Italia Oliver

Channeling Jack from Orion: Healing Technologies for Humans


Italia Oliver introduces the session by welcoming new viewers and inviting them to subscribe to her channel. She mentions that in this session, she will be channeling Jack, a being from the Orion star system.

Jack’s Origin and Role

Italia explains that Jack is an “El-Sheikh Gon” from a planet near Betelgeuse, a star in the Orion constellation. He refers to himself as a light body scientist, focusing on light body medicine. The El-Sheikh Gon race is dedicated to health and healing technologies.

Jack’s Message on Healing Technologies

Jack begins by introducing himself as a light body scientist, explaining that his work involves analyzing and experimenting with light body technologies. He emphasizes that humans are energy, comparing the human body to a circuit board. He uses the metaphor of a pinball machine to describe how energy flows through the body.

Colored Light Frequencies

Jack explains that the healing technologies used by his race involve colored light frequencies. He mentions that different colors emit varying frequencies, which can be harnessed for healing. These technologies include scanners that analyze the body’s energy systems, such as the circulatory system, using laser therapy. These scanners are diagnostic tools designed to detect imbalances before they lead to disease.

Future Technologies on Earth

Jack mentions that while research on these technologies is ongoing on Earth, they are still in the early stages. He predicts that in 50 to 75 years, similar diagnostic tools will be available on the planet. These tools will help identify energy imbalances across all body systems, aiding in the prevention of disease.

Light Body Stitching

Jack briefly introduces the concept of “light body stitching,” a technique that uses light frequencies to promote healing and homeostasis in the body. However, he notes that these methods are only effective when an individual has reached a certain level of spiritual and energetic alignment.


Italia concludes the session by summarizing Jack’s message. She notes that the El-Sheikh Gon race has eliminated disease on their planet by detecting imbalances in the body’s systems before they manifest as illness. While Italia admits she does not fully grasp the scientific details, she acknowledges Jack’s precision and expertise. She looks forward to future channeling sessions with him and encourages viewers to subscribe and engage with the content.

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