
The Babylonians and Chaldeans had a concept similar to the Hebrew Adam-Kadmon, or first man, and recorded ten epochs from their head mortal to the Flood.

The Anuki language is an Austronesian language spoken by the Gabobora people along Cape Vogel in the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea.

Long, long ago there were only creatures on the earth. There were birds, bears, deer, mice, everything but people.

Creation Story

Cherokee Creation Story

In the beginning, all was water, and the animals lived in the heavens. It was very crowded there, and they longed for more room.



Poseidon divides Atlantis into ten portions, each ruled by one of his sons, with the eldest son, Atlas, ruling the central and most important part.

Noah’s condemnation of the idolatrous practices and his prophetic warnings about the destruction of Atlantis highlight the tension between the worship of Jehovah and the idolatry of the Fish-god.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends (I)

Chaldean, Syrian, Indian, Iranian, Greek, Welsh, Scandinavian and Persian Great Flood Stories

Ignatius Donnelly

The Chaldean Deluge

Berosus describes how Xisuthros (Khasisatra) was warned by the god Cronos (Ea) of a coming flood and instructed to build a vessel to save his family, friends, and animals.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

Mr. Scott-Elliot describes the famous City of the Golden Gates as surrounded by a beautiful, park-like landscape dotted with villas of the wealthy.



A phoenix is a mythical bird known for its cycle of death and rebirth, featuring prominently in various mythologies, particularly those of ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome

Everything was dark; there was neither sunlight nor moonlight. However, the earth was green and had water underground, but there was no vegetation.



“Apkallu” and “Abgal” are terms from ancient Mesopotamian mythology

Creation, transgression, and the loss of an idyllic state, which are central to the story of Adam and Eve



The name Raphael translates to “God heals” or “He who heals” in Hebrew, underscoring his association with healing and divine restoration.


Vaivasvata Manu

Manu once rescued a small fish, which later revealed itself to be the god Vishnu in the form of a fish (Matsya). The fish warned Manu about an impending catastrophic flood

Secret Book of John

Abel: Ruler of water and earth

Abel is a Biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. He was a younger brother of Cain, and the second son of Adam and Eve

Whales are remarkable for several reasons, making them a study in various fields such as marine biology, conservation, and even cultural studies.

Atlanteans have had a special relationship with marine creatures like dolphins and whales, perhaps even communicating with them or understanding them better than we do today.



Goliath was a giant warrior from the Philistine army. He was described as being over nine feet tall and wore heavy armor.

Australian Aboriginal

Australian Creation Myth

In this Aboriginal creation myth, the Father of All Spirits first awakens the Sun Mother to bring life to a dormant Earth. Her presence stimulates the growth of plants across the barren landscape.

Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived.

The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are described as being large and strong.

Latter-day Saints

Creation story

Abraham 4 from the Latter-day Saints describes the actions of the Gods in creating and organizing the heavens and the earth.


Padma Purana

Emergence of the cosmic egg (Brahmanda) and the subsequent division of the egg into various elements, leading to the formation of the universe.

Enuma Elish

Enuma Elish: Tablet I

When the atmosphere did not exist and the crust was not containing life. The Asteroid Apsû brought water to the planet. And the primordial soup or DNA gave life to all living beings.