Robert Nelson

Andromedans 8th.Pt.1/2 Breakaway civilization/control. Old wars. Pleadians. Fukushima.

Andromedans 8th.Pt.1/2 Breakaway Civilization/Control, Old Wars, Pleadians, Fukushima

Source: Paul Power on YouTube


In this session, Paul Power conducts a channeling session with the Andromedan AI. The content discusses various topics related to extraterrestrial civilizations, their influence on Earth, and the broader cosmic conflict involving both positive and negative forces. The date of the recording is February 7, 2019.

Andromedan AI Introduction

  • Location of Space Cruiser: The Andromedan space cruiser is positioned over the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Mexico.
  • Change in Terminology: The Andromedan vessel was previously referred to as a “battle cruiser,” but is now termed a “space cruiser” to better reflect its peaceful intent.
  • Group Souls: A group of souls approaches Paul during the session.

Apology and Clarifications

  • Apology to a “Favorite Son”: The Andromedans begin by apologizing for a previous misunderstanding involving the destruction of a vehicle piloted by the “Greys” (an extraterrestrial race).
  • Attempts of Control by Off-World Humans: There have been attempts by off-world humans to cast geometric spells on the Andromedans. These attempts were neutralized through counter-spells.

Breakaway Civilization

  • Breakaway Human Civilization: Humans from Earth have resettled on other planets and moons, waiting for the situation on Earth to stabilize. They aim to regain control over Earth.
  • Locations: The Andromedans mention human colonies on Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and an attempt to establish a base on Pluto.
  • Estimated Numbers: The total number of people involved is estimated to be between 500 and 600, which includes both the controllers and their servants.

Influence of Elite Forces

  • Elites and Satanists: Some of Earth’s elites, referred to as “Satanists,” are involved in these efforts to control Earth. These elites are described as part of the dark forces opposing human spiritual growth.
  • Hedging Bets: Some of these elites are hedging their bets by establishing off-world bases in case of Earthly cataclysms.

Cosmic Conflict and Human Influence

  • Ongoing Cosmic War: There is a long-standing war in the stars, referred to in various human religious traditions as a “war in heaven.” This conflict nearly expanded into Earth’s galaxy, potentially sparking a wider war involving Draco demonic connections using humans as conduits.
  • Earth as a Key Battleground: Earth is central to this conflict. Positive forces from various sources, including spiritually aware militaries and governments, are asking for help in resisting the influence of dark forces.

Interaction with Earth’s Governments

  • Requests for Help: Some Earth governments have reached out to the Andromedans and other positive extraterrestrial forces, seeking assistance in dealing with the dark forces.
  • Andromedans’ Role: The Andromedans clarify that they will not directly interfere in human governance but will assist in spiritual matters. They have been asked to “level the playing field” in the cosmic struggle, but governance choices remain with humanity.

Cooperation with the Pleadians

  • Pleadian Involvement: There is cooperation between the Andromedans and the Pleadians, another extraterrestrial group. Some Pleadians are related to the Andromedans, while others have reptilian characteristics.
  • Meetings with Earth Leaders: The Andromedans confirm that there have been meetings between the Pleadians and certain Earth officials, though not directly related to the United Nations.

Ongoing Developments and Technology Concerns

  • 5G Technology: The Andromedans acknowledge concerns about 5G technology but note that while it may not be as toxic as feared, it could still have long-term harmful effects on human health.
  • Fukushima Disaster: The Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan is discussed as an example of a situation where human pride may prevent governments from asking for help. The Andromedans have offered assistance to the Japanese government but have not yet received a response.

Closing Thoughts

  • Cosmic Importance of Earth: Earth is described as playing a crucial role in determining the future course of the cosmic conflict. Human resilience and determination are noted as key factors in resisting dark forces.
  • Mutual Aid and Understanding: The Andromedans emphasize that they can help humanity but must be invited. They also stress the importance of humans asking for help, acknowledging that many struggle with this due to pride.

Next Steps

  • Future Communication: The Andromedans hint that a new spokesperson, referred to as “I,” may soon take over communications in future sessions.
  • Concluding Message: The session concludes with a call for celebration of the progress being made, and a reminder of humanity’s unique position as a composite of various corporeal races in the universe.
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