
Humanity's role, he argues, is to foster this coherence on Earth by aligning with the universe's evolutionary trajectory.

These beings have existed since the beginning of time and have saved humanity during numerous Earth changes.

Sonja believes humans were brought to Earth around 2 million years ago from a planet with a neutral mathematical equation.

This transition to Earth, a planet governed by duality, is part of the human evolutionary journey, where we learn about karma and balance.

Sonja emphasizes the importance of humanity's relationship with Earth, describing the planet as a living being that supports human life.

She believes humanity’s actions influence the planet, and maintaining balance is crucial for both Earth and human evolution.



He suggests that the earth had been exhausted of this metal, indicating it might have been a naturally occurring regional alloy.

Jeffrey discussed the role of realized masters, who have chosen to remain on Earth to shine their light without specific agendas.

The discussion then shifted to those who are on their final incarnation on Earth.

Tobias, despite being an ascended master, chose to return to Earth to experience love and joy, which he had not fully embraced in his previous lifetimes.

He emphasized that love, as first experienced on Earth, plays a central role in this transformation.

These incarnations do not necessarily exist on Earth or within the same time frame as one's current life.


The solar flares

She explains that there has been an energetic shift, with many becoming more attuned to Earth's changing magnetics.

According to Bonni, the sun's current activity is connected to the broader cosmic changes affecting Earth’s magnetic field.

Jessie introduced the discussion with a question about Earth being part of a hologram and how it affects human experiences.

Jessie asked if Earth is truly part of a hologram.

The state of the Earth, in this view, mirrors the consciousness of humanity.

The idea of conflict and challenges on Earth was discussed as a result of collective and individual creation.

12,000 Years Ago

The Azores Plateau

He emphasizes the presence of tectonic activity along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, indicating that there was significant vertical movement in Earth's crust.

Carlson also brings attention to the isostatic compensation process, which explains how the Earth's crust rebounds after the weight of glacial ice is removed.

In Christianity, for example, it is said, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth," followed by "Let there be light." However, water is mentioned before creation, leading to a deeper understanding of the role of hydrogen, oxygen, and water in creation.

The Sumerian texts tell the story of the Anunnaki, beings who came to Earth, possibly from another dimension, to mine gold.

Time during this phase was not linear, and Earth was still in a blueprint phase.

The Nine identify several locations on Earth that hold remnants of Lemurian energy.


A great solar flash

The human body creates a magnetic field that serves as protection during transformations on Earth.

She described the event as a "great solar flash," a massive coronal ejection from the Sun, which will activate the Earth's transformation.

Vagrein advised using simple analogies, such as imagining oneself in different circumstances on Earth, to build toward more complex ideas of infinite realities.

Channeling the Angels of Atlantis

Three cosmic resets in October and November 2024

Event: The first of three cosmic resets will occur, involving cosmic flashes that will impact Earth's ionosphere at approximately 1,000 km above the planet's surface.

Effect: These flashes will disrupt Earth's electromagnetic energy systems, including satellites, cellular communications, and possibly electrical grids.

Over 30 Years: The angels mention significant changes for Earth in the next 30 years, with the first reset marking a critical phase.

Three Cosmic Resets: These resets will occur over the next 6 to 7 years, shifting human life and Earth's planetary structures.

Gaia's Evolution: The angels emphasize the importance of Earth's evolution, linked to the cosmic events, planetary changes, and the need for recalibration.

Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

Matias points out that humans perceive time as the passing of moments, like day and night or aging, but these are merely effects of the Earth’s movements.

In Ra's context, a "galaxy" is the vibrational complex surrounding a star, such as Earth's sun.

The Elohim state that the old powers on Earth, in service to self, will soon lose influence as the solar system moves through higher vibrational areas of the galaxy.

The Elohim mention that lesser races, in service to self, have interfered with human development, seeking to exploit Earth's resources.

This has occurred since humans first arrived on Earth, with various beings experimenting on them.

Over the course of the conversation, it is revealed that Earth has been subjected to interventions for millions of years.

The extraterrestrial being explains that various entities have mined Earth's resources, including animals, and continue to do so.

Due to the extensive damage caused, intervention has become necessary to protect Earth and its inhabitants.

When they are on Earth, they rely on protective fields to create a breathable nitrogen environment.

The conversation touches on the Roswell incident, where extraterrestrials attempted to land on Earth but failed due to faulty equipment.

The being provides an account of the crash, describing how two beings died instantly, and two survived but struggled due to the Earth's oxygen atmosphere, which was toxic to them.

In her materialized form, Sophia fell into the cosmos, fragmenting into multiple parts that ultimately arrived on Earth as meteorites.

Within each fragment of Sophia lay the encoded waters containing the information necessary for the development of life on Earth.

When Sophia descended to Earth, her essence fused with the planet, infusing it with her wisdom and love.



Sky Goddess: Sometimes, Hathor was represented as a cow, embodying the sky itself and nourishing the earth, or as the celestial mother of the sun god Ra.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Mistake of a Life

Lolix had no dimmest perception of this psychic link between the things of earth and the things of infinity.

Out of all the glorious systems of worlds, only Earth denieth, for acknowledging Him by words and crying, "Lord, Lord," they yet hate one another in their serpent-dominated hearts.

A Dweller on Two Planets

A nation of 85 million people

The next instant the ex-counsellor and the Salda general were swinging, whirling towards the earth, over a mile below.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

On a bier in front of the Holy Seat, by the eastern face of the Maxin-Stone in the Incalithlon, lay all that was of the earth, earthy of Emon of Suemis.

"Once more has a most noble soul known earth.

"Unto Incal this soul, unto earth this clay."

But the barbarians who went into Incalia, occupying the North American plains and lake regions—a future age should come which would find these hordes gone from the earth forever; and, later still, curious people digging from archaeological remains would say: "Here lived the mound builders."

San Francisco region, have few parallels on earth as regards size.

But north or south we cut the earth's currents, and just in proportion as a vailx-course deviated from east to west, in that proportion was its speed lessened, until going due north or south we could only travel at the comparatively slow rate of some hundred miles each hour.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Long as was our silver-white spindle, we had soon risen so high as to make us seem a mere speck to people on the earth beneath.

Thus we parted, high above the green earth, three kilometers beneath, he to return, we to go onwards.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Airship used for fast personal transport

He had said that whosoever should add to or take from his laws, that person should not come into the Kingdom of Incal until "I am come on earth for the final judgment." No one had ever desired to disobey, it would seem, or at least no change had ever been made.

Not that many people understood the esoteric significance of the rite; no, they but understood so much of the real meaning as the Incali had given them through comparing the earth-leaving soul to the seed which, sprouting, leaves behind it every fragment of the shell.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

No, the reason why a successful theocracy cannot permanently thrive is that the attention of the promoters must be given to things spiritual to render the spiritual successful, and the things of God's Kingdom can never be the things of earth.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Yet thou shalt not live the full term allotted to man on earth.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The worship of Incal

The Atlantides were given to the personification of the principles of nature and of the objects of the earth, seas, and skies; but this was purely a result of the national love of poetry and could be mainly traced to the favor which popular fancy had accorded to a chronological epic history of Poseid, wherein the chief men and women figured as heroes and heroines.

But the Poseidi did believe that Incal had once lived in human form upon the earth, and had cast off the gross body of the world to assume that of unfettered spirit.

Her hand slipped from its grasp on the fruit, and its side was torn out, so that its seed dropped on the earth and became flint-stones, while the fruit still adhered to the tree and became of the likeness of a great fiery serpent, whereof the breath scorched the hands of the culprit.

Feeling the pain, she let go her hold on the Tree of Life, falling prone upon the earth and never fully recovering from the injury.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid, 4340 years of peace

Poseid is portrayed as Earth's greatest nation, both technologically and culturally, leaving a profound legacy on future generations and their spiritual journeys.

As time went on, racial coalition obliterated all distinctions, so that the union resulted in producing earth's greatest nation.

Daniel 2

The divine stone

But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.”

Establishment of a Divine Kingdom: The stone that destroys the statue then grows into a “huge mountain” that fills the entire earth, symbolizing the establishment of God’s eternal kingdom.

The mountain that fills the earth is seen as the messianic kingdom that will be established on earth, a reign of justice, peace, and righteousness.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Axte Incal – To Know God

From this knowledge came all the wondrous triumphs of that old age, and one by one they are emerging today after their long oblivion, till tomorrow they shall awake in crowds, and press to rediscovery by threes and fours, and then by platoons and companies and legions, till all the treasures of Poseid shall be again on earth, in air, and sea.

Not earth, air, the depth of the seas, nor those of interstellar space, will hold secrets from that man who approaches from the Godward side, as did Poseid.