A Historical Outline

The Lost Civilization of Atlantis

Timeline of Atlantis

The history of Atlantis is believed to date back millions of years, arising after the decline of Lemuria (5). According to sources, such as Matias De Stefano, Atlantis was founded as a spiritual and technological experiment, with the Atlanteans striving to merge divine energy with physical existence on Earth. Its rise to prominence occurred around 16,000 BCE, and by 15,000 BCE, Atlantis had become a powerful global empire, influencing both the physical and ethereal realms (5).

Atlantis was an advanced society, with vast knowledge in science, technology, and metaphysics. However, this period of greatness was not immune to natural and internal threats. The first great destruction of Atlantis occurred around 11,500 BCE due to natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods. These events led to the loss of large parts of the empire, though the capital city, Poseidonis, remained above water for several more millennia (5). According to Frederik Oliver, the second and final destruction of Atlantis occurred around 9,564 BCE, when the last remnants of the island were submerged beneath the ocean (5). Oliver’s accounts describe the Atlanteans as having foreseen their own destruction, yet despite their best efforts to extend their time on Earth, they could not prevent the cataclysmic events that led to their downfall (5).

Cultural and Technological Achievements

Atlantis was known for its immense technological and cultural advancements. The Atlanteans were pioneers in metalworking, particularly in the crafting of bronze and gold tools, as well as agriculture and construction (5). They developed advanced technologies, including flying machines and energy crystals, which were integral to both their daily life and spiritual practices. According to Matias De Stefano, Atlantis was founded with the goal of achieving higher consciousness through vibrational alignment. Their use of crystals was a prime example of this. Atlanteans used large crystals for healing, energy generation, and meditation, and these crystals were capable of harnessing cosmic energies to maintain balance in their society (5).

However, as Robert Nelson suggested, the advanced use of crystals in Atlantis became a double-edged sword. While they initially brought great prosperity, over time, the misuse of these powerful tools contributed to the downfall of the civilization. The resonators they developed for extracting etheric energy were set too high, destabilizing the environment and contributing to the desertification of Egypt and the eventual sinking of Atlantis (5). Edgar Cayce also spoke of energy crystals, attributing Atlantis’ final destruction to the misuse of advanced technology, including the overloading of these crystals, which caused devastating natural disasters (5).

Religious and Spiritual Practices

Atlantis was deeply spiritual, with their religion centered around Incal, the sun god, who represented the source of all life and cosmic order. Ada, an esoteric scholar, explained that the Atlanteans believed they were the descendants of divine beings, sent to Earth to guide humanity towards enlightenment. Atlantis’ spiritual practices were tied to the alignment of their society with cosmic forces, particularly through the use of crystals and numerology (5). This profound connection to the cosmos allowed them to maintain a delicate balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

However, as their society advanced, some Atlanteans began to misuse their psychic powers. This gave rise to a group of black magicians who sought personal power through black magic and the manipulation of cosmic energies. Frederik Oliver recounts that the moral decay in Atlantis was driven by these dark practices, as more people turned away from the original spiritual ideals of harmony and alignment with nature. This shift contributed to the spiritual downfall of Atlantis and led to its eventual destruction (5). Plato, in his accounts, emphasizes that while Atlantis was initially a land of justice and virtue, its decline into greed and hubris provoked the gods’ wrath, ultimately causing its destruction (5).

Atlantis in Religious Texts

The story of Atlantis finds parallels in many religious and mythological texts, most notably in the Bible. The Great Flood described in Genesis is often linked to the destruction of Atlantis. Ignatius Donnelly argued that the flood myth in the Bible, along with similar legends in Chaldean records and other ancient texts, could be a cultural memory of the catastrophe that submerged Atlantis (5). Similarly, the Tower of Babel story from the Bible has been interpreted by some scholars as a metaphor for the collapse of Atlantis and the subsequent confusion of languages after the fall of a once-unified civilization (5).

Plato’s Timaeus and Critias provide some of the most well-known accounts of Atlantis. He described the island as a highly advanced society located beyond the Pillars of Hercules (now the Strait of Gibraltar), which eventually fell into corruption and was destroyed by the gods. Plato’s narrative, though often regarded as allegorical, has influenced countless theories about the actual existence of Atlantis and its demise (5).

Survivors and the Spread of Atlantean Knowledge

After the final sinking of Atlantis, its survivors spread across the globe, carrying fragments of their advanced knowledge and culture to new lands. According to Edgar Cayce, Atlantean refugees played a crucial role in the development of ancient Egypt, Mesoamerica, and other regions. Cayce claimed that the Atlanteans were responsible for building the Great Pyramid of Giza and other megalithic structures (5). Iltar, an Atlantean leader, was said to have traveled to the Yucatan Peninsula with a group of followers to preserve Atlantean wisdom. The Maya, inheriting this knowledge, became one of the key civilizations preserving aspects of Atlantean spirituality and technology (5).

Ada also referenced the widespread influence of Atlantean survivors, particularly in shaping the early civilizations of Ireland, Greece, and the Americas. Many of the religious practices, architectural designs, and societal structures in these regions can be traced back to Atlantean origins. For instance, sun worship, pyramids, and mummification are believed to have been inherited from Atlantis. Frederik Oliver emphasized the role of these survivors in passing down sacred knowledge to the Druids in Ireland, who built megalithic structures that mirrored those of their Atlantean ancestors (5).

Atlantis in Myth and Legend

The legacy of Atlantis continues to be reflected in myths and legends worldwide. The Aztecs, for example, spoke of Aztlan, a lost land across the sea, while the Irish told stories of Tír fo Thuinn (the Land Beneath the Waves) (5). Matias De Stefano spoke of Atlantis as not just a physical place but a symbol of human potential and divine connection. He believed that the Atlantean experiment was about merging higher consciousness with the physical realm, a legacy that continues to influence human development today (5).

Robert Nelson added that Atlantis was more than an island; it was part of a larger network of spiritually aligned civilizations that spanned the globe. He suggested that Atlantis may have been connected to other lost lands, such as Mu and Lemuria, which also sought to balance spiritual and technological progress. Nelson also proposed that the knowledge grids left behind by Atlantis are still accessible today, embedded in sacred sites and megaliths around the world (5).


The story of Atlantis remains one of the most fascinating mysteries of ancient history. Whether seen as a literal place or a symbolic representation of humanity’s potential for both greatness and downfall, Atlantis offers profound lessons about the balance between technological advancement and spiritual wisdom. As described by Plato, Matias De Stefano, Edgar Cayce, and others, Atlantis was a land of immense power and knowledge, but its misuse of these gifts led to its destruction. Survivors carried fragments of Atlantean wisdom to new civilizations, leaving a lasting imprint on the world.

Atlantis’ legacy endures in myths, religious texts, and the structures left behind by its descendants. Whether we view Atlantis as a cautionary tale or a reminder of humanity’s potential, it continues to inspire and challenge our understanding of ancient history and spiritual progress (5).

  1. Annie Besant: Discusses the history of the Atlanteans, the cataclysms that destroyed parts of Atlantis, and the survivors’ spread across the globe.
  2. Ignatius Donnelly: Author of Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, he proposed that Atlantis was the source of many ancient technologies and the origin of flood myths, including the Biblical Flood.
  3. Plato: His works Timaeus and Critias provide the foundational account of Atlantis, describing its geography, society, and its eventual destruction as a result of divine punishment.
  4. Edgar Cayce: A clairvoyant who claimed to access the Akashic Records, often referencing Atlantis in his readings, particularly its technological advancements and its influence on ancient civilizations like Egypt.
  5. Rudolf Steiner: Philosopher and esotericist, Steiner tied Atlantis’ decline to moral and spiritual degradation, emphasizing its cultural legacy in subsequent civilizations.

See also: Characteristics of Atlantis

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