
Paschal Beverly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

the last great cataclysm as occurring between 42,000 and 58,600 years ago, caused by the breakup of a planet in the solar system, resulting in the asteroid belt.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

This is the scheme with which the demonic Pleiadians inspired a fake revelation of fake religions and passed it on to them. But they could not follow Tamila’s records of the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis stories from the seed of Cush.


Inner Earth

This channeling focuses on the concept of inner Earth, past lives, and the interconnectedness between inner and surface Earth.

Channelled during a Star-seed Activation Retreat: the Pleiadian Goddess, Satya, takes on a wonder-ful journey to the Temples of Alorah


Mount Shasta

The Lemurians established an underground city, Telos, beneath Mount Shasta after their continent sank

Elohim, as architects, created life in the universe starting from the sixth dimension, representing the pattern of life.

Thoth and his companions arrived in Khem after the fall of Atlantis. This period marked a time of confusion and fear among the locals, as they were unaccustomed to the advanced energies and wisdom that Thoth

Huna Flash

Anunnaki Overview

The Anunnaki were involved in genetic experiments during the times of Lemuria, particularly in the later stages

The stages of Lemuria and Atlantis, as explained by Huna Flash. Each stage is associated with distinct periods, locations, and key events.

Around 11,000 BC, a massive flood occurred, the consequences of the Atlantean-Lemurian war.

The people of Atlantis were not human. They came from various star systems and were part of an effort to cultivate and help the planet.

The pyramids, including the Pyramid of Giza, are over 22,000 years old. The Pyramid of Giza was not built haphazardly by slaves.

Earth’s history involves repeating cycles influenced by cosmic and planetary shifts. These cycles often lead to significant geological and environmental changes

Athanasius Kircher was a polymath whose work spanned numerous fields, including geology, biology, medicine, music, and ancient languages.



Chronos is one of the Titans and the father of Zeus. He is often associated with time, especially the destructive and all-consuming aspects of time.



Zeus decision to punish Atlantis for its hubris and moral decline is a central theme, highlighting his omnipotence and authority



The firstborn son of Poseidon and the central ruler of Atlantis. His name, associated with strength and endurance, symbolizes the lasting impact of his legacy.



Poseidon divides Atlantis into ten portions, each ruled by one of his sons, with the eldest son, Atlas, ruling the central and most important part.



Mummification is depicted as a highly religious practice, often performed by an organized and influential priesthood. This custom was perpetuated over generations due to its deep spiritual significance.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

Thus I recreated in Greece all the best from the culture of Atlantis — hoping to preserve it in the memory of people on the Earth for many centuries.

Noah’s condemnation of the idolatrous practices and his prophetic warnings about the destruction of Atlantis highlight the tension between the worship of Jehovah and the idolatry of the Fish-god.

Ignatius Donnelly

The origin of our alphabet

The Mayas, who claim their civilization came from across the sea from the east (Atlantis)