’n’ga’has (Aribania). He was the sign of light standing on two legs of light. He is My symbol, saith Jehovih (Vede).


  1. Uh’Sauk, battle-ax (Panic). Yu’Saui (Poit).
  2. I’he (Panic). Eye (English). I’yhe (Poit). Ay’he (Gau). Hi’gin (Chine), the seeing; Ap’in (Fonece). Ay’in (Ebra), the seeing organ. I’ghe (Vede). I’hi or Ike’shi (Sanscrit). Ay’ke or Ay’ke’ra (Algonquin). Ayin (Hebrew). That that feel”’ at a distance. I understand, I comprehend. Ay’ghin (Panic).
  3. Mai or A’Mair (Panic), expressed, marked out. A king’s signature from which there is no appeal. If I am by Sa I mean death; if by Su, spirit; or by dang (light). I, Amar, have spoken. Expressly (Ebra). By his mouth he hath said, as the mouth open”’ and utter”’, like an animal speak, Mai’ah (Algonquin). Expression, Ma (Chine).
  4. Gee (Panic), ear (English). She (Kii). She’ma find azam. She, ear, Azam, that that come into. A symbol of an organ on the head. The letter G, and C, English. A symbol of judgment. Let the Che be above the altar as a sign that the E-O-Ih hear”’. I’gee’how (Chine). The ear hear”’. Pan’gee (Algonquin). Che (Ayn). Hy’che (Vede). Gee (Chine).
  5. F’si (Panic), west. F’si (Chine). Te’si (Algonquin). Ty’sy (Vede). In the west.
  6. Td’nam (Panic). East. Que’dam (Poit). E’dam (Kii), the first place is east. D’nam (Chine). Qedem, the east (Ebra). Qedem (Hebrew). Se’nam (Algonquin). Tse’hem (Vede). Di’nam (Kii). The master of the lodge should sit in Denem, i.e., the east. (Aribania.) The covered head stand in Enam.
  7. T’ong, south (Panic). T’ong (Zerl). Se’ong (Iz). T’ong (Thath). D’room (Fonece). Daroom (Ebra). Tse’ong (Chine). Hi’se’enga (Algonquin).
  8. Bak, north (Panic). A’dak, a cold place, a mountain.
  9. Fete, sign of santification (Panic). Only the prophets should wear my badge Yete (Chine). Second symbol in rank after dawn, Eloih. The Fete come on the Mas day. (Vede). The Fete (high priest) give sacrifice before the multitude. The Fete, fates, the high priests, are next to Eolin. One of the sacred emblems.
  10. Ai or A’yi, myself, Iga (Panic). The All Seeing. A’gi (Algonquin). M’agi, next to Eolin. (Vede.) (English) Magi. The written name of a worker of miracles. One empowered to administer oaths. The Master’s sign in the Lodge.
  11. Pau or paw (Panic). Hand (English). Pop or quab or yaub or yod, as the hands speak when struck together (Poit). (Ebra.) (Kii.) Osnosa come out of Yod (Algonquin). Showh (Chine). Iy’yoh (Vede). By his hands he answered, Y’yop. (Fus). The sign of the hand be good aback, but the palm deal”’ in mystery. He point”’, and by his hand’s course should he be read; to a heart, love; to a spear, war, etc.
  12. Cow receptivity (Panic). Cow, an animal (Panic). Any person who is receptive of new things. Not bigoted. Haoma spake to the cows in the name of the Great Ormudz, Eolin (Vede). Cow (Chine). Cow (Poit). Cow (Kii). Gow, animal (Chine). He who hath found the cow, etc. (Pali). How can the truths of Zarathustra approach them; the cow is not in them (Pali). Save you* refrain from fish and flesh you* should not find the cows, i.e., receptivity. They feasted on flesh and wine and the cows went astray, i.e., receptive to spiritual things (Pali). As a cow utter”’; a sign of a female. Save your spirits become as cows you* can not be impregnated with new things. The much-learned man hath erected bars to keep off the cows (Chine). Being wise in their own conceit they will not receive (Iz). A sign of a female; usually face and breasts; sometimes the udder of a cow or mare. The mares separated themselves in heaven (Craosh). Save you* find the (receptivity) you**** should not, etc. (Fus.) All men become mares in time to come (receptive). (Hiut.) (Zarathustra.) [See horses.]
  13. Su’Tau (Panic). Self-assertion. The spirits who ministered at the oracle manifested Su’tau, and there was no reason in them. Applied to spirits that teach things that can not be proven. Many of the people were converted by Sa’tau, and their souls thus enslaved in heaven. Eolin said: Su’tau is mine enemy; he lead astray my innocent ones. (Vede.) The same as Tau, but applied to spirit teaching. [See Tau.] A sign of a profile, face, mouth closed.
  14. Agni (Panic), fire. Ah’gni (Chine), to burn. Ogna, as the fire speak, Uha’gni (Vede). Flame of fire saith, Whir (Fonece). Ur (Ebra). A’gin (Poit). The sacrifice in Agni (Vede). They spread the blood on sticks of wood, and they were consumed by A’gin in front of the altar (Zerl). The sacrifice by fire Ishsheh (Fonece). A sign of a stone bench with flames ascending. Burning incense. Emblem of worlds moldering into dust and of the harvests of souls ascending to heaven. Emblem of corporeal dissolution and of the escape of the potent power within. Emblem of mine own mortal dissolution and the ascent of my soul, but whither, O Eolin! O Agni, O A’gni, reveal your*** mysteries! (Ceremonies of Dawn.) A’gin, the sacred fire (Fus). In the days when mortals put words into all things and made them speak, Agni (fire) stood giant over all, till Yote’a (water) bathed his head, when lo, black death (charcoal) breathed forth poisonous air. (Vede.) Hagni (Algonquin).
  15. Gam, sacrifice (Panic), in triumph.
  16. Woga, sacrifice (Panic), in repentence. O Woga, how can I forget you*, for in thy obedience to Agni is my great sin burnt up. From this day I will sin no more (Hiut). Let my chosen repeat the holy words of repentance whilst Agni feast”’ in Gam or in Woga, for in that self-same hour do I hear them and absolve them their sins (Vede).
  17. D’shom, mountain (Panic). Dhi’shon (Chine).
  18. Ug (Panic) a valley low down. Emeg (Aribania and Fonece). A deep gorge. Go’ug (Algonquin). Also Go’meg. Y’ng and Yu’hi’guag (Vede).
  19. Sa’fome (Panic), evil wind; evil chieftain among spirits, a God. A God in human shape. Believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things, and of man in his own image. (See God and Ghad.) I’fome (Chine), an idol. They have made an idol and called it Iss’faum, i.e., Land God or God of the Earth. In those days the idolaters believed the Great Spirit had made Gods out of spirits in the lower heaven, and sent one of them to the earth and one to each of the stars. To the moon he gave four Gods. He who received the earth as his portion to command was called Lord (Sa’fome), i.e., earth wind. On his forehead should be the sign of cross-bones. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord (Sa’fome). (Fonece.) Jehova said: Not having stone images they have made an idol of the wind and called it Lord (Land God or Ghad). (Moses in Egypt.) Let my followers swear an oath against the Lord, for he is more hurtful than the stone idols, and they should profess the Great Spirit, E-O-Ih, only. (Abraham.) See to it that the enemy fasten”’ not an idol of the wind on the Faithists (Zarathustra). (Vede.) Not content to worship the Great One they have a representative, saying: He is the Only Begotten Son. Be ye wary of them (Brahma). (Naoli.) An earth God, i.e., evil God. They profess to feast his nostrils with the smell of burning flesh, saying: He alone can save; he, the mighty Sa’fome (Chine). Now judge you**** them; for do they not engage in war, and are they not all idolatrous warriors? (Fus). A figure by the door-way of heathen temples.
  20. S’un (Panic), spring, or beginning. (Chine.)
  21. Ka’un (Panic), summer, beauty. (Algonquin.)
  22. Sam’hoi (Panic), Sam’howh (Chine), autumn.
  23. P’boa (Panic), the destroyer, winter. M’boa (Chine). Peboa (Algonquin).
  24. Gung, love-offering (Panic). Oe’gwong (Chine). Go’ongwe (Algonquin).
  25. Hiss’bak, against each other or divided; something between (Panic). Cold-hearted; misunderstanding. Iss’bagd (Chine). He is on a mountain or in the north Sy’gis yak (Vede).
  26. Goh (Panic), one who rejoice. Gul (Ebra), to leap with joy, joyous. E’goh (Chine). A sound the mouth utter”’ in sudden joy, as Gah, ha, or E’goh’e. He’ha! (English). The figure of a man laughing, with nothing near him. If the figure point to something, as a man, then it is pronounced Gah’gan, or to a house, Gah’oke, etc.
  27. Hiss’sa, a lawyer. One whose soul is full of serpents. The figure of a man with a serpent’s head issuing. Yi-saga (Vede).
  28. M’oh, prayer. Also a woman preacher. Ni’Ghoo (Chine.). Ni’oh’Ghoo (Algonquin). A’ho’en (Fonece). Kohen (Hebrew). Yoh, hadragi (Vede).
  29. Dan’gan (Panic), prophet. A man of light. Clear sight. Es’sight. An inter-seer (Vede). Yajvan, one who by much sacrifice hath attained to soul-seeing (Pali). Wa’gan-wag (Algonquin).
  30. Mug (Panic), a philosopher. The sign of a man resting on his elbows. The subject depends on his relative place in a tablet.
  31. Ho’Joss (Panic), a man-God (Ghad); a human face with horns. A God of the lower heaven. Think not I am come to send peace on earth; I come not to send peace, but a sword. I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother (Christ).8 Ho’Joss should reign in my temples; before him should every knee bow and every tongue confess Sheking (Chine). He was tried on the wheel and Es released him. He should be my Joss, and no other Joss should be Ho’Joss (Poit). A sign of a wheel or of a cross. Save you* be tried on the cross you* are unworthy to be exalted (Anra’mainyus). I come with a two-edged sword (Anubis). (Aribania.) My people should be warriors (Man’sa’ghad). Any spirit who commands or rules by force; any exclusive Savior of men. Jehovih saith, Whoever profess”’ the sword and the spear and the sling and the pitchfork should perish thereby. (Zarathustra.) Overthrow of Osiris in the lower heaven. Because Osiris hath said, I am Ho’Joss, the Savior of men, and none should ascend to the Father but through me, so should Osiris be hated of men (Kii). Was it not so with Tistyra, and he was changed into a star? (Pali.) A figure of authority at the altar in heathen temples. A face with or without horns. A man bound on a wheel. A man bound on a cross. Jehovih said: Have I not said, He that proclaim”’ the sword should perish by the sword? Behold you**** then the Ghad they worship (Osiris).
  32. Plow (Panic), ship; Oniyyah (Fonece). The sound the sailors utter. They watched the star Hiyalavi to know whether the plow sailed. A vessel or tool or instrument that divides its own road. His spirit was as a plow, and the ancients were confounded in his Hoiy (furrows). Gu’iy’yoh, the furrow of a ship and the ship and the voice of the sailors (Ebra). Applied to oratory, the sign of oratory conferred by the king. A badge of a ship (plow). He hath been awarded, or he hath the degree of plow (ship). He is the king’s plow (Ayria).
  33. Oug (Panic), spear. Gag or gagged (English). Gug (Algonquin), an instrument of war with blades. A symbol of defence and offence.
  34. Ung’wan (Panic), a symbol to an enemy.
  35. Shi or Ski (Panic), woven fabric, cloth.
  36. Mek (Panic). Spider’s web. An emblem of industry. O’sehel (Fonece). Oshek (Fus). M’meka (Kii). Gow’mek (Chine). Place the mek at the pillars of the altar that my followers may learn industry (Zarathustra). When they had conferred the degree of dawn upon them the king said: Inasmuch as you* of the haunted chamber have been found worthy, receive you* this sign of industry in the name of the All Pure Zarathustra (Vede). A badge bestowed in the second degree of Iz (Faithist), with a spider’s web engraven. One of the graven images forbidden to the Leviticans by Moses.
  37. Fe (Panic), a lever. One of the sacred emblems of power belonging to the third degree of Zerl (Faithist), in the order of Poit.
  38. Miji (Panic), a screw. One of the sacred emblems of power, belonging also to the third degree of Faithist (Zarathustra).
  39. Sam’miji (Panic). The wedge. The seventh emblem in the third degree of Faithist (Chine).
  40. Che or Kouak’che (Panic), a compass and caliper. Koakchah (Chine). K’cho (Algonquin).
  41. Chine (Panic). Pitchfork, an implement for farmers. A war weapon in olden times. Also a country of warriors (Chine). Monosyllabic. An iesu.
  42. Unh’eng, fifth size (Panic), designated by a line.
  43. Sar’eng, fourth size (Panic), designated by a line.
  44. Sam’eng, third size (Panic), designated by a line.
  45. Tek’eng, second size (Panic), designated by a line.
  46. Esk’eng, first size (Panic), designated by a line.
  47. Eng. Size in abstract (Panic), no line.
  48. Um (Panic), direction of motion. As the spear point”’, so should the tablet be interpreted.
  49. Gan’um, direction of flight. Profile signify going; portrait, coming.
  50. Git’um. The high priest should set the sign on the moon that the unlearned may also know the sacred days of Man, i.e., Mas.9 See Git.


  1. Git’ow’wn (Panic), relating to the Zodiac or to the motion of the sun. The high priest should designate by the Um (spear), the motion of the sun and moon and stars, so that when the unlearned come to the temple to worship they may also learn of my lights in heaven. (Zarathustra.)
  2. V.Work-‘um. (Panic) Course of vortex. [See Work.]
  3. Gan (Panic) Man. Profile, man or mankind. Portrait, man only, and not woman.
  4. M’gan (Panic), a woman; i.e., less than man, or little man.
  5. M’be (Panic). The word beast or female.
  6. Be (Panic), Beast. The written symbol as applying to the animal man in contradistinction to spirit.
  7. Hiss’pe (Panic), serpent-like, especially of spirits. The spirits gained dominion over mortals by giving them counsel in getting earthly things. (Brahma.) Rather should my chosen consult the spirits to learn to purity themselves, and to grow in spiritual things. (Moses.)
  8. S,’Pe or spe (Panic), spirit. Let the prophets observe in the temple those that come for wisdom, perceiving if their souls be set on things of earth (Zarathustra). Many of their women had familiar spirits, and they prostituted themselves in counseling with the multitude on earthly things (Moses), and they thus invited into Egypt spirits of the lower heavens who would not raise up from the earth; and when young babes were born they were obsessed, and these evil spirits in justification of their sins, taught re-incarnation. (Moses, in reference to the Egyptians.) An open figure of a spear, signifying a spiritual man or realm. A written character.
  9. Y’eng (Panic), signifying a spirit with a corporean.
  10. D’hi (Panic), signifying ascent.
  11. D’gani (Panic), signifying man ascending; progress.
  12. S’pe’su (Panic), signifying angels descending.
  13. Che’vot or Chinvat (Panic). A word signifying the boundary of Work or Vortex (See verse 45). The supposed boundary of the lower heavens or atmospherea, and the inner boundary of the emancipated heavens, etherea. A bridge between the atmosphereans and ethereans. Eolin, the Great Spirit, said: On Corpor bring I forth man into life, and I give him a corporeal body, which is a womb for the spirit to dwell in; and when I deliver him from this womb he become an inhabitant of da’fome (atmospherea), where he abid for a season, and I deliver him into Dan’gi (etherea), which lie beyond Chinvat (Poit). A supposed line between the rotating atmosphere of a corporeal world and the ether that lie beyond the Vortex. Beware of spirits and Gods who profess to save the souls of men, saying: Only through me should you* escape the labor of atmospherea and arise to Chinvat. I declare unto you that all such spirits and Gods belong to the lower heavens, where they have kingdoms, and they are the tyrants thereof (Zarathustra). No man should reach Chinvat but by perfecting himself either on earth or in the lower heavens (Abraham). What company judge you* ye are suited for in heaven (Confucius). You* are neither wise nor strong (Kii). Being lazy they catch at the promises of Saviors, hoping to fly from the earth direct to Chinvat (Fus). Save you* have learned to perfect your own selves in wisdom and goodness you* should not rise to Chinvat (Abraham). If a child can not reach manhood but by growth, how hope you* to reach Chinvat suddenly (Algonquin). The evil God, Anra’mainyus, said: Put your trust in me; I will save your souls from the labor of d’fome (atmospherea). But he hath been subdued by his own sins; and in a thousand years he can not reach Chinvat (Brahma).

PRONUNCIATION. — In ancient times the mouth was seldom closed in the act of speaking, and the words were formed mostly at the posterior of the palate and thorax. The letter A in English, had its equivalent in the ancient languages, but nearly the same as the English Au, and not much unlike the caw of a crow. The Chinese Aug is almost the same as the Ong of the Algonquin. U long often has the sound Yu’s, and sometimes of E only. U short is the same in all languages, and the same to-day as it was thousands of years ago. By using the root of the tongue instead of the tip, it is much easier to speak the Hebrew and Algonquin; and by allowing the sound to escape with the mouth nearly closed, it is easier to speak Indian and Chinese. For House the Chinese word is Oke, and the equivalent in Hebrew is Ohel (home), and L is so slightly sounded that when one hears an unlearned Hebrew say Ohel, it is impossible to distinguish the word from the Chinese Oke. The learned amongst the Hebrews use the word Bayith instead of Ohel. When we say “The House of Lords” we do not mean the building, but the collective body of noblemen, and in this sense the much-learned Hebrew scholar is further away from the origin of words than is the unlearned. Literal translations are not as true, in fact, as is the spiritual inception. By a residence amongst the illiterate Chinese, Hebrews and North American Indians (the Algonquin) more truth of the origin and use of primitive language can be learned than in the wisest of the classical books. The letter is arbitrary and unable to give the phonetecy, and after passing two or three languages, is too badly disfigured to be recognized. In learning a language we discover that our failures are in persisting in arbitrary pronunciation, which a native never does, though it seems so to himself. Now we know that the original meaning of a building was a place to live in; in fact, the desire for such a place caused it to be built. The thought of a title, “house” was another and afterthought. The House of David, or of Sussex, or of Argyle, meaning the people of the house, or rank. Our judgment shows us, then, that the Hebrew word Ohel, a home, antedates Bayith, because a home was first invented. This rule must be followed by the student of philology who desires to learn whether the great languages of to-day sprung from some great nation that is now extinct. Nor are there any books more valuable to the student than is a residence of four or five years with each and all these four great peoples, and then not more with the learned than with the rural and unlearned.

6 The feminine of earth is Mi. The spirit of a mortal dwell”’ in a womb, which is his earth-body; consequently the earth is called Mother, while the Ever-Present Spirit, which impregnated earthly things, is called Father. Ah, or Pan, is earth in abstract, but Mi is earth relatively to living creatures. But the perversion of this truth is in attributing to some mortal woman the maternity of some mortal man. In Hebrew the Mi-chal has the same origin, but masculine. Amongst the Israelites it was common for pretenders and magicians to claim a woman by the name of Mi for Mother, which, in mockery, the word Mi became Marah, signifying bitter. In derision the Mother of Jesus was called Marah by the Jews.
7 From Kosmon, the present time, to Moses and Capilya… 3,400 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Abraham and Brahma… 5,800 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Zarathustra… 8,900 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Osiris (the first)… 12,200 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Thor (the first)… 15,400 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Apollo (the first)… 18,200 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to Sue… 21,400 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to the coming of Aph to the Earth and the Flood… 24,000 years.
From Kosmon, the present time, to the commencement of Aph’s cycle… 25,000 years.
8 See Christian Bible, Matthew, chap, x., vs. 34, 35.
9 Mas in Sanscrit now means moon; in Rome it means a religious service. Amongst the Vedic race the religious service was said on the day of the moon’s change. In another part of this work it is shown how the word Mass became adopted in the Christian Church, and thus became an English word. The sound of “a” in Mas is as “a” in far.


E, Etherea; B, periphery of the earth’s vortex. This line was called by the ancients the Bridge of Chinvat. All within this area is called Atmospherea. The center is the earth,1, 1, 1; O, the ocean. 1, 2, 3, represent atmospherean plateaux. The O, O, O, with a line through it, represents atmospherean oceans.


  1. A’su (Panic). A man in aboriginal state; before he used words; before he congregated. A very young child; one that knows no word of expression. The race of man in its first age, as applied to Corpor (the earth). A’su, the first habitable age. A circle with a central point. According to the place of A’su on the tablets so should the interpreters understand. (Poit.)
  2. M’asu (Panic). With words came war. In congregating men, the liberty of one interfered with another. Mas’su (Kii). A circle with the four evil corners. Let no man say, I will not sow on the earth, lest I be bound; but be you**** fruitful and multiply; for this is the fullness of earth and heaven. (Abraham.) The symbol of M’asu was given to the married, but to the barren the high priest gave S’pe (Gau). Jehovih said: Call not any man evil; but call ye him unripe fruit (Kosmon). Because man cut himself off from Me and choose war, condemn him not, but deliver him (Moses).
  3. Ex’su (Panic). Nation against nation. A symbol of threat; one king against another. Anra’mainyus sent the symbol of a circle with four cross-corners and a point, over all the earth. (Vede).
  4. Ugh’sa (Panic). Standing armies. Is not justice accorded to him who is mightiest? (Fus). They not only waged war, but in times of peace they maintain armies ready for more war. Come, therefore, away from them, you**** that have faith in Jehovih, and I will deliver you into another country (Abraham). Rather than that ye be impressed in war, come whither I will lead, and dwell in peace (Brahma). A symbol of standing armies (Gau).
  5. Ugh’gad or U’ghad (Panic). A war to establish a certain Ghad (God). You**** not only desire to make slaves of men on earth, but to bind them unto your Ghad after death. (Craosha to the druks.) They fight for the king, being his slaves; they fight for their Ghad, being his vermin (Brahma). An evil man saith, I will war for Egypt, for this is my country; but I say unto you, all countries are Jehovih’s (Moses). Be not slaves to any country, nor to any king, nor to a Ghad, but serve the Great Spirit. (Abraham.) A nationality, a symbol. (Gau.)
  6. Ort’n (Panic). By the sea; or sea-land.
  7. Ort’m (Panic). By the forest; or forest-land.
  8. Alef (Panic). A new beginning. Those that were delivered from evil spirits were given Alef as a sign of power (Poit). Alef was a gift of the high priest (Zarathustra). A letter of the Ebra alphabet. When a man desires to reform himself from drunkenness, the Miji gave him Alef, a strengthening symbol (Brahma).
  9. Iga (Panic). Ego (Latin). I, myself (English). A profile of the eye and ear. An emblem of the sounds ai and e (Gau), or i and e, or e, or g. Two equivalents to portrait of an eye. In hieroglyphs, a radical.
  10. Om (Panic). The negative of Jehovih. The female. That that project”’ is positive. That that receive is negative (Gau). Let those that desire to receive spiritually ask of Om; and those that go forth in might return thanks to Eolin (Zarathustra). Power come not by supplication, but by going forth; spiritual gifts come not by going forth with might, but by waiting in supplication (Brahma). Nevertheless the ALL ONE is but ONE, but with two attributes (Kosmon). Brahma said: O OM, give you to my soul; O EOLIN, I am going forth to labor; be you with me. (Vede.) The ever present OM, the ever present ELOIH, said: Two attributes gave I, the All-self, to every man-self, the Om and the Na (negative and positive), that he might hold discourse within himself. (Vede.) In seeking a wife, see to it that OM is her transcendent virtue; otherwise she will be as a thorn in your*** side. (Abraham.) Until a man have OM in the ascendant he should not hear nor see the Great Spirit. (Zarathustra.) Let your young men seek employment that call”’ not forth NA, but rather OM. (Brahma.)
  11. Tae (Panic). A representative man. The universal prayer of mankind. Also one who is chosen by etherean spirits for an earth cycle; as Zarathustra, Abraham, Brahma, Moses, Capilya, Confucius, etc. I provided for the nations in their darkness, saith Jehovih. For I bring the earth into a light region in the firmament, and I send My etherean angels to deliver them out of darkness and bondage. In My name raise they up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim unto all the inhabitants of the earth (Kosmon). Mankind.
  12. Sih (Panic). One whose faith is low. One whose spirit acknowledge the gift of spirits, but not the All Person. Three persons have I found; one believe only in earthly things (material); one in spirits of the lower heavens (spiritist), and one who hath faith in the All Creator (i.e., the Faithists). (Confucius.) They all rise to the destiny they have chosen. (Confucius.) The worshiper of a Savior is Sih (Vede). The worshiper of a God born of a woman is Sih (Vede). Save a man put away the Sih that is in him he can not rise to My emancipated heavens, saith Jehovih. Save a man put away the Pan (materialism) that is in him, he can not rise even in the lower heavens; but his spirit after death remain”’ in his own house, saith Jehovih. A symbol of a horizontal spear.
  13. Yi (Panic). A hollow crescent. Emblem of wisdom. A badge of honor bestowed by a high priest (Vede). One of the sacred sounds in the Vedic language. [Not pronounced Wy, but Yi’h.] Tu’shiy’a (Fonece). Tushiy-yah (Hebrew). The secret pass-word to the dark chamber (Kii).
  14. I’yi (Panic). Life, per se. I’yii (Zerl). Chiy (Gau). Ka’y (Fus). Cha’iy (Fonece). Chai (Ebra). Chai (Hebrew). Tc’yi (Vede). Hy’id’n (Chine). On’yi’h (Algonquin). A tree without substance. Tree of Life. A place of registry; a family record. The origin of I’yi (life), who know? (Panic.) Jehovih said: Infants had gone to heaven before the earth was, and had grown to be wise men and women, but they had not tasted of the fruit of the Tree of Life; and when the earth was ripe unto giving mortal birth to man these angels alighted on the earth. Jehovih said unto them: Eat you* not of the Tree of Life, lest in that day you* become bound to the earth. In that day angels could clothe themselves with corporeal forms by majesty of their own wills, and in innocence they mingled with the people A�SU, who were of the earth, and they were tempted for Wisdom’s sake, and did eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and they beheld their own nakedness. Jehovih said: By the love you* bear unto your own heirs you* should be bound to the earth six generations. And it was so. (Abraham.)
  15. Vil or Vril (Panic). Earthly desire in abstract or per se. By indulgence in begetting should man be bound after death; by not begetting, how should he know all the earth? (Vede). Earth-desire is not evil, but S’pe should rule over him (Zarathustra). Earthly inventions being to gratify earthly desires, are they good? (Confucius.) Jehovih saith: Seek to do all possible things; for this reason have I given earthly desires. (Gau.) Should a man not eat and drink and sleep? Now I say unto you, there is an earth body and a spirit to all men, and whatever you* do unto one for its good, render”’ good to the other, and whatever you* do unto one for its injury, injure the other also. (Moses.) If the spirit man make the corporeal man to move, doth it not also make the desires of the flesh? Is the flesh capable of desire? If so, is not flesh father to spirit?
  16. Ope (Panic). The central cause; love. By love only move any man; even in anger he move not but by the love that appease it (Abraham). The All Good, to be (Fonece). Tob (Ebra). Oe (Chine). Gu’oe (Algonquin). The good that bring”’ together, Hy’yope. (Vede.) If man love not, he would not congregate, and therefore war not. But since he delight”’ in war, I will be ruler over him to that end (Anra’mainyus), i.e., satan. Man would not give but because he love to do so. What honor, then, should a man take to himself for helping his neighbor? (Confucius.) Did not the Great Spirit make all things by giving? What but love actuated Him? Wherefore, then, should man applaud Him? (Confucius.) By glorifying the Father for his love, do we not all grow in love? And is not this the highest virtue? (Confucius.) The fool saith: Why should I praise the Creator? Had He not gratified His love by creating, then would He not have created. This does not concern me; to find what will make men loving and good toward one another, is that not the greatest wisdom? Therefore I honor the wisdom of the ancients in singing praise to the Creator. (Confucius.) Though a man can not love all men, is it not wise that they who love one another, having some virtues alike, should become a people unto themselves. (Moses.)
  17. Hah’nd or Han’hd (Panic). A hand (English). A symbol of values.
  18. Sow (Panic). A foot. A symbol of values.
  19. Mouh (Panic). A symbol of values. Mouth (English).
  20. Fi’i (Panic). A symbol of values.
  21. Hiss’ong (Panic). A serpent’s head and tongue. A symbol of values.
  22. Iod or Ghad or God (Panic). A figure or form. A female figure unlike anything under the sun (Poit). Both male and female made they their Iod’ha, and stood them by the roadside (Iz). In the infant age of the world (Iod, God) was made of wood or stone (Gau). In the time of Seffas they placed him in the sky (Gau). Anything that is worshiped, having form or figure (Ceremonies of High Noon). Ghad (Aribania). A man with spirit gifts. Gad or God, a man who denies he had a natural father. In those days the king persuaded the people that their sire was the Unseen Creator, and all the kings were called Gee’od (Vede). Because you* have made idols of kings, calling them Gods, so call you* the All Light God (Abraham). Whoever saith the Incomprehensible is God, blaspheme before Him. (Zarathustra.) Is He small like a man? (Gau.) They have blasphemed, calling their Iod’a the Elohim, the Creator (Aribania). I say unto you it is equally blasphemous to bring the Mighty One down to form and figure like your God (Heleste). They seek to confound the unlearned by persuading them that Eloih and their god is one and the same person (Fus). Have not many spirits appeared within the temples, saying: I am God, and you**** are in my keeping? Yod, a mortal king. Yod’a, king spirit in atmospherea (Gau). As it hath been declared of old so do I now declare unto you, which is, that the lower heavens are next to the earth, and are full of kingdoms, and the kings of these are Gods (Heleste). God, a tyrant in atmospherea; for as a king is on earth, so is a God in the lower heavens, and so is a Lord. Whosoever saith, Before you, O God, I bow my head, sell”’ himself to Osiris (Moses.) Whoever amongst you do sacrifice to the Lord are of his dominion; suffer none of my people to marry therewith (Abraham). Have not many of the tyrants of I’em (Hades) returned to earth and proclaimed themselves Lord and God? What more testimony require any man that none of them are the All Light? Is not E-O-Ih wider than all the earth? (Fus.) We swear unto you, O Jehovih, that we will not call on the name, nor worship, nor adore any person or thing called God or Lord, but Thee only, O Jehovih. (Moses’ ceremonies.) Moses being old, said: Above all things preserve the sacred password, E-O-Ih, inviolate; neither suffer it to come to the unlearned lest they be confounded by the subtlety of the God of the Egyptians. Was it not because the unlearned desired a form or figure to worship that the Lord (Osiris) ruined Egypt, making slaves of the Egyptians, both on earth and in his kingdoms in Haw-we? (The lower heavens.) But that the Levites may be friendly with me suffer them to worship the Lord their God. Moses, being about to give up his soul, said: I feel a thorn pricking my side, and I know it is the Leviticans. They not being eligible to the secret rite (Elohim), will in time to come possess the country and substitute their Lord God for the Great I am, the All Eloih. Iod, a stone figure by the roadside without sexual parts, and it is called God (Egypt). Theos and Zeus (Greek and Latin). A being that is worshiped, said to be in the figure of a man. He has a throne in the lower heavens. Dyaus, like the Yod of the ancient idolaters, hath become a king in one of the corners of the lower heavens (Vede). O Om, you All Present and Boundless, will man on earth ever distinguish? O NAOMA, forms and figures must die! (Vede.) God (English). An idol in heaven said to be in the figure and form of man sitting on a throne. He is believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things. They ignorantly blaspheme against the Great Spirit, Jehovih (Kosmon), calling Him God.
  23. Oan10 (Panic). Faith in man only. Sign, two men leaning against each other. Persons who have risen in intelligence, but not in Es. Faith in man only. One who believes man is the highest of all things in the world. One who believes there is no person or thing of personality but man. They being Oans indulged in __, although they were men only, saying: There is none above us to see us or to command (Fus). They said: Should I not indulge in whatsoever I choose, being an Oan? (Chine.) Onan, one whose philosophy is in his own conceit; an indulgence (Kii). I do solemnly swear before this order, Oan, that I will never pray to, nor ejaculate to, nor of, nor for any person, save man; and especially not to the Gods nor Lords of heaven, nor to the Unknown, and Imperishable. (Rite of Sodom.) Ho’an, that that leads to Ugh’sa, particularly lust. The impulse of the flesh they called the highest, M’oa (Gau). They threw aside their clothes, going naked like the A’su of old, saying: Is not all indulgence my heritage? (Miac.) They fell from industry and decency, saying: We should have no forms nor rites, being free. And they became the prey of spirits of idleness and lust, who feast on sinful mortals (Egypt). Spirits of lust came to the Onans and reclothed themselves in mortal forms and indulged in lust with them, and Moses forbade them from coming amongst his people. (Aribania.) The Cow’ans said: Let us go stealthily to the tent of Moses and his priests and learn the secret of his spirit power. The Cow’ans said: Why should man follow Moses? Are not the spirits who come to us as good as his? (Akia.) Yo’anyi said: If I love meat I will eat meat; if I love strong drink I will have strong drink; if I love sexual indulgence then will I have sexual indulgence. Who can restrain me? Are not my desires well created? I should not deny them? (Vede.) And the druks came upon the Yo’anyi, for their philosophy had divided them amongst themselves, one against another, and their progeny became Tur’anyi (Turanian).
  24. Bi (Panic). Two in one. A sign in the order of O’an, in mockery of Ahnra’mayda.
  25. Nu (Panic). Organs of sex. They said: All the living are begotten by indulgence; to worship the organs of indulgence is the highest worship (Aribania). Is not the All Creator but NU? And they made images and idols of Nu and set them by the roadsides, both in their cities and in the country. Yea, they made small images of Nu, and their women and children went into the market-places selling them. Egypt in time of Moses. (Gau.) Some of them having shame in their souls made another image of Nu and gave it head and horns. (Kii.)
  26. Fus (Panic). An enforced religion. By sword and by fire am I established (Fus). The court language of a period. The written law.
  27. Yom (Panic). An idol made the heathen to represent Om (Vede). Yom, profane (Fonece). Also Gom (Panic). Goddess of lust. (Fonece).
  28. E’hote (Panic). A sign, and not real. As a picture of a foot is not a foot; a picture of the sun is not the sun. (Gau).
  29. Ih’o (Panic). Upward, a written sign.
  30. O’ag (Panic). Downward, a written sign.

10 The Vedic race, which preceded the Aryans and founded them, were called a sacred people. Not only would they not war, but they would not kill any living thing. Bordering on the Vedes were several barbarous tribes, called Turanians, and these constantly plundered the Vedes and ultimately destroyed them. The Aryans, less scrupulous in religious matters than their forefathers, the Vedes, engaged in war against the Turanians, and established themselves and became a mighty people. Some centuries afterward the Aryans endeavored to gather up the lost literature of the sacred people who were destroyed, and by stone tablets and by secret ceremonies, which had been partially preserved by the half-breeds, they recovered that which is called the Avesta, the Vendidad, the Vispered and Yacna, and the Khordah-Avesta. This fragmentary literature is still preserved to this day, and comprises the remains of the Zarathustrian (Zoroaster) religion, out of which the Brahmans and Buddhists make their religions.


Plate 71. Tablet of Kii.

  1. Alphabetical sounds, Panic and Chine.
  2. Gin, river. Woo, small lake. Long, large lake. Oak, house. Chan, city. Shan, country. F’da, the earth. Gwo, sun-light. Fung, wind. Dan, light, human understanding. Git’how, sun. Git, moon. Salock, stars. Fuche, the firmament.
  3. M’bow, horse. Gow, cow. Gan, man. Du’gan, woman. Ji, boy. Du’ji, girl. Aden, sky. G’shan, life. Sa, death. Da, ground. Shak, rock. Foam, wind. Soo, square. Inq or inqu, round.
  4. Gui or gu, street. Loo, road. Him, sweet. Soap, sour. Bai, sick. Eah, cure. Sam-shot, war. Du’ga, sword. Bek, weapon. Fox-ow, spear. So, dart, a stone, a sling. Em, to go before.
  5. Hid, interview. Hout, dissatisfied. Work, spinal. Bow’mi, Goddess of cattle. Son or songa, one who gives alms grudgingly. Shawn or shon, a stone-cutter. Shaw, a servant. Go’ta, a plowman. Chon’gum, flax. Hark, dark. Kin, roots, edibles. Hoe or hoa, pressure. M’how, priestess.
  6. Git’oo, light ahead, the way is clear. Wa’sha, darkness ahead, a melancholia. Seang, a river ford, a passage. Chin, a great ruler. Gone, pertaining to untruth, romance, fable. Gaup, a hostler, a lover of the turf; one who lives indecently with beasts. Show (o short), decline, falling or fallen. Gwo’oa, to weave, to make cloth, also cloth, a covering, a poet, one who clothes things. Min’bon, salutation, a prayer, supplication, especially standing. Kii, truth, a tribe called Kii, a religious tribe on the continent of Pan. An abused people are also Kii. Kii, learning, one who tries to understand. Gwom, sickness, a talisman. Laum, soil, a tiller, harvest, rich.
  7. Lun, sleep, trance, somnambula, intoxicated. Hoo, a marshal, leader, organized, system. M’hoa or m’hoo, to shout. Baw, preach, sing. Di’sa, young and therefore foolish. Wa’shu, a tribe of hunters, serpent slayers, persons who feed on raw flesh. M’shu, makers of stone weapons, also stone weapons with handles, axes. Ken’ong or ben’ang, young healer of the sick, the gift of spirits. Chawnt, to sing a song, a monotonous sound of not more than three notes, continued from sunrise to sunset without ceasing. A method of inducing the trance state. C’yu, a lawyer, an arbiter; one who fills the place of both lawyer and judge (a modern referee). Hook, to make fast, a bond sworn on the sacred wheel, Eoin. So’che, epidemic, a scourge, a judgment.
  8. Sai, faithful. Hon’yi, multitude, followers, rabble, fete of sacrifice. Sung’soup, miscellany, variety, a people who marry with strangers. Law, the feathered tribe, feathers. Shoe’ji, a gosling or young aquatic bird, a man who can not go to the hunt or to war without his mother; a shame-faced people. Shon, sharp, particularly witty, to cut right and left, evil prophecy. Bog’wi, a circus, an exhibition of trained animals, civilization, learning. M’wi, a tattling woman. Es, spirit, the unseen world. Es’fom, the wind that is good. Sa’fom, evil wind. Gut, a plague, a famine, black-rot, scabs, lepers.


  1. Emp’agatu said: I am the son of Se’moin, son of Jehovih. I am the change of voice of the Seen and Unseen. No man can measure my mysteries. I travel with the growth of mortals. Think not this is my all; it is not my all. I am like the consuming fire that never ceases to burn. I was with the ancients; am today and will be forever. I am he that receive new signs and symbols; the old I cast away as a worn cloth, and the new is my house of idols. Mortals are my working tools, and my records the food of all nations.
  2. Emp’agatu said: When my people are grown in the tongue; grown in the lips; grown in the throat; grown in the nose, then I come in a chariot of fire and consume their libraries. With a stealthy tread and silent whisper I say unto men: Go not back to the ancients, O my beloved, nor seal up your souls, that Eolin may enter and give you light. Know you**** that words are but idols and graven images? But they will not hear, and the Es that is in them cries out with bondage, and I send the burning flame and burn their books into ashes, for I will deliver them from the bondage of the ancients.
  3. Jehovih, the mighty Eolin of old, saith: Go, My son, Emp’agatu, give to the swift-growing Es of mortals, larger signs and words. Behold, they grope in the ruins of the past for the idols of old.
  4. Emp’agatu said: By the angels in high heaven, the Sons of Jehovih, am I called forth in this day to yield up the records of the past. Think not that I yield up all. I yield up only to show the way of my labors. The learned men of Corpor should also search me out of the earth and buried monuments, and my tablets should read in the East, and West, and the North and South.

[Read from left to right. Refer to Tablet Se’moin, for explanation in numbers and meaning].

Sa’ga 72. Pe 58. Foi’su 14, 21. Be 74. Chu 15. Fin 16, 17, 10. His 35, 19, 22. Te 50, 69. Te 62. Te 54. Chok 73. Mowth 62, 120. Les 85, 104. Zei 31. Ez or es 3. Thus: Jehovih one, Corpor two, Es three, or third entity; the unseen, the air and ether. Go 120, that that lifts up. Ego 68. Muk 88. Hiss 19. Bo 93. M’bo 94, 17. Wot, the seasons. Zhe, 62. Kain, to kill. My 55. Yim 55, 5. N’os 58, 25, 99. Dawn 42, 43, 44. Dan 77. Git 39. Git’don 58, 70. Toe 95. Hand, hand, X’hand, palmistry 91. M’hand, pledge. Chaw, to scratch, treachery 22, 89. N’sau, infidel. F’se 62, 64, 65, 66. Roe 90, 56. Anube 37, 24, 25. Fi 54, 73. Jew or Ju 75, 76, 47, 48. Sisu 79. Ho’am 81, 11. Rit 23, 3. Lodge 21, 78, 79, 80. Por 28, 29, 59, 22. Cha’pop 59. Umb, plumb, 28. Er 25. Ya 98. Owif (Aleph) 1, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, a prefix. Fow 67, 71. Die or D 93, 94. B’dan or eb’dan 17, 87. A’ye 60, 68, 69. Eh’s 40, 37. Cep or see, ep 9, 1. Un, deaf. F’uni, downward, earthly. More or mare 10, 121, 49. S’ore, less. Thus, if a man be called mare, his picture would be called s’ore or s’are. Frew’d or frued, a working tool. Eigy, incomplete. Gan’d 71. Hoo 71. Lo’tak, three in one. Qui, force 7. Nqui 86, desirous of light. Fi’bo or ti’ba, beast-like. Sam’do 3, 43. Da’sam, the great lights, Jehovih, the sun and burning flame, and the three lesser lights, angels, mortals and beasts. X’sam, the three great and three less darknesses. Dan’t 24, 77, 39. Eo’dan 87, 9, 72. Ose 9, 116, 106. Tu 78, 79, 38. Ka 83, 13. Ha 1, 32, 57. He 17. Dom 7, 11, 47. All the world save the Great Spirit. Let any man enumerate the things thereof. Sam’aoms 23, 70. Sig 68, 58, 26, 27. G’ex 41, 14, 18. D or dix 4, 6, 67. But or bat, corner-stone. Li, beginning. Alef, especially laying a foundation for a house. Ga, an earthly house. Vil, invention. Sias, altar of incense 72. Kiyi, faithful. Esk’gan 3, 111. O 2, sky. On’m or om, all things under the sky. All the corporeal world is a womb and the voice thereof is the sum of all. Ioo, the Mover of all. Gan’iss 22, 111. Sa 41. Uss 41, i.e., Sa’uss, all things are against all things. Why repine my soul for peace and love, O Eolin? The four O’s being the four entities, soul, peace, love and Eolin. Es’nau, spirit and love underlie all. Bil 82. Me 55, 20. Roar, a loud noise. Gan’bau, a man like a lion; when he speak others tremble. Gan’ben, a fallen foe. Gon 118. Os’so, stone instruments. Ax, hatchet, a threat of war. Do’wa 33. Qu’ag, food. Ax’m, sword, knife. Dan’hiss, even in darkness, the light of the Father shines. Sue, His voice is in the birds. Ray, truth. Con or kon, low down. Jaf, that that unfold the two great lights, Om and Jehovih. Owng, all growth come out of darkness. Hoa’u’in’u 6, 78. Pi’su, earth-man and angel man. Who should find the way for their coming together? Toi, time. Bek 66. Sacx, harvest. W, all for man.



Git, Oaw, sun. Washa, priest. Seang, stars. Chin, throne. Gone, silver. Goap, foot. Show, hand. Gwoon, heart. Min’bo, bread. Kin, take. Gwan, food. Lam, woods. Hoo, good. M’hoo, bad. Baw, wise. Di’sa, captain. Wa’shu, high priest. M’wa’shu, woman, high priest. Bewong, church. Chaunt, sing. Se’yu, laugh. Hook, cry. Sa’she, starve. Sai, die. Honji, birth. Sing-sope, twinkling stars. Law, fixed. Sho’ji, ax. Shou or shon or joss, a man-God. Bog’wi, Goddess of lust. Ne’wi, evil Goddess. Es, spirit or spirit-world. Es’fome, spirit-messenger. Gut, carnal. Bah, father. She, stone. A’ho, steam. Gan’es, manhood. Nida, land. An’hi, lord. Oe, love. Gwan, shine. How, light. Gee, ear. Endi, brother.

Plate 73. Tablet of ZERL.

[For Interpretation, see Biene (Poit), and Se’moin (Kii). Begin at 1 and read downward: then at 2, etc].

Ja’me, sister. Loi, afterward. Cho, where. Youn, how. Foo, husband. Foo’m, wife. Shu’yi, tyrant. Aji, see. Ma or mi, mother. Jaw, I. Ad’sa, ashes. Jak, ark or chest. Fan, fire. Gan’mi, widow. Ma, you. E’sho, clothes. Sho’gaup, shoes. Di’ga, flood. Hoe, waters. Ten, empty. Cam’ow, cattle. Yop’lo, come. Oak’m, bad house. H’oak, to build. Fah, hail. Goke, flesh. Gon, daughter. Go’en, daughter-in-law. Dhi, large. Dank, great. Shod, belly. Cho’in, garden. Lok’so, rain. Ong’wa, speaking animal. Go’wa, word. M’how, honey. Se’fiee, fish. Bone, door. Chow, grass. Gah, splendor. Ong’hoo, walking man or traveler. Dang, turn. Diyon, mountain. Igwam, gold. Jes, remember. Won, sweet. Wot, seed. Oi’wot, planted seed.

The offspring of these two tribes were called Izere or Israel. Made out of the same are these, with Chine root, to wit: Peu’gwa, fruit. She, book. Say’tzoo, write. Hon’she, read. Mon’ke, forget. Nug’sa’lo, think. Gow’loo, a fool, a walking animal. Din’quan, deranged. Him, sweet. Bo’jin, tent. Gak’mhi, grain or corn. Lon, rotten. Go’ma’git, crescent. Bah’jow’fi’fi, a race-horse. Shon’yong, goat. Bin’yong, sheep. Loke, deer. Ji’jow’gon, ibis. Lo’foo, tiger. Iho’ji, hammer. Bog’wi, evil spirit. Won’eng, spirit. Fooche, trowel. Roak’cha, compass. Gowh, dog. Shike, stone. Ja’moi, sister. Jeang’foo, husband. Hijn, see. Fawh, fire. Han’she, ashes. Di’wa, war. Howh, rest. Sijoh, little. It’zoo’gon, servant. Box’shong, naked. Jaw’jake, pain. Gwat, home. Mi’sa, buried. Shoo, sleep. Ha’unh, sound. She’ugh, burn. See’ung’fan, joy. Chong, river. Go’e, world. Gah’ji, magnificent.

Plate 74. IZ and ZERL.

The sacred birds of Zerl were written by an outline drawing of each and every one; but the pronunciation (in imitation of its speech) was different in the whole of the thirty-four tribes. The tame quadrupeds had fewer names. In Iz or Ez there were but twenty-two tribes, and, being the most sacred tribes of the west of the continent, their pronunciation varied less. Eolin said: Because Iz hath kept my commandments holy, I have bestowed a new tablet (Kii).


Plate 14.

[Begin at 1, right, and read downward; then at 2, etc.–Ed.].

  1. Na’ah or na’ok, – house. Sho’ah. – rich country. Ba’a, – evil. Aman, – steadfast. Eden, – foundation. Sam’-Or, – the three sacred lights; thus, Sam three, Or, light.

2 . Le’bab, – heart. Re’gel, – foot. Be’ged, – clothing. Dad, – breast. Gad’ta’ah, – the hand showe the way as this tablet showe; i.e., this is my hand. Ekef, – palm of the hand.

3 . A’bad, – destruction. E’dam, – man. A’yin, – eye, and also to perceive. O’zen, – ear, to hear. Taf, – family. Resh, – head.

4 . Off, – the birds or feathered tribes. Le’bashed, – to be clothed. Toff, – timbrel; also psalmist.11 Mits’vah, – the enforced law, the established, the authority of judgment. Ay’in, – conceit, the hidden enemy in one’s own heart; they were puffed up in their conceit and would not hear. Ar’bag’ebul, – the four quarters of the world (Kii).

  1. Sef’fer, – scroll, book or tablet. Aven’ibi, – the belief that man was once a bird. The worship of certain birds because it was believed man sprang from them, hence Aven’ibi, the idolatry of birds; the philosophy that led to the idolatry of animals. Aheba, – the adorable love. Ya’sha, – upright. Alef, – foremost. Man or maun, – vessel.
  2. Ra’o, – the evil, the entity evil. As Ra, death, is to mortal things, so is Ra’o to spiritual. Mira, – a lamp. Mi’qut’so, – angular, corner. Kar’tugh’nuin, – magician; one with familiar spirits. Maqatteroth, – an utensil for burning incense. Nasag, – to ascend.
  3. Te’ke’ua, – supplication. Otsar, – storehouse against famine; also place for treasures. Ra’ka, – kingdom or king and his people, or father and his family. Aboda, – to labor or to make brick; also brick dried in the sun (ado’da). Zemar, – music, written notes of. Nat’sack, – chief musician.
  4. Asuk, – a pot. Yat’sar, – potter. Barzel or tubal, – iron. Os’ka’gar, – sun, moon and stars as a whole. Penak, – summer and winter. Gu’sa’touin, – out of all things comes some good.
  5. Lechen, – bread, or bread-basket, or food, or food-basket. Asen, – evil hand, or power to cast spell. Assogen, – evil foot, or power to walk around one’s house and so cast evil on the house and family. E’o’ten, – the All Provider, the sign of offering. Edan, – prophecy. Hoe’dan, – angel visitation, or the manner of prophecy.
  6. Edam’ah, – country, or the earth or the lands. E’lo’ih, – Jehovih. Ba’ra, – the created world. Ofel, – darkness. Or, – light. Eo’sor, – organized, i.e., the light and darkness were created, and all things on the earth became organized.

11 In those days words and tunes were both extemporized at the time, and the timbrel or Toff was the accompaniment.

Plate 17. TABLET OF AH棚OD竪AU [Numeration].



[Begin at 1, and read downward; then at 2, etc.]

  1. Master: Who are thou?
  2. Pupil: A Son of Light. Behold the sign and emblem.12
  3. What sawest you in the light?
  4. The altar of Eolin.
  5. What was the fashion thereof?
  6. The altar of incense and altar-fire rose up before me. The wind ascended and the stars shone in the firmament. A tree grew by the battlement and the black evil crossed the south-west. In the midst stood the cross of Eolin, studded with pearls and diamonds.
  7. What more sawest thou?
  8. In the south-east floor of the temple, satan, black with the smoke of blood and war, demanded my surrender. And he drew forth the flaming sword.
  9. What didst thou?
  10. I said, I pray to none but the Ever Present Creator. In Him I have faith. You I fear not.
  11. What next?
  12. I came to the chamber of industry and I was taught a useful trade. After that I traveled north-west.
  13. And was honored for your*** good work and love of peace, I suppose?
  14. Nay, Master. I was confronted by a crowned king.13 He bade me halt, and ordered me to pray to the God he served. I remonstrated, saying: I only pray to the Great Spirit, trusting only in good works done unto all men. Thereupon he flew into a rage, saying: You art the worst of men; your*** soul should feed the fires of hell. With that he hurled a javelin at me.
  15. I escaped and traveled north, and came to a country most rich and prosperous, where many Israelites had gone before me.
  16. Why didst you not tarry there?
  17. I did, for a season, but warriors came and possessed the land and drove the Israelites away.
  18. What next?
  19. I fled to the north-east, and came amongst savages, where I barely escaped being slain and feasted upon.
  20. Which direction, then?
  21. I traveled east and came into a country old in religion and philosophy. They had great riches for the rich and great poverty for the poor. Their philosophers wasted their time in reading the ancients.
  22. Why didst you not remain with them?
  23. I was too poor to live with the rich, and too ambitious to live with the poor, who were little better than slaves.
  24. Whither next didst you travel?
  25. Toward the north part of the middle kingdom, where I came amongst magicians and necromancers.
  26. What of them?
  27. They consulted the stars,14 and the moon, and the palms of their hands, and called up the spirits of the dead, who did appear before them. There was no industry amongst them, and I could find no employment with them. Neither did they assist one another.
  28. Where next?
  29. I went further south, where I came to an uninhabited country, the most favored under the sun. It was a place of joy and praise, filled with beautiful rivers, forests, plains and valleys, and countless singing-birds, all things raising up the ceaseless voice of glory to Great Eolin. Here I sat down and wept.
  30. What, wept in so fair a place?
  31. Alas, I remembered the crowded cities and warring empires. Here there were no people, and I could not live alone, so I traveled still further south.
  32. And certainly found a good place next?
  33. Alas, me. The country was good, the climate warm, and all things grew abundantly without labor.
  34. And why not most excellent?
  35. Voluptuousness was an ocean for them to bathe in. And for all sins, their priests taught them, that, if before they died, they called on Daeves, Son of the sun and Savior of men, they would ascend to the upper heavens on the third day after death. Not myself loving indolence nor lust, I departed out of that country.
  36. Whither next?
  37. Toward the south-east, coming into a land afflicted with priests, soldiers and beggars. So I fled further east.
  38. And what then?
  39. I came to a small settlement of Israelites where I was received by warm hands.15 Here I prepared to settle down in peace during all my days. But the state soon became attractive by its places of learning and the beauty of the gardens and glory of its manufactories. There being no idle people nor beggars amongst us, the idolaters of Hemah, Savior of men, accused us falsely and then declared war on us, and with a powerful army marched upon us, taking all our possessions. I escaped and turned westward once more.
  40. Thy fate hath been hard. Why smilest thou?
  41. Because, however hard hath been my fate, it is nothing to that which I saw had once befallen another people where I came next.
  42. What of them?
  43. This was a country once rich in ancient temples and monuments, but now ruined and desolate. Broken pyramids and colonnades, tumbling walls, and thorns and wolves, marked the once habitable places of mighty kings and high priests. By the tablets on the moldering walls I read that these people in ancient times long past were worshipers of idols and of Gods who professed to save the souls of men. And I saw that their pride and glory lay in ships of war and mighty weapons of death. Having myself learned the trade of a potter, I took up an ancient, ruined pot, and read this inscription on it: Because I am a Faithist in the Great Spirit, Eolin, I am enslaved by these idolaters. Alas, what is my crime?
  44. Most pitiful place! Whence then?
  45. I met a friend whose head had been compressed in infancy in order to make him a prophet. He took me into his private habitation and taught me how the brain and nerves of flesh could be changed in infancy by pressure to make the grown-up man of any character desired. Next he taught me the monotony of sound that brings on the prophetic spell and power to see the unseen. Thus did he expound the philosophy of miracles, even to dying and coming to life again.
  46. Wonderful philosophy. Wilt you show me some of these miracles?
  47. I will, O Master, but the secret of their workings I can not show. (The pupil exhibits.)
  48. It is true, O friend! Surely, too, you hast taught this wisdom to the world?
  49. Nay; my teacher sent me south, to a school of prophets, where I learned the mysteries of invocation and prayer.
  50. For what purpose hast you visited my temple?16
  51. To make pots.
  52. What, with all your*** wisdom?
  53. A useful employment is the highest service to the Maker of all.
  54. You and your* people should be my people; my harvests should be your; and my gardens and orchards; for He whose eye see all, is upon me, and I am His servant.
  55. 17There are three more chambers in my temple: The first preserve the wisdom of the ancients. The second is the chamber of industry and inventions.
  56. In the third and last chamber are the secrets of the fullness of worship. The name of this chamber is Om, because it is here the recipients repose in spirit from all the cares of the earth.

(Signs and pass-words, and form of initiation, withheld from publication, because the rites are still practiced.)

12 Initiate here reads from top of first row of Tablet downward.
13 Initiate here reads from top of second row of Tablet downward.
14 Initiate here reads from top of third row of Tablet downward.
15 Initiate here reads from top of fourth row of Tablet downward.
16 Initiate here reads from top of fifth row of Tablet downward.
17 Tus’kred becomes minod. (See Poit.) The earth’s position would be Hy-wn’suat-tor, or equivalent to 9,000 years before kosmon. The Phoenician sound “Aw” required 16,000 years to become the English “A,” long sound. The word Ong’wa (the speaking animal) required 10,000 years to become man (English), and only 7,000 to become Ghan (Chinese). The inscriptions of Fonece are in part found in China, India, Persia, Arabia, and belonged to the Mound-Builders of America. Ga’hoe ah mak, the position of the great serpent (solar phalanx), would therefore make these Phoenician rites common to China and America at the same period of time. The twenty degrees embraced architecture, mathematics, agriculture and astronomy, sufficient for a dense population of cultured people. And yet the ceremonies imply that there had been great empires long before that period.



  1. These, then, are the chief tribes, being some Faithists and some Idolaters, and these are such as were revered in after generations, to wit:
  2. Hode, Si, Iz, Koo, Puit, Poit, Huit, Sem, Ham, Zerl, Haka, Shem, For, Gau, Park, Bah, Loo, Ong, Gam, Dan, Ine, Both, Asch, Howh, Bon, Art, Ia, Gaub, Don, Ref, Fet, Kii, King, Nu, Wis, Sin, Ox, Or, Ug, Wan, Ked, Mork, God, Suth, Eve, Lut, Rut, Kem, Josh, Pert, Sis, Yi, Haus, Kamp, Booh, Koa, Tu, Out, Dav, She, Ji, Ish, Fush, Ab, Ak, Gan, Loo, Mish, Woo, War, Hiss, Sout, Bir, Hush, Yiam, Duji, Gug (Ghard), Ke, Ail, Wang, M’hi, G’wan, He, Zoo, Sa, Lon, Gow, Fifi, Chine, Iaf, Jah, Ba, Goud, Goah, Fah, Ion, Yon, Sope, Ban, Jose, Bad, Dad, Abad, Adad, Joss, Sing, Fome, Du’e, Sam, Sar, Esk, Sham, Noah, Ives, Yi, Mu, Om, Dor, Frag, Kuk, Hum, Wok, Ise, Loke, Ia’a and Gad.
Plate 76. I’HIN.

[Read downward, beginning with column 1. Refer to Se’moin and other tablets]



  1. Now am I strong in You, O Jehovih. Thy bow in the firmament encompass”’ me on all sides. The follies of earth have turned mine eyes up toward your** holy place.
  2. I have beholden Your** enemies bowed down. The king and the mighty man of valor with the two-edged sword are hid away in a dark corner. There is no light for them. Sweet-scented flowers hast You grown up in the way of him who will not look upward; but a serpent come upon him and he cry out against the vanities of the earth.
  3. In the far-off corners of the world hast You sown the seed of evil and death, and the man of darkness hurry thither; but Thy glories he will not behold. He build his foundation in perishable things. But the hope of the righteous man light”’ up the inner chamber. He behold Thy judgment seat. He seek”’ You* in all good things and durable; he glorify You* in Thy works.
  4. I will turn away from my house and my lands and look upward all my days. Yea, the fruits of the earth should be my servants; my crown should be woven by Thy hands.
  5. My heart point”’ up toward Thy kingdom; but the heart of the man of darkness is downward to things that perish? You hast set Eon (Aries or Te) in the midst, and he should judge the living and the dead.
  6. You hast made me above the diamond and above all precious stones; but the man of darknessgo after these. Thy children he care not for; he see not. Verily, will I run quickly to them and lift them up. They should be gems for my raiment; they should become a glory in Thy sight. Yea, I will turn their eyes up toward Thy holy place.
  7. Before them will I set up Gau, and the magnitude and glory of Thy worlds should entrance them.
  8. Thy unseen hand should become seen, and my brothers and sisters should read the diadems in Thy firmament. Your** hand hath quickened my eyes to see and mine ears to hear You*, O You Life of my life!
  9. My understanding come out of Thy tablet (book). Its pages are graven with the sun, moon and stars. Yea, all things proclaim the words You hast written. None can counterfeit Thy handiwork. From Thy tablet will I read from the rising of the sun till the going down thereof.
  10. My hands should be skilled with tools to do Thy labor. Fabrics will I weave, and my house should be built within the square of Thy compass, for it should be righteous work. My eye should look toward Thy dwelling-place. I know Thy sight is upon me. I will be joyful before You*, my Father!
  11. To none other will I bow myself in supplication and worship. Before You* will I labor for peace on all occasions.
  12. My hand will I uplift in Thy behalf, and yet no man should feel the weight of mine arm upon him. By Thy crescent am I sworn unto You*. By the seven stars and by the sun which is in the midst of the firmament and is the glory thereof, and by the moon, have I spoken.
  13. Before Rea (Es, the air and ether), in Thy name have I sworn. I have lifted up my voice. I will have no diadem but that that is woven by You*!
  14. I will sing You* new songs every day, and find new words of praise for Thy glories. My trials should be as whet-stones and a hewing-ax. My talents should increase in wisdom and in whatsoever way You leadest me for my own good.
  15. Before Thy sacred altar will I come, knowing Thy angels will come also. Yea, they should teach me your*** decrees.
  16. Thy gifts should be my gifts, my portion, whatsoever seem”’ just in Thy sight.
  17. Thy messengers should come to me, and my house should be their house, they should behold my labor; they should admonish me wisely.
  18. They should teach me wisdom in all You desirest of me. The secret of my love to You* will I tell them, and I know they will lift me up for Thy glory. In Thy praise will I sing forever, O Jehovih! Amen!
Plate 77. Tablet of Ancient Egypt.18

18 Those who sat around the table for spirit communion kept their eyes riveted on the graven characters. He who sat at the end where the crown is, was the oldest and was called rab’bah (father). It will be observed that the invocation is more than an interpretation of the characters, although they are all designated in the words. The rab’bah led off, but all the circle joined in the reading of it. The gau (the plumb-line) was moved by the spirits in answer to the questions of the rab’bah. In some countries the gypsies, who are supposed to be descendants to ancient Egypt, still invoke spirits in this way.


Plate 78. TABLET OF HY’YI.

Invocation read:

  1. Mithra said: You**** that invoke Me, the Swift, Shining, with sword uplifted. Invoke me on the Tablet of the sun, and the world, and the crown, high raised. Bow down low and say:
  2. Behold, the rose, deep rooted in the earth. Jehovih rise in majesty of All Light. His colors no man make, nor know any man the cause. This subtle perfume, whence come it, and whithergo it? What power fashion”’ it, and propel it?
  3. O You, unseen Om! Is my spirit like perfume? Whence come it, and whithergo it? Give me of Thy Mithra,20 O Om!
  4. Make my heart look upward to You, You all Pure, Heavenly! Wife, and Spouse and Mother! You that come, I adore You!
  5. The corporeal world hast You, O Jehovih, placed in the midst of the lowest places, bringing forth. Bind my soul not to it, You All Going-forth.
  6. My heart no longer look”’ downward; my corporeal passions have I subdued. Yea, even the diamond binds me not, the highest shining corporeal thing.
  7. You, O Corporeal Sun, burning and full of flame, that bringest forth the corporeal, growing harvests, hear me proclaim the All Eye that create, making the souls of men. You, O Corporeal Sun, that makest of the things that are made, what a glory is your**! But far off, and nearer than You art, O Sun, is Jehovih, Who create without things that are made, the All First Creator. Hego forth, Jehovih. He come Om, the Bride and Mother, nursing with full breasts.
  8. O you Moon, hear my upward soul aspiring above all corporeal things! You, my Love and Majestic and ruler of waters and winds, I adore You. But a greater, the All Great Om, fed you. From her breasts wert You, O moon, high upraised. Eolin, the Mighty, touched You* with his little finger and You hast sped on. Come You to me, O Om, spouse of the Seen and Unseen.
  9. O you**** Stars, full of shining in the high heavens. Who can measure your far-off places? Who can see your great corporeal majesty? O what a glory is yours, thrown in the high heavens! Thither, far, the soul of my forefathers roam full of praise and prayer. Make me all pure, O You Om, that I may ascend.
  10. Send forth Thy Crown, O Eolin, Creator of all moving things. O Thou Incomprehensible and full of glory! Make me oblivious to all corporeal things, and fill me with Thy going-forth forever.
  11. Make me to look not backward nor to myself, but to behold Thee, O Jehovih, and Thy Lords and Thy Gods, strong in majesty and spirit high-soaring, forever! Amen!

19 These Tablets were engraved on inlaid tables, called family altars, around which the family sat for spirit communion and prayer. The father led in repeating the invocation, and the wife and children spoke in concert. After the Israelites left Egypt, the graven tables were abolished, but invocation at the family table was continued, and is even to this day amongst some of the Jews (so-called).
20 Mithra the first was about 4,000 years before kosmon. Mithra the second was about 2,000 years before kosmon.



  1. MASTER: Who are you, and your*** business?
  2. INITIATE: A weaver of fabric (or whatever labor he follow) and lover of wisdom. I have come to learn of the wisdom of the Gods and Lords of heaven.
  3. For your*** labor you are honored by the Gods and Lord of heaven. But erst you can learn of heaven you should be proved in corporeal parts. What are the elements?
  4. Earth, air and the other above the air.
  5. What is man and his destiny?
  6. Born of the earth, earthly; freed from the earth his inner part, the soul, ascend and dwell”’ in the soul of things.
  7. What, should a dead man live?
  8. Yea, and rejoice that he so live. I have witnessed the souls of men returned to the earth, reclothed in corporeal substance, and talked with them face to face in presence of witnesses.


A, Master. B, initiate. C, first gate. D, second gate. F, third gate. G, fourth sacrifice. I, oath of allegiance. J, place of death, represented by bones and skull. K, coffin. L, proof of spirit-power to overcome pain. M, submission to have the body run through with a lance. N, testimony that the initiate could endure all corporeal torture unharmed. This is the inner circle. The outside or body of the crescent represent”’ the jewels and places of the Gods and Lords of heaven and their mortal representatives, together with the tools, implements and kind of industry to which each and every one was assigned. These constituted the audience during the ceremonies , the workers being stationed in the inner circle.

  1. Then you fearest not to die?
  2. I am in the keeping of Hong-she, Savior of man.
  3. Who was Hong-she?
  4. The only begotten Son of the Unseen. He was the incarnate and spiritual Son of the All Light of heaven and earth, born of the Virgin Mi, who was descended from the far-off star, Tristya.
  5. For what purpose came He? And whither hath He gone?
  6. He was made by Great Eolin, Creator of all things, to take charge of this corporeal world, which is His, to keep it forever. He abid still in spirit on this corporeal world.
  7. Where and when lived He?
  8. In the ancient days He lived in the far east.
  9. What was His labor?
  10. To do good. In Him was no evil; He was the All First who taught the power of the spirit over the corporeal part. All who have faith in Him, can also work miracles, nor should such persons ever die.
  11. What became of Him?
  12. First He was bound on the wheel of Eolin; but the spirits of heaven unbound Him. Then His hands were thrust through with swords, but there was no wound. He was then bound on an altar of sacrifice and burnt, but His corporeal parts would not consume, and He walked forth unharmed. Then a sword was thrust through His body, but it made no wound and gave no pain. Then He was placed in a coffin and buried, but in three days he rose up out of the grave and went forth preaching.
  13. What became of Him finally?
  14. He still abid on the corporeal earth, and at times take on a corporeal body and showe Himself, He and His mother Mi, also.
  15. What did He preach?
  16. To do good unto others; to harm no man, woman, nor child, and to pray only to the Great Eolin; to heal the sick by sacred words, and by motions of the hand. It is to learn these sacred words and signs that I have come to this holy temple.
  17. Before you can be entrusted with such signs and words, you should be proven on thy God and Savior, that your* faith be manifest. Know, then, that although you are blindfolded and seest not, yet you are surrounded by Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, and by a mortal priest most holy and powerful. If you hast faith in thine own words, and thus knowest the Son of the Sun, you hast little to fear. Follow, therefore, your* attendants to the places of sacrifice, that we may bear testimony that you are holy. Remember, also, that all men must be tried, either in the corporeal world or in the next; without this there is no resurrection for them.
  18. I trust in You*, O my Savior, Hong-she. Let the attendants lead me forth. (The initiate is then taken and bound down on the altar H. naked, and a fire lighted under him, and he thrust”’ his right arm down into the flames until it be proved he hath power over fire and will not burn.21)
  19. M.: By virtue of my power received from Hong-she, Son of the All Light, Savior of men, I pronounce E’gau (i.e., he is Gau). Release him, O you**** Lords of the Heavenly Host. As the All Holy Savior of men penetrate the corporeal part, so should the corporeal part be divided.
  20. I.: In You, O my Savior, God of this corporeal world, put I my trust. Lead me forth, O you*** of the corporeal earth, and prove my soul. (He is next led to So-an, and there a sharp blade is thrust through his hand and withdrawn, and, if proved, there is no wound nor blood.)
  21. M.: By Thy Light, Hong-she, descended in Fo’e’tse, angel messenger of the corporeal world, this is my brother of Chine and legion of Zerl. But yet a greater gift hast You for him. Lead him forth, O you**** Lords of the corporeal world, and thrust a sword through his body.
  22. I.: Go forth, O you* Lords of the corporeal world, you* know not what manner the spirit is of. Forgive them, O Almighty, Hong-she, Son of Eolin, Creator of worlds. This is Thy body, this Thy blood. Let them eat and drink of them, in remembrance of You*. Thy hand will deliver; my soul should never die! (A sword is then thrust through the body and withdrawn, but there is no wound nor blood.)
  23. I.: In remembrance of Him do I these things. Behold the power of faith. By faith the All Creator created.
  24. M.: By your* words should you be proven. O you** Lords of the corporeal world, bring him sand and water and a veil. By His command should a rose bloom in our midst.
  25. I.: O You, Hong-she, only first begotten Son of Du’e Mi, Mother of Eolin, Spouse of the All Light, offspring of the Creator of worlds, give me of Thy power for the blessings of the corporeal world. (Sand and water and a veil are brought before him, and he cover”’ the sand and water with the veil and repeat”’ thus:)
  26. I.: As Gau from nothing sprang and stood triumphant on the corporeal world; so, forth, come you, the fibre of corporeal parts, and clothe the spirit-rose mine eyes behold. (The rose or roses are then beholden, fresh grown amid the sand and water.22)
  27. M.: This day You* I crown my brother He’den’loo (Magi), of the Savior empowered on the corporeal earth to dwell by holy land and water! (The initiate then take of the water and sand and sprinkle the attendants.)
  28. I.: This is My blood and My Body, saith Hong-she, the All Quickener. Take you**** of them in my name.
  29. THE LORDS (together): Behold the Es that rule over Corpor. Be mighty in will, O children of men. Be wise of will, O children of men. Be all truth in will, O children of men. Be all good works, O children of men. In all your best thoughts and wise perceiving, O children of men, learn from Es, the world unseen.
  30. (The Lords conduct him to the middle chamber, where he take the oath.)
  31. I.: To celibacy I am sworn, for he who beget a child is bound in spirit, after death, unto his own offspring.
  32. To the Es world I am all remembrance. To the corporeal world all forgetful henceforth forever.
  33. All vain words do I renounce; all idle laughter do I renounce; all love of corporeal things do I renounce with abhorrence.
  34. M.: What of the Es, the great Unseen?
  35. I.: Two heavens there are: one rest”’ on the corporeal earth; one stand high in the firmament.
  36. Between the twain lie the bridge Chinvat, where stand Hong-she, Savior of men. By His love can the children of men pass; by His curse must they return to the lower heaven till purged of all corporeal thoughts.
  37. By the trumpet, loud sounding, of Fo’e’tses, Chief of the Heavenly Host, knowest the Son of the All Light the secrets of the souls of men.
  38. (The Gods (angels) stationed at the four gates now come forward and salute. Then come the Lords (angels) of the outer host, with the working tools, and, together, they sing to the Great He’jo’is.)
  39. M.: For what purpose is this coffin?
  40. I.: That I may be coffined and buried in the corporeal earth.
  41. M.: Let the lords of earth bury him in the name of Anra’mainyus (or Ugh’sa), the all corporeal death.
  42. The initiate is then coffined and buried, and a watch set around the grave, over which a veil is thrown, and in the darkness the angels unearth him and set him free. Thereupon he is bestowed with regalia and implements, and with signs and holy words, the which can not be given outside the Sun degree of Faithists. Neither can the implements and working tools of the Lords and Gods of the outer circle be revealed save to such as have been duly prepared by fasting and by prayer, and by a knowledge of the motions and positions of the corporeal worlds. Jehovih saith: Only to the wise, the pure, and the just, do I reveal the mysteries of My kingdoms.

21 These were the ceremonies of the third cycle past, 9,000 years before kosmon. Persons who have witnessed the fire-test miracle of modern spiritual mediums, can readily comprehend this initiation.
22 Spiritualists who have witnessed these things know the possibility.


Plate 80. TABLET OF KII.

This Tablet and ceremonies belonged to Persia, Arabia and Heleste, Greece and Troy, and to the Algonquin tribes. The time was 5,200 years \ before kosmon.

Interpreted, read thus:

  1. Master: What seest thou?
  2. Initiate: The world lie before me. Yea, the wide earth and all its riches. The living things upon it, and in the waters, and every breathing thing, and pearls and diamonds, and gold and silver; and at my hand, the rose and the lily, adorned by the Hand of Elohim.
  3. M.: Seest you nothing more?
  4. I.: Yea, Master, the canopy of the firmament of heaven. In the midst thereof the light, burning sun, propeller of the vegetable world; the glory of day, and maker of light.
  5. On either hand, in the vault of the firmament, countless stars, saying: In the glory of our magnitude, O man, forget not Him whose finger upraised the firmament!
  6. M.: What more beholdest thou?
  7. I.: The moon, who change her size and place according to the nightwatch of the Ghads who minister to the wants of mortals.
  8. M.: Is this all?
  9. I.: Nay, Master, on either side I behold a hand, one pointing upward and one downward.
  10. One side of the world is all light and one side all black, and the hand that point”’ upward is on the light side, and the hand that point”’ downward is on the dark side. Here lie the brush that wrote, and the sacred Gau, and above them the symbol of the burning candles of the ancients. Above these I behold the ark of the prophecy.
  11. M.: Why haltest you in your*** speech? What seest thou?
  12. I.: Alas, O Master, above the world I behold an evil foot, black and clothed with serpents.
  13. Above the twin swords, crossed, is the sacred name, Elohim.
  14. M.: What seest you in the midst of the tablet, black and as with a net woven around?
  15. I.: A new corporeal world, rich in growing things; sprung from the surface thereof, hang the sacred signs of holy Lords and Gods, appointed by the most high Elohim, apprised and guarding over the morning and evening of the first days.
  16. Here the trumpet call”’ to the low earth, and to the spirits of mortals now dead, to come forth, inspiring teachers in all useful labors, to the new world above.
  17. Fabric woven in the firmament of heaven is descending to the infant a’su. Thirsting for a kingdom in the lower heaven, stand Baugh-ghan-ghad, the tyrant of newborn spirits in the lower heavens, watching the new earth.
  18. His tablet is a coffin filled with serpents’ tongues. In his footpath millions of dead that sang his name, to make him triumphant over Elohim, creep, accursing him in high heaven.
  19. The pyramids, the temples of ancient Saviors; and the overflowing holy basin, and lighted Nu’ba, candlestick of Holy Sacrifice, and the black claw, the Anra’mainyus (the devil), are cast down and gone, yea, on the earth below another God is dead. But high up in the firmament, the seven sacred stars still shine, and the emblems graven by the Great Spirit.
  20. M.: What are the working tools of man born of woman? What of the Gods and angels beside Elohim?
  21. I.: Alas, O Master, I know not.
  22. My friend, since you are learned in Gau, why comest you to learn the signs and ceremonies of the ancients?
  23. That I may unite myself with other men, and thus become a greater power to do good unto mortals.
  24. You are wise. Repair now before my proper officers for further examination, and, if you are proficient, come again before me and I will conduct thee into the chamber of Ophra’or’jhi, and there initiate you* according to the rite of the ancients.

[Signs and pass-words, and mystic ceremony, withheld from publication.] [For the reading of the tablet entire, refer to the revealed tablets.]




Read as follows:

  1. Which way, man?
  2. To the tree of knowledge.
  3. I go thither, also.
  4. Where, then, is your*** treasure?
  5. I bring this pitcher and pot, a tame gowt and a dead man’s skull. I have no more.
  6. Seffas bows down in your*** favor. Hast you slain any living creature?
  7. Nay, Ong-a-pa, but housed in a mound high-built, and steep, I have slept my nights away in peace, slaying nothing.
  8. Hast you the Hagaw’sa (the head compressed), from infancy?
  9. On my breast, engraved, the sign single stand most honored of all I have. When I was a child my head was thus compressed, to school the judgment down beneath the prophetic sight. I have seen the Es world and the angels of the dead.
  10. Hold up your** hand, and show me, too, the leaf sign of Egoquim. Then the burning flame of sacrifice and monstrous serpents you wouldst rather feed than destroy?
  11. To engrave the sacred symbols in Corpor I was well-educated. Behold I write. (He then display his skill.)
  12. Thy skill is excellent. Go you to the south-west corner, and in the ark of the black hand you should find a charm for venomous serpents. Bring it here.
  13. Alas, O Onga, ask of me any service but to deal in charms against anything.
  14. How sleepest your* father and your* mother, and your*** wife and thy sons and daughters?
  15. On the mounds and in the mounds, O Onga. Hid are we all away from the devouring hiss-sa (serpent), and baugh and mieuh (lions and tigers).
  16. How was it with your*** forefathers and foremothers?
  17. In the mounds and on the mounds, O Onga. For a thousand generations my ancestors killed not any living creature Egoquim had created.
  18. What is yonder building in the north-east?
  19. The temple of Egoquim.
  20. What mean”’ it?
  21. It is the sacred house of Dan. (Faithists.)
  22. What are the signs?
  23. The All Light hand teach”’ mortals to ever reach upward; the cup, that all the firmament is filled by the presence of Egoquim.
  24. What is the sign of half a dog, of half a horse, and a man’s head?
  25. That man at best is two beings, a beast and a spirit.
  26. What is the sign of the black hand and black onk, the slaying tool?
  27. The mortal who slay the wolf and serpent hath a hard time in heaven.
  28. What is the hard time of the slaying-man in heaven?
  29. In the firmament of heaven he is haunted; the spirits of the slain come upon him. He find no place. With his black hand of death uplifted he cry out.
  30. What is the sign of Oke-un (tent), and the sign of the black head of the Ghi-ee (eagle), and the black mouth with black tongue projecting?
  31. That all the earth must be subdued by man. Even the blackness (slander) that issue out of man’s mouth must also be subdued.
  32. What are the signs of the ear, the triangle and the square, the evil quarters, the wedge and the vessels of copper?
  33. Alas, O Onga, I know not.
  34. What are the signs of the trumpet, the windlass, the hewing-ax and the altar of fire?
  35. Alas, O Onga, I know not.
  36. What are the signs of the Az-aj (stretcher), and the basket?
  37. Alas, O Onga, I know not.
  38. What is the sign of the men ascending the Orugh (the stairs), and lamp and the trees and the black fish?
  39. First, there was an egg, and then a fish, and then trees, then man, and he saw the light and the sun. Then wisdom came and he learnt of Egoquim, ever after.
  40. You are wise, and now, by virtue of my power and wisdom and love, do I crown you* brother of the Hoanga (prophets). Peace be with you*, Amen!
  41. He who taught you* all the other signs will now teach you* three you knowest not. After which the Oi will invest you* with cloth and with the signs of Chaigi (words of enchantment), that when you travelest in far-off lands you should be received as a brother. (Signs and pass-words withheld from publication.)

ANUBIS. -(Old Egyptian.)


Plate 82. ANUBIS.

Antechamber examination omitted.

Second part in the dark chamber, to wit:

  1. MARS (alias Death): What is this noise and confusion? Who comes here to disturb our haven of rest?
  2. JUPITER (alias Aises, a leader): Hark! I heard a voice! It is true, this place is haunted! Say you, spirit or angel, speak! Who are thou?
  3. M.: I am Death! All who enter here must die! Are you**** prepared?
  4. MERCURY (alias Saug, heavy): Hark! What fearful words!
  5. M.: Silence!
  6. J.: Alas, O Death, spare us! Command us as you wilt, but slay us not.
  7. M.: Impious mortals, know you**** this place is consecrated to the spirits of the dead? All who enter here must die!
  8. Mer.: We implore You*, O Death! Is there no respite?
  9. M.: Over your heads I hold the two-edged sword. Fear you****, and tremble when I command.
  10. J.: Alas, O Death, we and all mortals fear you*. What should we do?
  11. M.: There is one respite. Sit you* at my feet in token of your submission to a higher power than mortals. (The initiates sit down.) Bide you* there till I call my fellow-God, Life. You**** should know your doom! All hail, O Life! Here, here! Mortal intruders have profaned our sacred chamber! Come you and deal with them, that I may receive their souls!
  12. SUN (alias Dan, a light): Hail, O Death! I come! Mighty are you, O Death! Were it not for you* mortals would esteem themselves Gods. Take me, brother, to them. (M. conducts S. to another part of the chamber.) S.: Mortals, for what purpose are you**** here? Speak to me, I am Life.
  13. Pity us, O Life! We are friends to the spirits of the dead. We have come here to unite ourselves in a common brotherhood, especially to improve ourselves in spirit communion. Deal you mercifully with us and we will be faithful and true.
  14. S.: On one condition only can I save you from Death’s hand. I have here scales on which I weigh mortals, and by your words should you* be weighed, for all words manifest the spirit within. If, therefore, you* repeat after me the words I utter, you* should live. But if you* do not so utter them, you**** should be handed over to Death. Neither will I utter aught but what all good men and true, may utter my words after me.
  15. J.: Speak, O Life! We will repeat after you*.
  16. MER.: We will repeat after you*.
  17. VENUS (alias due’ji): We will utter your*** words!
  18. CERES (alias hyastra): Speak, O Life, your*** words should be our words. (Many of the stars repeat expressions in like manner, the initiates being previously named as some star.)
  19. S.: My friends, repeat your own names and then these words (the initiates give their names): Of my own free will, in presence of these spirits and mortals, do I covenant that I will forever keep and never reveal any of the secrets or mysteries I may receive within this chamber. That I will accept as my brethren all who are here present, and all who have been heretofore initiated, or may be hereafter initiated, as fully and entirely as if they were my own blood and kin. That I will not from this time forth utter one slanderous word against these my brethren, nor against any man nor woman nor child belonging to them or that is dependent on them. That I will protect their honor and virtue and love as sacredly as I would my own mother. That I will from this time forth engage myself in some useful employment, and from the excess of my wages, contribute to the relief and assistance of any of the brethren who may be helpless or distressed. So keep me, You, who makest and rulest over all. Make me steadfast to keep this, my solemn covenant; and I bind myself under no less a penalty than to forfeit all spirit presence both in this world and the next, and the good-fellowship of all men, if I should fail to keep this, my holy covenant. By the Pillars of the castle I swear, and by the Sun, and by Uz (Osiris), and by the Sacred Wheel, and by the Angle of Gau, yea, by Elohim!
  20. S.: My friends, you have been weighed, and the scales bear to your favor. You should live. What more desire you****!
  21. ALL: Light! (The ceremony so far being in the dark.)
  22. S.: Let my servants make a light. (The servants march about, but make no light.)
  23. First Servant: Alas, O Master, we can not make a light; the oil will not burn; the lamps are cold.
  24. S.: In this emergency, what should be done?
  25. SECOND SERVANT: Alas, O Master, we know not.
  26. S.: Let this be a lesson to both spirits and mortals, for as I do now, so in all great trials, do you**** also. (Aside:) Here, O brother God! Here, O my brother!
  27. M.: Here, O Life! Here, O Life, I come! (Walking to a different corner.)
  28. S.: My attendants can not make a light. The oil will not burn. The lamps are cold. What should be done?
  29. M.: Let us supplicate Him who is greater than life and death!
  30. S.: It is well.
  31. M. and S. (together): O You, Almighty and Everlasting Creator of Life, and Master of Death, give us light! Give us light, O Father!
  32. S.: Let my servants try once more. (The servants now make a light. The initiates behold their strange apparel, which was put on them in the dark.)
  33. M.: Behold, O mortals, by the light of heaven, man hath risen above the beasts of the field and fowls of the air. But for the light of Uz (Osiris) your heads would have this day been as your hoods. (With his sword he knocks off the head-covering.) Be as beasts no more, but men and women. In token of your fidelity to the covenant, drink you**** of this nectar of life. (Because they were saved from death.) (The cup is then passed from one to another, and all drink of it. In the Algonquin tribes of America the ceremony was the same, save that a pipe was smoked instead of the drink, and to this day it is practiced by them as a pledge of peace and brotherhood.)
  34. S.: (making the proper sign, which is withheld from publication, and taking the hand of one of the initiates): Arise, O my brother of the Haunted Chamber, I salute you* in the name of __ (withheld from publication).
  35. M.: As you* are now raised up on earth, so should you* be raised in heaven, where, it is represented by the spirits of the second heavens, are scales to weigh the spirits of mortals recently dead. And he who presid over the scales in heaven was called _ (alas me, how should I repeat his name?) Let him who conducted you here answer me: Who is the God of the Scales in heaven?
  36. FOURTH SERVANT: I can not so answer, Master.
  37. S.: Knowest thou?
  38. FOURTH SERVANT: I am wise.
  39. S.: What wilt thou?
  40. FOURTH SERVANT: (Withheld from publication.) (And when Anubis appear”’, the Master saith): All words sprung from the fullness of the spirit within. Be exact in observing your covenant, and guarded in your words toward all men, for as ye were here weighed by your words, so should you**** be both in this world and the next. (The S. and M. now bestow the pass-words and signs, here withheld from publication.)
  41. M.: Thus end your initiation, and may the cross of the Wheel of the Great Spirit be the center of your action, and the angle of your behavior toward all men. Amen! (All respond, Amen!)
  42. FIRST INITIATE: Why, this is just the brotherhood we desired!
  43. SECOND INITIATE: Just what we set out to accomplish!
  44. THIRD INITIATE: And better done than we could have done it!
  45. S.: Remember, then, this lesson: That in all good works inclining to brotherhood, especially that which incline to spirit communion, mortals are ever assisted and guided by wise spirits of noble aspirations. (Manner of dismissal withheld from publication out of respect to existing societies.)



[Read from left to right, beginning at the top.]

  1. Agoquim said: These are My divisions for the twelve feasts of the Gods of heaven. Observe you**** them in My name, for they are My inheritance, bestowed to enrich the wisdom of men.
  2. All labor is Mine, saith Agoquim. By My hand move all that is.
  3. The earth is My footstool, and I have made it square to the north and south, east and west.
  4. Three things made I: air, earth and water. The angle with three sides made I in remembrance thereof. Three things bestowed I on man: the earth body, which is dark, and none can see through it; the spirit which live after the earth body is dead; the third part I gave to man is the soul, which join”’ him to Me.
  5. The sun I made, and I set him high in the firmament that I might see from afar and behold My earth-born children. And the lakes and forests and rivers, and the caves in the earth, made I for man.
  6. All that I have made is good, and round, or square, according to the place I made for it.
  7. But in the very young days of the world, the impatience of men led them to perceive not Me and My good works, and they set about to do My labor. Thus came evil into the world; but I separated the evil from the good. Into the four corners of the world separated I them. I gave to the evil, where all is coldness and hunger; where they have invented the evil-killing bow and the flint-dart, destroying My living creatures.
  8. My righteous should live in mounds of earth and stone and wood, where the Ugha (serpent and tiger and all other evil-devouring beasts) can not come upon them.
  9. But for the light of My angels to come and abide with My people, you**** should provide the hoogadoah,23 the well-covered house, and it should have but one door, and pieces should be put therein, so that when My chosen are within, all should be dark, that My angels may teach them.
  10. But the dwelling of the Hoonshawassie (the prophet) should have one Ongji (window).
  11. And he should have a Mukagawin, the true sign of poverty, and it should be his jewel, made of copper and gold. For whom I have made to live in poverty in this world will I exalt in heaven. Only the poor have I made to be My prophets.
  12. Over the mounds My angels should keep watch against the evil approaching Ugha, and they should awaken My sleeping children, and they should not suffer.
  13. Agoquim said: Boats have I provided for the spirits of good men to rise to heaven in, and My angels should accompany them to a place of light and rest.
  14. Agoquim said: To the priests have I given authority to make My signs and symbols, and to bestow them on My righteous children.24

23 Many of the tribes of the North and Central American Indians still build their spiritual wigwams in this manner.
24 The jewels were made illustrative of the Gods. From one God to another were four moons. The sacred words, belonging to each and every God for the month, were repeated in concert, the sacred people trotted or danced around on the top of the mound, clapping their hands at every step. These ceremonies were often nightly, and never less than once for each quarter of the moon. On the following month the next verse (to other Gods of another month) was repeated in like manner. After the extermination of the sacred people (the Mound-Builders), the worshippers of Egoquim, i.e., E-lo-him, the succeeding people, the Indians, kept up the dance, and even to this day some of the tribes have preserved the whole twelve dances and the general spirit of the invocations. Although, however, they are slayers of the Ugha and of one another also.




  1. Baugh-gan-ghad said: I go forth. All who follow Me, are of Me. By will only is anything accomplished. That which I desire, I do. Without Me nothing is done. My name is MIGHT.
  2. B-G-G. said: Fear is failure. I am without fear. I am the All Es, incorporated on the low earth, having no fear. (The All Es gave forth, having no fear. By this created He the creation. Like a liongo He forth. The sun is under His feet; so is the broad earth. Whatsoever live or is dead (inanimate objects), flee before His breath. Even Death come and goby His command.)
  3. B-G-G. said: Go forth, My sons and daughters, multiply, fearing nothing. Inasmuch as you* do these things, so will I exalt you. Inasmuch as you* do not these things, I will bind and enslave.
  4. B-G-G. said: Think not I choose a weak man or a coward to be king. I choose only the valiant, that fear not. Think not that I exalt the weak in heaven and make them Gods over mortals; I choose the slayer of men and the death-dealing. (At this part of the service the initiates march before the throne.)
  5. B-G-G.: Who dare My power? Down on your bellies and crawl like serpents before My throne! Down and speak! I command!
  6. First Initiate: By Rux I swear! I will not down!
  7. Second I.: By Him who stand above the Sun, I will not down.
  8. Third I.: Nor I, though you drinkest my blood. (Similar ejaculations from other initiates.)
  9. B-G-G.: Then must I from My throne of skulls descend to raise the seat another row. Bring here my battle-ax (to servant). (The ax is brought, and the Master, clothed in a lion’s skin, with a serpent’s skin coiled about his head, descend from the throne, and seizing the battle-ax, fall”’ upon the initiates, who have been previously drilled. During the ceremonies, some of the initiates are killed outright, generally not intentionally. A cellar is underneath, and over this the boards are made to trip. The Master know this, and (the initiates not knowing it) hath the advantage. The fray of skill last”’ about an hour, during which the initiates are mostly sent below.)
  10. B-G-G.: Ha’oot! Ha’oot! With Ghads I fought. With Ghads I am king and brother! Come forth, fallen foes, and live triumphantly! With brothers like these I will go forth and gather skulls to build another temple. (The servants help all that are alive out of the cellar, and if they are well and strong they are spared, but if they are maimed bodily, they are slain with the battle-ax. All that thus fail to take the first degree, have their skulls scraped and added to the throne, or judgment-seat. During the ceremonies, and along with the initiates, are two or more who have been previously initiated, and these of course are spared.)
  11. First I.: To You* and none else, I swear everlastingly. Thine be forever the place of skulls. (Ug’sa’sa) (Golgotha.)
  12. B-G-G.: Know, then, you**** Iod’a (Gods), I am descended from Baugh-ghan-ghad, the All Spirit of Light and Power. By Him incarnate in Mi, virgin of the corporeal world, My blood is fed by the souls of men. In the days before the flood of waters My Sire built a temple a hundred goo’en square;26 with skulls built he it, and feasted on their souls, uprising in the firmament, above the sun, companion of the stars. On the spirits of mortals slain, His spirit feasted full of rich strength, till all the world bowed down and called Him Master!
  13. Oruhk (the choristers from behind, concealed): All hail! All hail! O Master, man and chief of blood! We come from the abode of flying wolves and lions and bears, upraised in the Osk’oe (sky) rocks that feed the black earth, the thrones of mighty Ghads! Great Baugh-ghan-ghad called us forth; for the clang of your*** battle-ax shook the stars, saying: Down! Down, O you* Ghads, to Mi (mother earth). My holy begotten Son, king of men, doth feed His throne with dead men’s skulls! Behold, O King of Men, these your valiant fighters, from their birth, are reared as brother Ghads! O, slay them not, but teach them that he who would rule in heaven must begin on earth, and send his neighbors bellowing down to dust! Bring them before the altar, smoking in their blood, and on the ark (a chest which contain”’ incense) let them mingle in covenant with the Everlasting Son!

(The marshals now conduct them before the altar, whence they cast down their battleaxes, and they join hands, encircling the ark. From the east, west, north and south the high priests come forth out of recesses in the walls of the temple, and the priests in twos and fours bear torches and approach the altar and the ark, chanting for the glory of Baugh-ghan-ghad, the All Powerful Creator of heaven and earth. The Master and the initiates take of their blood, which issue from their wounds, and mingle it together, and lick with their tongues the commingled blood, saying: Drink you* it in remembrance of me and of Baugh-ghan-ghad, my Sire, the Creator, doing all things for His glory!) (And now come the Aha’da, bringing forth strips of flesh from the thighs of those who were slain in the ceremonies, and they bring them to the Master and he put the strips of flesh under his own thigh, and all the initiates put their hands under his thigh also, for this is swearing an oath by the thigh, and they say: I put my hand under this thigh, and I am sworn. Thereupon the Master take the strips of flesh and eat”’ thereof, and hand of it to the initiates, saying: This is the flesh of my body, eat you* of it in remembrance of me and of Baugh-ghan-ghad, for in my blood and the flesh of my body have I established the esa-augau- hoi (Church militant) over all the world! Thereupon the initiates take the flesh and eat thereof.)

  1. Kohen (The chief priest): On this tablet write you**** your names in blood, and by these bones and skulls swear ye.
  2. Initiates: On the tablet write we our names in blood, and by these bones and skulls we swear.
  3. Kohen and Initiates (together): To keep sacred the oath under the thigh; to preserve the holy words of the feast of flesh and blood, for coming generations, that the Light and Glory of Baugh-ghan-ghad, the Creator, may shine forever. Amen!

Distant View of the Temple of Baugh-Ghan-Ghad, In Ga’haite, 11,000 years BK.27


Sectional View of Gologotha Temple, 11,000 years before Kosmon [temple of skulls]

(The M’ghan, the women, now come forward, having cloth about the loins, and they bring the dead men and place their bodies on the altar of sacrifice, which hath been previously heaped up with dry wood, and when the fire is lighted the M’gau march around the altar of fire, singing and clapping hands. Presently there appear”’ in the smoke and the foul smell of the burnt flesh the Ogs’uk (evil spirits), so that many can behold them, and they eat of the smoke and of the foul smell, which are the food of spirits of darkness, and when they have feasted satisfactorily they take of the smoke and of the foul smell, and carry them away to hada to their companions, of whom their number is endless.)

  1. Master: Hioot’a! Hioot’a! Behold, my Sire appear”’ in a cloud of smoke and fire. Bow down your heads, M’ghan’a (the women), and invoke His mighty power!
  2. Kohen’a (the high priests): O you Almighty Baugh-ghan-ghad, Creator of heaven and earth, appear! appear! You that slayest all and feast”’ thereon, appear! appear! (Presently the chief of the Ogs’uk make a light in the midst of the black smoke, showing a face of fire, and it is a man’s face; but the body he showe is dark, and of the form of a lion. And now the people march around about within the temple, beating together their battle-axes and spears of wood, and clapping their hands, singing the while. The Master reveal”’ himself in the lion’s skin, and ascend His throne of skulls, and he is no longer called Master, but Baugh-ghan-ghad.)
  3. B-G-G.: As My Sire reign”’ in heaven, so reign I on earth.
  4. Initiates: Hail, Holy Father, Baugh-ghan-ghad! Hail, Holy Son, Baugh-ghan-ghad!
  5. B-G-G.: I command the earth!
  6. I’s.: The Son command the earth.
  7. B-G-G.: I command the mighty waters.
  8. I’s.: The Son command the mighty waters.
  9. B-G-G.: I command the air above the earth.
  10. I’s.: The Son command the air above the earth.
  11. B-G-G.: For these are Mine to keep forever.
  12. I’s.: For these are the Son’s to keep forever.
  13. B-G-G.: I am the Holy Esa-au-gau-hoi. (Church militant.)
  14. I’s.: The Son is the Holy Esa-au-gau-hoi.
  15. B-G-G.: My holy labor is to subdue nations and tribes of men.
  16. I’s.: The Son’s labor is to subdue nations and tribes of men.
  17. B-G-G.: I make treaties or break them when I will.
  18. I’s.: The Son make or break”’ treaties when he will.
  19. B-G-G.: For all things on the earth are Mine.
  20. I’s.: For all things on the earth are His.
  21. B-G-G.: I am immaculate, and can not do wrong.
  22. I’s.: The Son is immaculate, and can not do wrong.
  23. B-G-G.: Right and Wrong must be judged by me.
  24. I’s.: Right and Wrong must be judged by the Son.
  25. B-G-G.: By My will do I make Wrong right, or Right wrong.
  26. I’s.: By the Son’s will make He Wrong right, or Right wrong.
  27. B-G-G.: I am the All Holy Standard.
  28. I’s.: The Son is the All Holy Standard.
  29. B-G-G.: I can not err. I and My Father are one.
  30. I’s.: The Son can not err. The Son and the Father are one.
  31. B-G-G.: I now demand a thousand skulls.
  32. I’s.: The Son demand a thousand skulls.
  33. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demand a thousand skulls.
  34. I’s.: Baugh-ghan-ghad should have a thousand skulls.
  35. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demand a pool of human blood for His Son’s silver boat.
  36. I’s.: Baugh-ghan-ghad should have a pool of human blood for His Son’s silver boat.
  37. B-G-G.: Go forth, my brother Iod’a (Gods), and bring the skulls and the blood, for this is the time of the sacred solemn feast!
  38. I’s.: We will forth and bring a thousand skulls and the blood for our King. All hail! Mighty King of Men! All Hail! (The Master now rise to his feet, with his battle-ax outstretched, menacingly. The initiates upraise their axes and spears menacingly also, and walking backward, depart out of the temple.)

25 These rites and ceremonies, according to the tables relating to the solar phalanx, must have been about 15,000 years before kosmon, and located in eastern Asia and Africa. There are philosophers of to-day who hold that in national affairs might is right. Witness the United States Government against Indians, and the British in the East Indies.
26 See below (note 27).
27 Allowing a skull to be six by eight inches, the inside and outside walls of a building, as described herein, would require eight thousand skulls.



Plate 87. emethachavah.

As the student will perceive, the Tablet contains three degrees. The headings only could be given in the plates, being too complicated for hieroglyphic characters in such small space. For the outer rim, begin at the bottom and read alternately either side, till arriving at the top, where will be found the Symbol of Corpor and the great serpent (solar phalanx), and wark. The small stars in the inner circle represent the positions of mortals within the chamber during the ceremonies. The three degrees are called: First, M’git’ow (dawn); second, Hi’dang (high noon); third, M-hak (golden chamber), which are given in darkness. In English they are called, Dawn, Noon and Evening. They were about the time of Zarathustra (Zoroaster), or, say, 8,000 or 9,000 B.K.

  1. These that follow being the first three rites of Emethachavah, that is to say:
  2. M’git’ow said: A baker came to sell me bread. I said: Sell thy bread to my wife. She and I are one.
  3. The baker said: The two are one?
  4. This was the beginning of wisdom. I went into a field and heard the birds singing:
  5. The Unknown said: The twain are one!
  6. I said: Couldst You, O Father, make all men as one, there would be peace and joy! No war!
  7. The Unknown said: Make you the Family of the Ancients! Husband and wife should be thy key. Husband, wife and children should be your*** model.
  8. I said: I can not make all men think alike, act alike, do alike.
  9. A vision came upon me. I saw a score of musicians, and every one had a different instrument, and they set about tuning their instruments, every one his own way, saying: Save we have our instruments tuned as one instrument, there can be no music; tune, therefore, your** instrument to mine.
  10. After a long while they wearied, for they were no nearer than at first. And every one said: It is impossible to attune them! It is useless trying more.
  11. The Unknown spake out of the firmament, saying: Choose you* one instrument first, and then attune another one to it. This accomplished, attune then a third instrument to them; after that, a fourth, and so on, and you* should be all attuned alike.
  12. Thereupon the musicians set to work, but could not agree whose should be the first instrument.
  13. A pillar of fire descended from heaven and stood in the midst of the musicians; and in the center of the pillar of fire there appeared an instrument called the All Perfect.
  14. The instrument gave forth one note, and all the musicians attuned to it. The Voice said: I have given the key-note, find you**** the rest.
  15. The pillar of fire departed. The instruments thus attuned in harmony played rapturously. The vision then departed.
  16. This I perceive: to make the man and wife one; to make the man, wife and child one; to make the village one; to make the state one; to make the empire one; all in harmony, as one instrument, can not be done without a Central Sun, a Creator, to attune to. When a man is attuned to Him, and a woman attuned to Him, they will themselves be as one. When the family and the village are attuned to Him, it is easy. Without Him harmony can not be.
  17. He, the Creator, then, must be first in all things, first in all places. He must be the nearest of all things, nearest of all places. In our rites and ceremonies He must be the All Ideal Perfection! the embodiment of a Perfect Person. (End of prelude.) (T.go to the altar and light”’ the incense, and the priests come and stand beside the altar, they, and the initiates with them, saying:)
  18. Emblem of worlds moldering into dust and of the harvest of souls ascending to the etherean realms above; emblem of mine own mortal dissolution and of the ascent of my soul, but whither, O Jehovih!
  19. In You, Jehovih, will I have faith. In You only. Emeth (Faith) should be my name, the foundation of my soul.
  20. Henceforth I will eschew fame and the applause of men. Mine hands will I fold against earthly fame, and in Thy name, prepare my soul for heaven! (Signs withheld from publication.)
  21. East: Over all the earth gave I dominion into man’s hands; but I rule over man both on earth and in heaven, saith Jehovih. I fashioned the earth and breathed upon it, and man came forth a living soul. The veins in his body I made, and I made him conscious that he is. I speak into his ear, and hold up Mine hand before him that he may not err, but rejoice that he live and that he may glorify Me and My works. But he turn”’ aside and boast”’ there is none greater than man.
  22. P. and I.: O Jehovih, mighty in heaven, hallowed be Thy name! May I never forget You* nor set myself up against You* nor Thy kingdoms! (One bell.)
  23. E.: Who are these that call on Jehovih’s name?
  24. P.: Wanderers on the earth who are unappeased with corporeal things. From Corpor to Es we turn in Jehovih’s name.
  25. E.: For what purpose are you**** in this holy chamber?
  26. I.: To be initiated into the light and dominions of heaven.
  27. E.: Have you**** been prepared for this?
  28. I.: Yea.
  29. E.: How have you**** been prepared?
  30. I.: We abstain from flesh food and from strong drink, and endeavor to purify our corporeal bodies.
  31. E.: Man may be pure in the corporeal body, but unprepared to receive the wisdom of high heaven. How else have you**** been prepared?
  32. I.: We have witnessed the spirits of the dead who have returned to the earth, reclothed in corporeal appearances. We have talked with them in the presence of witnesses.
  33. E.: My friends, since you* live on the earth, and can commune with the spirits of heaven, why are you* still unappeased?
  34. I.: The people of the earth lust after the things of the earth, and deceive us on all occasions. The spirits who manifest are of little wisdom; they know but little of heaven.
  35. E.: Since your faith in mortals is nothing, and your faith in spirits from heaven little more, how hope you**** to gain wisdom and truth by calling on the name of Jehovih?
  36. I.: We know there are angels in heaven who have risen above the bondage of earth. We aim to purify ourselves, that such may come to us and give us light. By attuning ourselves to Jehovih, we have faith that He will provide us according to our talents, which we received from His hand.
  37. E.: Have you**** not called for the spirits of the well-known?
  38. I.: Alas, we find that spirits can assume any name and form, and so deceive us. We have no faith in names; they are as the wind. Some spirits have kingdoms in the lower heavens, and they seek to win subjects for themselves in time to come.
  39. E.: How hope you**** to distinguish free spirits from the bound?
  40. I.: Spirits who talk of their own earthly lives, and of earthly things, are familiar spirits who abide with mortals. There are spirits above them who can come and teach us of things in heaven. By serving Jehovih, we hope to adapt ourselves to their presence.
  41. E.: Have not Osiris, and Baal, and Dagon, and Ashtaroth, appeared in many places?28
  42. I.: It is so said, but they have shown no wisdom, nor have they come but through deceivers and persons who lust after earthly things.
  43. E.: Save you**** become workers for Jehovih, by lifting up your fellow-men, how hope ye for good angels to come and lift you up?
  44. I.: What should we do? Give us light?
  45. E.: Make you* a covenant with Jehovih that your pledges may be recorded in high heaven. Consider your words, for Jehovih is ever present and hear”’ all done in His name. Angels are also present, who have no interest in the affairs of men, save for the redemption of their souls. That which you* swear should you**** do from this time forth forever!
  46. P. and I.: This, then, be my covenant: I will serve You, O Jehovih, and no other God, nor Lord, nor any other person born of woman, who profess”’ to save the souls of men; nor will I pray to them or adore them; for by their names have the nations of the earth been accursed with war and destruction. But to You only, O Jehovih, will I pay homage and adoration, now and forever. For You* will I labor, by doing righteously toward all men, and equally with all these my brethren, the Emeth (Faithists) in one Everlasting Father, Creator of worlds! With all my might, and my wisdom and love, will I strive to enlighten my fellow-men and to lift them up out of darkness. More should my labor be for others than for myself, henceforth forever! And my substance should be given to relieve the helpless and distressed. Help me, O Jehovih, and make me strong in this my covenant, now and forever. Amen.
  47. E.: This is the Dawn! Behold the rising Sun! (The salutations are withheld from publication.
  48. You**** are now on the road of everlasting light. Swerve not from your covenant with Jehovih, and the spirits from the second heaven will abide with you. He who taught you before will invest you with, etc. (Withheld from publication.)
  49. In the name of Eolin, and by His power and wisdom vested in me, do I receive you* as my brother (or sister, as the case may be) of the Ancient Order of Dawn of the Brotherhood of Emeth, and I salute you* with the rod, etc. (Withheld from publication.29)

28 The chief Saviors and Gods of the Hyartien cycle (corresponding to Brahma, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed of this cycle) were Yima, Mithra, N’yot and Habbak the first. The four greatest powers, represented by the four greatest religions, are at all times the four corner-posts in the lodge of the Faithists. In the different countries the lodges assumed that the Gods of their own locality were the chief enemies of the Great Spirit, and named them in the ceremonies. Hence, to-day, the chief enemies of the Great Spirit are the religions and powers who assume to elevate other names to be the Great Spirit or co-equals with Him. The Christian never desires to be Jehovih-like, but is highly flattered to be called Christ-like. It is the same with a Buddhist, a Brahman, and a Mohammedan. In all ages, it seems, the world at large would have an idol. This they elevate above the Great Spirit by fabulous inventions and professions; whilst the Faithist in the One over all has been the subject of persecution and hate, and, often, destruction. Portions of these ceremonies are still observed amongst the Confucians, the Hebrews and a few scattered wanderers in Upper Thibet. Relics of the play in the first and second degrees can be recognized in several tribes of American aborigines. Of course all these people choose their own evil Gods for the corner-posts.
29 It will be seen that the Order of Dawn exacted vegetarian diet, the influence of which extends to a large portion of the Chinese and East Indian Empires, to this day. Nor could a person take this degree until familiar with ordinary spirit manifestations, even to having seen the spirits of the dead, who had returned to the earth and taken on the appearance of mortal forms, and conversed with them face to face in presence of witnesses. This knowledge of preparing the body and mind for even the first degree of Dawn was known as long ago as 8,900 years, the Zarathustrian period. Much of the ceremony still exists in the secret code of the Brahman priesthood. This corresponds to the Hyartien cycle and the Gods and warriors of that day.


High Noon, or Sun Degree. –The same Tablet is used in this degree as in Dawn. The children of Dawn always used the sacred name of Eolin, whilst the sons and daughters of the All Light say, Eloih or Jehovih.
For the full reading of the Tablet Emeth, the student will find assistance in the preceding tablets.

  1. Dang: Let the Faithist remember his Father in heaven. The rising Sun adorn”’ the East. ( Here the Onetavis and the Emeth’a give the signs of Dawn, facing to the East.)
  2. Dang: Give voice, O you**** that remember Him. His name is a power in heaven and earth.
  3. O. and I.: In Jehovih’s name! (The salutation and signs withheld from publication.)
  4. D.: Before proceeding on the road of everlasting life, let the Hyarh measure the bread and meal, that far-distant regions may not entrap us in want. If the measure be short, then we must replenish. (The Hyarh pass five times around the altar, spelling the sacred name by the motions of their arms, halting for that purpose at the eastern fire. The Orgives now bring forth a polished stone tablet, with chalk or ink to write with, and lie the tablet on the altar to the south of the tripod and the prophet’s seat. Wa-wa-tu-sa’a (women), five in number, bring water in basins and set them down by the feet of the Emeth’a. Hyarh saith:)
  5. Arise, O Children of Dawn! Come to the west of the altar, O Children of Dawn! (This do they.)
  6. East: (with sound of gong, twice): Hear us, O Jehovih! Thy voice be with us. Thy wisdom guide us. Thy love exalt us. As we hope for Thy exalted angels to come and minister to us, O show us, Mighty and All Perfect, how we can best minister to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Sting us, O Jehovih, as with wasps and nettles, if we fail to devote our whole time to the lifting up of our fellow-men. You hast measured all things, and made wisely. Hearken to me, O Jehovih. (Seven priests, representatives of the seven stars, now pass in front of the East, but face south and salute upward with the twelve preceding signs.)
  7. East: Jehovih saith: As a builder measure the place for the house and providea sure foundation, let not My chosen neglect the All Light that I have given to every soul. You**** are as the stones in one building in My sight; and every one must be squared for the place I fashioned from the beginning. The Emeth’a should be My house; to them will I give the whole earth. Yea, all others should fail; but My chosen should not fail.
  8. Jehovih saith: There have been idolaters from the time of the ancients to this day. Yea, they have had idols of stone and wood and brass; and they have had spirits in heaven and hell, before whom they bowed down and worshiped, but I put their idols away and none can find them. See to it, O My beloved, that you**** be searched out and made upright before Me.
  9. Hyarh: Speak, O Emeth’a!30 Before the Father, raise up your voices. What was the building of the house of Dawn? How stood the temple? How stood the spirit chamber thereof? (The Emeth’a here give the description and name the instruments used, the position of the stars, after which they repeat the reading of Tablet Emeth, all of which is withheld from publication. After this the Hyarh saith:)
  10. H.: By what right are you**** in this chamber of light?
  11. Em.: By right of our covenant with Jehovih. Behold the ark! Jehovih’s name we have written.
  12. H.: What was done at Dawn in the East?
  13. Em.: A philosopher passed twice about the table of the ancients. He held the key of many in one, and disclosed it before our eyes. After that he lighted the incense and departed. Then we covenanted, swearing an oath unto Jehovih, which was duly deposited, and thereupon were proclaimed under a Hawitcha with Dhargot, and then saluted Children of Dawn.
  14. H.: Are you**** still steadfast in your oath?
  15. Em.: Yea.
  16. H.: What more desire ye?
  17. Em.: More light from heaven!
  18. H.: Of the earth should man learn earthly things. But light from heaven descend to mortals by the angels in heaven, who are servants of the Most High!
  19. East: As the sun at noon is to the corporeal earth, so is Jehovih to the souls of men. As the eye turn”’ to the east to behold the rising sun, so turn”’ the spirit of the Child of Dawn to Jehovih, the Great Spirit.
  20. North: He hath uttered the sacred name. His hands have made the signs of the ancients. His feet have run quickly to the afflicted, and his substance lifted them up.
  21. East: As the wicked find strength in armies, so, not single-handed, labor”’ the Child of Dawn.
  22. North: He hath united in a brotherhood with many. In the chamber of holies supplicated he the Great Spirit. The words of enchantment are at his tongue’s end; with his own hand write he on stone the pass-word of the Faithist. It is the circumference of all. It extend from left to right, and from below and upward, and it hold the symbol of life.
  23. East: I am the Self within all selfs, saith Jehovih. Nor things seen, nor things unseen, nor light and darkness are, nor were, but all things proceed out of Me, and are of Me. Into motion and life quickened I them, and all of them are but members of My body.
  24. East: I made man a spirit, but I gave him a corporeal body that he might learn corporeal things, saith Jehovih. Death I made that man might inherit My etherean worlds in the firmament of heaven.
  25. East: But man turned away from Me and desired the things of earth; and after death his spirit was bound to that which he desired, and he became a wandering spirit on the face of the earth.
  26. Em.: In the midst of my desires I am cast down. I am unworthy in your*** sight, O Jehovih! Have I not set store on my house and my land, and on all manner of earthly things? Yea, as with a chain, have I bound my spirit to become a wanderer on the earth?
  27. East: Man build a kingdom, and he gather”’ riches, saith Jehovih. Yea, he war against his brethren for the glory of the king and chief ruler, and the profane man. For opinion’s sake they slay one another outright.
  28. East: Jehovih said: The spirit of the rich man have I bound, and the warrior, and great captain, and the man of renown, and the leader of men; and his spirit can not rise up from the earth. A companion have I made him in the lower heavens to the wanton and the drunkard, to the chaotic and foul-smelling.
  29. Em.: Never, O Jehovih, will I raise up my hand against any man; nor will I war for the king, nor chief ruler, nor for any man, nor for any land, nor house, nor earthly thing. And though I be placed in front of battle, yet will I not take any man’s life! So help me, O Father in heaven.
  30. East: And the spirit of the bound have I made to encompass the earth in all places, and until they put away the darkness that is in them, they should not inherit My etherean worlds, saith Jehovih. Neither should they hear My voice, nor believe in My person, for they have descended into darkness and are blind and dumb to My glories in the firmament of heaven.
  31. East: But I provided for them in their darkness, saith Jehovih. For I bring the earth into a light region in the firmament above, and I send My holy angels to deliver them out of darkness and bondage. In My name raise they up men with eyes to see and ears to hear, and I proclaim unto all the nations of the earth.
  32. Em.: Make of my body and my spirit, O Jehovih, a servant unto You; and whatsoever You puttest upon me, that will I accept and do with all my might and wisdom and love. That which You hast taught me, will I proclaim, fearing nothing that may come upon me; for You should make of me an example of steadfastness for Thy glory. For the loss of my earthly Gods will I complain not; nor for imprisonment nor toil, nor sickness nor death! To Thy servant these things are as nothing. Without You, O Jehovih, I am as nothing; but Thy servant will I be henceforth forever. Amen!
  33. Hyarh: My friends, what was the light of the ancients?
  34. Em.: To learn the earth and call if Ah! To learn the sky and call it Oh! To learn the unseen power, as the wind, and call it E-O-Ih!
  35. H.: Which was the secret pass-word to the lodge of light with the ancients? What was next?
  36. Em.: To worship Eloih; to do no murder; to keep holy one day in seven; to steal not and to commit no adultery.
  37. H.: What was the next light?
  38. Em.: To do not unto others that which we desire not done unto us.
  39. H.: What next?
  40. Em.: To do unto others even as we desire them to do unto us; to love one’s neighbor as one’s self; to return good for evil. (Here ended the ancient light. But in kosmon, to the order of this day, is added:)
  42. Em.: This, also, do I accept of You*, O Jehovih. Help me to swerve not, O Thou Light of my soul, for Thy glory and for the glory of Thy dominions, forever! (Thereupon follow the anointing rod of fire and the key to the astronomical problems. After this the Em. are conducted to North, South, West, and East, where they are bestowed with raiment, the ceremony of which is withheld from publication.)

30 Emeth: Faithist, singular. Emeth’a: Faithists, plural.



(This, then, is the upper chamber of the Panic age, and the Golden Chamber of the second branch, Chine. Herein stand the Gods and Saviors of this day, even as the idolaters of the ancient days had other Gods and Saviors in their days.)

  1. SOUTH: If a man do evil, it take root in him, and will be entailed on his spirit, even into the next world. But if a man practice righteousness it will also take root, and his spirit will become as a star of glory in heaven.
  2. WEST: If a man court evil companions in this world, he should find them also in the spirit world (Es). But if he constantly seek Jehovih, to and do his will, he should find happiness both here and hereafter.
  3. NORTH: If a man minister unto others, so will he be ministered unto by the angels of heaven. But whosoever would grow in all gifts, let him labor to become one with the Father, and the Father will grow in him forever.
  4. EAST: Naked bring I man into the world, saith Jehovih. But I provide others for him in his infancy, that he may be fed and clothed. But when he is strong and wise, I command him to provide for himself, that he may be an honor and glory in My handiwork.
  5. Let no man shirk from the trials I put upon him, for in so doing he rob his own soul. (The Gowai and Initiates now march thrice around the Tablet, repeating the philosophy and the examination that arise out of the Degree of Dawn, and the Light of High Noon. When they have arrived at the West, the Washutaga sound the gong, and they halt thereat. The West saith):
  6. W.: Who come here?
  7. I.: A Faithist in Jehovih.
  8. W.: Who is Jehovih?
  9. I.: The Great Spirit. He who is over all and within all. The Potent and Unseen. He it is whose Ever Presence quicken”’ into life all that live.
  10. W.: Where is Jehovih?
  11. I.: Everywhere, nor is there place without Him.
  12. W.: What is His form?
  13. I.: No man can attain to know His form.
  14. W.: What is His extent?
  15. I.: No man can attain to know His extent.
  16. W.: Is He Person?
  17. I.: Inasmuch as all the living are persons, so is He the All Person of all things. Inasmuch as His Ever Presence quickened into life all that live, so is His Ever Presence with the living, seeing, hearing and feeling every word and act of all men, women and children on earth and in heaven.
  18. W.: What interest hast you in Him?
  19. I.: He is my Father! He is within my soul. I am within Him, and a very member of His person.
  20. W.: Whence came His name?
  21. I.: As the wind whisper”’ E in the leaves, and utter”’ O in the ocean’s surge and in the thunder above, and Ih in the winter’s shrill whistle, so came the name E-O-Ih, which hath become Jehovih, and Eloih, and Elohim and Wenohim.
  22. W.: How was He discovered?
  23. I.: The angels of heaven taught man of Him.
  24. W.: Who are the angels of heaven?
  25. I.: People who once lived on earth or other corporeal worlds?
  26. W.: What is their form?
  27. I.: Even as mortals, but being perfect.
  28. W.: Where is heaven?
  29. I.: Worlds unseen by mortals fill the etherean firmament above. These worlds are heaven; these the spirit worlds; these the etherean worlds; these are the abodes of the spirits of the dead.
  30. W.: How came the angels from heaven down to the corporeal earth?
  31. I.: In the Dan’ha they come direct; at other times they come through familiar spirits?
  32. W.: Who are familiar spirits?
  33. I.: Our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and other relatives and friends who have not been long dead, and such other spirits as have not learned of or risen to the heavens above earth’s atmosphere. Many of these abide on the earth and with mortals, some for a few years, some for a hundred, and some for a thousand or more years.
  34. W.: What is an idol?
  35. I.: Anything that is worshiped, having form and figure.
  36. W.: Who is God?
  37. I.: A spirit with a heavenly throne believed by people in darkness to be the Creator of all things. Familiar spirits have oft called themselves God, and so taught mortals.
  38. W.: Who are Saviors?
  39. I.: Familiar spirits who have kingdoms in atmospherea, which, by the ancients, was called the lower heaven. Saviors are tyrants who make slaves of other spirits, who believe in them. Their slaves are sent back to mortals as guardian angels or familiars, in order to make captives of mortals after death, to augment the Savior’s kingdoms in atmospherea.
  40. W.: How can a man escape the toils of false Lords, Gods, Saviors and familiars?
  41. I.: He should covenant with Jehovih every day of his life, and serve Him by doing good works unto others with all his wisdom and strength. Nor should he call in prayer on the name of a Savior or God, nor any other spirit, but on the Great Spirit only. If he do this, and eschew contention and war, and leadership, and earthly gain, and earthly aggrandizement, then will etherean angels come and guard him in the name of Jehovih.
  42. W.: Who are ethereans?
  43. I.: Spirits who have risen above the bondage of the earth and its atmosphere; spirits who can come only to such mortals as have attained beyond earthly desires.
  44. W.: Hath it not been said: Swear not at all?
  45. I.: Jehovih saith: Swear unto your* Father in heaven every day of your* life; and if thou fail to keep your** oath, you should renew it on the following day, with repentance. But in all swearing it should be for perfecting one’s self and for the glory of the Father.
  46. W.: You hast spoken wisely. Go, then, to the east, and stand upright before Jehovih, and there pray or utter an anthem of praise unto Him, that He may be glorified in you, and your** guardian angels have honor in their pupil. (The M. and I. pass around the tablet; the E. sound the gong thrice; the I. make informal prayer, and, at the termination, he repeat”’ with the M., as follow:)
  47. M and I.: Give ear unto me, O Jehovih! The vanities of the earth have no countenance in my sight; they are as one cast down in the day of his triumph.
  48. Neither doth flesh31 food enter my mouth; nor strong drink, nor substance that come from an animal, or is part thereof; nor fish, nor worms, nor anything that breathes or hath breathed. (And if the I. is a prophet he add, nor roots, nor seeds that grow in the field.)
  49. In the air and in the fruits thereof is my substance; into the air rise my spirit upward unto You*, O my Father in heaven!
  50. Quicker hast You made my spirit than my flesh; quicker You my soul than the dust of the earth.
  51. Who can comprehend Thy handiwork? Who else but You* know the delight of my soul unto You*? Verily are You the comfort of the living, the solace of the dying and the joy of the dead.
  52. I was not, and I knew not. Thy hand moved and brought me forth, and lo, here I am! Yea, Thy spirit moved upon Mi (mother earth), and I am one of the fruits thereof.
  53. How should I glorify You; and in Thy service how should I render You recompense? (During the last two verses the I. march”’ around the altar and arrive at E. Four bells.)
  54. E.: My brother (or sister), you hast covenanted with our Father at Dawn and at High Noon, saying: That that you hast taught me will I proclaim, fearing nothing that may come upon me. Go forth, then, and see to it that you turnest not backward. Neither should you raise up thy hand to do any man hurt.
  55. E.: Since the time of the ancients to this day the worshipers of the One Great Spirit have been persecuted and abused by idolaters of Gods and Saviors.
  56. E.: If, therefore, enemies accuse you* or assault you*, hear you them patiently, but press onward in peace to the end, and the Father will be with thee. (The I. turn”’ to the south, face upward.)
  57. I.: Such is my will unto You, O Jehovih! You should be the song of my life, You, the theme of my delight. Unto You will I give praise without ceasing, and my prayers should be without number. (He march”’ forth now in the order of opening Dawn. The E. retire beyond the ark. The Fesays lower the light to almost darkness, and the four drujas prepare themselves in the druk, light the incense of sacrifice, and robe themselves in the orders of the four great idolaters of the cycle belonging to the order. Meanwhile the I.go forth, saying:)
  58. I.: I will go forth proclaiming You* and Thy works, O Jehovih! In You* should Thy children rejoice with great joy. Yea, the inhabitants of the earth should turn away from evil and learn to glorify You*!
  59. They have beholden the Rising Sun and the High Noon, and the stars in the firmament above, and they should sing unto You* for Thy glorious works.
  60. Thy unseen heavens will I proclaim, and for the inheritance thereof should people eschew war and earthly aggrandizement.
  61. Yea, all people should rejoice with me for the glory of the earth, and for Thy kingdoms above. Unto You* should they sing with rejoicing all the days of their lives, and Thy voice should come upon them. (Here bound forth from the N.-E. the druj, which of this day is Brahma of the Zarathustrian ancients, and he flie madly upon the I.)
  62. BRAHMA:32 Halt! vain man! Blasphemer of the Zarathustrian law! I have heard your* insulting tongue. You raisest up your* voice against the wisdom of the ancients. Know, then, that the All Spirit spake to Zarathustra, the All Pure, who was the incarnation of All Light, born of the virgin Mi. This is the Zarathustrian law; the holy light of earth and heaven; the Brahman religion. Whoever since then saith: Lo, I hear the Voice, or lo, I see the Hand, is a blasphemer, an imposter! Have a care of your*** speech!
  63. I.: I would teach man to be happy and to rejoice in the Father over all!
  64. B.: Insulting man, and of a truth a most wicked teacher. Man should torture his flesh, and by long fasts and abhorrent labor, make the earth hateful in his sight. Do you not this, and you should return to the earth a wandering spirit to afflict mortals.
  65. I.: Nay, I would make the labor of earth a joy and thanksgiving, having faith in the Great Spirit, Jehovih!
  66. B.: O Brahma! O Zarathustra! Go, barbarian! Out of my sight! You insulter of the ancients! You contaminatest the sacred land of Brahma! Begone, begone! You that reverest not the caste of men! Here the I. escape past B., who retire to his druk. Again the I.go forth.)
  67. I.: Rejoice, O you* inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih live and reign”’, and you* are a glory within His works!
  68. Fear not, O my beloved. His hand is over all. His wisdom know your just deserts.
  69. Go not backward, O all you**** people. He is ever at your hand in wisdom and strength.
  70. A nurse provided He for the newborn, and the spirit of the full-grown man is in his keeping.
  71. With your eyes, O my beloved, go not back to the ancients, nor seal not up your souls, and He will give you light.
  72. Arouse you* up, O you* inhabitants of the earth! He is the same, yesterday, to-day and forever! (Here bound forth from the S.-E. druj, which in this cycle is Buddha, and he assail”’ the I. violently.)
  73. BU: Hold! You man of darkness! Barbarian, hold your*** tongue! Insulter of the ancients! Blasphemer against great Buddha! Who can hear the Voice? You!
  74. The All Light descended to the earth incarnate form in Gotama Buddha. Who’er since then saith: I can hear the Voice, is an imposter, a breeder of revolt against all truth.
  75. I.: I proclaim the living Presence.
  76. Bu.: Heedest you not the Ahura’Mazdian law! To establish Buddha on earth, more than a hundred millions have been slain in war! This day the Buddhists have twenty million soldiers. Wouldst you insult this mighty power? Turn the nations loose in blasphemous song?
  77. I.: I would lift man up from the bondage of the ancients.
  78. Bu.: Nay, begone, or your* blood be upon your* head. You defilest the holy land of Buddha. Out of my dominions! you that heedest not the caste of men! Begone!
  79. I.: But hear me—(The I. succeed in passing him.) Bu.: Nay, I will not. I will scourge you* with stripes! (Whipping him.)
  80. (As he grasp”’ the chastening rod the I. make his escape. Bu. retire to his druk. The I.go forth again.)
  81. I.: Better are You, O Jehovih, our Living Father, than the dead ancients. Better Thy love than the dominion of the whole earth.
  82. Who should fear when our Father in heaven is also within us. Who should take anger to his soul for the darkness of men?
  83. Glorify Him, O all you**** people, in praise and thanksgiving. He speak in the song of the bird. He paint”’ the flowers of the field with His own hand.
  84. Of all the living, man alone turn”’ away from You*! Man alone set up an idol on earth or imagine one in heaven, and worship”’ it.
  85. Proclaim Him with great joy, O my beloved; there is but one All Person, the Great Spirit, Jehovih. (Here bound forth from the N.-W. the druj, which, of this cycle is Christian. He assault”’ the I. violently and in rage.)
  86. C.: Fanatic! Infidel! Blasphemer against Christ! Sayest you God hath lungs and lips, and a voice, and you can hear Him? O you insulter of this enlightened age!
  87. Only the ancient prophets could hear Him. Then God descended to the earth, incarnated himself in a woman, and was born of a virgin, becoming Christ, the Savior of the world! Christ is the lamb of peace! He is the fountain of love. Christ saith: I am the life and the light!
  88. I.: I know only one Great Spirit, Jehovih.
  89. C.: You liest! You disturber of the peace! You infidel to the holy book and Christian law! To establish Christ on earth, a hundred millions have been slain in war! Know you, this day, the Christians have seven millions of soldiers, and the mightiest ships of war on the globe!
  90. I.: I teach peace and love!
  91. C.: Hold your*** tongue, infidel! Christ saith: Think not I am come to send peace on earth; I am not come to send peace, but a sword; Christ saith: I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.33
  92. Before Christ should every knee bow and every tongue confess him Lord of all. Down on your*** knees, infidel, and confess to him. Down!
  93. I.: Never. To none but great Jehovih.
  94. C.: O blasphemer against the Lord! Now will I bind you* for heresy behind prison bars, and your*** sacred books confiscate. (He seize a cord.)
  95. I.: Nay, bind me not. I would but raise up my fellow-men. (The I. escape.)
  96. C.: Dog! Desecrator of religious liberty, begone out of this fair land of meekness and love! (C. retire to his druk. The I.go forth again.)
  97. I.: Hear you* Him, O all you* people of the earth, and you**** of heaven above. His voice is in the air, and in the stones of the earth. Yea. He speak in the sun and moon and stars! All things in heaven and earth are the expression of His soul.
  98. Make merry, O you* inhabitants of the earth. Jehovih is Ever Present, and none can counterfeit Him. Open your ears that you* may hear His Voice, and your eyes that you**** may behold His Person! (Here wearily come forth from the S.-W. the druj, which, in this cycle, is Mohammed, and he raiseth a stick and prevent”’ the I. passing.)
  99. M: Foolish man! You talkest to the wind. Only the ancient prophets could hear the voice. Mohammed was His prophet. Go, then, read the prophets of old, and study the koran. Since Mohammed, no more wisdom can come into the world.
  100. I.: I would raise up the ignorant and debased.
  101. M.: Nay, you are a fool! The ignorant and debased are as God made them. They are content; disturb them not.
  102. I.: I would make their labor light.
  103. M.: Be wise. Yesterday you wert born; to-day you livest; to-morrow you diest, and the next day you wilt be forgotten. Go, then, procure wine and women, and feast thyself while you mayst.
  104. I.: I teach a higher life.
  105. M.: I want no higher life. This world is good enough for me. God is just. He hath provided heavens for angels. The earth he made for man, and to man gave he passions to be indulged. Otherwise he had not given them. Therefore I will have of the earth its sweetness whilst I may. God hath already made all things; all is finished. Man hath nothing to do but seek pleasure and die.
  106. I.: I would make the life of the peasant a pleasant one.
  107. M.: You disturbest my kingdom. To establish Mohammed, a hundred millions have been slain in war. The Mohammed hath this day two millions of soldiers. That is sufficient. Depart you, then, out of the honest land of the Mohammed, and may God’s holy book and the koran enlighten you*. (Here he pass”’ the druj, and the lattergo to his druk.)
  108. I.: Alas, O my Father, who are Ever Present! Yesterday I was puffed up with great joy, but the four quarters of the world (druks) have risen up against me. To-day I am cast down in sorrow.
  109. The inhabitants of the earth are bound down by the little light of the ancients; but Thy Great Light of Living Presence they put afar off. What should I do, O Father, that I may contribute to the founding of Thy kingdom on earth? O give me light, that my labor be not vain!
  110. E. (with four bells): My friend, the Great Spirit behold you* at all times and places; and since you hast been faithful to Him, so have His etherean spirits ministered unto you*. And now that you ask”’ for light from our Father, thy words are not in vain.
  111. E.: Repair you, then, into Dehabalizzah (Golden Chamber), where the voice of self and dispute never enter; and you should learn of the mysteries of the dominions of the Gods and Saviors; after which you should learn to apply your*** labor that it not be vain, but profitable to the world and a glory to Jehovih in founding His kingdom.
  112. I.: Angels of heaven lead the way! (Here the W., the I., and spirits (if present), who have taken on corporeal forms, lead the way, ascending to the Golden Chamber. Within this chamber the lights give a golden color, and the roof of the chamber is blue, with golden stars, twinkling. On the E., W., N. and S. are altars with the sacred instruments for measuring, surmounted with golden colored flags. Here are represented, the spider’s net, the ant-house, the broken implements of war, the sacred wheel of the ancients, the Sun at Morn and at High Noon, the representative idols of all nations and religions. In the E. and W. and N. and S. stand the angels of triumph. In the midst of the chamber stand the tablet and altar of the ancients. Above the E., in letters of fire, is the name JEHOVIH. Above the W., in letters of fire, is the name ELOIH. Above the N., in letters of fire, is the name ELOHIM. Above the S., in letters of fire, is the name EOLIN, and suspended from the center, in letters of fire, is the name E-O-IH. In the extreme druk’a, in golden letters, is the word MI, and in red, is the word OM! When the I. and the W. and the angels enter the chamber, low, sweet music salute them, and they march around the central altar in single file thrice, arriving at E. as the music cease. Five bells are sounded, and the I. and W. and spirits face about to the E.)
  113. E.: Who come here?
  114. I.: One anxious to learn how best to serve the Father, that his life may be fruitful unto others.
  115. VOICE FROM THE SPIRIT, OR A MORTAL REPRESENTATIVE STANDING ON THE RIGHT OF THE E.: How easier it is to bend a young sprout than a full grown oak! saith Jehovih. Have not the Gods and Saviors in the lower heavens discovered this, and so set guardian spirits and familiars over the newborn? What wonder is it that men are stiff-necked in the doctrines of the ancients? Spirits of darkness urge them on, and they delight in war and earthly dominions, for the benefit of their Gods and Saviors. Neither know they that they are servants to spirits of darkness; and they glorify themselves in caste, and in riches, and dominion, and in becoming rulers and chief leaders.
  116. Jehovih saith: Let My chosen be wise after the manner of the self-Gods and Saviors, and also seek out infants and little ones and become guardians over them, but unto righteousness and good works, teaching them peace and love, and to live in harmony, and to abjure war and earthly profit.
  117. As much as you* do this, especially teaching spirit communion, so do you* lay the foundation for My etherean spirits to come and abide with them as guardians during life, and even after death.
  118. Neither should you**** circumscribe them in any of the talents I have given them, especially in the love of liberty, but perfect them in all things, teaching them to live in families of tens, or twenties, or hundreds, or thousands, even as in the olden times, holding all things in common, and being as brethren, one with another.
  119. Waste not your time in discoursing with those who, having heard, will not practice My commandments. Nevertheless, to as many as come in your way, ye should say: If you* can not curb your self-desires in this world, neither can you* in the next; and if you* can not live in a brotherhood of peace and love on earth, neither should you* find a brotherhood of peace and love in heaven.
  120. I.: I have heard Thy wisdom, O Jehovih, and I swear unto Thee, with all my soul, I will fulfill these Thy just commandments with all my wisdom and strength. Help me, O Father, to this end, for Thy Glory forever and ever. Amen! (Responses, Amen, from E., W., N. and S., and other places within the chamber.)
  121. E.: By Thy Power, Wisdom and Love, and in Thy Name, O Jehovih, do I receive this Thy son (or daughter), and proclaim him brother (or sister) of the Golden Chamber! In Thy name, O Father, I proclaim him in all the earth and in heaven above by these Thy solemn rites, for Thy glory. Amen! (Responses. Amen! Now come the Dan of Su’is, bearing the regalia. Next to him come the du’ji, seven young girls, representing the seven stars, bearing the symbols of Industry and Peace, and they form around about the I. a crescent facing the E., so that the E. form”’ the eighth star between the horns of the crescent. Hoo’artyo, in golden lace, come from the W. and proceed to give the signs and pass-words. After this the youngest child present mount”’ the k’sam, and in proper words (which are withheld from publication) proceed to clothe the I. in the golden fleece. Hoo’artyo give the injunctions of the ancients, and the D. call”’ forth the Tablets of the moon, and the studies of the stars, and enjoin”’ prayer. The magi now illustrate on a tablet (blackboard) the prophecy of the rise and fall of nations, the origin of man and language, how the corporeal world is governed by the es world, and give the I. the key of invocation.) The I. is now required to give:
  122. The Panic name of the twenty-five signs.
  123. To trace the names down through the languages to the present period.
  124. To designate the place in the heavens where the present sign would be situated.
  125. The position of the altar in the temple.
  126. To give the cyclic dates of the signs.
  127. What group of stars, according to the Panic names, gave the field 1, 2, 3, and of 4, 5, 6, and of all the others, and the period of time of grouping them?
  128. Why is this degree called M’hak, or Golden Chamber?
  129. Why were the four days in each moon set apart as mass days, or sacred days? At what period, according to the Panic names, was the first mass ordained on earth?
  130. What was the position of the great serpent (solar phalanx) at that time?
  131. To the last question the I. respond: Alas, O Avaya (priest), I have not traveled so far. The Avaya saith: Then I will prepare you* for another degree. The I. respond: So be it. Here end the M’hak degree, with music and prayer. (The accompanying Tablet showe the moon days, and order of prayer and anthem, as in the ancient times:) Plate 88. CEREMONY OF THE HOLY MASS.
[For interpretation, see preceding Tablets]

31 In the ancient order conferred on the high priests and priestesses, the words were: “Neither doth flesh enter my mouth, nor drink save water, nor seeds nor grains that grow in the field, nor roots that grow in the ground, nor anything that is part of an animal or came from an animal: but such only as fruits that grow in the air, and nuts high growing; nor eat I anything any day after Hi’dang (High Noon), nor lie I down at night, but sit upright, that my head may be clear and full of prophecy.” The greater part of these restrictions are observed to this day by some of the Brahman priests, although they have forsaken the entire spirit of this ancient religion, and become, themselves, despotic and bigoted, and self-righteous, forfeiting the very things the order establishes.
32 In all preceding cycles, the four chief, enforced religions of the time were allotted to the evil corners of the chamber. For example, in the Mosaic cycle they were, Osiris, Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth. In the Hyartien (Abrahamic) cycle, they were Yima, Mithra, N’yot and Habbak. In the Zarathustrian cycle, 8,900 years ago, they were Hag, Ouk’gy, Tum’miz and Goo’a. The four of this day, maintained by armies, are Brahmanism, Buddhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism.
33 Christian Bible, Matthew, chap. x., vs. 34 and 35.


  1. S.: By what authority approachest you the Chamber of Adepts?
  2. I.: As Jehovih created me, so I am.
  3. S.: What can you do?
  4. I.: I labor more than sufficient to provide for myself. I govern my passions and corporeal desires; I never speak in anger, or even think in anger, or hatred or envy. I never talk of myself, or what I can do, or what I have done, so as to laud myself. Neither do I seek to justify myself, by words or arguments, for errors which I may have committed. I contend with no one for anything, or principle, or knowledge of my own. I administer unto others for their corporeal and spiritual resurrection and happiness.
  5. S.: Wouldst you not contend for right and justice, against wrong and bondage?
  6. I.: Alas, I might be in error as to what is right or wrong, or justice, or bondage. Nay, I contend not at all; neither do I resist; nor set up my judgment against any man’s. The light of the Father which I receive, that declare I unto others.
  7. S.: What else hast you attained?
  8. I.: To adapt myself to others, so as to be desired by them. I have taught myself to love to wait on and assist the low and depraved; to wash them and provide them with comfort. I have overcome all desire to serve myself for self-sake in any way whatsoever.
  9. S.: What are your*** possessions?
  10. I.: Nothing. I have put away all earthly possessions.
  11. S.: What are your*** qualifications?
  12. I.: Try me.
  13. The initiate is now tried as to his capacity to see spiritually, whilst blindfolded, and to hear spiritually something beyond the reach of mortal ears. Then he exhibit”’ the power of angels to write on the tablets before the altar, in presence of witnesses. After this the initiate ask”’ the angels to lift him to the ceiling, and this is also accomplished in presence of witnesses. Next he cast”’ himself in trance, and the angels come in sar’gis and talk to the people. After this hego out of his mortal body, traveling in spirit to a neighbor’s house, seeing and hearing what is there, and making his spirit manifest unto that place; and then he return”’ and re-inhabit”’ his own body. Thus end the trial.)
  14. S.: You are found worthy of the most sacred Order of Adepts. What hopest you to gain by this initiation?
  15. I.: By meeting with like fellows, the soul of man find a haven of rest, after which man come forth again invigorated for arduous labor.
  16. (After this, follow the ceremony of passing the arch, and attaining to the foot of the throne of light, where the initiate make his vows to Jehovih. Music bells, etc., etc., omitted.)


  1. God said: Before learning to approach the foot of the throne, what profit is it to show them the way to mount upon the throne itself?
  2. Preserve, therefore, the secrets of prophecy for such as apply themselves to keeping Jehovih’s commandments. Those who have attained to the foot, can of themselves find the way to mount upon it.


  1. In the time of Moses, the people of Arabin’ya worshiped many Gods and Lords, whose high heavenly Captain was Osiris. Four chief Gods were under him; they were: Baal, Ashtaroth, Dagon and Ashdod. There were seven and twenty other Gods also, known to mortals.
  2. When the Israelites traveled forth amidst the different tribes, they were beset to know what Lord or what God they worshiped, and by what Lord or what God they were led forth.
  3. The Light in wisdom and words came to Moses to say to the nations, ALAS, HIS NAME, WHOM WE WORSHIP, MAN DARE NOT UTTER.
  4. Within the commune families, were certain signs and pass-words belonging to the different degrees. There were also oral rules of life and worship, but these were kept secret from the multitude, but the instruction of the commune fathers to the families was by this method made to harmonize all the people.
  5. For general behavior, Moses gave ten commands, which were not only made public but were incumbent on the commune fathers to teach orally to their respective families. The following are the commandments thus taught, that is to say:
  6. I AM THE I AM that brought you* out of Egypt.
  7. You should have no Gods nor Lords but the I AM.
  8. You should not make any image of the I AM out of anything that is in heaven above, or on the earth beneath, or in the waters.
  9. You should not bow down thyself before idols nor images, nor anything having the form of anything in heaven, or on the earth, or in the waters.
  10. You should not speak My name in public, for I will not hold him guiltless that give it to idolaters and lovers of evil.
  11. Remember the sacred days and keep them holy. Six days should you labor; but the seventh day is the Sa’abbadha.
  12. Honor your*** father and mother.
  13. You should not kill (any living thing).
  14. You should not commit adultery.
  15. You should not steal; nor bear false witness; nor covet anything that is another’s.
  16. In those days it so happened that one Koetha, an Egyptian woman, a su’is, went into the lodge at noon, no person being within the lodge save herself. Now, whilst she was examining the remnants of shew-bread and basins, and the candlestick, a Voice spake to her, saying: TOUCH NOT THESE, THEY ARE SACRED. But the woman, knowing it was a spirit, said: If I tell what I have heard, I will be accursed; for was it not the multitude of seeresses that brought the plagues on Egypt?
  17. Again the Voice spake, saying: I will give you* the signs and pass-words of the High Fathers, that they may also know that you knowest. Now, thereupon the Spirit told her the secrets; and he likewise said: Say you to Moses, THE I AM SAITH (and Moses will wonder at your*** speech): Behold, these implements are sacred. Hide you them by day, for they who have spirit perception, perceiving them, will obtain the signs and pass-words.
  18. The woman, Koetha, did as commanded, and Moses commanded workmen to make a tabernacle (a model or image of a place of worship, a portable temple), and the sacred implements were kept within said tabernacle, and this was the corporeal base of the ark of Bon, a locality in the etherean heaven, by which the light of the sacred heaven reached the earth to Moses and his people, in a pillar of cloud by day and of light by night.
  19. The secret ceremonies commanded vegetable diet for fathers, prophets, seers, and wanonas (trance subjects), and many of Koetha’s people followed their example. After some years of experience, those who fasted from flesh murmured, saying: What have we gained for our sacrifice?
  20. So they broke their fasts by hundreds and by thousands; and there came by their camps numberless birds, and they caught and killed and ate them freely; but, being unaccustomed to such diet, they were taken with fever and died, upward of sixty thousand of them, men, women and children, and the place was called Kibrath-Hattaavah, the place of lusters.
  21. In the year 3269 B.K., the Israelites began to marry with the Canaanites, who were under the control of Baal.
  22. Ashtaroth, whose dominions extended jointly with Baal over Western and Southern Arabin’ya, sent spirit emissaries to the handsomest of the women of Canaan, and by impression led them into the camps of the Israelites, to tempt the young men, for by these means did the heathen Gods determine to destroy the worshipers of the GREAT UNSEEN. And many of the Israelitish young men were tempted by the beauty of the heathen women and thus took them for wives; and said wives brought with them their own familiar spirits, who were slaves to Baal and Ashtaroth.
  23. The ark of Bon immediately sent Jerub, an etherean angel, into the Israelites’ camp, giving him two thousand inspiring spirits to counteract the labors of Baal and Ashtaroth.
  24. Nevertheless, it so came to pass that when the half-breed children were grown up, having Canaan mothers, they began to murmur against the peace policy of the Israelites, saying: As other people have kings and emperors, why not we? As other people raise up soldiers, declare war, and go forth possessing themselves of lands and cattle, why do not we?
  25. For three hundred and ninety-seven years after going out of Egypt, the Israelites lived without a corporeal king, or other government, save the community of fathers; and they attained to the number of six millions of souls, men, women and children.
  26. But in the three hundred and ninety-seventh year, the Gods Baal and Ashtaroth triumphed, through their familiar spirits, and caused the Israelites to anoint a king to rule over them. This king was called Saul, signifying OF THE LORD GOD. Prior to this the Israelites acknowledged no God nor Lord, but covenanted with the Great Spirit, E-O-Ih. The name had been kept secret with the fathers, and the commandments were announced from the Great Spirit, I AM.
  27. The familiar spirits now inspired Saul to change the words of the commandments to the LORD YOUR*** GOD, as a conciliatory stratagem to please the nations and tribes of people who worshiped Baal, Dagon, Ashtaroth, Haughak, and other Gods and Lords of the lower heavens.
  28. Thus was substituted Lord God (Land God) for Jehovih (called sacredly, E-O-Ih), and as the Great Spirit had been heretofore taught to the Israelites as an inconceivable entity, WHOSE FORM AND EXTENT no man could attain to know, so was He now transformed and declared to be in the form of a man, and having a residence in the firmament of heaven. Thus they made the Great Spirit merely an idol; thus they began the overthrow of the holy doctrines of Moses.
  29. Jerub, the etherean angel in command, sought to preserve the old tenets, and amongst mortals sought out one, Samuel, and inspired him to establish a college of prophets, and this was done at Naioth, and here congregated the inspired; and they established a crescent Tablet, and made prophecies from etherea for a period of seventy years.
  30. Hereupon the Israelites were twain, those of the king and those of E-O-Ih, the prophets, and these placed them at a disadvantage before neighboring tribes and nations. Having sacrificed the name of the Great Spirit, and made him into a man figure, the heathen said: What better is their Lord God than our Lord or our God? and they made war against the Israelites on all sides; and the latter having stooped to a corporeal king, went further on and raised armies of soldiers and went to war.
  31. In the four hundred and ninth year after the departure out of Egypt, the entire PEACE POLICY and NON-RESISTANCE of the Mosaical Inspiration was overthrown, and the Israelites became warriors, and even warred against one another.
  32. The Israelites not only worshiped the imaginary idol, Lord God in heaven, but built representatives of Him in stone and wood, and worshiped them also.
  33. And now, one Ahijah, a young man from the college of prophets, foretold the coming captivity of the Israelites as a consequence of their idolatry.
  34. In the year 2768 B.K., a young man, Elijah, was raised up from the branch of the college of prophets, and, under the inspiration of the angel Jerub, went forth preaching amongst the heathen, preaching not the Lord God, but Jehovih.
  35. Ahab, a king, a worshiper of Baal, said to Elijah: What better is one God than another, or more powerful? Are not all Gods but the spirits of men raised up in heaven?
  36. Elijah answered him, saying: I preach neither Lord nor God, but Jehovih, the Creator, who is Ever Present and Potent over all things.
  37. Ahab said: Then your* Master hath neither eyes nor ears, knowing nothing, like the wind. He is foolish, and without intelligent answer to your* prayers.
  38. Elijah said: Summon you your* priests, and your* high priests, who have power through Baal and Ashtaroth and Dagon, and they and their Gods should try in a tournament against Jehovih.
  39. Ahab caused the tournament to take place, and when the priests and high priests of Baal had spread the sacrifice they repeated their invocations for a miracle to prove the power of Baal and the other Gods; but lo and behold, Jerub, the etherean angel, with ten thousand spirits to assist him, prevented any sign or miracle being accomplished by the familiar spirits of Baal and Ashtaroth.
  40. And now Elijah stretched forth his hand unto Jehovih, saying: If it be Thy will, O Father, give these people a sign of Thy Power!
  41. And Jerub and his etherean host of angels, caused a flame of fire to descend on the altar and consume the sacrifice. The people feared, and many fell down, exclaiming, Jehovih is mighty! Jehovih is mighty!
  42. When the tournament was ended, Elijah went upon Mount Carmel, and prayed for rain, and Jerub, with ten thousand times ten thousand angels, brought the winds from the north and south and east and west, and the moisture in the air above was converted into rain, and thus the long drought was ended.
  43. In the year 2635 B.K., the college of prophecy raised up Jonah, and Amos, and Hosea.
  44. In the year 2574 B.K., the kingdoms of Israel perished, and they became a scattered people, and fell into bondage again.
  45. 2439 years before kosmon, Manasseth, son of Hezekiah, established idol worship, and, by law, abolished the worship of Jehovih. He caused the prophet Isaah to be sawn in twain; and the judgment was, because he worshiped Jehovih.
  46. For three hundred years following, the only Faithists amongst the Israelites were the prophets, and the followers of the prophets, who had never affiliated with those of the kingdoms and armies.
  47. The Faithists proper were a small minority, and scattered in many lands. The rest, who were called Jews, lived under written laws and ceremonies, which were compiled and established by Ezra, in Jerusalem, which combination of books was called the Bible, and was completed in the year 2344 B.K.
  48. From that time forward, the Jews became worshipers of THE LORD and THE GOD, but the scattered tribes of the Faithists still held to the Great Spirit, Jehovih, keeping their service secret. These latter were without sin, doing no war nor resistance of evil against evil, but returning good for evil, and loving one another as one’s self.
  49. From the Faithist branch sprang the Asenean (Essenean, or Es’eans) Association, cultivating prophecy and purity of spirit. For further light, read of Pharaoh in the lower heavens, and the migration of the East Indian Gods westward, in another part of Oahspe.
  50. The angels of Jehovih now dwelt with the Aseneans, who were the true Israelites in fact. Though many of the Jews also professed Jehovih under the name of God and Lord God.
  51. In three hundred and fifty years after this Jehovih raised up from the Aseneans, one Joshu, an iesu, in Nazareth. Joshu re-established Jehovih, and restored many of the lost rites and ceremonies.
  52. In the thirty-sixth year of Joshu’s age he was stoned to death in Jerusalem by the Jews that worshiped the heathen Gods.
  53. Forty years after Joshu’s death, a false God, Looeamong, with millions of angel emissaries, obsessed the inhabitants of all those countries and plunged them into war and anarchy.
  54. The Faithists were scattered to the four ends of the earth.
  55. Jehovih said: Never more should My chosen have kings. I alone am King.
  56. And so it is to this day.
  57. Looeamong, the false God, now changed his name and falsely called himself Christ, which is the Ahamic word for knowledge. And he raised up tribes of mortal warriors, who called themselves Christians, who are warriors to this day.
  58. The doctrine of these warriors was, that knowledge, which implie general education, was the best preventative against crime and misery. Neither understood any man in those days that the word Christ had any reference to a man or person. Now, from the time of Moses to Ezra, there was an interval of four hundred years, in which the Jews had no written record.



  1. Descended by the Yi-ha light through mortals, and in the Vedan Gods revealed from Zarathustra in Juian, Zend and Haizariyi, and thence into Vede, and thence into Sanscrit, and by Brahma and by Buddha. These, then, that follow, are the pillars of light of Great Jehovih, still standing as the remnants of His beloved sons and daughters in the East.
  2. Airyana, the good, created things. Anra’mainyus, the evil, created things. Gau, place of science in heaven. Maori, the second holy heaven. Bakhdhi, third holy place in heaven. Haroyu, confederate republics in heaven. Haetumat, emancipated heaven above the lower or bound heavens.34

34 All of the above have, in modern interpretations, found corresponding places on earth.


  1. Variena, a circle divided by cross-lines into four quarters; made for Thraetaono, a holy name, which had power over the Dahaka, serpent, i.e., evil.
  2. Nisai, faith, belief; a created place in the unseen heavens, which nurture man’s soul, created by Ahura’Mazda, the good Creator.
  3. Kanthiuzhada, unbelief; a place in the unseen heavens which nurture unbelief in mortals, created by Anra’mainyus, the evil creator.
  4. Yatu, to sin against Ahura’Mazda, or against one’s own being.
  5. Hapta Hendu, India; land of seven rivers.
  6. Yima, a Savior; self-assumed Lord of the earth. A spirit with many provinces in atmospherea. He sent emissaries (spirits) to the temples and oracles of India, for over a thousand years, and thus compelled mortals to worship him. He said he was the Son of Ahura’Mazda, doing His will. He claimed to have been born of Mi, Mother of the Creator, and he was the only begotten Son; that he lived on earth and worked miracles, even cleaving the earth asunder and enlarging it. Through him and his spirit emissaries, mortals were inspired to construct the written doctrines of the Vedas as they now are, for his final overthrow in atmospherea, where he had four hundred million slaves.
  7. Daevas, all evil, and evil men in general. But a real and wholly acting Daeva is a sodomite.
  8. Druks Nagus, literally, rotting; also that decomposition of flesh which become food for insects and vermin.
  9. Crossha or Craosha, an angel sent by the Creator, speaking for Him.
  10. Druks and Daeva druks, sinful men.
  11. Tistrya, an angel from the still heavens who ruled the flocks of mortals. He was said to reside on Sirius; and that star was afterward named after him; and mortals afterward worshiped the star, forgetting the legend of their forefathers.
  12. Ctara, or Gaura, who, in like manner, dwelt on a star, and was forgotten in the lapse of ages, and the star worshiped in his stead.
  13. Zami, another angel who became a star in like manner.
  14. Urvar, also a star thus named.
  15. Gogpend, ditto. These different Gods were originally assigned certain labor on earth. One had charge of all growing things in the water; another of the purity of vegetable seeds; another of grain seeds; another of breeding of horses and cows; another of mortal marriages; another of young children, newborn. Yima, who was chief God over all the other Gods, thus assigned them places; and each and all these Gods of second degree had hosts of ministering spirits under them, and these were distributed and appointed over mortals as guardian angels, and, by inspiration and by other impressions, caused mortals to thus worship their masters, the Gods who claimed to reside on the stars. Thus did Yima teach mortals that through him, and his kingdoms only, could man prosper on earth, and rise in heaven after death. In course of time, however, the inhabitants of earth forgot the angels, and worshiped the stars instead.
  16. Jahi, taurus, the bull. The God of force. In the Ebraic language this same God is called Jah. In course of time mortals forgot the origin of this God, and ignorantly supposed the name to be an abbreviation of Jehovih. In the Cuneiform inscriptions his name is called Bagho. The Panic origin is Taughad. (See Tablet Biene Poit, the figure of a bull, with man’s face.) The spiritual meaning, force, or force of character, or energy to do, or decree with authority. As the pope issue a Bull, of which the foregoing was the original.
  17. Caoka, or gha-oka. Good, genial and amorous. (See Tablet Biene Poit, the figure of a ram.) He is also called Hoebah and goa-bah.
  18. Airyana, a protector. (See Tablet Se’moin.) In Tablet Biene he is made in the form of a lion, with man’s face.
  19. The term, horses, signify dominions in the lower heavens.
  20. The term, cow, usually mean”’ adaptability to the creative period. In the original Panic, cow meant receptivity, as in English a term of dollars signify the extent of a man’s possessions, although he may have only lands and houses. So horses in the Yi-ha had no reference to the animal horse, nor had cow any reference to the animal cow. But in the lapse of ages, these figures received an earthly interpretation.
  21. Hukairya, a kingdom in etherea.
  22. The Lords of atmospherea ministering through the temples and oracles to mortals of the Hyan period, and embraced in Mithra inspiration, were as follow: Maidhyozaremaya, Moidhyosheema, Paitis-hahaya, Ayathrecma, Maidhyairya, Hamacpathmoedaya, the Holy Lordess, the Gatha-Ahunavaiti, Yacna-Haptan-haiti, the Goddess Mother, Gatha-Ustavaiti, her Holy Sister, Goddess Gatha-Cpenta-Mainyu, her Holy Daughter, Goddess Gatha-Vohu-Khsha-thra, the Lord of Measure, Airyama, Fshnsha-manthea, Hadhaokhta, Creator, Ever Present Spirit in all places, Ruler over all else and Dispenser.
  23. (For the origin of the words refer to the cyclean period of Ahura.)
  24. Mazdayacniaus, Faithists in the Great Spirit. Opposite to idolaters. The Haptans did not worship the Lords nor Gods, but revered them as exalted spirits sent from etherea, to minister to mortals, both through the temples and oracles, and in the family spirit circle, even as Christians of this day believe that Christ minister”’. With the Haptans, however, Mithra occupied the position that Christ doth in men’s eyes, and the Lords and Lordesses, and Gods and Goddesses, were under Him, alternately with Yima.
  25. The traveling hosts from heaven were as follow: Havanana, Atarevakhsha, Fraberata, Abert, Agnata, Racthwiskare and Craoshavareza.
  26. Haoma, juice, milk, that which is received. As milk nurture the corporeal man, so haoma feed the spirit, i.e., spirit nutrition.
  27. After the invocation to Ahura’Mazda, the Creator, the All Brilliant, the All Majestic, the All Greatest, Best and Most Beautiful, then the following Gods are invited, to wit:
  28. Vohu-mano, who is the voice and engraved word. (In the back period the Scriptures were taught orally, man to man, repeating over and over the same texts, until the whole three thousand Holy and Most Sacred Verses were learned. The position of the Most Holy Lord, Vohu, was to be present in spirit and person or through His representative spirit underlings, and see to it that there were no innovations in the original text, and to assist the learner to remember the words. Vohu, i.e., ga-mo, signify voice. Mano, i.e., c’fome, signify word in the Yi-ha language.
  29. Ashavahista (properly Ashaohavah), the God of self-subduing. To teach and assist man to put aside selfish desires.
  30. Ksha-thra-vairya (Ka-sha-thrag-o-mak), the Most Holy Teacher and Bracer-up of Faith.
  31. Cpenta-armaiti (originally feminine), Goddess and God, Adapter. That which within man make him compatible to others. (Yi-ha.)
  32. Haurvat, home. He who made spiritual homes in heaven for mortals, and brought the Kingdom of the Father to men’s souls. (Yi-ha.)
  33. Amareth, forgiveness. Anh-air-that (Yi-ha). To make one’s self child-like and willing to learn. To make one’s soul like a sieve, that it will not hold anger.
  34. Havani, the Bearer of souls to the second heaven. The Most Holy Lord of Transit. (Yi-ha.)
  35. The emissaries under these, the Most Holy Lords, active on earth, were called, Cavanhi-Vicya. Twenty-eight of these helps and Lords appointed ministered in each and all the temples of Baragas (Upper Tibet), and during the religious ceremonies of mortals were often seen participating near the altars.
  36. Ushi-darena, a mountain above which the Most Holy Lords held their spirit Congress for over three hundred years! In this Congress, Zantuma was president. It was through this Spirit Congress that Mithra, the Savior of the Haptans of that day, promulgated the doctrine that Ahura’Mazda was not Creator, but merely the star (Iaza) Jupiter and that he, Mithra, was the Chief and Highest of all personages, either on earth or in heaven. This was the beginning of a war in heaven between Yima and Mithra.
  37. Arbury, the Father’s Kingdom, literally around about all worlds. Alburj (Yi’ha), Gaisi mortal (or earthly things), became confounded with heavenly, for the migration of the people on earth confounded the stratagems of Mithra, the Savior.
  38. Gah, the change of the watch of the Gods. A prefix to the names of Gods. Gah, true, a fact (Gau). The times of day and evening and night.
  39. Fradat-vira, God of numeration of mortals, interest in progeny.
  40. Nairy-Canha, God of messengers. All spirits coming from Mithra’s throne in atmospherea as messengers were under the command of Mairya-canha. Of these there were thirty-three messengers-in-chief, and they held offices for one year, when they were replaced by new appointments. When the time of changing watch came, they gave to mortals ten days for feast, five days in honor of the ex-messengers, and five days in honor of the new messengers. It was customary to have thirty vases or dishes in the temples, adapted to as many varieties of food, and each and all of these were also named after the name of the spirit messengers.
  41. Zaothra, holy water, also God of sprinkling. When the worshipers were assembled they were frequently sprinkled with water by the spirits.
  42. Zaota, a priest, through whom the Gods can cause rain to fall.
  43. Barecme, literally, spirit light. Some were baptized by water, and some by fire.
  44. Moon Gods, four in number, were usually changed once in seven years. But when Mithra proclaimed himself God and Savior of (the Indian) heaven, he allotted the moon Gods a hundred years each. But the chief of these remained in office for four hundred years. This was:
  45. Arstat, chief moon God of that period, and a friend to the God Craosha. Mortals, however, continued to keep holy one day in seven, in honor of the moon’s changes, which were accredited to the change of watch of the Gods. In the original worship mortals were taught to wish here, with love and praise, the four reigning Gods. But they were so full of devotion that on the seventh day they remembered many of the ex-Gods also, sometimes a hundred or more, all of whom they wished here with love and praise. Many of those Gods (spirits), taking advantage of the devotion of mortals, established themselves in petty kingdoms in atmospherea belonging to Vind’yu, and thus aggrandized themselves, making slaves of spirits newborn into heaven.
  46. Beside the week-day festivals, the Gods of Mithra, through the priests and magicians, established monthly festivals, on which occasion the Gods were honored with new prayers, and all these Lords and Gods of the lower heavens, were awarded by Mithra with petty kingdoms in atmospherea belonging to Vind’yu. Usually, each mortal city was allotted to the keeping of one of these spirit Lords or Gods, and the guardian spirits of mortals within that city were subjects to such chief Lord or God. The places of meeting of these spirits were in temples of worship. And all of the foregoing Lords, Saviors and Gods professed to give the revelations of Zarathustra, who had ceased in men’s eyes to be a man, but a principle of Truth descended from Ahura’Mazda, Creator.
  47. Myazda or Dracona,, feast of sacrament. Rice or other meal made into cakes and ate in remembrance of the VOW TO PURIFY MYSELF.
  48. Haoma, in the latter sacrament of the Vede, was saluted as heaven’s perfect type of corporeal beauty and cleanliness.
  49. Yima, a self-made God in after times, who announced himself, Son of Vivanho.
  50. Cruvara, serpent with four legs. This was the lizard species, and in the time of Yi-ha they were sufficiently large to eat twelve full-grown men at a meal. They were of a dark green color, and fifty paces in length.
  51. Gaccus, a giant who contrived traps to destroy the great serpents, the Cruvaras.
  52. Asha, oratory. Power of reciting with effect.
  53. Fravashi, pure spirits of the Faithist order, i.e., spirits who are not bound to idols, Gods, nor Saviors, but having faith in Ahura’Mazda, the Creator.
  54. The opposers in heaven to the Fravashi were: The Daeva, Pairika, Cathra, Kaoza and the Karapana.
  55. Verethragha, a God in heaven who labored for the Fravashi and against their opposers.
  56. The following plateaux in the lower heavens belong to Vind’yu are often described as mountains, and in later days earth-mountains have had corresponding names given to them. That is to say: Mount Tshidarena, Haraiti, Zereaho, Ushidhao, Ushidarena, Erezifya, Fraorepa, Arezura, Bumza, Eezisho, Arana, Bazana, Vapa, Iskata, Kancotofedhra, Hamankuna, Vagna, Fravanku, Vidwana, Aezaka, Maenaka, Vakhedhrakae, Acaya, Tudhockoe, Ishvkoe,Asnavao, Draoshisvao, Cairivao, Nanhusmao, Kakahyu, Anterekanha, Cichindavaoo, Ahuna, Racmana, Asha-ctimbana, Urunyvovaidhae, Ushaoma, Usta-garenas, Cyamaka, Vafrayo, Voouusha, Jatara, Adhutavao, Cpitavarenao, Cpentodata, Kadrva-acpa, Kaoirica, Taera, Barocrayana, Barana, Frapavao, Udrya and Kaevao. To each and every one of the foregoing plateaux in atmospherea was assigned a God or a Lord, and these had direct superintendence over the affairs of mortals vertically under them. (Vede.)
  57. Kanculoo, a running (es) sea in atmospherea, dividing the foregoing plateaux.
  58. Caoshyanc, God of the (es) sea, Kanculoo, supposed by people in darkness to be the God whose coming would be the Second coming, or manifestation of Ahura’Mazda on earth. It was believed that with his second coming all sin on earth would be put down, and all things revealed. Caoshyanc, a Savior; to sin not. (Anar.)
  59. Franrava, God of the Turanians, the opposers of Faithists. He who inspired the Turanians to war and to deeds of cruelty.
  60. Parodars, an angel, a bird, a picture, or as one looking in a mirror sees himself. That which he sees reflected is parodars. Thus, when a pure man die, his soul for three days remain”’ near the head of his corporeal body, reciting prayers and anthems, but on the fourth day he wak”’ to his condition and rise and goforth. The first living creature he see is parodars (a female); a flying person of great beauty. He salute her, inquiring who she is. She answer”’ him, saying: I am your** own soul and good thoughts. I am the law you hast builded up on the corporeal earth. Behold me, I am thyself, and now thou seest your** own self. I am most beautiful, because your* earth-thoughts were beautiful. I am pure because your* earth-thoughts were pure. Put away thyself and come you and inhabit myself. I am the part that can ascend to nirvana, the second heaven; you are the part that dwell”’ as a druj, a bound spirit. On the fifth day the pure man put away self and inhabit”’ the parodars, and so ascend and become a Lord in heaven. (Foivitat.)
  61. Foivitat saith: If an evil man die, his soul remain”’ at his feet three days. On the fourth itgo abroad; but because of its clouds, it behold not parodars, the smothered bird, but itgo into places that stink the nose, to the places that deafen the ears, to the places that blind the eyes, and, like a druj, can not speak truth, can not find love, can not learn. The soul of such a man become the inhabitant of foul houses and of battle-fields where madness live on madness, and evil spirits can not depart.
  62. Kava-viscacpa, a councilor and friend of Zarathustra, a high, Holy Lord and Giver of Truth.
  63. Hura, a one-time man.
  64. Hura the entity, HAPPINESS. In all the Avanischor system, which descended to the Haptans and afterward to the Hijans, and finally to the Vedes of the Upper Tibet, happiness is called an entity; so is unhappiness; so is faith; so is unbelief; and they are likened to seeds planted, which grow by nurture, according to the behavior of mortals, into great trees. If, therefore, a man strive for Hura (happiness), it will grow in him, and not until he so strive. And likewise of the other entities.
  65. Kam, the air, the unseen atmosphere, or Kam-qactra, the high air, etherea, beyond the earth’s atmosphere; that part of the firmament beyond the earth and earth’s atmosphere which hath laws of its own. Etherea, the higher abode for exalted spirits who have risen above corporeal laws. As Anra’mainyus (evil), in atmospherea, look”’ downward to the earth to evil, so Cpenta’mainyus (good), of etherea, look”’ upward to good.



Maideashenea, Patishahaya, Ayathrema, Maidyarrah, Hamachapathmada, Yemehataman, Aunviti, Haptanaihaiti, Ustavaiti, Cpenta’Mainyus, Kshathra, Vahistoisa, Airyamaishya, Fshushamanthra, Hadhaokhta, Cpenta-armaiti, Zaothra and Barecma, Mithra, Kamaqactra, Havanana, Aarevahsha, Roethwiskare, Vohu-Kasha, Aiwyoonhana, Nairayo-canha, Asha-vahista, Haome, Lord of Haoma rites, Frava-daiti, Lord of Fravishes, Pailvish-hahin and Ustav, Beryejaga, Avathrema, Tistrya and Yima, Son of the Sun, the All Light.



The Creator, Chief over all, Yima and Mithra, Amesha, Cpentas, Havanyi, Cavaghi and Vicya, Rapithurna. Fradotfshu and Zantuma, Fradatvira and Dagyevma, Aiwicruthrema- Aibigaza, Fradat-vicpanum-hujyaiti, Vishaptatha, Ish-Fravashi, Athwya and Kerecacpa, promoted by special decree.

In addition to the above, the oagas (Gathas) of Zinebabait (afterward Lower India) the Zend, THE LORD GODS, that is, officers of kingdoms in heaven and ruler over nations on earth.

  1. Khahnaothra, an Ahurian of the Zarathustrian period.
  2. Ardvi-cara, an Ahurian of the Zarathustrian period.
  3. Rashnu, a Fragapattician of the Yi-ha period.
  4. Haha-Naepta (Goddess) of the host of Fragapatti, of the Theantiyi period. By the Ayustrians, Gathas meant Gods.
  5. Iaya-Haptanhaiti, special to Haptan, of the Hi-ga period.
  6. Ctatoa-Zacnya (Goe-howjhi), an Ahurian of the Fragapatti period. In Ushtai-bhonyia-paria-vi-hyiyi and to their descendants, the Gujerati and Huzvaresh, the Ahura, is omitted, as in the original. Thei and Aph and the Creator, are called Armadz, or Ormazd, or Ormuzd. Ahiram, betrayer of secrets, becomes in the lower heavens a confederate with the Daevas, the drujas, the Kikas, the Paris and the Ughsa of the Yi-ha period.
  7. Naotara, of Aphian period, an instructor, who gave many sciences to mortals. These sciences and religious ceremonies were afterward called his sons, and they are now called Fravashis. In addition to the sciences this Lord God, through oracles and otherwise, revealed two hundred and seventy kingdoms in the lower heavens, the most important of which are: Zairi-vairi, Yukhata-vairi, Crisookhshau, Kerecaokhshan, Vyarez, Vanara, Bujicravo, Berejzarsti, Tizhyarsti, Perethwarsu, Vezhyarsti, Naptva, Vazhacpa, Habacpa, Victavaru and Frans-hanm-vareta. All of these divisions, including the two hundred kingdoms, had spirits-in-chief (Lord Gods) to each and every one who took up stations in the temples of worship on earth, and employed thousands of spirit servants, whom they allotted to the different mortals who came thither to worship, to be their guides and guardians, day and night. Through the prophets and high priests in the midnight worship, and also at dawn in the morning, these spirits appeared in tangible forms, taking part in the ceremonies.
  8. Thrita, God of healing, the founder of a mortal race to whom he revealed the secret remedies for all diseases. He enjoined that the remedies should only be revealed from father to son on the death-bed, and when the father thus revealed, he himself lost all power to heal.
  9. Hiac-kaus, Lord of the Seal of Heaven. He bestowed the power of Ahura’Mazda on mortals, enabling the prayers of the living to redeem from torments the spirits of their forefathers.
  10. Takma-wrupa, cunning. The entity cunning. Like a fox, whose strength lie in cunning. Like the wind. Like the air; subtle, appearing mild; appearing nothing, yet full of deceptive poison. By takma-urupa the successful man is successful. He bind apparent goodness in his face, but his golden foot-stool is cunning, the air with the golden tuft.
  11. Ashi-vanuhi, Goddess of dress. She was fourth Airon under Mithra. The duties of her inspiration to mortal women were to clothe themselves and to decorate themselves with gold and silver ornaments. She had twelve hundred Goddesses under her, and they were allotted one day in each month to speak and teach through the magicians and oracles and prophets and high priests. Some of these spirits spoke through the seers by entrancement, and some wrote on the sand-table. Prior to this period Iranian women seldom wore clothes.


  1. The Voice was, The Great Spirit, The I am.
  2. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to be a Faithist in the Voice, as it come to the pure, was the highest that man could attain.
  3. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that to build up one’s own faith in the I AM would produce the highest happiness.
  4. Zarathustra, being all pure, taught that each self must learn to build up itself in love and wisdom, and after them, power, trusting in the I AM.
  5. As the Voice came to Zarathustra, the all pure, Zarathustra perceived that the I AM must have a name in order to be distinguished by men.
  6. Zarathustra said, Or (Light) Mazd (entity of, i.e., light, per se), and he called the HIGHEST KNOWN, Or’mazd, being The Person, The All Master.
  7. Or’mazd spake to Zarathustra, saying: Some have I created with desire to dance, some with desire to sing, some with desire to pray.
  8. Some have I created with faith in men, some with faith in spirits, some with faith in Me only.
  9. Let those who have faith in men, have faith in men; let those who have faith in spirits, have faith in spirits; let those who have faith in Me, have faith in Me. The last are Mine. What is Mine I will gather together.
  10. Mine should be a people by themselves, of themselves.
  11. Or’mazd spake to Zarathustra, saying:35

Mine have no Gods but Me.

Mine have no idols nor images of Me.

Mine bow down not before idols.

Mine covenant in My name secretly.

Mine remember the four sacred days of the moon.

Mine honor their parents.

Mine kill nothing I have made alive.

Mine commit not adultery.

Mine steal not, nor tell lies; nor covet anything.

Mine return good unto all men.

Zarathustra taught these words, and those who were followers styled themselves Zarathustrians

  1. Or’mazd spake to Zarathustra, saying: Take the ten suggestions: what are they?
  2. Zarathustra said: My flesh is not my own substance, but Or’mazd’s. How then can I claim the ten suggestions? These, then, are not the Zarathustrian Law. They are the Or’mazdian Law. All things come from Him. All things are His.
  3. Zarathustra went forth, preaching, and his followers were numbered by hundreds of thousands.
  4. Zarathustra worked no miracles. He said miracles were the tricks of spirits and mortals. The highest of all good was to do good, and be good.
  5. God gave not to the Zarathustrians as to Israel, to move amongst strangers, but to dwell amidst the heathen within their own countries. And the Zarathustrians never established kings of their own. Nevertheless they fell into constant persecution by the worshipers of Gods and Lords.
  6. By the time of Brahma they were nearly destroyed. And again God raised them up and established them as a mighty people. But being non-resistants they were again nearly destroyed. And again God raised them up through Capilya; this was in the time of Moses.
  7. And they prospered and became numerous in all of Vind’yu and Jaffeth. For four hundred years they were a great people.
  8. And about the time the Israelites made Saul their king, darkness came upon the Zarathustrians also.
  9. The Lords and Saviors, through the oracles, inspired the kings and rulers to despoil the Zarathustrians. And for nine hundred years they were persecuted and tortured; and millions of them put to death. So that the name of Zarathustra was forgotten amongst men. And the great learning, and light and knowledge, of those nations, went out, to return not for a long season.
  10. God said: Because they have persecuted and destroyed my chosen, I will turn my face away from them, and they should go down in darkness. Behold, when they persecuted my chosen in the land of Egupt, I shut out the light from them, and they perished.
  11. Let this be testimony unto all peoples, that whosoever divid my people or despoil”’ them, should also be divided and despoiled.
  12. This is a law of Jehovih; whosogo away from Him should not find Him; to turn from Him is to curse Him; to curse Him is to curse those that do it, and it should be answered unto them.

35 Ten Commandments of Zarathustra.

I am to perish. I, being SAPHAH, am of the perishable. I am of the earth perishable history. I am the dying history not dead; the legends; the skeleton of a one time giant. In my youth I was science and philosophy, religion. I reach into all the nations of the earth; distance with me is nothing; time nothing. I was as a tree of life in time long past, the devotedly loved SON OF LIGHT. The fruit I bore fed all the inhabitants of the earth. But the flesh of the fruit hath perished; the seed still live. My seed is in languages, in words, in rocks and ruined walls; in fallen temples and buried cities. These are the remnants of my corporeal body; in these my last days my remnants, that were once the living members of my body, should forth and speak their parting words to the new born Kosmon. Hear you* these, my sons and daughters; O you* that search for the light of ages past, but find not. I am the book of the past, of the things that are past; of the corporeal world perishable.




  1. Pan said: I am the earth; the first habitable place for man; I am beneath the water. Being submerged, my name survives. My words are man’s first words. On the continent of Pan were words first used by man.
  2. I am the ‘Ah’, signifying earth. I am earth words. I am the dispersed language. From me, Pan, came all earth languages. In all nations I am found. I deliver up; by me should man know Him Who sent me. By His angels I was given to mortals; by them brought forth in this day.
  3. Pan said: My steadfast lie in the East. I founded the words of China and India. Fonecia and Ebra are my offspring. By the tribes of Faithists was I carried over. Egoquim founded me in Guatama. Egoquim became Algonquin. I am before all other languages; the first spoken words. Before me, man uttered as a beast, but made no words.
  4. Pan said: The angels made some men as prophets and healers of the sick. By impression and by voice, taught they the prophets to utter words. These were Pan words; that is, earth words. The prophets taught their brethren. Many words were made sacred, that they might be well learned and sacred.
  5. Pan said: I come not in a day, nor in a year, nor in a hundred years. I come not to one man only, but to many. I was uttered differently in different places on the ‘Ah’, the earth, according to the throats and tongues and lips and their development. Nevertheless, I was the same language.
  6. Pan said: I am the key to unlock words. I make all things speak. Asu, the first men, were thus taught. As the camel uttered, so was he called; and the cat and dog and all the living. As the child called his father, so was the name ‘man’ made. This was in some places, Ghan, and Egan (China); Edam and Edan (Fonece); Adam (Ebra, Hebrew); Puam (Sanscrit); Pam (Vede); Sam (Kii); Ang (Algonquin); Anger (Poit); and Man (English).
  7. Pan said: Think not that all the living uttered alike in all places. The wild dog spake not as the tame one; nor the small like the large one. Neither could all Asu utter the same sounds alike. Nevertheless, on the continent of Pan they were taught to name the living after their own speech. Thus was Asu taught of land animals and of the birds and all things whatsoever that utter.
  8. Pan said: The wind spake but was seen not. Asu was taught that Corpor, the Seen, was ruled over by Es, the Unseen. In the leaves the wind said Ee; in the ocean surge and in the storm’s roar, Oh; and in the winter’s whistle, Ih; and he called the Unseen, E-O-Ih; Eolin (Poit); Eolih (Zerl); Eloih (Fonece); Jehovih (Ebra, Hebrew); Wenowin (Algonquin); Egoquim (Huit); Ze-jo-is (China). Nor were these all, for there were many imperfections of His name. He was the Unseen. What the Unseen spake, the Seen should not speak. E-O-IH was Almighty.
  9. Pan said: I am language. I am two members, the utterance and the behavior. All things are embraced in my two members. The unmoving are dead; a stone has a name, but no behavior; it is unmoving; it is dead. It is the property of Uz.
  10. Pan said: Two behaviors have things. If a man look toward Uz, it is downward; if toward Jehovih, it is upward. If a man march toward Uz, it is war and destruction; if toward Light, it is peace and wisdom. Whoever learn”’ these, my signs, should read all languages.


  1. Jehovih said: As I caused man to grow, so I caused man’s language to grow. Yea, even as the earth mature in its place, so should man look backward and judge what has been.
  2. According to the time and place of the earth, so spake man. And it was so. And the deviation in the progress of speech was even as the deviation of the vortex of the earth.
  3. Even the words of man in ages past should be revealed by My seers in the time of Kosmon. And it was so.
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