Matias de Stefano

Atlantis was formed to unify consiousness

The Rise of Atlantis

Atlantis was intended to serve as a unifying force, creating order across the world. Its rise coincided with the era of the Virgo constellation, which helped to establish a new civilization. This civilization sought to bring structure and organization to humanity.

One of the primary external threats to Atlantis came from outside Earth.

The Confederation, an alliance of species, had different views on humanity. Some species saw humans as potentially capable of reaching an evolutionary level they themselves could not.

Others, however, considered humans merely as tools for their own evolution and used them for experiments. This group, known as the Samur, were later identified as the “Gray Ones.”

These beings followed and monitored humans with their ships, attempting to control and exploit Earth’s technology, particularly the Pcta, an advanced power source.

Timeline of Atlantis

16,000–15,000 BCE: Atlantis began to realize its potential and purpose on Earth during this period.

15,000–13,000 BCE: Atlantis ruled as a dominant empire. During this time, it built structures to connect the physical world with the ethereal one. This enabled Atlanteans to download knowledge from various natural elements such as minerals, plants, and stars, which they referred to as the “consciousness of God” or the “memory of the planet.” This knowledge allowed them to comprehend the entire process of evolution.

Atlanteans then traveled the world, spreading their influence through DNA, bloodlines, and physical presence.

They aimed to ensure the survival of humanity by integrating the original Atlantean families with the rest of the human race. This blending of bloodlines was key for the Atlanteans’ adaptation and survival on Earth, marking the first time they became fully human.

The Purpose of Atlantis

The civilization of Atlantis had a goal: to create a unified way of thinking across the world.

The 12 ruling families of Atlantis sought to control the 12 regions of the planet, ensuring that all people shared the same thoughts and ideas. These families acted as representatives of the Earth itself.

Atlantis built pyramids and temples across the globe to serve as portals. These structures amplified the planet’s magnetic energy, facilitating a deeper connection with Earth’s information field. This allowed humanity to access and download essential knowledge for their evolution.

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