Robert Nelson

Andromedan 14th Pt 1/2 w/Avin a Zaahyin Priest: Chem-Trails, Mandela Effect, Earth’s Merging

Date: March 23, 2019


The video begins on the evening of Saturday, March 23, 2019, featuring a discussion about extraterrestrial messages, focusing on topics such as the Andromedan collective, hybrid humans, chemtrails, the Mandela Effect, and Earth’s merging with other dimensions. The conversation includes channeling with Avin, a Zaahyin priest, providing commentary on various cosmic events.

Avin’s Message

Andromedan Hybridization and Human Lineage

Avin begins by explaining that every human on Earth shares a connection to the Andromedan galaxy, either through direct hybridization or through ancient genetic links.

Avin highlights that Homo sapiens’ genetic patterning is the result of contributions from various extraterrestrial species, particularly from Andromeda.

Questions from Viewers

Several questions are addressed, including one from Adrienne Rivera Hidalgo from Mexico, who asks if he has Andromedan roots. Avin confirms a connection between Hidalgo’s DNA and the Andromedan collective. Another viewer, Chris from Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada, asks a similar question and receives confirmation of a spiritual and genetic connection to Andromeda.

Events and Discussions

Enceladus and Saturn’s Moons

Avin provides information about the Saturnian moon Enceladus, revealing that it was part of a plot by dark forces to divert the moon from its orbit, potentially causing it to collide with Earth. However, this plan was thwarted with assistance from extraterrestrial allies, including a figure named Gary, who helped prevent the disaster.


Avin addresses the topic of chemtrails, explaining that they consist of metallic particulates primarily used for geoengineering, aimed at stabilizing Earth’s weather rather than controlling human minds.

He notes that the real issue affecting Earth’s climate is magnetic disturbances rather than solar heat. The chemtrails are also meant to mitigate the effects of solar outbursts, which could otherwise disrupt Earth’s electromagnetic fields.

The Mandela Effect and Earth’s Dimensional Merging

Reality Shifts

Avin confirms the reality of the Mandela Effect, describing it as a result of multiple Earths merging rather than just timeline shifts. These dimensional Earths, while similar, are slowly coming together, causing minor changes in collective memory. The process is described as a “graceful approach” to the merging of these different dimensions.

Dimensional Earths

He explains that these other-dimensional Earths exist in parallel but may be drastically different from the current Earth. Some of these Earths are in far worse condition and are being drawn into this dimension. Avin suggests that while some of these Earths may collapse due to their negative state, others will merge smoothly, with positive influences helping to stabilize the process.

CERN and Dimensional Doors

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is discussed in relation to opening dimensional doors. Avin clarifies that while CERN is attempting to create such portals, it is not responsible for the Mandela Effect. Instead, it serves as a cover story to prevent widespread panic over the merging of dimensional Earths.


Avin emphasizes the importance of Earth’s current transformation, where multiple realities are converging. He notes that while some Earths may face destruction, others will merge peacefully. He calls for humans to remain positive and open to these changes, encouraging them to invite extraterrestrial help in navigating these transitions.

Home > Andromedan 14th Pt 1/2 w/Avin a Zaahyin Priest: Chem-Trails, Mandela Effect, Earth’s Merging

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