
Channeled Message from the Pleiadian, Egyptian, Atlantean High Priestesses | October Energy Reading

Published: 8 Nov 2024

YouTube video


The session opens with a channeled message, presented as an October energy reading. The speaker addresses viewers tuning in at various times, emphasizing the non-linear nature of time and the connection of frequency. They invite listeners to receive the message with an open heart and mind, acknowledging that this frequency was drawn to them and matches their energy.

Invocation of Protection and Connection

The speaker calls on the “Galactic Council of Light,” angelic beings, and protective entities, including “Galactic Dragons of Protection,” to create a shield of high-frequency light. They focus on invoking energies of truth, love, and light and invite the “Christ Consciousness” for protection and guidance.

Presence of the High Priestesses

A presence is invoked from three distinct groups of spiritual beings:

  1. Pleiadian High Priestesses
  2. Egyptian High Priestesses
  3. Atlantean High Priestesses

The speaker explains that these priestesses are offering guidance and energetic transmission. Listeners are invited to focus on their third eye to receive this connection.

Ancient Lineages and Remembrance

The channeled message encourages listeners to remember their spiritual lineage as connected to these priestesses, emphasizing that they hold codes and memories from ancient practices. Listeners may begin to recall flashes of past lifetimes through dreams or meditation and are encouraged to document these memories, even if they seem fragmented.

Activation of Sacred Sites

Specific locations on Earth, such as Egypt, are highlighted as focal points for remembrance. The speaker suggests that sacred sites like the Great Pyramids and temples hold “codes” or energies connected to these ancient lineages. Viewers are encouraged to respectfully connect to these places, either physically or energetically, tuning into their frequencies and asking permission from the “Divine Protectors” of these lands.

Transition to New Earth Consciousness

The speaker discusses the current shift towards a “New Earth Consciousness,” characterized by unity, love, and non-duality. They mention that the planet is shifting from lower, dense frequencies of fear and separation toward heart-centered, higher frequencies. This shift requires individuals to stabilize their consciousness in the “higher heart space,” where dualities dissolve.

Channeling Message with Card Readings

The speaker draws cards to elaborate on the message:

  1. New Earth Transition Card: Reflects a connection with the “higher heart” and emphasizes non-duality.
  2. Throat Chakra Card: Symbolizes expression and the connection between the heart and throat chakras. Viewers are encouraged to activate their throat chakra through singing and vocal expression, which is said to open the heart and spread healing frequencies.

The Importance of Sound and Frequency

Singing and sound are highlighted as tools for spiritual activation. The speaker encourages viewers to sing mantras and avoid lyrics that carry dense or negative energy. They also suggest that singing can help expand one’s energetic field and facilitate connection to higher frequencies.

Acknowledging Physical Existence

The channeled message reminds viewers of the importance of grounding in the physical world. While they may experience spiritual insights and unity, they also have chosen to live in a physical body with material needs and responsibilities. This grounding allows them to bridge energies from the spiritual to the physical realm.

Closing and Offerings

The session closes with gratitude offered to the various spiritual beings invoked during the reading. The speaker also mentions an upcoming “Golden Timeline Activation” series, available on their website, for those interested in further guidance or one-on-one sessions.

The speaker concludes by thanking viewers for their participation in this energetic transmission.

Home > Channeled Message from the Pleiadian, Egyptian, Atlantean High Priestesses | October Energy Reading

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