Robert Nelson



On February 5, 2019, Paul Power introduces Robert Nelson, who reads from his book Keys: Love Letters from God. Nelson’s readings focus on spiritual themes, and this session is titled “Angels.”

Angels and Humanity

Nelson begins by discussing the nature of angels, stating that they existed before humanity but share the quality of “humanity” with humans. He explains that “humanity” is a quality of spirit, not a physical thing, and it is shared universally by all beings on Earth and beyond, including extraterrestrials.

The Role of Angels

Angels are described as defenders, guides, and messengers. Nelson emphasizes that angels reflect the qualities of God’s spirit, which he describes as humanity’s birthright. He asserts that an angel is not just a messenger but the message itself, embodying the qualities of spirit such as compassion, wisdom, and strength.

Birthright in Ancient Judaism

Nelson touches on the concept of birthright in ancient Judaism, explaining that traditionally, it was passed from father to the eldest son. However, he states that humanity’s birthright from God is not something to be waited for; it is already present and accessible to all.

Hierarchies of Angels

Nelson acknowledges the existence of angelic hierarchies and explains that angels, like the Archangel Michael, represent different aspects of God’s creative process. Michael, for example, is described as a being who helps manifest God’s creative will. Nelson references the Old Testament and ancient Hebrew texts, explaining that Michael was an expression of God walking among humans in ancient times.

In Robert Nelson’s reading, he makes several references to biblical themes and quotes, though he paraphrases rather than directly quoting specific Bible verses. Here are the key references he makes to the Bible:

  1. The Angel of the Lord: Nelson refers to Old Testament stories involving “the angel of the Lord.” He mentions that in ancient Hebrew texts, particularly in the times of Abraham, there are instances where the angel of the Lord appears and interacts with humans. Specifically, he speaks of the angel of the Lord coming to “take sup” (i.e., to eat) with Abraham in his tent. This refers to Genesis 18, where the Lord (in the form of three visitors) visits Abraham.
  2. Michael the Archangel: Nelson speaks of Michael as “the angel of the Lord” who appeared in ancient Hebrew texts. While he doesn’t give a specific quote, he references the tradition of Michael as a key figure in the Bible, including passages such as Daniel 12:1, where Michael is described as the great prince and protector of Israel.
  3. Gabriel the Archangel: Nelson mentions Gabriel announcing a birth 2,000 years ago, which refers to Luke 1:26-38, where Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus to Mary. Although Nelson does not quote this directly, this passage is implied when he talks about the angel delivering the message of Christ’s birth.
  4. “Who is like unto God”: Nelson explains that Michael’s name means “Who is like unto God,” which is derived from the Hebrew meaning of the name Michael (מִיכָאֵל). This is not a direct Bible quote but is based on the etymology of the name Michael, often linked to passages where Michael appears, such as in Revelation 12:7, where Michael leads angels in a battle against the dragon (Satan).

Though Nelson refers to these biblical figures and themes, his discussion largely centers on spiritual interpretations rather than direct scriptural citations.

The Nature of Good and Evil

Nelson also addresses the nature of demons, contrasting them with angels. He describes demons as beings that promote separation and fear. According to Nelson, demons are already doomed because they have chosen separation from God, whereas angels represent unity and divine love.

Michael and Gabriel

Michael, Nelson explains, represents a quality of spirit that is beyond harm, while Gabriel represents guidance and purity. He stresses that these two beings are not enemies, but rather different aspects of the same creator. Nelson cautions against using religion or angels’ names to create division among people.

Michael’s Role and Invitation

Nelson explains that Michael’s name, which means “Who is like unto God” in Hebrew, is not a statement of exception but an invitation for people to realize their divine nature. He urges individuals to treat one another with respect and to recognize the divine within themselves and others.

Personal Experience with Michael

Nelson shares a personal story from 1977, when he was asked to help a grieving couple who had lost their two daughters. During a session where he channeled Michael, a Polaroid picture was taken, showing the two girls composed of light, playing with a beach ball. Nelson interprets this as Michael’s way of showing the couple that their children were safe and happy in the afterlife.


Nelson concludes by revealing his extraterrestrial heritage and divine connection through the Archangel Michael. He encourages viewers to learn more about his life and experiences in other videos titled Alien Encounters and Birthright.


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