Creation of Races

Alternatively the humans are the flock and the shepherd is the (earthly) medium between the humans and the ‘divine’.

“Inanna and Enmerkar” is an ancient Sumerian story about the relationship between the goddess Inanna and the legendary king Enmerkar of Uruk.

Mauro Bigloni

The Laws for Humans

Noahide laws, which, according to Jewish tradition, were given by God, known as Elohim, to Noah and his descendants. These laws are intended to apply to humans.

Genetic studies confirm that Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa around 60,000 to 80,000 years ago, spreading across the globe.

Approximately 200,000 years ago, human DNA drastically changed from 24 pairs of chromosomes, like other primates, to 23 pairs.

Rudolf Steiner

Man’s First Ancestors

Steiner describes a time when human ancestors existed as astral beings in a spiritual world. These beings had no physical bodies.

Rudolf Steiner

The First, or Polar, Race

Steiner explores the earliest phase of human existence on Earth, focusing on the first root race, known as the Polar Race.

The Âryan race had two main traits: one segment pursued higher ideals and spiritual power, while another focused on personal interests and selfish goals.


Mashya and Mashyana

Mashya and Mashyana are figures from ancient Zoroastrian mythology, which originated in Persia (modern-day Iran).


Ad-ima and Heva

Ad-ima and Heva are seen as the first human couple who lived on an island, often identified with Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka).

The term Edin in Sumerian, meaning desert or steppe, is argued to be etymologically related to the Hebrew Eden.

The first man, in the opinion of the Egyptians, was Hephestus, (afterwards the god Phtha,) who is also celebrated among them as the inventor of fire.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

the last great cataclysm as occurring between 42,000 and 58,600 years ago, caused by the breakup of a planet in the solar system, resulting in the asteroid belt.

These two races, of Adam and Ish, are mentioned more than seventy times in the same sentences.

When all this was done, God called into existence a being named Kyomarz, or Gil-Shah; and he was the father of all the present human race—that is to say, of the Persians. ‘Gil’ means ‘clay,’ ‘Shah’ means ‘king’

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Mahabad – the last survivor

During each cycle, a class of intelligent, progressive, and immortal beings exists.

The text asserts that Chinese records speak of events that took place among their ancestors as far back as 129,600 years ago.

So you have a name by name list from God to Adam and the Adamites all the way to Jesus.

The Laman form, the original human prototype, combined DNA from several galactic races and Earth humans, creating highly connected beings.

Aboriginal people are described as truly Gaia beings, indigenous to Earth, unlike other humanoid races that originated from Lyra and other star systems.

The Pleiadians, from the Pleiades star cluster, commonly known as the Seven Sisters, have influenced life on earth.



Nymphs in Greek mythology are nature spirits associated with various natural features such as forests, rivers, mountains, and seas.

This fusion resulted in Hermaphroditus being depicted as having both male and female genitalia.

Sage Shilada performed severe penance to obtain a child with immortality and deep devotion to Shiv



Ila or Ilā is a deity in Hindu legends, known for their sex changes. As a man, they are called Ila or Sudyumna, and as a woman, they are called Ilā.

Adam Story

Adam and Bahouna

The Creator had, moreover, strictly forbidden him to eat or drink. The great enemy, however, came to him, and painted to him in glowing colours the sweetness of the apple.

The French orientalist Henrion, gives the following table of the relative heights of several eminent historical personages

Antoinette Bourignon

Primeval man and the birth of Eve

Antoinette Bourignon, that extraordinary mystic of the seventeenth century, had some strange visions of the primeval man and the birth of Eve.

The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

The Mussulman tradition is, that Adam having eaten the bunch of grapes given him as a reward

Malagasy Adam Story

Zanahary shaped Andrianerinerina

In the beginning, Zanahary, the Creator, made the first human being, a man named Andrianerinerina.