Silvia Suryodaya

This Comet is unlike any other

Introduction to a Special Channeling Message

Silvia welcomes viewers to a unique channeling session, sharing insights from the Tal Anori, an advanced civilization from the Andromeda Galaxy. They have come forward with an important message related to the comet C/2023 A3, known as Nishimura-Atlas, now traveling through the solar system.

Background on the Tal Anori and Andromeda Galaxy

Silvia explains that the Andromeda Galaxy is close to Earth’s own Milky Way and hosts various advanced civilizations with extensive knowledge about cosmic energy. Among these, the Tal Anori are noted for their experiences in Ascension cycles, living in harmony with cosmic principles, and sharing wisdom with humanity during significant times of planetary awakening.

The Tal Anori possess strong telepathic abilities, enabling them to impart knowledge from higher dimensions. They have a longstanding connection with Earth and are now assisting humanity’s journey toward spiritual transformation.

The Significance of Comet C/2023 A3 (Nishimura-Atlas)

The Tal Anori share that the comet Nishimura-Atlas is not merely a celestial object; it carries vital galactic light codes. These codes are intended to aid humanity’s awakening and activate latent spiritual potential. As the comet moves through the solar system, it acts as a catalyst for breaking down stagnant structures within the collective consciousness, inviting individuals to release outdated patterns and embrace higher vibrations.

Cosmic Network and Galactic Support

The Tal Anori emphasize that Nishimura-Atlas is part of an extensive galactic network. This network connects multiple civilizations, including the Andromedans, Lyrans, Pleiadians, and Sirians, all of whom support Earth’s transition into a higher vibrational state. The collective purpose is to facilitate Earth’s evolution into a conscious participant within the broader galactic community.

The Role of the Sun and the Comet’s Energies

According to the Tal Anori, the Sun functions as a multidimensional portal, channeling energy into Earth. The comet amplifies these solar frequencies, which in turn activate deeper connections in human consciousness. These energies awaken ancient knowledge within individuals, fostering a deeper understanding of their roles within the universe.

Activation of Cosmic DNA and Multi-Dimensional Awareness

The Tal Anori state that as the comet continues its journey, the galactic light codes embedded in it activate cosmic DNA in humans. This activation awakens memories from past existences across dimensions, furthering humanity’s collective spiritual growth. This shift allows for enhanced intuitive abilities, including the potential for telepathic communication with star families.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Recalibration

The presence of Nishimura-Atlas is also said to influence Earth’s magnetic field, aligning it with incoming galactic frequencies. This recalibration facilitates humanity’s connection to higher dimensions, dissolving blockages embedded within Earth’s energy grid and enhancing the flow of new cosmic energies.

Period of Intensified Energies: October 12 – End of Month

The Tal Anori highlight that the period from October 12 through the end of the month is a significant window for transformation, during which the energies from the comet and the Sun will merge powerfully. This time allows individuals to release limitations and experience heightened consciousness. The Tal Anori encourage everyone to engage in introspection, meditation, or alignment with these energies for profound personal growth.

The Path of Awakening

The Tal Anori emphasize the importance of using one’s heart as a guiding compass during this transformative phase. By integrating the comet’s light codes, individuals can unlock new dimensions of awareness and align their lives with cosmic laws.

The Tal Anori’s Message of Support

The Tal Anori reassure humanity of their continued guidance and support. They encourage individuals to connect consciously with their presence, especially during this time when interdimensional connections are more accessible. This enhanced connection offers humanity a chance to align with galactic energies and embrace their cosmic heritage.

Through these evolving energies, the Tal Anori express deep compassion and commitment to aiding humanity’s spiritual path, reminding everyone of their role in the greater galactic family.

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