
Silvia Suryodaya

This Comet is unlike any other

Silvia explains that the Andromeda Galaxy is close to Earth’s own Milky Way and hosts various advanced civilizations with extensive knowledge about cosmic energy.

According to the Tal Anori, the Sun functions as a multidimensional portal, channeling energy into Earth.

This recalibration facilitates humanity’s connection to higher dimensions, dissolving blockages embedded within Earth’s energy grid and enhancing the flow of new cosmic energies.

Matias de Stefano

Consciousness and the Path to Enlightenment Think Tank – E49

Matías explained that Bali acts as a cleansing space for energy from Asia, and his intense experience there was part of his spiritual mission.

He expresses concern about advancing technology, such as free energy and space colonization, without the spiritual maturity to use it responsibly.

If humanity does not learn to "hold space" properly—essentially, manage its spiritual energy—then these advancements could cause more harm than good.

Matias de Stefano

#83 MUM AND DAD – OCT 20TH #matíasdestefano

Matias addresses those who may not know their biological parents, explaining that the energy and patterns of the cosmos can still be worked through via other relationships or figures in one’s life.

Jack Morrigan

GET READY for 2025: DRAGON ENERGY Awakens!

This knowledge comes in the form of energy, allowing individuals to feel a deep sense of belonging and purpose within the universe.

Dragons, according to him, act as arteries and veins of cosmic energy, bringing kundalini energy throughout the cosmos.

Historically, they were much more present on Earth, helping create a paradise by bringing knowledge and life force energy to the planet.

He shares his experience working with dragons, explaining how different dragons are associated with different energy centers, or chakras.

Morrigan describes one dragon, named "Via," as deeply connected with grounding and the Earth, aiding in purifying human energy.

He also touches on how dragons see humans as extensions of themselves, with dragons representing more refined versions of human energy centers.

Morrigan describes eclipses as cosmic portals through which dragon energy flows more easily into the physical dimension.

He emphasizes that simply being open to receiving their energy and transmissions can help individuals remember their connection to the dragons and the cosmos.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Tuning In – Angels & Aliens

Negative emotions like blame, hate, or unforgiveness generate corresponding energy, which shapes their reality.

Rob Gauthier

How a Soul Uses DNA to Create Physical Form In Utero – An Ancient Pleiadian Perspective

Rob Gauthier begins by explaining that DNA, commonly understood as a physical structure responsible for genetic inheritance, also holds energy and metaphysical significance.

This process occurs between the fourth and twelfth week of gestation when the Soul's energy imprints more deeply onto the developing form.

Rob Gauthier

What and Who Is Metatron? Channeled by Rob Gauthier

These forms, according to Metatron, are manifestations of its energy, and through focusing on them, individuals can forge a deeper connection with this consciousness.

Metatron concludes by noting that even if individuals do not feel they have connected with its energy before, from its perspective, such a connection has always existed.

Italia Oliver

The Andromeda Interviews: Part II

Although they do not use money, Mor'na learned about the exchange of energy and the importance of actions.

Italia Oliver

The Andromeda Interviews: Part I

These crystals are used for energy, healing, and emitting frequencies that help raise spiritual vibrations.

Healing can involve traditional doctors, energy healers, or other approaches, but belief in the treatment can be a key factor.

Italia Oliver

Channeling Ezekiel – Lyran Star Being: The Time Before Lemuria

She clarifies that she does not plan these channelings in advance but conducts them when the energy comes through.

He emphasizes that Jesus was a universal energy, transcending gender and physical form.

Ezekiel explains that Jesus' significance lies not in the details of his earthly life, but in the energy and consciousness he represents.

Italia Oliver

Lemuria: A Channeled Interview

Telepathic communication and energy exchange were common methods of instruction.

The teachers in Lemuria, including Morné’s group, utilized advanced technology and sent energy to each other.

Some books were physical, while others were energy-based, containing knowledge transferred telepathically.

Italia Oliver

Channeling Jack from Orion: Healing Technologies for Humans

He emphasizes that humans are energy, comparing the human body to a circuit board.

He uses the metaphor of a pinball machine to describe how energy flows through the body.

These technologies include scanners that analyze the body’s energy systems, such as the circulatory system, using laser therapy.

These tools will help identify energy imbalances across all body systems, aiding in the prevention of disease.

Matias de Stefano

The Spiritual Wisdom From Remembering Past Lives w/ Matias De Stefano

Matias has the unique ability to remember his past lives, which shapes the discussion about the significance of stories and energy transformation.

Stories, he states, are linked to energy patterns that shape experiences and relationships.

The conversation delves into how these past life experiences create an understanding of life's purpose, emphasizing that transformation is a continuous process driven by energy.

Matias discusses the concept of energy as constant and transformative.

He explains that after death, energy reorganizes into different forms, and those attuned to energy can remember its various shapes.

He describes death as an opportunity for transformation and rebirth, allowing individuals to reshape their experiences in alignment with their energy.

Matias reflects on a personal revelation during a conversation with darkness, which he interprets as an essential part of the energy of life.

This view reinforces the idea that life and energy are intertwined and ever-evolving.

The memories of past lives are not merely recollections, but connections to energy that still exists in different forms.

His openness to these entities allows for deeper insight into the energy of these sacred spaces.

The conversation ends with a focus on how individuals can live purposefully by embracing transformation and understanding the interconnectedness of life, death, and energy.

Ginger Bayley


Ginger mentions that energy work has helped her feel better, and Erik acknowledges her progress.

These beings used anti-gravity technology and energy sources, which Erik compares to modern helicopters that take off vertically.

For short distances, they used animals for travel, but for longer journeys, they relied on energy-based transport.

Ginger Bayley

Atlantis, Pyramids, Astrology, Solar Energy, ETs and more! (Part 1)

The Atlantean civilization had deep connections to the ocean and believed in gods like Poseidon, with water being a central element of their worship and energy systems.

The pyramids around the world, including in Atlantis, were used for communication, powered by astrology, solar energy, and lunar cycles.

Astrology and solar energy were central to Atlantean technology, especially in their communication systems.

Pyramids were aligned with the stars and the sun to harness energy, facilitating a global communication network.

There was a profound respect for nature, and animals were regarded as equals in energy exchange, especially in their fishing-based society.

Ginger Bayley

Time Capsules, ET DNA, Under the Paw of the Sphinx! (Part 2)

The session ends with further insights into the Atlantean civilization’s use of botanical knowledge and energy work.

The session concludes with gratitude to the channeled figures and a reminder to visit Atlantis Scalar for more information on energy work and DNA activation.

Ginger Bayley

Pleiadians, Reptilians, and Demonizing the Good ETs! Part 3

These healers could manipulate water's energy to aid in the healing process, understanding that humans, composed largely of water, could be healed through vibrational techniques.

Ginger Bayley

The Toba Volcanic Explosion. (Part 4)

This event was facilitated by Source Energy (referred to as God), intending to reset humanity due to the chaos caused by a reptilian hybrid ruling class.

Ginger Bayley

The Day When God Cried: Channeling the Pleiadians – Unicorns – The Cave of Ancients (Part 5)

These individuals, who carried Christ-like energy, were led to safety before the event and provided instructions on how to survive and rebuild.

It is revealed that unicorns, which possessed energy healing powers, were removed from the earthly plane and shifted to another dimension to protect them from being exploited.

Ginger Bayley

Dimensions and Timelines

This process allows them to experience life in a way that reflects their true nature as Source energy.

Ascension is described as the process of moving beyond the human cycle of rebirth by clearing unhealed energy, often referred to as karma.

This unhealed energy is stored in the chakra system and is released as a person raises their vibration.

Ginger Bayley

Interview with a Neanderthal (Part 1)

Erik brings forward a Neanderthal representative, whom he describes as having masculine energy.

Tom explains that this practice was likely ritualistic rather than medical and may have been an attempt to relieve pressure on the brain or release spiritual energy.

Ginger Bayley

Interview with a Neanderthal (Part 2)

The transition from the Neanderthal body to that of Homo sapiens was a natural part of evolution, leading to bodies more efficient in energy use and endurance.

Ginger Bayley

Could Neanderthals Astral Travel? Interview with a Neanderthal (Part 4)

Neanderthals understood the energy of crystals and rocks.

Ginger Bayley

Who Were the Sumerians?

Ginger Bayley introduces the topic and the guests for the session, including Lauren Martini, who specializes in energy healing.

Ginger Bayley

Are the Atlantis people now living inside or under Mount Shasta? 1/2

Today, Atlantis is viewed as an energetic realm rather than a physical location, and individuals can connect with its energy to help empower themselves.

Ginger Bayley

Did Sirians play a role in the creation of Atlantis? 1/2

Connecting with the energy of Atlantis could provide insight into personal origins and purpose.

Erik explains that advanced technologies such as solar power and zero-point energy were used to power airships and other machinery, eliminating the need for fossil fuels.

Ginger Bayley

Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza (Part 2)

The session begins with Ginger Bayley, a psychic medium, and Erik, who is being channeled, discussing the possibility of free energy being harnessed from the pyramids.

Erik explains that while the pyramids produced electromagnetic energy, it was not monetized or used in exchange for goods.

The pyramids generated an energy that facilitated healing and communication.

The energy was similar to zero-point energy but not exactly the same.

This energy could, in theory, provide benefits similar to the mythical "Fountain of Youth." Wearing a copper pyramid hat with the right intention could also provide healing effects, although Erik humorously adds a visual of himself wearing a foil pyramid hat as a joke.

People mistakenly believed that removing pieces of the pyramids would grant them its power, but the energy required the pyramid's form to remain intact.

Current technology, though different, mimics the pyramids' energy-producing capabilities.

The Sphinx's original purpose was to act as a guardian and to channel energy from the sun, which enhanced the pyramids' power.

He also dispels the idea of a spaceship being located under the pyramids, though he does mention that extraterrestrials used the energy fields around the pyramids as portals to travel.

Visitors to the pyramids may still feel the residual energy surrounding the structures.

This underwater pyramid was constructed by the Atlanteans and has a unique energy that affects the region's gravitational and magnetic fields.

Ginger Bayley

Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza (Part 1)

Specifically, the pyramids at Giza have retained some energy, though less than in the past due to natural wear and tear over time.

The most significant use, however, was for harnessing electromagnetic energy, which the ancient Egyptians knew how to utilize.

The pyramids were also used for healing purposes, where people could be taken to harness the pyramid’s energy for health benefits.

While some pyramids were used for energy, others were designed for communication or healing.

Erik explains that the alignment of the pyramids with the Earth's energy grid further amplifies their energy.

Although the energy inside the pyramids has weakened due to deterioration, portals remain, though they are not as strong as they once were.

The pyramids served as conduits of energy, connecting to various places in the universe, even beyond Earth's solar system.

The alignment of the pyramids with the Orion constellation was intentional, based on the Egyptians' religious beliefs and their understanding of energy flow.

Robert Sepehr

Hermeticism and Ancient Mysteries

Alchemists sought to isolate this element through distillation, which is believed to represent a higher spiritual energy.

"Sin" in this context refers to improper use of one's energy, which leads to a loss of spiritual potential.

Frederick S. Oliver

Life in Caiphul (5-1)

I concluded to lease the place, for I learned that "all conveniences" meant vailx transportation, telephotic (naim) service, and a caloriveyant instrument, which latter would save fuel, energy to be converted into heat for cooking and other purposes being transmitted by the "Navaza," a range of material forces denominated in these thy modem days "earth-currents," but also including those of the higher ether, a range which ye shall yet find and utilize as did Atl, for are ye not Poseid returned?