QHHT: Atlantis and Lemuria

Atlantis and Lemuria:

Sarah’s Discovery of Atlantis:

Sarah learned about Atlantis through a QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session.

She had not previously researched or known much about Atlantis until Jen’s brain tumor linked her to a past life in Atlantis.

Details of Lemuria:

Appearance and Lifestyle:

The Lemurians were described as having wild hair and flat noses, resembling the Maori people.

They wore gold jewels and lived a primitive yet spiritual life.

Spiritual Practices:

The Lemurians received many intuitive messages and had a strong connection with nature and spirituality.

Destruction of Lemuria:

Sarah witnessed the destruction caused by tidal waves from an explosion in Atlantis.

Survivors, including her past self, escaped to California in boats. It took them two months to reach the California coast.

Survival in California:

They stayed on the beach, feeling devastated and struggling with the loss of their homeland.

They eventually moved into Mount Shasta’s caves to seek shelter and safety.

Mount Shasta:

Lemurian Survivors:

The Lemurian survivors dug deep into Mount Shasta, creating an underground civilization.

They used crystal technology and phosphorescent light to illuminate their caves.

They survived by diverting water, catching fish, and eating mushrooms that grew in the caves.

Portal in Mount Shasta:

The Lemurians discovered a portal in Mount Shasta that provided an overwhelming sense of calm and connection to their ancestors.

This portal guided them to dig deeper into the mountain for protection and spiritual connection.


Appearance and Technology:

The Atlanteans were described as having angular faces, white or blonde hair, and wearing unusual suits.

They used advanced technology, including hovercraft-like vehicles that allowed them to appear and disappear suddenly.

They were very beautiful and had cat-like eyes, with some having purple eyes.

Interactions with Lemurians:

The Atlanteans were interested in the Lemurians’ spiritual abilities and their connection to crystals.

The Atlanteans could not develop the same spiritual abilities and sought to understand and acquire them from the Lemurians.

Egypt and Anubis:

Past Life in Egypt:

Sarah is planning to explore a past life in Egypt in a future session.

Previous clients have experienced past lives in Egypt where they interacted with Light Beings who helped them rebuild after the fall of earlier civilizations.

These Light Beings were described as glowing, beautiful, and very loving.

Connection to Anubis:

In a session, Anubis, the Egyptian deity, appeared to guide a client, indicating a link to ancient Egyptian practices and the afterlife.

Intuitive Abilities and Spiritual Connections:

Lemurian Spiritual Practices:

Women in Lemuria had stronger intuitive abilities and used crystal technology to communicate with their home planets.

The Atlanteans sought these abilities but could not develop them on their own.

Spiritual and Energetic Experiences:

Areas like Mount Shasta provide spiritual experiences and feelings of overwhelming calmness and protection.

These places are seen as portals to different realms and spiritual connections.

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