The sun, a conscious being, emits rays that work on human DNA and consciousness, aiding the transition into higher dimensions.

DNA and RNA have been altered by extraterrestrials through implants and by exposure to certain medicines and vibrational force fields.

Change in DNA

In May 2017, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, led by Johannes Krause, made a groundbreaking discovery by successfully sequencing DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies.

The team utilized advanced DNA extraction techniques and high-throughput sequencing to overcome the challenges posed by Egypt's hot climate, high humidity, and the chemicals used in mummification, which had previously led scientists to believe that DNA preservation was unlikely.

Wallis suggested that DNA research supports these ancient narratives, showing that our most recent shared male ancestor is far more recent than our most recent shared female ancestor, indicating a genetic bottleneck.

DNA tests on elongated skulls found in Peru and Bolivia have shown a genetic link to the region around Lake Van in Turkey.

Change in DNA

By analyzing DNA samples from various ethnic groups across East Asia, the study confirmed that modern Chinese people, like all humans, share a common ancestry with early Africans.

Significant DNA Shift: Approximately 200,000 years ago, human DNA underwent a drastic change.

Scientific Anomalies: Research in anthropology and genetics has identified anomalies in human DNA, leading scientists to question the traditional evolutionary narrative.

These anomalies suggest a sudden and unexplainable shift in human DNA structure, pointing to potential external influences.

Purposeful Intervention: Kryon suggests that this DNA alteration was intentional and executed by the Pleiadians, an advanced extraterrestrial race from the stars.

The Pleiadians possess a deep understanding of DNA and intervened to seed humans with their genetic material.

Seeding with Love: The Pleiadians did not randomly alter human DNA but did so with purpose and love.

This connection to the stars is intrinsic to human DNA, making humanity part of a larger cosmic family.

Pleiadian Presence: The Pleiadians did not leave after altering human DNA.

Pleiadian Origin: The Pleiades is described as the origin point of the Pleiadians, the advanced extraterrestrial race believed to have influenced human DNA.

Kryon suggests that humans carry Pleiadian DNA, making the Pleiades a crucial part of humanity's cosmic heritage.

Scientific Exploration: As science progresses, more evidence is emerging to support the idea of non-natural DNA changes.

Researchers are finding anomalies in human DNA that challenge the notion of purely natural evolution, suggesting a possible extraterrestrial influence.

Potential for Growth: As humans explore their cosmic origins and embrace higher consciousness, they may unlock new potentials within their DNA.

Mitochondrial Eve's descendants can be traced using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is passed down maternally.

Mitochondrial DNA:

You intermix your divine DNA with those who were only given six thousand years, then they would as the sun's rays touched them.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

As fast as they cover, conceal, hide, paint over, break up, lock up the findings, another of our ancestors rises from their tomb to reveal by DNA who they are, what race, blood types.

The study on the peopling of Polynesia leveraged modern DNA analysis to uncover detailed patterns of exploration and settlement across the Pacific islands.

Researchers, including Stanford University's Alexander Ioannidis and Andrés Moreno Estrada from Mexico’s National Laboratory of Genetics for Biodiversity, analyzed DNA from 430 modern Polynesians.

DNA Structure and Connection to Lemuria:

The speaker highlights a unique aspect of Polynesian DNA, which contains a "Lemurian indicator."

This DNA strand, which they refer to as the "god strand," is crucial for unlocking ancestral knowledge and spiritual abilities.

The speaker sees a DNA strand being lit up, indicating the activation of this unique genetic marker.

Polynesians and others with this unique DNA structure might struggle with living in urban, high-rise environments for extended periods because it disconnects them from the land.

Galactic Influence and DNA: The Laman form, the original human prototype, combined DNA from several galactic races and Earth humans, creating highly connected beings.

Over time, this DNA was hybridized into what humans are today.

The conversation suggests that various star races mixed their DNA with Aboriginal genetics to create the current Earth humans.

Earth is depicted as a special place, an experiment with diverse DNA from various galaxies.


Inner Earth

Human Lifespan and DNA:

The belief is expressed that humans are supposed to live much longer (between 100 to 1000 years) but our DNA has been altered, shortening our lifespans.

This DNA alteration is attributed to ancient events, starting with Atlantis and further impacted by beings like the Anunnaki.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

Pineal Tones Workshops: Participants engage in vocal exercises designed to activate higher dimensional aspects of DNA.

The tones are said to help unlock dormant potentials within the DNA, contributing to overall well-being and expanded consciousness.

Todd employs pineal tones, a set of specific sounds and vibrations intended to activate higher dimensional aspects of DNA and consciousness.

Todd are believed to be ancient Lemurian sounds that can activate dormant aspects of DNA and consciousness.

This study retrieved 21 genes from remains previously unyielding with traditional DNA extraction methods.

Previous Studies: Earlier research using mitochondrial DNA from remains aged 20,000 to 130,000 years indicated that cave bears were more closely related to brown bears and polar bears than to American black bears.

Huna Flash

Anunnaki Overview

These experiments influenced the human DNA structure, contributing to the development and evolution of early humans.

Genetic Experiments: They conducted genetic experiments that influenced human DNA and the development of hybrid beings.

Has there been such a DNA study?

According to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) studies, most Berbers’ maternal lineage originates from Western Eurasia, with the oldest mitochondrial line dating back to the Paleolithic, about 30,000 years ago, representing the U6 haplogroup​.”

Ultimately, in our blood runs the DNA of solar worshippers.

In this narrative, the snake symbolizes knowledge and wisdom about DNA.

The Anunnaki altered our DNA.

They mixed it with theirs, but the blocked some of it (junk DNA), to make sure we became their servants.

This flaw in our DNA has since been used for political and religious power.

The idea that the Anunnaki, a group of deities from ancient Mesopotamian cultures, arrived on Earth 40,000 years ago and modified the DNA of Homo species to create Homo sapiens is a concept rooted in pseudoscience and ancient astronaut theories.

The Anunnaki did use some of their DNA to uplift both the saurian and the humanoid lines of evolution on our planet

We both share some Anunnaki DNA, vibrationally we are like cousins.

We both have similar DNA

Those are the ones that gave the information to humans, the tree of life, the information of DNA of the snake.

Star Nations Draconians entered with the Arcon Essence, certain Anunnaki agenda, and placed it within their DNA during the times of Adam and the Eve Laboratories and placed it into and interfered with the humans.

Pleiadians - came in to help to support our DNA and bring in more codes of our lineage.

Nascar, Nosa (Nota), Anasazi, to support of the human DNA

Human DNA was said to have been experimented on during this period, leading to various hybrid beings.

There is an emphasis on the activation of DNA strands and aligning with higher-dimensional energies to help humanity evolve.

It was their DNA crossed with Anunnaki DNA that was to produce the "Slave Race" (the Little People).

Snake represents the knowledge and the wisdom regarding the DNA