
And he had shared some impressions, like there was a temple and a pyramid, and within the temple, they even had integrated streams of water going through the temple, and in the middle of the temple, there was kind of a very big fountain, more or less, where water was already going up and down like within a fountain.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid highly honors women

In the midst was a fountain whose three lofty jets sprang into the arch of the great dome and sparkled during the day in the sun-rays as they filtered through the thousands of panes of many-colored glass.

Now, however, when the dull roar of the rain falling on all without mingled its tones with the dulcet plash of the fountain, that object of beauty was flashing in the rays of numerous electric images of the Day King.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Plaza surrounding a fountain (The location where the narrator finds himself alone after the mysterious encounter).

As he ceased utterance, and bade me peace, I raised my eyes to look him in the face, to find to my bewilderment that not a soul was in sight, but that I stood alone in the great plaza surrounding a fountain whose jet seemed like molten silver in the moonlight.

Gagana's second task is for Ivan to bring water from the Fountain of Life, a sacred spring guarded by the ferocious dragon Zmey Gorynych.

The valley is littered with the bones of those who dared to seek the Fountain of Life.

He quickly gathers water from the Fountain of Life and escapes before the dragon recovers.

Remembering the water from the Fountain of Life, Ivan gently washes the woman's eyes with the sacred water.



His second task was to bring water from the Fountain of Life, guarded by the ferocious dragon Zmey Gorynych.

Remembering the water from the Fountain of Life, Ivan gently washed the woman's eyes, and miraculously, her sight was restored.