12,800 Years Ago

Great Flood Stories World wide


TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
ZuluUnkulunkulu: The great god Unkulunkulu warns people of a flood, and they survive by climbing the Drakensberg mountains.MountainsPeopleUnkulunkulu
ZuluNomkhubulwana’s Warning: Nomkhubulwana, goddess of rain, warns the people of an impending flood, and they survive by building rafts.RaftsPeopleNomkhubulwana
YorubaOlokun’s Flood: Olokun sends a flood to punish humanity; Orunmila helps the survivors.Not specifiedNot specifiedOlokun, Orunmila
KongoNzambi Mpungu: The god Nzambi Mpungu sends a flood to cleanse the earth, and the survivors are those who climb to the highest peaks.High peaksPeopleNzambi Mpungu
BantuThe Chameleon and the Flood: A chameleon warns the people of a coming flood, and they survive by building boats.BoatsPeopleChameleon
EgyptianHapi’s Flood: Hapi, the Nile god, sends a flood to cleanse the land, and the survivors are saved by taking refuge on high ground.High groundPeopleHapi
DogonNommo’s Flood: The Nommo, a water spirit, causes a flood to purify the earth and make it habitable. The survivors are the ancestors of the Dogon people.Not specifiedAncestors of the DogonNommo
MasaiEnkai and the Flood: Enkai, the sky god, floods the earth to punish humans. The Masai survive by climbing to high ground and building rafts.High ground, raftsMasai peopleEnkai
FonMawu-Lisa’s Flood: The twin deities Mawu and Lisa send a flood to cleanse the earth. Survivors are saved by seeking refuge on high ground.High groundPeopleMawu, Lisa
AkanNyankopon’s Flood: Nyankopon, the supreme god, sends a flood to punish humanity. Survivors are saved by climbing the highest trees.High treesPeopleNyankopon


TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
Inca (South American)Unu Pachakuti: Viracocha floods the world, and two people survive by floating in a box.BoxTwo peopleViracocha
Mandan (North American)Mandans: Celebrated a festival involving a “Big Canoe,” representing the ark. They have a legend of a white man who survived a flood and brought the news of the disaster.Big CanoeA white manNot specified
Iroquois, Chickasaws, SiouxIroquois, Chickasaws, Sioux: All have flood legends involving a single family or person surviving and repopulating the earth.Not specifiedSingle family/personNot specified
CherokeeKanati and Selu: Kanati and Selu survive a great flood by seeking refuge in a cave on a high mountain.CaveKanati, SeluNot specified
HopiSpider Grandmother: Spider Grandmother leads people to survive a flood by floating in hollow reeds.Hollow reedsPeopleSpider Grandmother
TlingitYehl’s Flood: Yehl, the raven spirit, warns the Tlingit people of a great flood, and they survive by seeking refuge on a high mountain.High mountainTlingit peopleYehl
OjibweWaynaboozhoo and the Great Flood: Waynaboozhoo survives a flood by floating on a log and recreates the earth from a bit of mud.LogWaynaboozhooNot specified
ApacheWhite Painted Woman: White Painted Woman survives a great flood by floating in a boat made of a hollowed-out log.LogWhite Painted WomanNot specified
HaitianAgwe and the Flood: The god Agwe sends a flood, but instructs the people to build boats to survive.BoatsPeopleAgwe
Brazilian (Tupi)Monan’s Flood: Monan, the creator god, sends a flood to punish humanity, and the survivors escape by climbing tall trees.Tall treesPeopleMonan
Native American (Algonquin)Gluskap’s Flood: Gluskap, a culture hero, warns the people of a flood and saves them by transforming into a beaver and building a large dam.DamPeopleGluskap
Mesoamerican (Aztec)Coxcox/Tezpi Legend: Coxcox and his wife, Xochiquetzal, survived the flood in a bark or raft. After the flood, Tezpi sent birds to find dry land.Bark or raftCoxcox, XochiquetzalTezpi
Mesoamerican (Aztec)Codex Vaticanus: Describes four ages of the world, with the last ending in a great flood. Coxcox and Xochiquetzal survive on a tree-trunk.Tree-trunkCoxcox, XochiquetzalNot specified
Central American (Maya)Popul Vuh: Describes a great flood caused by the god Hurakan, resulting in a resinous rain and darkness, akin to the Chaldean and biblical accounts.Not specifiedNot specifiedHurakan
Quiche (Maya)Quiche Legends: Mention migration from the East, across the sea, after a great flood, indicating a connection to Atlantis.Not specifiedQuiche peopleNot specified
ToltecToltec Flood Story: Describes a flood covering the earth and a close chest (toptlipetlocali) in which survivors escape.Close chest (toptlipetlocali)Not specifiedNot specified
ToltecMigration from Aztlan: The Toltecs migrated from Aztlan (Atlantis), a beautiful land, after a great flood.Not specifiedToltecsNot specified
HaitianAgwe and the Flood: The god Agwe sends a flood, but instructs the people to build boats to survive.BoatsPeopleAgwe
Alaskan (Inuit)Aningan’s Flood: The god Aningan causes a flood, and the survivors are saved by floating on an iceberg.IcebergNot specifiedAningan
TupiMonan: Monan, the great spirit, sent a flood to punish humanity, but Irin Mage helped some survive.Not specifiedPeopleIrin Mage


TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
Hindu (Indian)Manu and the Fish: Manu is warned by a fish (Vishnu) and builds a boat to survive a great flood.BoatManuVishnu (fish)
ChineseGun-Yu: Gun steals magic soil to stop a flood sent by the gods; his son Yu continues the work and controls the flood.Not specifiedYu, familyGods
JapaneseIzanagi and Izanami: After Izanagi and Izanami create the islands of Japan, a great flood is sent to test their creations.Not specifiedNot specifiedIzanagi, Izanami
TibetanNyatri Tsenpo: The first king of Tibet, Nyatri Tsenpo, survives a flood by seeking refuge on the highest mountain.MountainNyatri TsenpoNot specified
Tibetan (Bön)Nyatri Tsenpo: The first king of Tibet, Nyatri Tsenpo, survives a flood by seeking refuge on the highest mountain.MountainNyatri TsenpoNot specified
VietnameseSon Tinh and Thuy Tinh: A great flood is part of a battle between the mountain god Son Tinh and the water god Thuy Tinh.Not specifiedNot specifiedSon Tinh, Thuy Tinh
VietnameseLạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ: The dragon lord Lạc Long Quân causes a flood, and the survivors are saved by climbing the mountains.MountainsLạc Long Quân, Âu CơNot specified
ThaiPhra Nao: Phra Nao survives a great flood by taking refuge on a mountain.MountainPhra NaoNot specified
KoreanNamu Doryeong: A boy and his animals survive a flood by climbing a tree, which then grows into a boat.Tree/boatNamu DoryeongNot specified
KoreanGun and Yu: Gun steals magical soil to stop the flood sent by the heavens; his son Yu completes the work and survives.Not specifiedGun, YuHeavens
JapaneseKappa’s Flood: Kappa, a water spirit, warns a kind family about an upcoming flood, and they survive by building a boat.BoatFamilyKappa
Tibetan (Buddhist)Padmasambhava’s Flood: The guru Padmasambhava predicts a great flood, and the people survive by building large arks.ArksPeoplePadmasambhava
MalayMalai Perumal: The god Malai Perumal sends a flood, and the survivors are those who take refuge on a high mountain.High mountainPeopleMalai Perumal
Pakistani (Pashtun)Bibi Fatima’s Warning: Bibi Fatima warns the people of a flood, and they survive by building boats.BoatsPeopleBibi Fatima
Filipino (Visayan)Bukidnon Flood: A great flood sent by the gods covers the land, and the survivors escape in bamboo rafts.Bamboo raftsPeopleGods
Ainu (Japanese)Okikurmi’s Flood: Okikurmi, a culture hero, warns the Ainu of a flood, and they survive by climbing a sacred mountain.Sacred mountainAinu peopleOkikurmi
TibetanNyatri Tsenpo: The first king of Tibet, Nyatri Tsenpo, survives a flood by seeking refuge on the highest mountain.MountainNyatri TsenpoNot specified
Persian (Avestan)Yima’s Vara: Yima, warned by Ahura Mazda, constructs an underground enclosure (vara) to survive the winter and flood.Underground enclosureYima, chosen peopleAhura Mazda
Hindu (Indian)Satyavrata (Vaivasvata Manu): The fish Matsya (an avatar of Vishnu) warns Satyavrata of an impending flood, leading him to build an ark.ArkSatyavrata, seven sages, animalsMatsya (Vishnu)
MongolianBaatar and the Flood: Baatar, a hero, is warned of a flood by a wise old man and builds a boat to save his family and animals.BoatBaatar, family, animalsWise old man


TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
GreekDeucalion’s Flood: Deucalion and Pyrrha survive a flood sent by Zeus by building a chest.ChestDeucalion, PyrrhaZeus
Greek (Thessalian)Ogyges’ Flood: Ogyges, the king of Boeotia, survives a great flood that submerges the land by climbing a high mountain.MountainOgygesNot specified
Greek (Arcadian)Lycaon’s Flood: Zeus floods the earth to punish Lycaon, and the survivors escape by climbing the highest mountains.MountainsSurvivorsZeus
SumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim builds a boat to survive a great flood sent by the gods.BoatUtnapishtim, familyGods (Enlil, Ea)
Mesopotamian (Sumerian)Atrahasis: The god Enki instructs Atrahasis to build a boat to survive a flood sent by Enlil to reduce the human population.BoatAtrahasis, familyEnki
NorseBergelmir’s Flood: Bergelmir and his wife survive a flood of blood from the slain giant Ymir by floating on a boat.BoatBergelmir, wifeNot specified
Celtic (Irish)Cessair’s Flood: Cessair and her followers flee a great flood to Ireland, but only Fintan survives.Not specifiedFintanNot specified
SlavicSlavic Flood Myth: Foretold by Svarog, a man and woman survive the flood in a boat.BoatMan, womanSvarog
Welsh (Celtic)Dwyfan and Dwyfach: Dwyfan and Dwyfach survive a great flood by building an ark and repopulate Britain.ArkDwyfan, DwyfachNot specified
RomanianFăt-Frumos: Făt-Frumos builds an ark to survive a great flood sent by the gods to punish humanity.ArkFăt-Frumos, familyGods
Finnish (Kalevala)Väinämöinen’s Flood: The hero Väinämöinen survives a great flood by seeking refuge on the top of a mountain.MountainVäinämöinenNot specified
TurkishNu’u: Nu’u, warned by the gods, builds an ark to survive a great flood.ArkNu’u, familyGods
EtruscanTages and the Flood: The prophet Tages warns the Etruscans of a great flood, and they survive by constructing large boats.BoatsEtruscansTages
ArmenianHayk’s Flood: Hayk, the legendary patriarch, survives a great flood sent by the gods by climbing Mount Ararat.Mount AraratHayk, familyGods
Celtic (Scots)Dewi’s Flood: Dewi, a giant, warns the people of a flood, and they survive by building large boats.BoatsPeopleDewi
BasqueBasajaun: Basajaun, a giant, warns the people of a flood, and they survive by building boats.BoatsPeopleBasajaun
IrishPartholon’s Flood: Partholon and his followers escape a great flood by seeking refuge on high ground in Ireland.High groundPartholon, followersNot specified
EstonianVanemuine: Vanemuine, a god of music, warns of a flood and instructs people to build boats to survive.BoatsPeopleVanemuine
Scandinavian (Norse)Ragnarok: During Ragnarok, a flood occurs when the world serpent Jormungandr releases its tail, flooding the earth.Not specifiedLif, LifthrasirNot specified
SerbianVila’s Warning: The fairy Vila warns the people of a coming flood, and they survive by building boats.BoatsPeopleVila


TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
Maori (New Zealand)Tāwhaki’s Flood: Tāwhaki causes a flood to destroy evil beings.Not specifiedTāwhakiTāwhaki
Maori (New Zealand)Maui and the Flood: Maui causes a flood to destroy the wicked people, and the survivors are those who followed his warnings.Not specifiedPeopleMaui
TahitianRata and the Tree: Rata builds a great canoe from a tree to escape a flood.CanoeRataNot specified
TonganTalafungani: Talafungani, a demigod, warns the people of a flood, and they survive by building large canoes.CanoesPeopleTalafungani
Polynesian (Samoan)Tui Fiti’s Flood: The god Tui Fiti causes a flood, and the people survive by building large canoes.CanoesPeopleTui Fiti
PolynesianRata and the Whale: Rata escapes a flood by riding on a whale.WhaleRataNot specified
MicronesianLuk and the Breadfruit Tree: Luk survives a flood by climbing a giant breadfruit tree, which then becomes a boat.Tree/boatLukNot specified
FijianTanovo and the Flood: The god Tanovo causes a flood, but the people survive by building a large canoe.CanoePeopleTanovo
HawaiianNu’u’s Flood: Nu’u survives a flood sent by the gods by building an ark.ArkNu’uKane, Kanaloa
Aboriginal (Australian)Wurundjeri: Bunjil, the eaglehawk, warns people of a flood, and they survive by climbing a high mountain.MountainWurundjeri peopleBunjil
Aboriginal (Australian)Tiddalik the Frog: Tiddalik drinks all the water, causing a drought; when he laughs, he releases the water, causing a flood.Not specifiedNot specifiedNot specified
Aboriginal (Australian)Gunakadeit: A giant fish (Gunakadeit) caused a flood, and survivors found refuge on high ground.High groundPeopleNot specified
Maori (New Zealand)Ruatapu’s Flood: Ruatapu causes a flood to punish the people, and the survivors are those who escape in canoes.CanoesPeopleRuatapu
Aboriginal (Australian)Djanggawul Sisters: The Djanggawul sisters caused a flood by their actions, and people survived by fleeing to higher ground.Higher groundPeopleDjanggawul sisters
Polynesian (Tuvalu)Te Ulu o Te Watu: The god Te Ulu o Te Watu sent a flood, and the people survived by climbing coconut trees.Coconut treesPeopleTe Ulu o Te Watu
Polynesian (Tahitian)Ruu’s Flood: Ruu built a boat to survive a flood sent by the gods.BoatRuu, familyGods
Polynesian (Tonga)Tangaloa: The god Tangaloa caused a flood, and people survived by seeking refuge on high mountains.High mountainsPeopleTangaloa
Aboriginal (Australian)Mamaragan: The thunder god Mamaragan caused a flood, and the survivors took refuge in the trees.TreesPeopleMamaragan
Polynesian (Samoan)Moso’s Flood: The god Moso sent a flood, and the people survived by building large canoes.CanoesPeopleMoso
Maori (New Zealand)Uenuku and the Flood: Uenuku warned his people of an impending flood, and they survived by building rafts.RaftsPeopleUenuku

Middle East

TraditionLegend/Story DetailsVehicleName of SurvivorsForeseer
SumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim builds a boat to survive a great flood sent by the gods.BoatUtnapishtim, familyGods (Enlil, Ea)
Mesopotamian (Sumerian)Atrahasis: The god Enki instructs Atrahasis to build a boat to survive a flood sent by Enlil to reduce the human population.BoatAtrahasis, familyEnki
HebrewBiblical Flood: Noah builds an ark to survive a flood sent by God.ArkNoah, familyGod
Persian (Avestan)Yima’s Vara: Yima, warned by Ahura Mazda, constructs an underground enclosure (vara) to survive the winter and flood.Underground enclosureYima, chosen peopleAhura Mazda
TurkishNu’u: Nu’u, warned by the gods, builds an ark to survive a great flood.ArkNu’u, familyGods
BabylonianZiusudra’s Flood: Ziusudra builds a large boat after being warned by the god Enki of a forthcoming flood.BoatZiusudra, familyEnki
IslamicIslamic Flood: Nuh (Noah) builds an ark to survive a flood sent by Allah to punish the wicked.ArkNuh (Noah), familyAllah
PhoenicianPhoenician Flood Myth: A great flood sent by the gods wipes out humanity; survivors escape by taking refuge on a mountain.MountainPeopleGods
AssyrianAshurbanipal’s Flood: In the Assyrian version, a great flood is sent by the gods, and a wise man builds a boat to survive.BoatWise man, familyGods
ChaldeanXisuthros: Xisuthros (Ziusudra) builds a ship to survive a flood sent by the gods to destroy humanity.ShipXisuthros, familyGods
HittiteHittite Flood Myth: The gods send a flood to punish humanity, and survivors escape by building large boats.BoatsPeopleGods
ArmenianHayk’s Flood: Hayk, the legendary patriarch, survives a great flood sent by the gods by climbing Mount Ararat.Mount AraratHayk, familyGods
PersianJamshid’s Flood: Jamshid, a legendary king, is warned of a great flood and builds an underground refuge to survive.Underground refugeJamshid, chosen peopleGods
ArabicAdnanite Flood: In pre-Islamic Arabian mythology, the Adnanites survive a great flood sent by the gods by seeking refuge on high ground.High groundAdnanitesGods
SyrianAtrahasis: Atrahasis is warned by the god Enki of a forthcoming flood and builds a boat to survive, similar to the Sumerian legend.BoatAtrahasis, familyEnki
CanaaniteEl’s Flood: The god El sends a flood to cleanse the earth of wickedness, and the survivors take refuge on a sacred mountain.Sacred mountainPeopleEl
ZoroastrianYima’s Vara: Yima builds an underground enclosure to survive a catastrophic winter, which some interpretations consider a flood.Underground enclosureYima, chosen peopleAhura Mazda
EgyptianHapi’s Flood: Hapi, the Nile god, sends a flood to cleanse the land, and the survivors are saved by taking refuge on high ground.High groundPeopleHapi
PhoenicianPhoenician Flood Myth: A great flood sent by the gods wipes out humanity; survivors escape by taking refuge on a mountain.MountainPeopleGods
HebrewGenesis Flood Narrative: God sends a flood to destroy the wickedness of humanity; Noah builds an ark to save his family and animals.ArkNoah, family, animalsGod

Count of Vehicles by Continent

Africa613 (rafts, chameleon warning, high trees)
Americas334 (log, hollow reeds, tall trees, iceberg)
Asia553 (underground enclosure, sacred mountain, tree/boat)
Middle East371 (underground enclosure)
Oceania5102 (whale, tree/boat)


Here is a list of the Great Flood stories that mention the duration, sorted from the shortest to the longest duration:

TraditionLegend/Story DetailsDuration
HebrewBiblical Flood: Noah builds an ark to survive a flood sent by God.40 days and 40 nights
IslamicIslamic Flood: Nuh (Noah) builds an ark to survive a flood sent by Allah to punish the wicked.40 days and 40 nights
Greek (Deucalion)Deucalion’s Flood: Zeus sends a flood to destroy humanity, and Deucalion and Pyrrha survive in a chest.9 days and 9 nights
Mesopotamian (Sumerian)Atrahasis: The god Enki instructs Atrahasis to build a boat to survive a flood sent by Enlil.7 days and 7 nights
SumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim builds a boat to survive a great flood sent by the gods.7 days and 7 nights
ChaldeanXisuthros: Xisuthros builds a ship to survive a flood sent by the gods.7 days and 7 nights
BabylonianZiusudra’s Flood: Ziusudra builds a large boat after being warned by the god Enki of a forthcoming flood.7 days and 7 nights
Greek (Thessalian)Ogyges’ Flood: Ogyges survives a great flood that submerges the land.9 months

Birds involved

TraditionLegend/Story DetailsBird Involved
HebrewBiblical Flood: Noah sends out a raven and then a dove to find dry land.Raven, Dove
IslamicIslamic Flood: Nuh (Noah) sends out a raven and then a dove to find dry land.Raven, Dove
SumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim sends out a dove, a swallow, and a raven to find dry land.Dove, Swallow, Raven
Mexican (Aztec)Coxcox/Tezpi Legend: Tezpi sends out birds to find dry land; a hummingbird returns with a leafy branch.Hummingbird
NorseBergelmir’s Flood: The flood from Ymir’s blood is survived by Bergelmir, and a bird is sometimes mentioned.Bird (unspecified)
Alaskan (Inuit)Aningan’s Flood: The survivors are guided by birds to find dry land.Birds (unspecified)

Animals in Flood Stories by Continent

ContinentTraditionLegend/Story DetailsSpecific Animals
AfricaEgyptianHapi’s Flood: Hapi, the Nile god, sends a flood to cleanse the land, and the survivors are saved by taking refuge on high ground.Various animals
AmericasBiblicalBiblical Flood: Noah saves pairs of all animal species by taking them into the ark.Various animals
AmericasAlaskan (Tlingit)Yehl’s Flood: Yehl, the raven spirit, warns the Tlingit people of a great flood, and they survive by taking animals on a large raft.Various animals
AmericasCherokeeKanati and Selu: Kanati and Selu survive a great flood by seeking refuge in a cave on a high mountain, with animals accompanying them.Various animals
AmericasNative American (Ojibwe)Waynaboozhoo and the Great Flood: Waynaboozhoo saves a bit of mud and recreates the earth with the help of animals.Muskrat, turtle, various animals
AmericasHawaiianNu’u’s Flood: Nu’u takes pairs of animals onto his ark to survive the flood.Various animals
AmericasBrazilian (Tupi)Monan’s Flood: Monan, the creator god, sends a flood to punish humanity, and survivors escape with animals.Various animals
AmericasMexican (Aztec)Coxcox/Tezpi Legend: Tezpi sends out birds to find dry land; a hummingbird returns with a leafy branch.Hummingbird, various animals
AmericasMesoamerican (Maya)Popul Vuh: Describes a great flood caused by the god Hurakan.Various animals
AmericasAlaskan (Inuit)Aningan’s Flood: The god Aningan causes a flood, and the survivors are saved by floating on an iceberg.Various animals
AsiaHindu (Indian)Manu and the Fish: A fish (Matsya, an avatar of Vishnu) warns Manu about the flood and helps him survive by pulling the boat.Fish (Matsya)
AsiaTibetanYima’s Vara: Yima constructs an underground enclosure (vara) to survive the flood, taking with him pairs of various animals.Various animals
AsiaPersian (Avestan)Yima’s Vara: Yima, warned by Ahura Mazda, constructs an underground enclosure (vara) to survive the winter and flood, taking animals with him.Various animals
AsiaMongolianBaatar and the Flood: Baatar builds a boat to save his family and animals.Various animals
AsiaFilipino (Visayan)Bukidnon Flood: Survivors escape in bamboo rafts and bring various animals with them.Various animals
AsiaTurkishNu’u: Nu’u (Noah) builds an ark and saves pairs of all animal species during the flood.Various animals
EuropeGreek (Deucalion)Deucalion’s Flood: Deucalion and Pyrrha bring animals into the chest they built to survive the flood.Various animals
EuropeGreek (Thessalian)Ogyges’ Flood: Ogyges survives a great flood that submerges the land, with animals accompanying the survivors.Various animals
EuropeNorseBergelmir’s Flood: The flood from Ymir’s blood is survived by Bergelmir, and a bird is sometimes mentioned.Bird (unspecified), various animals
EuropeCeltic (Irish)Cessair’s Flood: Cessair and her followers flee a great flood to Ireland, bringing various animals with them.Various animals
Middle EastIslamicIslamic Flood: Nuh (Noah) saves pairs of all animal species by taking them into the ark.Various animals
Middle EastSumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim takes animals on the boat to survive the flood.Various animals
Middle EastMesopotamian (Sumerian)Atrahasis: Atrahasis builds a boat to survive a flood and takes animals with him.Various animals
OceaniaPolynesian (Samoan)Moso’s Flood: The god Moso sent a flood, and people survived by building large canoes and taking animals with them.Various animals
OceaniaAboriginal (Australian)Djanggawul Sisters: The Djanggawul sisters’ actions caused a flood, and survivors included various animals.Various animals
OceaniaAboriginal (Australian)Mamaragan: The thunder god Mamaragan caused a flood, and survivors took refuge in trees with various animals.Various animals
OceaniaAboriginal (Australian)Gunakadeit: A giant fish (Gunakadeit) caused a flood, and survivors included various animals.Fish (Gunakadeit), various animals

Celestial and Planetary Relations in Flood Myths

ContinentTraditionLegend/Story DetailsPlanetary/Celestial Relation
Middle EastMesopotamian (Sumerian)Epic of Gilgamesh: The flood is sent by the gods, including Anu (the sky god) and Enlil (god of wind and storms).Anu (sky), Enlil (storms)
Middle EastBabylonianAtrahasis: Enki (Ea), a god associated with water and the stars, warns Atrahasis about the flood sent by Enlil.Enki (water and stars), Enlil (storms)
Middle EastIslamicIslamic Flood: Nuh (Noah) is warned by Allah about the flood, and some interpretations include celestial signs.Allah (cosmic creator)
EuropeNorseRagnarok: During Ragnarok, a series of events including floods are tied to the movements and battles of celestial beings.Jormungandr (world serpent, cosmic significance)
OceaniaPolynesian (Tongan)Tangaloa’s Flood: The god Tangaloa, associated with the sky and creation, sends a flood to punish humanity.Tangaloa (sky god)
AmericasMaya (Popol Vuh)Popol Vuh: The flood is caused by the gods, including Hurakan (heart of sky).Hurakan (sky god)
AsiaChinese (Gun-Yu)Gun-Yu: The flood is associated with the celestial mandate and the actions of gods who control the waters and heavens.Gods of water and heavens

Certainly! Here are some additional significant relations in flood myths beyond celestial and planetary associations:

Significant Relations in Flood Myths

Divine Retribution and Moral Lessons

ContinentTraditionLegend/Story DetailsSignificance
Middle EastHebrew (Biblical)Biblical Flood: The flood is sent by God as a punishment for humanity’s wickedness and corruption.Divine retribution and moral purification
Middle EastIslamicIslamic Flood: The flood is sent by Allah to punish the wicked and save the righteous.Divine retribution and moral purification
EuropeGreek (Deucalion)Deucalion’s Flood: Zeus sends the flood to punish humanity for its impiety and wickedness.Divine retribution
OceaniaPolynesian (Samoan)Moso’s Flood: The god Moso sends a flood to punish the people for their wickedness.Divine retribution
AmericasNative American (Hopi)Spider Grandmother: The flood is sent as a punishment for the people’s evil deeds, and Spider Grandmother helps the righteous survive.Divine retribution and moral lesson

Cultural Heroism and Survival

ContinentTraditionLegend/Story DetailsSignificance
AsiaHindu (Indian)Manu and the Fish: Manu is saved by the fish Matsya (an avatar of Vishnu), highlighting divine intervention and the importance of dharma (righteous living).Cultural heroism, divine intervention
Middle EastSumerianEpic of Gilgamesh: Utnapishtim is granted immortality for his role in preserving life, symbolizing human endurance and wisdom.Cultural heroism, reward for wisdom
AmericasNative American (Ojibwe)Waynaboozhoo and the Great Flood: Waynaboozhoo survives the flood and recreates the earth with the help of animals, emphasizing resilience and the connection to nature.Cultural heroism, connection to nature
OceaniaMaori (New Zealand)Tāwhaki’s Flood: Tāwhaki causes a flood to destroy evil beings, highlighting his role as a cultural hero and purifier.Cultural heroism, purification
EuropeFinnish (Kalevala)Väinämöinen’s Flood: Väinämöinen survives the flood and becomes a central cultural hero in Finnish mythology.Cultural heroism

Migration and Foundation Myths

ContinentTraditionLegend/Story DetailsSignificance
AmericasQuiche (Maya)Quiche Legends: Mention migration from the East, across the sea, after a great flood, indicating a connection to Atlantis.Migration, foundation of new civilization
EuropeCeltic (Irish)Cessair’s Flood: Cessair and her followers flee a great flood to Ireland, establishing one of the earliest populations in Irish myth.Migration, foundation of a new land
AsiaChinese (Gun-Yu)Gun-Yu: The flood myth is tied to the establishment of Chinese civilization, with Yu controlling the floodwaters and founding the Xia dynasty.Foundation of civilization
OceaniaPolynesian (Tuvalu)Te Ulu o Te Watu: Survivors of the flood migrate to new lands, establishing new communities.Migration, establishment of new communities

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