Snake represents the knowledge and the wisdom regarding the DNA

The rest of our evolution comes from backtracking and recombination of our skeletal structure and DNA.

That's because their DNA and your DNA are not completely compatible.

(My race's DNA does not completely match theirs, so they are not interested in us.) So, they are using artificial insemination and artificial wombs to create crossbreeds between them and you to increase genetic compatibility.

We believe that the coming war will be between all three races, between one race and the humans, or between the humans and all three races for resources such as hydrogen, air, and DNA.

Gave them access to most of your secret defense data, gave them access to your DNA and more - and just unleashed your greed for power and information.

They have been waging a cold war for control of the planet, and your old “friends” and allies are preparing to finally get their hands on natural resources and human DNA.

Enuma Elish

Enuma Elish: Tablet I

The primordial soup, or the DNA.

Sea serpents or snakes could symbolise the DNA.

And the primordial soup or DNA gave life to all living beings.

21 The divine brothers came together,22 Their clamour got loud, throwing Tia-mat DNA into a turmoil.23 They jarred the nerves of Tia-mat DNA,24 And by their dancing they spread alarm in Anduruna.25 Apsû did not diminish their clamour,26 And Tia-mat was silent when confronted with them.

The DNA underwent changes, although these changes didn't seem to affect the water.

If Tia-mat is the DNA, it seems like the DNA underwent some changes.

These ancient people already knew what science is finally confirming: that the DNA of life came originally from deep space.

Our conceptors added to their alien genetics the DNA of the most evolved and adapted species of that era, a giant lemur, now long extinct, just like they did to create your species much later with the DNA of another evolved large primate that you call Anthropopitecus.

Genesis 2

Enclosed garden

The Anunnaki altered the DNA of the Homo Erectus.

However, nuclear DNA studies indicate that the effective population size of the ancient human never dropped below tens of thousands.