
A Dweller on Two Planets

Poseid, 4340 years of peace

Constructed monumental structures like the Maxt, a giant aluminum tower, the tallest human construction at the time.

The Maxt tower is described as the tallest human construction of its time, with a height of over 900 meters.

Eastern Europe: An area where Poseid founded colonies during a time when there was no Western Europe.

As antedating the reign of Rai Gwauxln, attention is called to a period of time embracing four thousand three hundred and forty years, inclusive of the main events of Poseid history.

As time went on, racial coalition obliterated all distinctions, so that the union resulted in producing earth's greatest nation.

Inconsequential civil wars had several times made a change of political complexion, so that Poseid had seen itself governed by absolute autocrats, by oligarchic and by theocratic rule, by masculine and by feminine rulers, and at last by a republican monarchial system, of which Rai Gwauxln was the head, when I lived as Zailm, in Atlantis.

Gwauxln was of a long line of honorable ancestors, and his house had several times furnished successful candidates whom the people had placed on the throne during the seven centuries that the present political system had ruled.

Bits of shore, then steep banks, flower-hidden; the song of the nossuri, and the calls of various other birds and furry-folk of the night-time, intermingled with the soft plash of falling water, the voice of the cascade which fed this lacustrine gem.

So, in that time, we transmuted clay, first raising its atomic speed so that it became white light of a pale illuminating power, and then reducing it to the, so to speak, chemical "mile-post" of aluminum, and this at a cost not nearly so great as in this modern day it takes to get iron from its ores.

So is it the period set to all time, for me, save I elect.

Matias de Stefano

The Exodus to Egypt

They followed a route known at the time as "Tagok" which is what we now call Iberia.

At that time, the Sahara was much greener than we know it today.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Axte Incal – To Know God

These technologies reflect a civilization with an advanced understanding of the universe's fundamental forces, enabling them to develop tools and methods far beyond what is known in modern times.

O, bright tomorrow of time, and fortunate thou who shalt open thine eyes upon it and its marvels.

This cultural diversity extends to a historical understanding of pre-Noachian (pre-Nepthian) civilizations, which still hold relevance in the narrator's time.

There is a saying, whose origin is dim through lapse of time, to the effect that "Knowledge is power." Within well-defined limits, this is a verity.

Thus have I named the three greatest nations of pre-Noachian (pre-Nepthian) times.

A Dweller on Two Planets


Imagine, if it please thee, an elevation approximating fifteen feet in height, ten times that figure in width, and that fifty times its height represents its length.

Enough, that no political harmony exists in this modern time of the world like that which sprung from this paternalism on the part of our elected officials.

It will be well to preface these with a short history of their enactment, and thus show how, in that olden time, labor troubles quite similar, and fully as menacing to peace and order as any modern industrial upheaval, were finally and equitably settled.

"What time those who work for hire shall be oppressed, and shall rise in wrath to destroy their oppressor—lo!

Of the many articles and sections, I shall insert only those that are pertinent to modern times and troubles, so that if these selections are not articled and sectioned in consecution the reason is obvious.

It is in this that the modern Anglo-Saxon world, which is Poseid (and Suem) reincarnating, shows one mark of the slow but sure upward progress begotten of time; proves that although man moves, as does all else, sensate and insensate, in a circle, yet that circle is like a screw-thread, ever progressing around and around, but each time moving on a higher plane.

The old-time strikes and riots out of which these laws were born disappeared and peace took its sway.

So when the modern world of the Christian epoch came to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, particularly the last named, then began the reincarnation of this Poseid era, and for a time the tendency to oppression again came uppermost.

Finally, strange and paradoxical as it may appear, this betterment is the direct child of the old-time rights extorted by might in Poseid, and today, reincarnated offspring of reincarnated oppression, as in Atlantis oppression sprang reincarnate from the grave of other ages gone before, previous to the wondrous memorial of Gizeh.

Cayce emphasized that the auras of individuals with past lives in Atlantis often contain specific patterns and colors that reflect their experiences from that time.

Edgar Cayce


These teachings were encoded in the rituals, hieroglyphs, and architectural designs of ancient Egypt, awaiting the time when humanity would be ready to fully comprehend and utilize them.

This often relates to the idea of completing unfinished work from their time in Atlantis, such as bringing forth lost knowledge or helping to guide humanity through similar challenges that Atlantis faced.

He also proposed that the resurgence of interest in Atlantis in modern times might be linked to the reincarnation of Atlantean souls, who feel an innate pull towards rediscovering and reconnecting with their ancient heritage.

Cayce suggested that many souls who lived during the time of Atlantis have reincarnated in modern times to resolve karmic debts and to relearn the lessons of responsibility and spiritual integrity.

According to the readings, Atlantis played a crucial role in early human history and was a highly advanced society, far ahead of its time in terms of technology and spiritual understanding.

An important aspect of Cayce’s readings is the idea that many souls who lived in Atlantis have reincarnated in modern times.

In the shadows of time, his story intertwines with myth and history, leaving us captivated by the mysteries of the past.

Berossus at that time stood as the lone author supporting this viewpoint.

The parallels between Sargon and Nimrod suggest the possibility of shared cultural influences or archetypal motifs in the ancient Near East, where stories and legends could be adapted and reimagined over time.

It is plausible that over time, the historical accounts of these rulers became intertwined with mythical and legendary elements, leading to the creation of larger-than-life figures like Nimrod.

LaCroix mentioned that his work had been stuck on this point for some time, seeking to understand how these stories were linked across different cultures.

LaCroix focused on Zernaki Tepe, a site in Eastern Turkey that he believes is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of our time.

Billy reveals that Yeshua spent this time traveling to Egypt and Tibet, where he learned various mystical and healing arts, such as Reiki and Qigong.

He suggests this could be due to time travelers altering events in the past, creating alternate timelines.

This concept ties into ancient beliefs about the fluidity of time and the existence of multiple realities.

The discussion concludes with a deeper exploration of the nature of time and reincarnation.

This understanding challenges the conventional view of linear time and aligns with ancient teachings that suggest our souls are connected across different timelines and realities.

This practice, he argues, was part of the Judaism of that time, which involved multiple temples, high priests, and deities, including Asherah.

By the time of the New Testament, the knowledge of these beings had been obliterated, leaving early Christians uncertain about who or what they were in contact with.

The walls here are adorned with depictions of all the kings who ruled, not only during the dynastic period of Egypt but also during a time referred to as the era of the gods and demigods.

These elements resonate through various mythologies, pointing to a shared narrative of death and rebirth that transcends cultures and time.

Revelation 18

Thus shall Babylon sink

Rebuilding Civilization: In these new lands, the Atlantean survivors began to rebuild their lives and, over time, re-established some of their former knowledge and culture.

Atlantis: According to Plato, Atlantis was a highly advanced and wealthy civilization, but over time, its people became corrupt, greedy, and morally bankrupt.

Symbolism: Peacocks represent beauty, immortality, and the cycles of time.

The Fall of Atlantis

Atlantis in the Old Testament

Reason: The Book of Job is often considered one of the oldest texts due to its archaic language, themes, and cultural references, which may reflect a period from the time of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob).

Isaiah 11:11: "In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people...

This connection is not just symbolic but could be historically grounded in the reality that such distant and powerful nations were known in ancient times.

End Times Prophecy: The imagery of the stone is also tied to eschatological themes, where the destruction of the statue represents the end of human history as we know it and the beginning of the eternal reign of God.

Isaiah 2:12-17 is a passage that describes "The Day of the Lord," a time when the Lord will bring judgment against human pride and arrogance.

Isaiah speaks of "The Day of the Lord" as a time when human arrogance will be humbled, and only the Lord will be exalted.



Initially, she might have been linked to birds or snakes, but over time, Athena shed these animalistic forms, retaining only symbolic representations like the owl.

When what you now said concerning the citizens in your discourse, that whatever they do concerning the city, this they shall bring from home, each ruling over others as they govern, this was the same according to the laws of that time and the political order of those times, which established the people, not just a short time ago, as the story goes, but from many years ago, even thousands, becoming great and wondrous.

109d-109eThe priests told Solon that during that time, the land of Greece had a superior position and was settled by people who gathered there due to the abundance of resources and the benefits to mankind.

The political systems at that time were divided among different classes: some focused on sacred rites and the arts, others on military affairs, and still others on agriculture.

110c-110dAthens, at that time, was governed by the goddess Athena, much like in the present day.

110e-111aEach of these groups—whether sacred, military, or agricultural—was governed according to the laws and customs of the time.

The Atlanteans were wealthy and powerful, but over time, they became corrupt and morally degenerate, which eventually led to their downfall.

However, as time passed, the divine nature of the Atlanteans began to fade, and they became increasingly corrupt.

Literal Translation: "Now Abram (Avram) was extremely prosperous, possessing much livestock, along with silver and gold." / "And it happened that a conflict arose between the keepers of Abram's livestock and Lot's livestock, and the Canaanites and the Perizzites, who were at that time settled in that territory."

[109b] Once upon a time the gods were taking over by lot the whole earth according to its regions,—not according to the results of strife1: for it would not be reasonable to suppose that the gods were ignorant of their own several rights, nor yet that they attempted to obtain for themselves by means of strife a possession to which others, as they knew, had a better claim.

When combining myths from various ancient traditions, such as Sumerian, Biblical, and Greek, the world before the great flood emerges as a time of extraordinary events, larger-than-life beings, and a close connection between gods and humans.

Nephilim and Titans: Many myths describe a time when the Earth was populated by giants, often born from the union of gods and humans.

These cities were often ruled by kings who reigned for extraordinarily long periods, suggesting a world where time and life itself operated differently.

At that time, the people of Aratta had refused to submit to Enmerkar's rule.

He thanked Inanna, the exalted mistress, the lady of all the lands, For her favor and her help in his time of need.

He notes that by his time, Babylon had significantly deteriorated and that much of the city lay in ruins.

He describes how the city, once so great, had become deserted and ruined by his time.

The transformation of the Hebrew name בָּבֶל (Bavel) into the English name "Babylon" is a result of linguistic changes over time as the name passed through different languages and cultures.

Over time, this became the standard English name for the ancient city.

Plato’s Atlantis:The people of Atlantis, once virtuous and just, become morally corrupt over time.


City Tyre

The elaborate tombs and sarcophagi reflect the city's wealth and the customs of the time.

It became famous for its strategic and defensible position, surrounded by water, making it a formidable fortress in ancient times.

Over time, sediment accumulated around the causeway, expanding its width and eventually connecting the island permanently to the mainland.

Philo, of Byblos

The Phoenician history

"From these," he says, "were born Samemroumos, who is also called Hypsouranios, and Ousdos." He says, "They took their names from their mothers, since women at that time mated indiscriminately with whomever they chanced to meet."

Ousdos took part of a tree, cut off the branches and, for the first time ever, dared to travel on the sea.

In much later times there were born, in the line of Hypsouranios, Hunter and Fisher, the inventors of fishing and hunting, from whom…

“Some time later, while Ouranos was in exile, he secretly sent his maiden daughter Astarte together with two other sisters of hers, Rhea and Dione, to kill Kronos by stealth.

"Kronos had seven daughters, Titanids or Artemids, by Astarte, and again by Rhea he had seven sons, the youngest of whom was made an object of worship at the time of his birth.

In their time there also lived Pontos, Typhon, and Nereus, father of Pontos and son of Belos.

"When Thabion, the very first hierophant of the Phoenicians since the beginning of time, had interpreted all these things allegorically and had combined them with natural and cosmic phenomena, he transmitted them to the priests and to the prophets who led the rites.

Assisted by the force of time, it has rendered its hold inescapable, so that the truth is regarded as drivel and the bastard tale as truth.”

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Chaldeans

Finally, loosed the third time, the birds came no more back.

I stopped up the chinks through which the water entered in;--I visited the chinks, and added what was wanting.--I poured on the exterior three times 3600 measures of asphalte,--and three times 3600 measures of asphalte within.--Three times 3600 men, porters, brought on their heads the chests of provisions.--I kept 3600 chests for the nourishment of my family,--and the mariners divided among themselves twice 3600 chests.--For [provisioning] I had oxen slain;--I instituted [rations] for each day.--In anticipation of the need of] drinks, of barrels, and of wine--[I collected in quantity] like to the waters of a river, [of provisions] in quantity like to the dust of the earth.-[To arrange them in] the chests I set my hand to.--.

Although there is an allusion to "the breaking up of the fountains of the great deep" (about which I shall speak more fully hereafter), the principal destruction seems to have been accomplished by rain; hence the greater period allowed for the Deluge, to give time enough for the rain to fall, and subsequently drain off from the land.

Islands & Coastlines

Islands mentioned in the Bible