Robert Nelson

Andromedans 1st. A.I. interface High Council Mission Statement. Future. Your Power/Reach


The transcript covers the first public communication between the Andromedans and Earth, recorded on December 31, 2018. This event focuses on the Andromedans’ mission to educate humanity and prevent future conflicts, facilitated by their AI interface and High Council.

Location of Andromedan Ships

  • The speaker mentions Andromedan ships positioned over southern and central Canada.
  • Two large Andromedan ships are stationed over the poles.
  • Ships are also stationed over Earth’s moon, Mars, Proxima Centauri, and other star systems.

Purpose of the Communication

The Andromedans clarify that they are not here to influence Earth’s governments or interfere with human life. Their goal is to educate humanity to prevent a massive conflict in the distant future. They emphasize the importance of education over military or cultural domination.

Time and Space Perception

The Andromedans mention that they come from the future, approximately 150 to 175 years ahead in Earth’s linear time. They have traveled 2.5 million light-years to engage in this communication. They aim to help humans “rewrite” the future without making specific predictions.

The Role of Education

The Andromedans emphasize that preventing future conflict can be best achieved through education. They warn of the influence of a “dark reptilian race” and the dangers of deals that could trap humanity in a harmful “matrix” or mindset. Their intervention seeks to prevent humanity from expanding this mindset into the wider galaxy.

Cosmic Connections

The Andromedans highlight that all life in the universe is interconnected. The universe is described as resonating with music, and they suggest that every thought and action on Earth can have an instantaneous effect across the cosmos. They draw a parallel between Earth’s “Golden Rule” and their own moral philosophy, stating that they train themselves to avoid harming others.

The Influence of Archangel Michael

The Andromedans acknowledge Archangel Michael as a spiritual guide who has helped their civilization. They mention that Michael played a role in creating a sun in another galaxy and that he is known by various names in Earth’s history, including Osiris and Christ.

Advanced Technology

The Andromedans explain their technological capabilities, including the ability to create and move through dimensions. They describe ships that are over 48 kilometers (29.83 miles) in length, which exist in slightly different dimensions, making them invisible to humans unless they choose to reveal them.


The Andromedans end the communication with well wishes for the New Year and remind humanity of their shared journey through life and existence. They express hope for future interactions and a mutual effort to explore and understand the universe together. The message concludes with a reference to “Godspeed” and a shared sense of purpose in the cosmic journey.

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