
Although people may perceive a time lag or linear process, the reality exists immediately once it is chosen.

While the perception of time and space may remain, it is possible to accelerate the experience, making the transition between realities more noticeable and rapid.

She emphasizes that this is not astral projection but a more profound experience that involves traveling through time.

These beings have existed since the beginning of time and have saved humanity during numerous Earth changes.


The Lens

They reference the fourth dimension, which includes time, introduced through the work of Albert Einstein.

Basher mentions that living in the present moment, or "the now," reduces the creation of time, which paradoxically allows people to experience longer lives.

These incarnations do not necessarily exist on Earth or within the same time frame as one's current life.

From the perspective of linear time, one perceives past lives as being in the past and future lives as being in the future.

All past lives, memories, and imaginations are occurring now, as there is only the present moment in this broader perception of time.

Both the sequential and simultaneous experiences of lives can be seen as valid, depending on the perspective—whether it is from within the linearity of time or from a more expansive metaphysical viewpoint where all moments exist simultaneously.

Time during this phase was not linear, and Earth was still in a blueprint phase.

Just as humanity originated from these ancient times, there is a potential to return to a similar state of harmony and creation.

Over time, the human DNA template reduced, resulting in fewer elemental beings in the material world.


A great solar flash

She highlighted that while words play a small role, energy is the most crucial element in communicating during this transformative time.

Experienced participants may require less preparation, but newcomers need more time to fully engage in these practices.

Digging into past lives, ancestral history, or personal trauma is only necessary if it feels relevant and beneficial at the present time.

Over time, this love reaches the one who is being loved, enhancing the family dynamic and nurturing growth for everyone involved.

Matias de Stefano

Time and Space

It's not about living solely in the present but understanding a deeper connection between time and space.

The speaker shares a discovery regarding the words "time" and "space," stating that they share the same root meaning — "to pull." Matias stresses that time and space are intertwined aspects of a single reality, with time representing the internal process and space as its outward expression.

Matias points out that humans perceive time as the passing of moments, like day and night or aging, but these are merely effects of the Earth’s movements.

Time, as humans know it, is just a perception linked to matter.

The speaker emphasizes that time doesn’t truly exist as we understand it.

To grasp the concept of "Here and Now," one must transcend ordinary perceptions of time and space and understand that all moments and places are expressed from a single point.

When individuals say "I am," they are recognizing that all times and spaces are unified in that statement.

The concept of "Here and Now" is not confined to the present moment or location but encompasses all times and places in the universe.

Although time and space are perceived differently in the cosmos, humans still need these tools to navigate their physical world.

Over time, these entities entered an understanding of other beings and planetary entities, resulting in a mutual sharing of service-oriented goals.

A conscious awareness of the Law of One becomes essential by the time an entity reaches the fifth density.

Descriptions often included unusual physical characteristics such as green or blue eyes, traits uncommon among populations of that time.

Religion is seen as a construct that arose during times of crisis, such as around 1500 BCE when civilizations experienced climate changes and solar outbursts.

Over time, these obelisks were relocated to places like the Vatican and Washington D.C., demonstrating a transfer of symbolic power.

White expresses his long-standing passion for mythology, driven by how the reconstruction of stories can help understand how ancestors perceived the world and the cosmos at different times in history.

This adaptability allows myths to remain relevant across diverse regions and times.

He likens mythemes to DNA, as they tend to remain consistent over time unless influenced by societal or environmental changes.

White concludes by discussing why myths endure across time.

At the dawn of creation, before time and space manifested, there existed the ALL, an infinite and androgynous unity, also known as the Great Primordial Ocean.

To carry out this creation, the Cosmic Father and Cosmic Mother united once more, this time to create the original twelve Elohim, six in a first act of love and another six in a second.

The structure of historical ages, such as the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age, is primarily used by archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists to classify human prehistory and early history based on the dominant materials and technologies used at the time.

Time Period: circa 2.5 million BCE – 10,000 BCE

Time Period: circa 10,000 BCE – 8000 BCE

Time Period: circa 8000 BCE – 3000 BCE

Time Period: circa 4500 BCE – 3300 BCE

Time Period: circa 3300 BCE – 1200 BCE

Time Period: circa 1200 BCE – 539 BCE

Time Period: circa 800 BCE – 476 CE

Time Period: 476 CE – 1453 CE

Time Period: 1453 CE – 1750 CE

Time Period: 1750 CE – present

Over time, this framework was expanded by scholars to cover more specific periods, like the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, and later historical ages like the Classical Age and Middle Ages.

While the Three-Age System is widely used in Europe, the time frames and terms vary globally.

For example, the development of metallurgy occurred at different times in different regions, so terms like "Bronze Age" or "Iron Age" can have varied significance depending on the location (e.g., Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Europe).

Post Flood

The Phoenicians

Over time, councils and assemblies developed, leading some to consider Phoenician city-states as proto-democratic in nature.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Mistake of a Life

But I did not tell him that which, heavier and yet heavier, weighed upon me as time elapsed, the secret affair with Lolix.

As time went on I began to query my position.

Walking amidst such scenes by the side of her who was so dear, is it strange that my soul was at such times eased of something of its burden of sin and woe?

Anzimee had postponed the time of her examination until the year in which I was to graduate, and hence the festivities which always followed the examination as a mark of rejoicing over the success of those who received diplomas included her in the honorable list, for she had passed with high credits.

Several times I found Gwauxln looking intently at me—I sat not far from him—and once, as he passed me after the feast, he murmured sadly:

Conscience had not slept; it had never been existent; it was yet to be born and grow in a later time.

It was the not being true to the ideal at that time gained, true with all my soul, that did the mischief, just as in the myth of Lot's wife, she had never been turned to salt had she obeyed, not curiosity, but the higher injunction.

Having set the time for the momentous inquiry, I sought Anzimee.

A Dweller on Two Planets

A nation of 85 million people

During this time, Zailm also reflects on the moral complexities of human nature, particularly the tendency of people to be lenient toward real criminals and harsh toward victims.

Ganje - A location where a Poseid commissary is stationed, where the Saldee general spends his time.

Whether Menax designed these words for the purpose of arousing me to a sense of my duties in the premises or not, I had at the time no idea.

Perhaps I was not grateful to Incal; perhaps I never thought a second time, in these days of prosperity, of the prayer of the moneyless and unknown youth upon Pitach Rhok.

At the time the commissary was busy, and promised to do as requested on the morrow.

This little experience was the beginning of a longer one which, while very sweet for a length of time, culminated in anguish there in Atlantis and, phoenix-like, arose from the ashes of the dead centuries, only a few short years ago.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Le Grand Voyage

They reach their destination, the grand city of Caiphul, in time for breakfast, reflecting on their adventures and the majesty of their homeland.

Enhanced Durability: Atlanteans were able to temper copper so that it could maintain a sharp edge for extended periods of time, requiring very little sharpening or maintenance.

Isthmus of Panama: Described as much broader in the time of Atlantis, connecting Central and South America.

Lake Ui (Great Salt Lake): A large freshwater lake in Utah, vastly larger than its present size in Atlantean times.

Yellowstone Region: Mentioned as part of the same expedition that explored the Three Tetons (Pitachi Ui), discovered in modern times.

Our course was again eastward, although now farther south, for we did not propose to visit Suernis this time but intended to proceed instead to our American colonies, as in the original route we had planned to do after leaving Suemis.

In that olden time, the Amazon river ran within dykes across the continent, and the trackless sylvas of Brazil were then drained areas of tilled soil, such as the adjacent territory of the Mississippi is today.

All things move in cycles, but the circle is that of the screw-thread, ever around and around on a higher plane each time.

But that time when these things shall come to pass, and no man be able to say nay, is yet far away on the horizon of time future, as far as is the grand recession of the Amazon on the horizon of the past.

I am reminded that he has decided from evidence afforded by erosion and weathering of the rocks in that amazing region, that while the Arizona lake was undoubtedly a lake or a seabed since the Paleozoic time when it was the site of a shallow ocean, nevertheless that lake was certainly "of an age older than the Pliocene, being probably in the Cretaceous epoch." My friend, no.

Those gorges and stupendous canyons are not merely the gradual product of time, water, and weather.

And the geologist seems to have admitted the claim, and placed the lake time far back, in order to allow a sufficient term for the execution of the gigantic work.

I did not sleep for some time, as the excitement of the day had not worn off.

Professor Hayden, having arrived at the base of these lofty peaks, succeeded, after indefatigable toil, in reaching the top of the greater peak, and made the first ascent known to modern times.

After taking counsel among ourselves, we decided not to make the farther northern trip, for every one of us had seen the Arctic icefields at least once, while some of us had been there several times.

It is no more the "Union of lakes and union of lands" that it was in that olden time.

That is, we would head our vailx southeast for the Necropan coast, then southwest for Caiphul, and though the extra distance would be several thousand miles, the increased speed attained would allow us to reach our destination in time to take our breakfast at home.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Xioquithlon – A specific time or festival marking the new year.

I will go back to the mountains with my husband, he whom thou knowest not, a good man, a lover ere I married thy father, and whom, having wedded this morning, the notice of it hath doubtless by this time been published abroad.

Her manner—spare me details of this last meeting and the last time I ever saw my Poseid mother.

At the appointed time, my invited guests assembled at the palace, from the roof of which we were to take our departure.

Prince Menax, seated in a deck chair by my side, looked over the rail at the surface more than three kilometers beneath, then he drew his heavy fur cape more closely about his shoulders, looked back over the hundred kilometers, more or less, of our course already covered in the half hour, and remarked that the other vailx was rapidly gaining on us."Shall I give orders to the vailx-man to increase speed, that we may enjoy a race?" I asked of the company, which clad in arctic clothing, was occupying the passing time in sightseeing round about us on the open deck."Nay, not so, my son," said Menax.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Airship used for fast personal transport

This was the first time I had ever seen any exhibition of occult power on the part of Gwauxln; indeed, I never saw many examples of his power, notwithstanding his high adeptship.

Hence, Gwauxln was not averse to allowing me to witness his power at times.

Over three times the height of a tall man, it stood, a mysterious manifestation of Incal, as all spectators believed.

The day of the "Dismal Prophecy" had been looked for as the decades passed into centuries, but its time was not yet come, and though many alarmists set days when it would surely come, it came not, and the Unfed Light continued.

But even as thou shalt fail, so then shall thy time be shortened.

These men were the Theochristic or Occult Adepts of that olden age, the Yog-Vidya of their time.

It is only now, after twelve thousand years have slipped into eternity through the back door of time that I have come to know how much Mainin had to do with those events, and how wholly in the dark concerning his real character was Gwauxln and every other Son of the Solitude.



Joshua 11:10 – "And Joshua turned back at that time and captured Hazor and struck its king with the sword, for Hazor formerly was the head of all those kingdoms."

2 Samuel 2:11 – "And the time that David was king in Hebron over the house of Judah was seven years and six months."

At that time the Canaanites were in the land."

However, there are a few key groups or entities that are associated with this time:


Destroyed cities

Outcome: Tyre was partially destroyed several times, and the island city was connected to the mainland by Alexander’s causeway.

Outcome: Babylon eventually fell into ruin after several conquests, including by the Persians, and its grandeur was lost over time.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid highly honors women

"Zailm," he began, "I hardly know why I called thee this night; why I waited not for a time.

Many a time have I gone to the Xioquithlon to note thee at work in thy studies.

Always have the summonses thou hast received at divers times to attend at this astikithlon had for their prompting motive sight of thee!

"Few have passed days that I have not at some time seen thee, either personally or by naim; yes, I have gone at night and stood by thy window, that I might gladden my heart with the sound of thy voice as thou hast sat reading to thy mother.

all the song of praise which fills my breast for Thy blessings to me." Here he dropped the hands that had touched together for the first time and lifted his own to heaven.

All this time, while considering the situation, I was reserving as a choice sensation the pleasure of examining what was the kind of love I felt for her who was my sister, by adoption only, it is true, but who, herself the pet of inner circles, and the adored of the people of Caiphul, would appear before the world as my sister the moment Rai Gwauxln should officially approve his brother's course.

Kenizzites, Kadmonites: Mentioned in Genesis 15:19-21 as peoples inhabiting the land promised to Abraham, likely existing around the time of the Amorites.

Kenites: A nomadic tribe related to the Midianites, mentioned during the time of Moses and the Judges.

Ophir, Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, Sabteca: Tribes associated with distant lands, involved in trade with Israel, especially during the time of Solomon.

Gadites, Reubenites, Manassites, Ephraimites, Danites, Benjamites, Levites, Asherites, Zebulunites, Issacharites, Simeonites, Judahites, Naphtalites: The twelve tribes of Israel, all contemporary with each other, from the time of the Exodus through the period of the Kings and beyond.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

As the attendant conducted me before the prince and prior to my presence being announced, I had time sufficient to notice a group of officers and ladies gathered about a woman of such exceeding grace and beauty that even her evident sorrow and distress, together with the distance of the corner where she sat, could not wholly conceal it.

The brief duty completed, thou mayest remain there such time as thou desirest, or go whither fancy may beckon."

There were those who philosophized over the spirit of the times, Poseid theorists, and these drew a prognostic picture of Atlantean destiny.

Then this fact was put side by side with the fact that the mysterious powers of the Suerni and Necropani owed their existence to this same occult realm, and the conclusion was that in time we also would grow careless of material progress and devote our energy to occult studies.

A burned child fears the fire, and in times past we had sought to conquer these nations and failed disastrously.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Strict religious customs of Poseid

Zailm is left to ponder whether the prophecy is true or false, with time being the only thing that will reveal the truth.

First hour of the first day in the fifth month (Relative time in the narrative, no specific calendar date given).

11,160 (Time period in the narrative, indicating the year).

1886 (Mentioned in contrast to the ancient time period).

From this hour in the last day of each week until the end of the twenty-fourth hour in the following, or first day in the next week, all business was suspended, and the time devoted to religious worship, such observances being enforced by the most rigid of all laws, custom.

With the first hour, however, an enormous and very sweet-toned bell pealed forth with an intense, reverberant boom, two strokes, paused a moment, then rang four times more.

It was even so in the populous colonies of Umaur and Incalia, the difference in time being calculated, and one man in the great temple of Incal in Caiphul attended to this sweetly solemn duty.

Upon meeting him now, the current of my thought was altered, and I determined not to go home at once, but to remain in the city for a time, perhaps all night.

When I neared the spot where my meeting had occurred with the white-turbaned stranger, this time in a car, which I checked from running overfast, I saw his commanding figure standing in full view in the bright light of the tropic moon.

It was quite a part of my expectations thus to see him, and this time I inclined my head in courteous recognition.

Time will satisfy thy curiosity, my reader, as it did mine.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The worship of Incal

It was in the time of the annual respite from study that I made my advent to the capital city.

In this vacation, the Xioqua and the Incala participated, the majority seeking their homes first, for a season, but generally soon returning to the capital in order to enjoy the special pleasures of the resting time.

Its authorship was lost in the night of time.

He had, in that time, created mankind and, as the Poseidi were evolutionists, that word, "mankind," embraced all the lower animals too.

In course of time, beings of the genus homo were evolved, one man and one woman, and then Incal had placed woman spiritually highest and above man, a position which she had lost through an attempt to enjoy a fruit which grew on the Tree of Life in the Garden of Heaven.

But I will say that humanity's new conception of the Eternal Cause will be more lofty, more sublime, purer, wider, and more of an approach to boundlessness, than anything of which the long-gone aeons of time have ever dreamed.