
Book of Inspiration

These, then, should be the moon's days:

The first new moon's day after new year's day should be the beginning of the first month; and the completion of the fourth quarter of the moon should be the completion of the first month, and it should be named, First month.

The next four quarters of the moon should be the second month, and it should be named, Second month.

And the next completed four quarters of the moon should be named, Third month.

Such, then, should be the month in any and every year, for these are the moon's times as Jehovih created them.

For example, a new year's day may come upon the twentieth day of the Twelfth moon or on another moon's day, still, as they fall, so should they be numbered in truth.

As the moon's time differ''' to different continents, so should the months' times of the inhabitants of different continents be locally unto them.

God’s Book of Eskra

From these I made the stars and the moon.

Behold, I have sworn a new oath on the sun and moon and stars!

For the seed I plant is selected, not to be planted in the ocean, nor on the moon, nor in a far-off country; but to be planted in Chine'ya, and in Chine'ya I will plant it.

To keep the day of the change of the moon as a sacred day, and to do no work on that day, but to practice rites, processions and ceremonies, for the glory of the Creator.

OF THE PLAN OF CORPOREAL WORLDS, the sun and earth and moon and stars, and their sizes and motions, and their power to hold themselves in their places, by the velocity of rotation.

Down came the ship of fire far below the moon's orbit, and then halted.

Bon’s Book of Praise

Thy footstool, the sun and moon and stars!

The Book of Saphah

The all world, the sun and moon and earth and stars and all the skies (Panic).

Git, the moon (Panic).

Git the moon (Chine).

Git'mas, corporeal moon (Vede).

The moon of E-o-quin.

Git'm'gow', the moon much receiving; the gentle moon, she send forth the gold light, the or (Ebra).

K'git, new moon (Panic).

Watch you**** for the new moon and glorify the Great Spirit that He may prosper ye.

At the change of the second quarter of the moon is the relief watch of my angels who abide with mortals; let that be a holy day of rest.

Let my chosen keep the four holy days of rest during each moon, for on these days do my guardian angels change the watch.

The day of the moon's change.

A moon's birthday.

Because of four quarters to each moon, so do I give to you four Sab'da, which should be days of worship.

The stars and the moon and things that speak not and know not are the works of my hand.

The moon (Mas) cring''' beneath my feet.

To the moon he gave four Gods.

The high priest should set the sign on the moon that the unlearned may also know the sacred days of Man, i.e., Mas.9 See Git.

The high priest should designate by the Um (spear), the motion of the sun and moon and stars, so that when the unlearned come to the temple to worship they may also learn of my lights in heaven.

34, 35.9 Mas in Sanscrit now means moon; in Rome it means a religious service.

Amongst the Vedic race the religious service was said on the day of the moon's change.

Git, moon.

Os'ka'gar, - sun, moon and stars as a whole.

They consulted the stars,14 and the moon, and the palms of their hands, and called up the spirits of the dead, who did appear before them.

Its pages are graven with the sun, moon and stars.

By the seven stars and by the sun which is in the midst of the firmament and is the glory thereof, and by the moon, have I spoken.

O you Moon, hear my upward soul aspiring above all corporeal things!

From her breasts wert You, O moon, high upraised.

I.: The moon, who change her size and place according to the nightwatch of the Ghads who minister to the wants of mortals.

From one God to another were four moons.

These ceremonies were often nightly, and never less than once for each quarter of the moon.

He speak in the sun and moon and stars!

call''' forth the Tablets of the moon, and the studies of the stars, and enjoin''' prayer.

Why were the four days in each moon set apart as mass days, or sacred days?

(The accompanying Tablet showe the moon days, and order of prayer and anthem, as in the ancient times:) Plate 88.

Moon Gods, four in number, were usually changed once in seven years.

But when Mithra proclaimed himself God and Savior of (the Indian) heaven, he allotted the moon Gods a hundred years each.

Arstat, chief moon God of that period, and a friend to the God Craosha.

Mortals, however, continued to keep holy one day in seven, in honor of the moon's changes, which were accredited to the change of watch of the Gods.

Mine remember the four sacred days of the moon.

Book of Cosmogony and Prophecy

The same principles apply to all the stars, suns, planets and moons, differing in manifestation on account of size, motion, density and relative place.

The earth float''' in the midst of a vortex,1 the outer extremity of which is somewhat beyond the moon.

The moon hath a vortex surrounding it also, which hath a rotation axially once a month, but being an open vortex turn''' not the moon.

The moon's vortex is ten times the moon's diameter, and the earth's vortex thirty times the earth's diameter, with variations which will be explained hereafter.

The swiftest part of the earth's vortex is therefore about fifteen thousand miles this side of the orbit of the moon.

The same errors, in regard to the light of the moon, were made in the conclusions of Kepler and Humboldt,2 in attributing the eclipse thereof to be governed by the sun's rays being inflected by their passage through the atmosphere and thrown into the shadow cone.

The superstitions of the ancients still cling to philosophers; they seek, first, to find the cause of things in the sun; or if failing therein, turn to the moon, or if failing here, they turn to the stars.

Finding a coincidence in the tides with certain phases of the moon, they have erroneously attributed the cause of tides to the power of attraction in the moon manifesting on the ocean, which is taught to this day as sound philosophy!

Wherein it will be observed that were the sun or moon or earth the most powerful steel magnet, it would not take a long time (as to the time of worlds) when its magnetic attraction would not exceed native iron ore.

Wherein it will also be observed that were the moon a globe of magnetic iron ore, it can be shown approximately how far would extend its power of magnetic attraction external to itself.

So that if the moon exerted a magnetic force on the earth it would manifest more on the magnetic needle, or other iron substance, than on the water of the ocean.

By this it is shown that were the moon a steel magnet it would not exert perceptible power more than nine thousand miles.

Admitting the general parts of the moon, as to iron and stone and clay and water, to be alike and like unto the corporeal earth, the power of the magnetic attraction of the earth, as against the moon's, to hold the tides from rising, would be in the ratio of different sizes of the two bodies, and their respective distances from the water contended for.

The same remarks apply to observations made of the stars; and even of the moon.

By observing the new moon, it will be seen that the light portion thereof describe a larger circle than the dark portion.

The bulge of the light side of the moon always point''' toward the sun.

It is an error to say that light come from the sun and strike on the moon, and is then reflected on the earth.

The reason one side of the moon is dark and one light, is because it hath a positive and negative manifestation of the c'vortexya; for the moon also manufacture its own light.

As the moon advance to the next quarter, the same discrepancy in the two apparent sizes is manifest; and this continue until it is full moon.

In a clear night, when the full moon shine, two conditions are manifest on the earth: first, that a shadow is vertical to the moon, and the light side is not as light as when the sun shine at noon.

When it is full moon at midday, the light of the sun (so-called) is no greater because of the moon's presence.

Hence it is an error to attribute the moon's rays as being reflected from the sun to the earth.

If it be premised that the light face of the moon is not a mirror, but is opaque, observe the following result from the moon when it is half full: The half of the moon is equivalent to half a globe; if the light of the sun fell on the bulge, the rays thus landed on the moon would cause that part of the moon to be a trifle more than four times lighter (or brighter) than on the slopes.

In an observation of this kind, and if the light were borrowed from the sun, two kinds of rays would result; the bulge of the moon would afford a center for rays to emanate in very direction; and the slope rays would refract at the same angle as received from the sun.

The fact is, however, there is no intense center light manifested on the moon's surface, in the place where it directly face the sun.

Hence there is no possibility of the light of the moon being produced by light from the sun, or from the sun's center.

The light of the moon face the sun center, but the latter is not the cause thereof, the cause is in the emissions of positive and negative currents from the moon's vortex, and they manifest in the m'vortexya of the master.

Here follow the method of manufacturing light and heat as they are on the earth and moon and sun, and all other planets:

This great hemispherical lens, atmospherea, not only thus manufacture light and heat, but it also afford man the means of seeing the sun and moon and stars.

Without the sun's atmospherean lens, man could not even see the moon, nor stars; and the sun itself would seem as a pale red star.

As the vortex of the earth is thus a lens to the earth, so is the moon's vortex to the moon, and so also of the sun and all other stars and planets, where light and heat are manifested.

When the moon is half full, a dim outline of the shadow side of the moon is to be seen with the naked eye.

For they ignorantly believed the light of the earth was reflected on the moon.

The real cause of this sub-light on the moon is in consequence of the action of a sub-lens on the moon, facing the earth's vortex, which operate after the same manner as the other.

When the moon produce a full eclipse of the sun (by which philosophers ignorantly believed the light and heat of the sun were cut off from the earth), it cause darkness on the earth by breaking the linear connection between the earth's vortex and the sun-center, so that the positive current in the earth's vortex is cut off, and that part that would otherwise be a lens become negative in its action, in the linear space.

But when the eclipse fall''' far in the north or south part of the earth only, then the action of the moon's shadow will fall in the direction of the earth's lens, so that a sub-lens is impossible.

Whereas, were there such a thing as earth's shine, in time of total eclipse of the sun, the equatorial light would make the moon shine at that time also.

Whereupon the moon's time was eighteen years.

As the lens power lose by flattening the vortex, and increase by rounding the vortex, it will be observed that the position of the moon's vortex relatively to the earth's, is a fair conclusion as to the times of ebb and flood tide.

Tables made on such a basis are superior to calculations made on the relative position of the moon.

But where they have prophesied ebb and flood tide to be caused by certain positions of the moon, they have erred in suffering themselves to ignorantly believe the cause lay with the moon.

A man may prophesy of the moon by calculations of the disturbances of the tides.

But to attribute to the tides the cause of the moon's position would be no more erroneous than to attribute the cause of tides to the moon.

This belt, in time, losing pace with the earth's vortex, condensed and made the moon.

And in many instances they are so altitudinous that their manifestations are imperceptible to mortal observation, save that, for example, the moon or the sun shine less brightly.

When one of the transpositions is dark and is high up in the atmosphere at night, they say the moon is surrounded by a haze.

In taking photographs of the moon or the sun, these often interpose, and the picture taken deceive the observer, that he hath made a picture of the oxygen or hydrogen of the planet's atmosphere.

Like unto these, in darkness, are there plateaux of nebula floating in the firmament, which also produce eclipses of the sun and of the moon.

And that there are millions of such bodies, sufficient to eclipse the sun, or a star, or the moon, the different periods of darkness on the earth will prove.

In prophesying the tendency of a planet's approach to death, refer once more to the moon: Now the moon hath, as to the earth's face, no axial revolution.

But it must be remembered the moon can not go around the earth without making an actual axial revolution.

Seventy and one-half revolutions of the moon's vortex complete one travel around the earth's vortex.

Consequently we arrive at the exact speed of the moon's vortexya and the strength of light and heat manifested on the moon.

The student should make allowance for the moon's ellipse, for the light of the moon is much stronger (as seen from the earth) some times than others.

It will be found that the moon at such period must have had an axial motion, facing the earth, of three and four-sevenths' times faster than the earth.

The difference, therefore, on the moon, in temperature below blood-heat and what it now must be, must correspond exactly with its comparative slowness (one revolution a month), as to the loss manifested on the earth.

Now, although the student will discover the moon hath fallen to a temperature far below zero, yet it emit both light and heat.

The same rule applie to all planets save the moon.

As the moon's vortex rid around on the outer part of the earth's vortex, we discover the elliptic course thereof; so by the roads of a comet do we discover the spirality and curve of the master's vortex.

By the tides he prove the cause of the moon; or by the moon the cause of the tides.

Number man 1 and 33, and the moon 1 and 18; and number the earth 1 and 365.

(Not that the numbers, as such, have anything to do with such matters.) Thus, the moon's time is 18, the earth's 365, a generation 33, dan 200, 400, 600, 500; nitrogen or darkness 66 and 666, and so on.

Book of the Arc of Bon

Behold, you hast maintained the custom of your* forefathers, and caused to be slain on the altar of your* God, Dyaus, twelve young men and twelve virgins for every day of the twelfth new moon, that by blood your* God might triumph on the earth, and that thou mightst be the most feared of kings.

For in those days the spirits of darkness taught that the sun once whirled so fast it cast off its outer extreme, and so made the earth, and moon, and stars; and this was the accepted philosophy of the learned Eguptians of that period.

And whilst the sun stand, and the moon and the earth and the stars, my oath unto You should stand up against me:

And every change of the moon you**** should renew your covenant, which was my covenant, with Jehovih.

Book of Lika, Son of Jehovih

And their great learning, even of the stars and the sun and moon, and of all the things of the earth, and in the waters, should pass away and be remembered not amongst men.

Book of Wars Against Jehovih

The Lords sent ashars of great wisdom to dwell with mortals, to teach them by inspiration in regard to all knowledge; to teach them to spin and weave finely; to teach them the seasons, the times of the earth, and moon, and sun, and stars; to observe them with lenses, as had been the case in the cycle of Osiris, but was lost on the earth.

The Faithists had little learning as to books and instruments for measuring the stars, and moon, and sun; they derived their knowledge from the angels of the Lords.

The fourth degree taught the arrangement of the heavens; the places of the sun and stars and moon; the places and grades of the unseen worlds; the localities of the lower and higher heavens; the places and dominions of false Lords and false Gods; the places in hada, and of hells and knots; of familiar spirits, and also of fetals, both the harmless and the destructive vampires, that live on mortals and in swine and cattle, that induce mortals to eat flesh food for that purpose; the key to the place of the north star; the position of the earth's vortex; the vortices that move the corporeal worlds, and hold them in place; and the rules for building temples and pyramids, with their spirit chambers.

Te-in, then, through his Lords, whom he sent down to the earth, made Kan Kwan mortal king of Jaffeth, with the title, KING OF THE WORLD, AND SUN, AND MOON, AND STARS!

Kwan issued this decree, to wit: Kan Kwan, king of the world, and of the sun, and moon, and stars, I command!

Kan Kwan made the people go and do sacrifice to Te-in in the temple every morning; enforced a day of rest for each quarter of the moon; enforced worship on the part of children to their fathers and mothers, the father taking first rank.

First Book of God

I am three in One; the earth, and all that is in the earth and on the earth, and all the stars and moon and sun; they are one of My members.

You should labor six days, but on the seventh day it is the moon's day, and you should not labor, nor hunt, nor fish, but go to the altar of your*** Creator and dance and sing before Me; and sit in silence to hear My words, which I speak into the souls of men, and of women and children.

Into villages gathered Eawahtah the frightened tribes, and taught them writing and engraving; taught them the secret name of the Great Spirit, Egoquim; and explained to them the moon, how to keep the seventh day for worship.

Book of Cpenta-Armij, Daughter of Jehovih

Then rising high; here on a level lie the earth, here the boundary of her vortex, Chinvat; just beyond the sweep of the moon; halt''' here to view the rolling earth, her land and water; and her atmospherean heavens, the sojourning place of the newly dead, and of such as have not aspired to rise to holier heavens.

Book of Divinity

Div decreed: After he hath served two hundred years he should be examined by his Lord, or his Lord's deputy, and if proficient in prophesying to the sixth generation, he should be entered as an ashar on a list of four twelves for every moon's change.

In the twelfth moon of the Diva the Voice of Jehovih came to Div, saying: That My Lords and My Gods may not err, you should promulgate the foundation of the Divan law.

Book of Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih

They had learned the motions, names and places of the stars, the moon and sun; and from these, prophesied the affairs of nations and men.

Presently, now, the float neared the borders of Chinvat, the earth's vortex, just beyond the orbit of the moon.

Here lie the mountains of Morn and Eve, and mountains of the Moon and Sun and Stars; chief of which groups are:

The Lord’s Fifth Book

Eolin said: Three lights have I created: the sun, to rule the day; the moon, to rule the night; and the burning fire, for the use of man.

Eolin said: Three states am I in: Ghost, which is ever-present and unchangeable; Corpor, which is in places, like the earth and stars and sun and moon; and Motion, which is everlasting unrest.

Hirto said: Love the sun and moon, and all things on the earth, for they are the Lord's gift.

Learn to prophesy by the sun, and by the moon and by the stars.

The Lord then gave the signs of the zodiac (the horses, and cows, and lions, and sheep, and birds) that rule upon the earth, and upon the winds of heaven, and on the heat and cold, and the sun, and moon and stars, and spring and summer, and fall and winter.

Teaching them of the stars and sun and moon; showing them how to find the times and seasons of the earth.

And man advanced in great learning; both of the sun, moon and stars, and of all things on the face of the earth.

And the king maintained an observatory, for determining the times and seasons of the sun, moon, earth and stars.

Thus gave God to man the names of the stars, and their seasons; and the seasons of the sun and moon and earth.

And God gave man sacred days, for feasts and rites and ceremonies; according to the times of the moon and stars gave he them.

And the king, by command of God, caused the people to watch the stars and moon and sun, so they would know the sacred days.

By the stars in the firmament, and by the moon's changes, should man learn to know my times and seasons.

So man took to learning from the stars and moon and sun, to ascertain the will of God.

Book of Thor, Son of Jehovih

Jehovih said: In likeness of the solid earth, and stars, and moon, that float in the unseen firmament, so made I atomic parts to all things, and made them to float in ethe.

Book of Apollo

Behold his palaces and temples; his work in stone and iron, and gold and silver; his knowledge of the sun and moon and stars; with written books to read; with clothes for the body and shoes for the feet.

Book of Sue, Son of Jehovih

And at once, as high as the moon and bright as the son, the illumined ship stood, to overawe the self-Gods and warrior kings and murderers of the earth-born, whose plentiful souls in chaos polluted heaven.

Hear, then, my decree, O God of earth, and thou should be the most blessed of Gods: Send your*** messengers into all parts of atmospherea, proclaiming a recreation of ten days, of music and dancing and marching, with pageantry and feasting, to be in Hored in the first of the moon of Jaffeth.

The Lords’ First Book

They should preserve the four days of the change of the moon as sacred days, and they should be called mass (moon's) days.

They should have three representative symbols of light: The sun, the moon and the burning flame.

The four days of the moon are the Lord's; on those days I will not labor.

I will keep sacred the four days of every moon, and I will repeat the sacred words of the Lord thrice.

Book of Aph, Son of Jehovih

Meanwhile, my ship rested on the borders of Chinvat, in the School of Hein, and from the moon seven agus.1

Synopsis of Sixteen Cycles

And man had books, both written and printed; and the young were taught in schools, a knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, and of all things that are upon the earth and in the waters thereof.

One generation become skilled in books and in knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, and in the mathematics of corporeal things; but a generation follow, and lo, her people are cannibals again.

Book of Ah’shong, son of Jehovih

A half a million miles, even on the outskirts of Anakaron, and they stood close above the earth, almost so near that the sweeping moon would touch the down-hanging curtains of etherean fire.

So it came to pass that God called in his own Lords of the earth, and sat apart the first day of the new moon as the day on which he would consecrate the God and Lords, his successors; and he called the day Mas, the name of which endur''' to this day of kosmon.

Furthermore, God established the moon's day (mas) on the earth as a time of consecration.

First Book of the First Lords

And clouds came over the face of the earth; the moon shone not, and the sun was only as a red coal of fire; and the stars stood in the firmament as well in the day as at night.

The Oahspe Bible

Book of Set’hantes, Son of Jehovih.

Keep holy the four days of the moon, for they are the Lord's days.

Aztlan Historian

Aztlan’s Historical Dictionary: Aztec (Sub. Español)

Etymological interpretations of "Mexihco" include "Place in the Navel of the Moon," a translation supported by researchers such as Caso and Tibón.

The Oera Linda Book Reviewed

At the full moon, when the sea was stormy, she ran over the wild waves, calling to the sailors that they would all be lost if they did not worship her.

Crazy Hindu Multiverse Theory Explained by a Monk

Chandra Mandal (Moon Realm): Associated with Chandra Lok (Moon).

Robert Edward Grant

LATEST Discoveries! METATRON Revealed: Time Travel, Peru & Da Vinci

Beetlejuice’s Impending Explosion: Grant predicts that the star Beetlejuice, part of Orion, will become visible like a second moon, altering the night sky significantly.

Addison Ames

Archangel Metatron’s Urgent Call to Awaken Humanity

Metatron suggests that while Mars will never be habitable, the moon will host human communities within the near future.

Terraforming and establishing settlements on the moon reflect humanity’s drive for innovation and exploration.

Darryl Anka | Bashar

Insights on God, Source, and The All

All things—trees, rocks, streams, animals, the sky, the moon, stars, and even human experiences—are archetypal presentations of All That Is.


Ishtar, Inanna, Astarte, and Aphrodite

She also had associations with the moon and celestial bodies.

Symbols: Doves, crescent moons, and stars.

The Myths of Shintoism

Tsukuyomi – the moon god, born from washing his right eye.