
King Josiah of Judah undertook significant religious reforms aimed at centralizing worship exclusively around YHWH

Asherah is a prominent goddess in the ancient Canaanite religion, where she is often considered the consort of the chief god, El.

Aztec mythology

The 5 Suns

In Aztec mythology, the creation and destruction of the world are explained through the concept of the “Five Suns.” Each sun represents an era or age.

First World (~1 million to ~200,000 years ago)
Second World (~200,000 to ~50,000 years ago)
Third World (~50,000 to ~12,000 years ago)
Fourth World (~12,000 years ago to Present)

Crusades: Hundreds of thousands to over a million. Witch Hunts: 40,000 to 60,000 executed.
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Conflicts: Millions, particularly in the Thirty Years’ War.

In Hinduism, the concept of principal deities is complex due to the religion’s polytheistic nature and the vast diversity of traditions and beliefs.


Nu, also known as Nun, is a deity in ancient Egyptian religion symbolizing the primordial watery abyss that existed before creation.

The concept of human gods on Earth originated in Atlantean times, guided by beings from Arcturus and Orion.

Ta’aroa was the ancestor of all the gods; he made everything. . . . He was his own parent, having no father or mother. . . .

The old priest was very anxious to see the marvellous fish. He forgot the warning of the gods and went to the seaside.

12,800 Years Ago

African Flood stories

The great god Unkulunkulu warns people of a flood, and they survive by climbing the Drakensberg mountains.

The Adityas, particularly Varuna, are closely associated with upholding Rta, the cosmic order in Hindu mythology

Plato, in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” describes the legend of Atlantis and its 10 kings.

Inpu is the original Egyptian name for Anubis, meaning “to decay” or “to putrefy,” which aligns with his association with mummification and the afterlife.

This one we are now on, Taha Earth, was given to grow up to 24 points. Its circumference is 24,000 miles. Land mass: one mile for every year to relate to its ages, cycles of 24,000 years, called one Equinox, or even shadows.

he who removes mountains, and they know it not, when he overturns them in his anger.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Our history – A Shemitic Myth

I believe that this earth has, for millions of ages, been the scene of human activities; you, that it is but a few thousand years old! Your God is human; mine is celestial.

Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

This is the scheme with which the demonic Pleiadians inspired a fake revelation of fake religions and passed it on to them. But they could not follow Tamila’s records of the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis stories from the seed of Cush.


Inner Earth

This channeling focuses on the concept of inner Earth, past lives, and the interconnectedness between inner and surface Earth.

Long, long ago there were only creatures on the earth. There were birds, bears, deer, mice, everything but people.

The Creator was unhappy about this and decided to cause a great flood to purify the earth. A man named Waynaboozhoo survived.


Mount Shasta

The Lemurians established an underground city, Telos, beneath Mount Shasta after their continent sank

The Pleiadians, from the Pleiades star cluster, commonly known as the Seven Sisters, have influenced life on earth.

Creation Story

Cherokee Creation Story

In the beginning, all was water, and the animals lived in the heavens. It was very crowded there, and they longed for more room.

The notable miracles performed by Elijah, Moses, and Jesus, as described in the Bible.

Blue Avian Starseeds are a spiritually evolved group believed to be here to help humanity by translating messages from the spiritual realm.


Thoth and Ra

Ra, another Blue Avian, played a role in amplifying the sun’s light codes to aid in human awakening and consciousness expansion.



The days of the week are linked to gods and deities across many cultures, from the Sun and Moon to gods of war, wisdom, and love


Revelation 12

A great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven royal crowns Rev 12:3


Four Yugas

The Hindu Puranic King Lists are found in the Puranas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures written in Sanskrit.