
Laura Eisenhower

Human Colony on Mars & President Eisenhower

Laura Eisenhower claims to have been targeted in a recruitment attempt for a Mars colony in 2006.

She clarifies that, although she was approached, she never went to Mars.

Alternative Three: Establishing a Mars colony as a fallback for humanity.

Laura claims that her intended mission was intercepted through advanced technology by certain factions who foresaw her coming role in exposing the Mars recruitment and related agendas.

Technologies, such as "Looking Glass," allegedly enabled these groups to anticipate her presence and attempt to divert her from her purpose by targeting her for Mars.

Mark Isaak

Flood Stories from Around the World

Ahishama became Mars; Wlaha became the Pleiades; Mönettä, the scorpion, became the Big Dipper; and Ihette, One Leg, became Orion's belt.

Coroado (south Brazil):A flood once covered the whole earth except for the top of the coastal range Serra do Mar.

Brusca, María Cristina & Tona Wilson.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

These deities, including Zeus, were twelve in number: Zeus (or Jupiter), Hera (or Juno), Poseidon (or Neptune), Demeter (or Ceres), Apollo, Artemis (or Diana), Hephæstos (or Vulcan), Pallas Athena (or Minerva), Ares (or Mars), Aphrodite (or Venus), Hermes (or Mercury), and Hestia (or Vesta)." These were doubtless the twelve gods from whom the Egyptians derived their kings.

Rob Gauthier

What and Who Is Metatron? Channeled by Rob Gauthier

Metatron elaborates that its existence is tied to the Earth but also transcends Earth, interacting with other celestial bodies and consciousnesses, including those involved in the creation of Mars and other systems.

Italia Oliver

Channeling Ezekiel – Lyran Star Being: The Time Before Lemuria

While planets like Mars and Venus were considered, they were ultimately not chosen due to environmental constraints.

Pamela Aaralyn

Channeling a Mohican Elder: Unveiling Ancient Wars & The Battle for Earth

The elder describes two groups of extraterrestrial beings: one from Venus, known as the "Hathor beings," and another group from Mars, allied with the Draconian race.

He describes how ancient extraterrestrial beings, both from Venus and Mars, continue to influence the Earth.

Ginger Bayley

Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza (Part 1)

Erik reveals that the pyramids on Mars, near the face of Mars, were built by civilizations that had received similar knowledge from ETs as those on Earth.

Clara Iza von Ravn

Selestor’s Men of Atlantis

The government was modeled from that of sons of Mars; at first a war-like monarchy whose head descended from the house of one lone shepherd, who rose from skin-clad people to a man of might in brain power; discerning in the sons of his loved land a war-like tribe to overthrow and bind unto them forces from the lands afar through centuries of toil.

And thus the government was shaped, and held for years, by one deft brain that builded as did the host of mortals on the planet ye call "Mars," and thus I swear.

The laws were regulated by the Mars trend for the wars, and Mercury held the subject for the insect plague, and all were guarded from their ravages by the instructions of the Government whose laws fulfilled must be or punishment was meted out, nor stayed.

My fathers of that lost Atlantis, speak did father much from star-lore through the mind, and learned from Mars the lore of working brass and metal

"We laud thee; God of all the gods who doth protect and hold in bonds of safety us—and ours—our land, our captain and this noble barque." So clearly rang across the water loud this cry when stars denoted midnight, or great Orion swinging far in space, and in his language held the token of a storm, or Venus dipped her golden head and Mars swung boldly into sight.

The dome created by his skill showed Moon and Stars—the Pleiades, Orion, Mars the worshipped one, and other sparks of ether there shone down.

The fight on Mars?

eyes grew bright with leaping light, as Mars—the great sky war-god swung on high.

"Behold great Mars!" he cried aloud with joy.

“Behold!“ he cried, all sudden to attending sage, “The Mars men gather for a battle!

Mars men, too, carry spikes of wood like steel; behold the polished point dipped in the blood of adversary—poisoned!

O men of Mars, whence comes thy foe?—Hark!

In their hands they bear them trumpets long, such as our sages spake, their eyes beheld on Mars.

Men of Mars, ye learn the meaning well of hues the gods make in the worlds to gladden orbs of men and make the heart to leap, the blood run quicker yet, and pulse beat fast which once felt sluggish thrill.

"Aye, I will finish now the tale of Mars men on that day when sage—Atlantian—peered with eye—sense, heightened by tradition's flow of explanation.

The men of Mars stand watching with the helm on head and spear well pointed.

"But why not break in air the ships, these men of Mars, ere these, their foes, alight?"

"Mars’ ships have warned of numbers.

"Mars spearsmen make attack!

At last the foemen fierce engaged were conscious of a cloud low over Mars.

As he spake a rush of icy air encircled, a fall of seeming forms, and where the men of Mars stood red enrobed or Neptune's blue, or white like lily leaf, stood shadows—one for every warring man.

They charged impartially upon Mars and Neptune—seemed to smite with shortened axes to the left and right and fought in line of single, compact hordes; each line a wall of bristling marble seemed, with not one break.

The Mars-men, bold, recovered first and strove to pierce with spear.

Helpless fell the hand that held the spear, and to their air boats rushed old Neptune's sons while Mars’ stood helpless, dumb!

The men of Earth strove long to learn the secrets of old Mars and long had waited for the moment, thus, by science trained, the line of warriors slept as body sleeps but in the soul they wandered.

And to the eyes of Mars’ men grows the shape or body.

Mars in mood of harm and Mercury fiercer yet with venom plied.

Thus taught the men of Mars, and thus Atlantian sages learned.

The Oera Linda book (Fries)

Vntlvkton hjra wêra, thån swêgon tha fügelon ånd ne rordon tha blêdar navt mar.

As mårkjeld ne mêi thåt thorp navt mâr ni nimma sa tha tillifte dêl fon tha skat, hor fon tha inhêmar ner fon tha fêrhêmande.

Was hi forsêith, sâ mêi sin brud sjugun mannis dêlun aska vmbe hira fryadulf en stên to to wjande, mar thån mot hja for tha êre wêdve bilyva lêva lông.

Alle strând ånd skor hêmar fon-a Dênemarka alont thêre Såndfal nw Skelda wrdon Stjurar1, Sêkåmpar2 ånd Angelara3 hêton.

Thêra thêr thâna til tha hêinde Krêkalânda sâton, wrdon blât Kâd-hêmar hêten, thrvch tham hja ninmerthe buta foron.

Thâ hja nw god sâton, thâ sandon hja svme alde stjvrar ånd mâgjara ana wâl ånd forthnêi thêre burch Sydon, men that forma nildon tha Kâdhêmar nawet fon-ra nêta.

Twê-lif skêpa lêt-i-to hrêda mith win hvning ånd tomâkad lêther, thêr bi wêron tåmar ånd sitlun mith gold wrtêin sa mån hja ninmer nêde sjan.

Thêråfter is bisloten vpper mêna acht, jêrlikes sjvgun Thyrjar skêpa to to lêtane ånd navt mar.

Men tha Gola fyradon allerhâna wla drochtenlika fêrsta ând to tyadon tha kadhêmar thêra thrvch todvan hjarar horiga manghêrtne ånd tha swêt hêd fon hjara fininnige win.

Tha Minerva thåt land bisjan hêde, thåt thrvch tha inhêmar Attika is hêten, sach hju that thåt folk al jêita hoder wêron, hja hildon hjara lif mith flesk, krûdum, wilde wotelum ånd hvning.

As tha prestera sagon that hja hjara hering navt vp vsa fjvr brêda ne mochton, thâ gvngon hja buta Athenia ånd sêidon that wi [102]Minerva navt to-ne godene bikåna nilda ut nyd, vmbe that hju tha inhêmar sâ fûl ljafde biwêsen hede.

Men ik dâr segse, hi wêre-n lichte man, hâchlik romed alsa sêr bi tha inhêmar as wel bi vs, hwand hi wêre navt vmbe tha månniska to diapana sa tha ôra prestera, men hi wêre dügedsêm ånd hi wist tha wisdom thêra fêrhêmanda folkum nêi wêrde to skåtande.

Bihalva tha hûsa thêra inhêmar send thêr binna alingne tha [148]dik jeta thrya twilif nêdhûsa to fâra tha omhêmar.

Hjra fachta ånd kruda wrdon thrvch tha Rênhêmar vrwandelath ånd thrvch tha stjurar buta brocht.

Thêrvmbe send wi fvl êrbidenese to fara jowa wêpne, tha jet mar vr thina witskip.

Thâ wi ne mügath hjam for nêne rjuchta Fryas mar ne halde.

Men kvade tâle håvon hja mar mithbrocht as gode sêda.

Alle kâdhêmar ånd [200]ommelandar dâna wêron eft Fryas bilêven, men thrvch tha lust thêre wrêke åjen tha Golum ånd åjen tha Kåltana folgar gvngon hja mitha Sêlandar sâma dvan, men that sâma dva neth nen stek navt ne halden.

Jâ hi wilde mar dva, hi wilde al vsa sêkåmpar utnêda thåt hja skolde mith fjuchta ånd râwa.

Fon Walhallagâra brûdon hja allingen thêra sûder Hrênum al ont hja mith grâta frêse boppa thêre Rêne bi tha Marsâta kêmon2 hwêrfon vsa Apollânja skrêven heth.

Nv stemlêth ner gelât hjara bosa tochta navt longer mar vrrêdon, nv is düged fon ut hjara midden wêken, wisdom is folgth ånd frydom is mith gvngen, êndracht is sok râkt ånd twispalt heth sin stêd innommen, ljafde is fljucht ånd hordom sith mith nyd an têfel, ånd thêr êr rjuchtfêrdichhêd welde, welth nv thåt swêrd.

Fandon hja thån êmong tha inhêmar ånd uthêmar seliga thêr ekkorum [220]frjundskip bâradon, sâ lêton bêde grâte blidskip blika.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 15th w/Avin Pt. 2/2: War in the “Heavens”, Time Traveling Germans, and 5G

Some members of the Nazi regime are said to have escaped to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, but the Andromedan forces have been rounding them up.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 15th Contact with Avin – Part 1/2: Mars History

The discussion primarily focused on the history of Mars, the interactions between the Andromedans and Earth, and the influence of various extraterrestrial races.

He was then shown a vision of Mars' past, featuring a massive explosion with a fiery mushroom cloud in the distance, possibly signifying an important historical event on the planet.

Avin, the Andromedan being, communicated that the vision shown to Robert was part of Mars' ancient history.

Avin warned that certain hidden forces, described as "evil," could attempt to recreate such destructive events on Mars if they are unable to retain power.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 12th. RIP. Ylo K.I.A. Nibiru shifted. Arrests tribunals.

The contact also highlights hidden space programs and raids on cabal members who have been living on Mars or under Mars for extended periods.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 8th.Pt.1/2 Breakaway civilization/control. Old wars. Pleadians. Fukushima.

Locations: The Andromedans mention human colonies on Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and an attempt to establish a base on Pluto.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 1st. A.I. interface High Council Mission Statement. Future. Your Power/Reach

Ships are also stationed over Earth's moon, Mars, Proxima Centauri, and other star systems.

Robert Nelson

Andromeadans 6th. Atlantis was a Gift/Earth from Andromeda

The Andromedan beings discuss the reptilian efforts to take control of parts of the galaxy, including Mars, the Moon, and Earth.

Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 Part 13) Life of Robert Nelson

The next part of the discussion promises to explore an out-of-body excursion Nelson had over Mars.

Gabriele Heikamp

The Second Moon

Mars, previously the moon of this planet, also suffered damage during this conflict.

Debbie Solaris

Humanoid beings incarnated on Maldek

Maldek used to be located between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt now lies.

The individual’s soul has connections with grey aliens and reptilians from a previous life on Mars.

In that lifetime, they worked as a scientist on a Mars base and made soul contracts with the grey aliens, allowing them to collect genetic samples.

Debbie suggested this might have occurred in a different dimension of Mars.

She mentioned that the individual may not always remember their experiences in astral travel but has developed these skills from past lives, particularly on Mars.

Dr. Michael Lennox

Upcoming Eclipses and Their Impact

Mars retrograde spans several months, affecting decision-making, physical energy, and ambition.

Mars’ retrograde movement through Cancer and Leo will challenge individuals to face their inner fears and reexamine how they approach goals.

Eclipse season in late 2024 and Mars retrograde will serve as preparation for the more intense planetary shifts of 2025.


Chronological Nations and Tribes

Gods: Jupiter, Mars, Venus

Billy Carson

Humanity’s genetic code was altered around 200,000 years ago

The conversation shifts to Mars, which Billy claims was once a habitable moon orbiting a larger planet that is now the asteroid belt.

Mars suffered catastrophic events, including a planetary collision and a nuclear war, which are evidenced by the presence of weapons-grade xenon in its atmosphere.

This history of Mars is linked to ancient Sumerian texts, where Mars is associated with the god of war, reflecting its tumultuous past and possible ancient warfare in the solar system.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

It is known that the Planets of the Solar System are interdependent and mutually connected; and from researches conducted for long years, I conclude that about 58,600 years ago, the planet of this system then revolving on its axis in an orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter, BURST asunder—scattered into a million fragments, the larger ones now constituting the Asteroids, and named Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, and so on, to the number of a hundred or more, and the smaller bits of which are now revolving at greater or less distances apart, in a track or belt, so situated as to be crossed by the earth from the 11th to the 24th of every November, at which time we are visited by showers of meteoric stones, attracted then by the globe, and which fragments once formed part of the now shattered world.

Paa Taraq
Paa Taraq

Their 3 Abodes

What is he looking for on Mars?

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Fourth Root Race

Reign of Mars: Mars rules as Emperor in the City of the Golden Gates.

With it came the future Masters, Mars and Mercury and others, and Mars was born in the north in the Tlavatli sub-race, with Surya and Mercury for his father and mother.

Surya was the »Chief of the tribe, and Mars, his eldest son, soon became its foremost warrior.

Taking a bird's-eye-view, we notice that there were occasional gatherings of the whole big Clan, as in the City of the Golden Gates when Mars was King, in Peru when he was Emperor, in the mainland near the White Island under the Manu, and in the second and third subraces at their beginnings and their migrations — to take a few instances out of many.

Herakles turned out to be a fighting sort of person, clinging closely to Mars ; Sirius a more peaceful one, following Mercury continually; Alcyone is also of that ilk, with Mizar.

Coming down to 220,000 B.C., to the City of the Golden Gates, we find Mars there ruling as Emperor, and bearing by inheritance the title of * Divine Ruler,' transmitted from Those who had ruled in the past, the great Initiates of earlier days.

Noteworthy also is the fact that we never saw Mars in a woman's body, whereas Mercury did take one from time to time.

The Emperor Mars had placed in the Captain's hands the care of his son Vajra, a daring, reckless lad ; for the times were dangerous, conspiracies were rife in the Golden City, and the capture of the person of the Crown Prince would have been a great triumph for the conspirators.

Corona was then the White Emperor at the City of the Golden Gates ; Mars was a general under him, and Herakles was the wife of Mars.

The Seven Globes

Example: In the Earth's chain, Globe C is associated with Mars.

Earth Chain: In the current Earth chain (the fourth in the series), the third globe (C) is associated with Mars, and the fifth globe (E) with Mercury.

In the Scheme to which our Earth belongs, the Chain which preceded our terrene Chain was the third of its series, and its one physical globe, globe D, was the globe which is now our Moon; lifence the third Chain is called the lunar, while the second and first Chains are designated only by numbers; our Earth Chain, or terrene Chain, is the fourth in succession, and has therefore three of its seven globes in physical manifestation, its third globe, C, being what is called the planet Mars, and its fifth globe, E, what is called the planet Mercury.

Annie Besant

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

Mars and Corona gallantly resisted the Egyptian onslaught, while a side party, with Herakles — a young unmarried man — among them, mistaking the direction of the enemy, was annihilated by the Egyptians ; Vaivasvata Manu came up with reinforcements and turned the fortunes of the day, driving back the Egyptians ; a side party of them, in turn, was attacked by a larger force, among which Sirius, the father of Herakles, was prominent, furious at finding his son among the dead ; knowing the country, they shepherded the Egyptians into a crater-like depression, with steep sides covered with loose rocks; these rocks they joyfully hurled down on their surrounded foes, and the last we saw of Sirius on this occasion was his ride down the steep slope on an avalanche of stones, waving his spear, and shouting a war-song of an uncomplimentary nature, to become part of the gory mass of crushed men and heavy stones which filled the lowest part of the crater.

But generally He was not physically present, but directed affairs through His lieutenants, of whom Jupiter and Mars were the most prominent.

Mars, a grandson of the Manu, was the head of the community, and, with his wife Mercury and his family — among whom were Sirius and Alcyone — lived in a pleasant house, surrounded by a large garden and fine trees.

As we were observing this town, there came galloping in a tumultuous band of men, who had evidently been out on a foray; they were riding on rough-looking animals, resembling horses, and were headed by Vajra; they drew up at the house of Mars, who was Vajra 's brother, soon after galloping off again, as tumultuously as they came ; and we followed them to another town, also on the shores of the Gobi, where we found Viraj as Chief.

Much excitement was caused some years later by the Manu, who was then a very old man, sending for Jupiter, Corona, Mars and Vajra; on their return, obeying His order, they selected some children from the settlement, and sent them over to Shamballa ; these children were the best in the community and have since risen to the position of Masters.

Mars returned earlier, and was born in Shamballa as a younger brother of the Manu, while Viraj was His sister.

Our old friends were there among the pioneers, Herakles, this time, as the son of Mars.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

"On the seventh day, those who worship Mars should be especially on the watch against causeless irritation "

With regard to Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars, the Chaldsean measurements of relative size corresponded precisely with our own ; but Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, though immensely larger than the inner group, were yet decidedly smaller than they would have been if constructed on the same scale according to our received calculations.

In the space (quite correctly calculated) between Mars and Jupiter there appeared no temple, but a number of columns, each ending in a tiny dome of the usual hemispherical shape; these we presumed to be intended to represent the asteroids.

Mars appropriately enough clothed his followers in a splendid brilliant scarlet, but with a strong crimson shade underlying it, and practically taking its place when seen from certain aspects.

Numerous religious or rather ethical precepts were learnt by heart, all indicating the conduct expected from 'a son of Mars,' the planet — or Venus or Jupiter as the case might be — under various conditions that might arise ; and the only literature studied was an endlessly voluminous commentary upon these, full of interminable stories of adventures and situations in which the heroes acted sometimes wisely, sometimes foolishly.


The History of Our Solar System

Earth's history includes cycles of destruction and transformation (e.g., Maldek's destruction, Mars' loss of atmosphere).

These overlapping cycles of transformation involve ancient Orion, Anunnaki, Maldek, Mars, and even the Grays.