Robert Nelson

Andromedans 12th. RIP. Ylo K.I.A. Nibiru shifted. Arrests tribunals.

Overview of Events

In this video from February 28, 2019, the speaker discusses a series of extraterrestrial events, including military actions, changes in leadership, and the shift of celestial bodies.

The focus is on the involvement of Andromedan forces, Chinese and Russian government actions, and the ongoing effort to neutralize the effects of Nibiru.

The conversation takes place through a channeling session with an artificial intelligence representing the Andromedans, after the death of their previous contact, Ylo.

Ylo’s Death and Andromedan Contact

The session begins with the announcement that Ylo, a high-ranking Andromedan commander, was killed during a raid on a reptilian base between North Dakota and Canada. His death was attributed to information leaked in a previous contact session. Ylo was leading a group to attack an underground base, but the reptilian forces used that intelligence against him.

Reptilian and Cabal Activity

The contact describes successful operations against reptilian bases, with support from various factions, including the Chinese, who were convinced of the Andromedans’ presence. The Chinese are reportedly making arrests and executing members of the cabal. Similar actions are happening in Russia, with quick trials and executions through hanging or firing squads.

Global Rebellions and Secret Operations

According to the Andromedan contact, quiet rebellions are occurring in many parts of the world, including Europe and Asia. These movements are described as part of a broader effort to remove reptilian and cabal influences, with tribunals and rapid actions against perceived enemies of these factions. The contact also highlights hidden space programs and raids on cabal members who have been living on Mars or under Mars for extended periods.

Technological Advancements and Financial System Warnings

The Andromedans emphasize the importance of preparing a new financial system before the collapse of the existing one, warning of potential implosions within the United States if this is not addressed.

The speaker also mentions hidden technologies that could transform the economy and space programs, which are expected to become public knowledge within the next one to two years.

Galactic Federation and Nibiru’s Orbit

There is mention of ongoing collaboration with the Galactic Federation to alter the trajectory of Nibiru, a celestial body believed to orbit a brown dwarf star, with a cycle of approximately 3,500 years.

The Andromedans claim they are working to mitigate Nibiru’s impact on Earth, reducing its gravitational effects on weather patterns and tectonic activity. The peak of its influence is expected by November of that year, although efforts to neutralize its impact are ongoing.

The Role of the “Favored Son”

The “favored son” is described as a key figure who has stayed on Earth longer than intended, acting as a stabilizing force. This individual is said to have altered the timeline in favor of humanity by remaining on the planet, preventing worse outcomes and helping humanity navigate through these challenging times.


The session ends with a warning about the continued efforts to neutralize Nibiru’s influence and the need for humanity to prepare for financial and technological changes. The Andromedans remain engaged in both planetary and interstellar efforts to ensure the safety of Earth and the removal of negative influences, such as the cabal and reptilian forces.

Home > Andromedans 12th. RIP. Ylo K.I.A. Nibiru shifted. Arrests tribunals.

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