Jane Roberts

Jane Roberts – Seth On Dreams


Brian Scott, host of The Reality Revolution, explores the channeled teachings of Seth through the writings of Jane Roberts. Scott delves into Seth’s perspectives on dreams, highlighting Seth’s ideas on the nature of reality, consciousness, and the ways in which dreams act as portals to other realms. Scott builds upon previous episodes on Seth and shares interpretations of how dreams relate to humanity’s evolution and reality creation.

Seth’s Approach to Dreams

Scott describes Seth’s view on dreams, emphasizing that Seth saw dreams as a medium to understand reality and transcend the traditional divide between conscious and unconscious states. According to Seth, this distinction emerged as humans distanced themselves from their inner psychological origins. Seth argued that the modern mistrust of the unconscious, sleep, and the inner self hinders the human experience.

Seth advocated for a reduced sleep schedule of four to six hours at night, supplemented by daytime naps. This approach, Seth suggested, could enhance intuition, creativity, and wisdom gained from the dream state, potentially transforming the dreamer’s interaction with reality.

Dreams as a Creative Force

Scott references Seth Speaks, where Seth describes dreams not as imaginary but as a “laboratory of ideas” where forms and actions are first conceptualized before physical manifestation. Dreams, he states, allow individuals to rehearse future events, as illustrated by infants who practice skills such as walking and speaking in their dreams before achieving them physically. This aligns with modern theories of dreams as life rehearsals, where probable actions are explored and refined.

Symbolism and Shared Dreams

Seth explains that humanity shares a dream memory with universal symbols and themes, akin to Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. Dreams, according to Seth, offer insights into the broader patterns of personal and collective reality. As an example, Seth notes that the idea of nuclear power originated in the dream world before its manifestation in physical reality, reflecting dreams as catalysts for collective shifts in thought and technology.

Practical Dream Application

Seth describes methods like dream incubation, which allows the waking consciousness to enter the dream state, creating a setting where ideas can be safely tested. Seth encouraged his audience to use dreams to explore ideas freely, leveraging the dream state’s fluid environment to navigate personal and collective challenges. He described dreams as spaces where individuals can become “truly awake,” gaining a deeper awareness of their essence beyond waking reality.

Dreaming and Reality Creation

Seth introduced the concept of dreams as a science and an art, where dream exploration serves as both a disciplined study and a creative pursuit. Through consistent practice, individuals may attain “art scientist” status, gaining mastery over their own symbolic dream language and the ability to access what Seth called “inner commerce”—a metaphysical space of exchange between the self and the wider reality.

The Ancient Dreamer

In Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fulfillment, Seth describes ancient humans as existing primarily in a dream state, awakening only briefly for sustenance and physical activities. Seth explains that these early humans shared dreams, envisioning language, culture, and physical forms that gradually emerged in waking life. Over time, humans shifted from dream-based to waking-based consciousness, yet retained an inherent connection to their dream origins.

Dreams and Physical Realities

According to Seth, in this ancient period, the environment was pliable, and physical laws such as gravity had a softer influence. This allowed humans a deeper sense of unity with their surroundings. The body and the environment, then, existed in mutual creation and cooperation, with early humans more in tune with natural forces. This intrinsic connection to the dream state, Seth argues, is still accessible and offers insights into healing, intuition, and creative pursuits in modern times.

Application of Dreams for Insight and Healing

Seth explains that through dreams, individuals can engage with multiple dimensions, gaining insights that are obscured in daily consciousness. Scott reflects on his own creative process, describing how he uses dreams to explore ideas for writing and painting. Seth’s teachings suggest that approaching dreams with trust and openness can help solve problems and enhance creativity.

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