
Elder son of Adam and Eve, the first murderer and the first fratricide, from Hebrew Qayin, literally “created one,” also “smith,” from Semitic stem q-y-n “to form, to fashion.

The Codex Vaticanus

Stars and Constellations

The Codex Vaticanus (CODEX B) is one of the oldest and most important manuscripts of the Bible.

Genesis mentions that the descendants of Japheth include the Ionians, Moreans, Cilicians, Cyprians, Dodoneans of Macedonia, Iberians, and Thracians, all of which are recognized as Aryans, except the Iberians.

The pervasive reverence for the Cross, the myth of the Garden of Eden, and the construction of pyramids across ancient civilizations point to a shared cultural memory and religious symbolism

the story of the Deluge plainly refers to the destruction of Atlantis and that it agrees in many important particulars with the account given by Plato.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis

Ignatius Donnelly (1831-1901) was an American politician, writer, and amateur scientist. He is known for his diverse interests and contributions in several fields, including politics and history

Paul Wallace

A populated universe

Paul Wallace reveald how biblical texts may depict advanced extraterrestrial beings influencing early human civilizations. He explores themes of hybridization and underwater bases.

Legends of Old Testament Characters

Androgyne Adam

And God created man in His own image, male-female created He them,” Adam and Eve were formed back to back, united at the shoulders

Creation, transgression, and the loss of an idyllic state, which are central to the story of Adam and Eve

Mankind is actually the successor of other intelligent creatures such as jinn and hinn



Seth was born before Lamech. Seth is a son of Adam and Eve.



Irad is the son of Enoch, the grandson of Cain, and the father of Mehujael.



Ham is most famously known for being the father of Canaan. Brother of Shem and Japheth.


Vaivasvata Manu

Manu once rescued a small fish, which later revealed itself to be the god Vishnu in the form of a fish (Matsya). The fish warned Manu about an impending catastrophic flood

Abel from the Bible and Osiris from ancient Egyptian mythology share several thematic and narrative similarities, even though they come from very different cultural and religious backgrounds



Seth died at the age of 912

Adam gave Seth secret teachings that would become the Kabbalah.
In the Abrahamic religions, Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve.

Secret Book of John

Abel: Ruler of water and earth

Abel is a Biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. He was a younger brother of Cain, and the second son of Adam and Eve

Saklas is a name often associated with Gnostic teachings, particularly within certain sects that describe the creation and structure of the universe in mythic terms.



Enosh, mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, was the son of Seth and the grandson of Adam and Eve.

In Genesis lifespan decreases after the Deluge. Before the flood some people lived for several hundred years

The oldest known version of the story of the Ark of Noah comes from the ancient city of Nippur in Mesopotamia and dates back to around 2000 BCE

Elohiym (in Hebrew), Anunna or Anunnaki (in Sumerian), Theō (in Greek)Aessir (in Old Norse)

There’re about 260 Creation stories found in cultures around the world that explain the origins of the Earth, life, and the universe.



In Steiner’s cosmology, “Ancient Saturn” is not the physical planet we know today, but rather the first stage in the evolutionary sequence of the Earth.