A comprehensive list with the Flood Legends, grouped by continent.

The Gnostic teachings and direct experiences of individuals, especially Samael Aun Weor, who encountered ancient civilizations and humanities.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Our history – A Shemitic Myth

I believe that this earth has, for millions of ages, been the scene of human activities; you, that it is but a few thousand years old! Your God is human; mine is celestial.

Creation, transgression, and the loss of an idyllic state, which are central to the story of Adam and Eve

In Genesis lifespan decreases after the Deluge. Before the flood some people lived for several hundred years

Atlantis was an archipelago consisting of two large islands situated in the Atlantic Ocean near the Mediterranean Sea.

200,000 Years ago

Mū Civilisation

In ancient times, the Mū culture, also known as Pre-Tahitian Hawaiian Culture, operated under the governance of the “Kapu” system

Then Solomon summoned to Jerusalem the elders of Israel to bring up the ark of the Lord’s covenant from Zion, the City of David.

The concept of the Father-Son-Holy Ghost or Father-Mother-Son Triune is older than Christianity. Christianity is a reinterpretation of the Holy Trinity concept from ancient Canaan

Anne Baring

The Lunar Period

The Lunar period often focus on prehistoric times, particularly during the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, which span approximately from 2.5 million years ago to around 2000 BCE

Both snakes and Asherah poles are connected to fertility, life, and healing.

King Josiah of Judah undertook significant religious reforms aimed at centralizing worship exclusively around YHWH

Asherah is a prominent goddess in the ancient Canaanite religion, where she is often considered the consort of the chief god, El.

Beni Elohim are depicted as powerful, non-human entities who played a significant role in the early interactions between divine beings and humanity.

In 1 Samuel 8, YHWH warns that a king will conscript their sons, take their daughters, best lands, produce, servants, animals, and flocks, and make them slaves.

Tales describe a time when our ancestors were ruled by entities that were not human, had no empathy for us, and governed through terror and overwhelming power.

Earth is a collaborative project involving various extraterrestrial stakeholders.

Theory that the Ark of the Covenant and the Great Pyramid of Giza played a role in the environmental and societal changes in ancient Egypt.

Yeshua is said to be an incarnation of Sananda, a Pleiadian soul from the Galactic Federation.

This Christ Consciousness technology was developed to facilitate Free Will and sovereignty, critical aspects of spiritual growth and Ascension.

Atlanteans operated outside the construct of time. The Atlanteans were active in various places on Earth and at different times.

The Hathorian race, originating from Venus, embodies the ultimate technology of Grace through the god mind, focusing on raising vibration and expanding Ascension

Leanna introduces herself as an Atlantean ambassador. She explains the Atlanteans’ timeless nature, existing outside of the construct of time.

Aztec mythology

The 5 Suns

In Aztec mythology, the creation and destruction of the world are explained through the concept of the “Five Suns.” Each sun represents an era or age.

6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

The weaver or spider metaphor likely pertains to the Sixth Dimension in Matias De Stefano’s framework.

First World (~1 million to ~200,000 years ago)
Second World (~200,000 to ~50,000 years ago)
Third World (~50,000 to ~12,000 years ago)
Fourth World (~12,000 years ago to Present)

Zuni Pueblo Indian Tribe of New Mexico

The Zunis & the Star People

Different tribes have connections to various constellations, such as the Cherokee with the Pleiades and the Hopi with Orion.

Crusades: Hundreds of thousands to over a million. Witch Hunts: 40,000 to 60,000 executed.
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Conflicts: Millions, particularly in the Thirty Years’ War.

Up to 90% of the indigenous population in some areas (millions) died due to disease, violence, and slavery


The Ark of Nuu

In ancient times, Nuu was the thirteenth generation from the first man. One day, the gods commanded Nuu to build an ark.

In Hinduism, the concept of principal deities is complex due to the religion’s polytheistic nature and the vast diversity of traditions and beliefs.

Vishnu is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, and he is considered the preserver and protector of the universe


Nu, also known as Nun, is a deity in ancient Egyptian religion symbolizing the primordial watery abyss that existed before creation.

The concept of human gods on Earth originated in Atlantean times, guided by beings from Arcturus and Orion.

Manly P. Hall introduces the topic of Atlantis acknowledges that Atlantis is thought of as an island in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Azores.

Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author and mystic, is renowned for his extensive work in religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.