
Jane Roberts

Jane Roberts – Seth On Dreams

Scott delves into Seth's perspectives on dreams, highlighting Seth’s ideas on the nature of reality, consciousness, and the ways in which dreams act as portals to other realms.

Scott builds upon previous episodes on Seth and shares interpretations of how dreams relate to humanity's evolution and reality creation.

Scott describes Seth's view on dreams, emphasizing that Seth saw dreams as a medium to understand reality and transcend the traditional divide between conscious and unconscious states.

This approach, Seth suggested, could enhance intuition, creativity, and wisdom gained from the dream state, potentially transforming the dreamer’s interaction with reality.

Scott references Seth Speaks, where Seth describes dreams not as imaginary but as a “laboratory of ideas” where forms and actions are first conceptualized before physical manifestation.

Dreams, he states, allow individuals to rehearse future events, as illustrated by infants who practice skills such as walking and speaking in their dreams before achieving them physically.

This aligns with modern theories of dreams as life rehearsals, where probable actions are explored and refined.

Seth explains that humanity shares a dream memory with universal symbols and themes, akin to Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious.

Dreams, according to Seth, offer insights into the broader patterns of personal and collective reality.

As an example, Seth notes that the idea of nuclear power originated in the dream world before its manifestation in physical reality, reflecting dreams as catalysts for collective shifts in thought and technology.

Seth describes methods like dream incubation, which allows the waking consciousness to enter the dream state, creating a setting where ideas can be safely tested.

Seth encouraged his audience to use dreams to explore ideas freely, leveraging the dream state’s fluid environment to navigate personal and collective challenges.

He described dreams as spaces where individuals can become “truly awake,” gaining a deeper awareness of their essence beyond waking reality.

Seth introduced the concept of dreams as a science and an art, where dream exploration serves as both a disciplined study and a creative pursuit.

Through consistent practice, individuals may attain “art scientist” status, gaining mastery over their own symbolic dream language and the ability to access what Seth called "inner commerce"—a metaphysical space of exchange between the self and the wider reality.

In Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment, Seth describes ancient humans as existing primarily in a dream state, awakening only briefly for sustenance and physical activities.

Seth explains that these early humans shared dreams, envisioning language, culture, and physical forms that gradually emerged in waking life.

Over time, humans shifted from dream-based to waking-based consciousness, yet retained an inherent connection to their dream origins.

This intrinsic connection to the dream state, Seth argues, is still accessible and offers insights into healing, intuition, and creative pursuits in modern times.

Seth explains that through dreams, individuals can engage with multiple dimensions, gaining insights that are obscured in daily consciousness.

Scott reflects on his own creative process, describing how he uses dreams to explore ideas for writing and painting.

Seth’s teachings suggest that approaching dreams with trust and openness can help solve problems and enhance creativity.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

"There were tales of personal visits and adventures of the gods among men, taking part in battles and appearing in dreams.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Indentity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New

214, 226.) In both continents the future was revealed by the flight of birds and by dreams.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of America

Having been warned in a dream that a deluge was coming upon the earth, be built a raft, on which be saved himself, with his family and all the animals.

Frederick S. Oliver

Life in Caiphul (5-1)

No more did I dream that, simultaneously with this telltale, our imaged reflection was likewise conveyed to the same august presence.

And this was a marriage of art and of science; from their union sprang the fair dream, a triumph of human skill and knowledge!

Clara Iza von Ravn

Selestor’s Men of Atlantis

Old instruments are found today which people know not nor can speak their use, and little dream they gleaned the strong, vibrative force of Nature's laws which are exact and reproduction sometimes a work that art may win.

Yet kindness reigned withal, and kings bestowed some token of their favor upon all on feast days—days when vast pavilions built were named and blessed and the fleet received a store of things deemed needful in that olden time of which ye dream today.

And he, the chastened son, had shared that fate had he but lingered on the mother isle where rosy dreams of power, greatness, marked the pathway of his youth.

“One shall come at last and thou shalt her behold and dream thou lovest; what care I?

Cleft the marble base, and sculptured leaf is broken, yet there lies a wondrous store for man who dreams, and dreams above, and seeks to shape a history from the blocks that teach of peoples once so versed in arts that other ways seem baubles set by gems.

Thus my mind grows calm and clear and I may mark events, so that no dream I name the wondrous sights that I shall hand adown the line of sons who follow after."

"Halt the barques within the shelter of yon wooded cape and close to shore, that not one prying eye may dream the soldier faithful guards his isle."

Alas, the dream that had no end!

Wiliam R. Sandbach

The Oera Linda Book

Repeat this to your children morning, noon, and night, till they think of it in their dreams.

After the thunder Frya’s seven watch-maidens appeared to her in a dream seven nights in succession.

Matias de Stefano

Matias De Stefano Channels Multi-Dimensional Beings at Ancient Salt Flats

The night before, Matias had vivid dreams of another planet inhabited by tall beings, resembling the Syrian people.

In the dream, they showed him the Four Corners region, indicating the importance of honoring the four directions—east, west, north, and south—and placing a fifth point in the center.

At this moment, he connected with the beings from his dream, who guided him to ask permission from the ancestors of the land, especially the Native American spirits of the area.

Robert Nelson


The idea of separation, which is likened to a dream, is described as an illusion, and Paul encourages the audience to recognize that home was never left behind.

Robert Nelson

Keys 2: Truth

However, this distortion is likened to a dream—unreal and fleeting.

Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 Part 5) Robert Nelsons life

His mother, initially skeptical of Robert's discussions about Michael, had a vivid dream involving Michael in a temple.

Ivan Teller

Atlas King of Atlantis

Ivan explains that as humanity awakens spiritually, memories and knowledge from Atlantis will resurface, especially through dreams.

Human dreams will increasingly reveal timelines from Atlantis, both positive and negative, as part of a spiritual process to remember ancient knowledge.

Ancient Manifestation Methods

By stepping across the line, an individual enters an alternate universe where their desired outcome already exists, such as a dream job or ideal home.

Kyle Cease

Moving from 3D to 5D

He compares this to his own experience as a stand-up comedian, explaining how he outgrew his childhood dream and realized that external achievements do not bring lasting happiness.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Ghosts are real

Bashar elaborates on the idea that physical reality is temporary, likening it to a dream that can fade away.

Julie Poole

The energetic shifts occurring in 2024 and 2025

Personally, she is preparing to move into her dream home after years of transience.

Astral Projection Techniques

Have you ever woken up feeling like you had an amazing dream, but within seconds, the dream vanished from your mind as if it had never existed?

In this video, a little-known truth about why you cannot remember your dreams is revealed.

Forgetting dreams may seem normal, but Buddhist teachings suggest there is more behind this phenomenon.

The aim is to change the way one understands dreams and, more importantly, the mind and spirituality.

Imagine if those forgotten dreams were important messages from the subconscious, alerting individuals to something crucial in their lives.

Unlike regular dreams, where images are creations of the subconscious, astral projection is a real experience of spiritual detachment.

Dream Journaling: Keeping a journal by the bedside strengthens the connection between the conscious mind and the subconscious, helping retain details that would otherwise be lost.

Affirmations: Using affirmations like “I remember my dreams and spiritual journeys clearly” before sleep programs the subconscious to retain these memories.

Lucid dreams are those in which an individual becomes aware of the dream and can control its course.

Reality checks during the day, such as looking at one’s hands or rereading a text, can train the brain to recognize inconsistencies in dreams, leading to lucidity.

The Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) method combines lucid dreaming and astral projection through repetition and intention-setting before sleep.

Debbie Solaris

Conscious in an alternate reality

Debbie Solaris describes an experience where she became conscious in an alternate reality, which she emphasized was not a dream but a vivid, hyperreal event.


It Works by RHJ

Title: It Works by RHJSubtitle: The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True!Published: 1926Publisher: Master Key SocietyCopyright: 2021, Master Key SocietyRead by: Randy Scott

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Become who you desire in 40 days

Physical reality is presented as an extension of one's dreams.


They are connected to feelings, dreams, and the unconscious.

On the astral plane, elementals may interact more directly with the human mind, especially through dreams, visions, or magical practices.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Longevity and Living in the Now

The questioner shares a dream where they met two interdimensional beings.

In another dream, the questioner experienced being pregnant with an extraterrestrial baby.

Bonni McCliss

The solar flares

These changes are influencing human behavior, dreams, and spiritual awareness.

Freddy Silva

The Anunnaki and Their Presence in Sumerian Civilization

The speaker highlights a Pharaoh’s dream about a global flood and subsequent efforts to preserve knowledge through the construction of pyramids.


The Cosmic Story of Sophia and the Elohim

Together, they conceived the dream of creating a golden seed, the Anthropos, a being destined to be a reflection of their divine essence, inhabiting the densest dimensions of creation.

Through dreams, intuitions, and revelations, Sophia guided those who were willing to listen and remember.

Frederick S. Oliver

Le Grand Voyage

Even the wide waters of the Miti, set about with towering peaks in the olden days, beautiful as a dream, were not more grand and glorious than these awful gorges come to take their place.

Frederick S. Oliver

The Waters of Light

At last, I came out of the horrid dream into which, without regaining consciousness after my swoon, I had passed, a heated nightmare of brain fever.

Frederick S. Oliver

Poseid highly honors women

Perchance I go first out across the great ocean of eternity; then will I await thee in the dim land of dreams, where is no more parting, neither pain nor sorrow.

Could I hope to realize the dream, after this unexpected turn of fortune?

Daniel 2

The divine stone

This passage describes a dream that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has, which Daniel interprets.

The dream involves a statue made of various materials, symbolizing different empires, and a stone that ultimately destroys the statue.

In King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the statue is composed of the following materials, each representing a different empire:

While both King Agamemnon’s vision in the Iliad and King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in the Book of Daniel involve divine messages received through dreams, they serve very different narrative and theological purposes.

Agamemnon’s dream is part of a larger mythological narrative driven by the whims of the gods, while Nebuchadnezzar’s dream is a key element in a prophetic vision that communicates a message about divine sovereignty and the future of empires.

Frederick S. Oliver

Caiphul (2-1)

Thus lay, like a splendid dream, this, the proudest city of that ancient world.