
Ignatius Donnelly

The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

These deities, including Zeus, were twelve in number: Zeus (or Jupiter), Hera (or Juno), Poseidon (or Neptune), Demeter (or Ceres), Apollo, Artemis (or Diana), Hephæstos (or Vulcan), Pallas Athena (or Minerva), Ares (or Mars), Aphrodite (or Venus), Hermes (or Mercury), and Hestia (or Vesta)." These were doubtless the twelve gods from whom the Egyptians derived their kings.

Rees, "New British Cyclopædia," art. Titans)--"such as Gerard Vossius, Marsham, Bochart, and Father Thomassin--are of opinion that the partition of the world among the sons of Noah-Shem, Ham, and Japheth--was the original of the tradition of the same partition among Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto," upon the breaking up of the great empire of the Titans.

"The learned Pezron contends that the division which was made of this vast empire came, in after-times, to be taken for the partition of the whole world; that Asia remaining in the hands of Jupiter (Zeus), the most potent of the three brothers, made him looked upon as the god of Olympus; that the sea and islands which fell to Neptune occasioned their giving him the title of 'god of the sea;' and that Spain, the extremity of the then known world, thought to be a very low country in respect of Asia, and famous for its excellent mines of gold and silver, failing to Pluto, occasioned him to be taken for the 'god of the infernal regions.'" We should suppose that Pluto possibly ruled over the transatlantic possessions of Atlantis in America, over those "portions of the opposite continent" which Plato tells us were dominated by Atlas and his posterity, and which, being far beyond or below sunset, were the "under-world" of the ancients; while Atlantis, the Canaries, etc., constituted the island division with Western Africa and Spain.

Neptune, or Poseidon, says, in answer to a message from Jupiter,

Mythology tells us that when the Titans were defeated by Saturn they retreated into the interior of Spain; Jupiter followed them up, and beat them for the last time near Tartessus, and thus terminated a ten-years' war.

W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

Compare the Sanscrit "Dyaus" or "Dyaus-pitar," the Greek "Theos" and Zeus, the Latin "Deus" and "Jupiter," the Keltic "Dia" and "Ta," pronounced "Thyah" (seeming to bear affinity to the Egyptian Tau), the Jewish "Jah" or "Yah" and lastly the Mexican "Teo" or "Zeo."

Wiliam R. Sandbach

The Oera Linda Book

or that a clever woman became a lawgiver at Athens, than that a goddess sprang, full grown and armed, from the cleft skull of Jupiter?

Indeed at first I could not believe my own eyes, and yet after further consideration I arrived at the discovery of extraordinary conformities which render the case much less improbable than the birth of Min-erva from the head of Jupiter by a blow from the axe of Hephæstus, for instance.

Robert Nelson

Andromedans 8th.Pt.1/2 Breakaway civilization/control. Old wars. Pleadians. Fukushima.

Locations: The Andromedans mention human colonies on Mars, moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and an attempt to establish a base on Pluto.

Debbie Solaris

Humanoid beings incarnated on Maldek

Maldek used to be located between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt now lies.


Chronological Nations and Tribes

Gods: Jupiter, Mars, Venus

Mauro Biglino

The sea is a significant element in the Bible

He draws a parallel with the Babylonians, who, as early as 1300-1200 BCE, used geometry to calculate the orbit of Jupiter.

Paschal Beverlly Randolph

Estimates of human origins

It is known that the Planets of the Solar System are interdependent and mutually connected; and from researches conducted for long years, I conclude that about 58,600 years ago, the planet of this system then revolving on its axis in an orbit between those of Mars and Jupiter, BURST asunder—scattered into a million fragments, the larger ones now constituting the Asteroids, and named Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, and so on, to the number of a hundred or more, and the smaller bits of which are now revolving at greater or less distances apart, in a track or belt, so situated as to be crossed by the earth from the 11th to the 24th of every November, at which time we are visited by showers of meteoric stones, attracted then by the globe, and which fragments once formed part of the now shattered world.

Paa Taraq
Matias de Stefano

Atlantis and the Creation of Races

Initial species were ethereal beings created from fire and gas on planets like Jupiter and Saturn.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden

In every heathen mythology it was the universal emblem of the goddess or mother of heaven, by whatsoever name she was addressed--whether as Mylitta, Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, Mata, or Venus; and the several eminences consecrated to her worship were, like those upon which Jupiter was originally adored, of a conical or pyramidal shape.

Humboldt considered the Pyramid of Cholula of the same type as the Temple of Jupiter Belus, the pyramids of Meidoun Dachhour, and the group of Sakkarah, in Egypt.

The Seven Globes

The seven Schemes of our Solar System may, for convenience sake, be named after the globe D of each, this being the globe best known to us; these are : Vulcan, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune (see Diagram I).

Jupiter is not yet inhabited, but its moons are, by beings with dense physical bodies.

Annie Besant

Beginning of the 5th Root Race

But generally He was not physically present, but directed affairs through His lieutenants, of whom Jupiter and Mars were the most prominent.

Jupiter was the ruler of the province — if we may so call the whole settlement of the embryonic Eace numbering about seven thousand souls — wielding an authority which was delegated to him by the Manu, the recognised King of the community, residing at Shamballa.

Much excitement was caused some years later by the Manu, who was then a very old man, sending for Jupiter, Corona, Mars and Vajra; on their return, obeying His order, they selected some children from the settlement, and sent them over to Shamballa ; these children were the best in the community and have since risen to the position of Masters.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

Turanian, in Ancient Chaldaea.

With regard to Mercury, Venus, the Moon, and Mars, the Chaldsean measurements of relative size corresponded precisely with our own ; but Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, though immensely larger than the inner group, were yet decidedly smaller than they would have been if constructed on the same scale according to our received calculations.

It is all but established now that the surface which we see in the case of Jupiter or Saturn is that of a deep, dense cloud-envelope, and not the body of the planet at all ; and if that be so, the Chaldaean representation of these globes is as accurate as the rest of their scheme.

In the space (quite correctly calculated) between Mars and Jupiter there appeared no temple, but a number of columns, each ending in a tiny dome of the usual hemispherical shape; these we presumed to be intended to represent the asteroids.

Jupiter robed his children in a wonderful gleaming blue-violet material, dappled all over with tiny silvery specks.

Saturn would by no means be permitted to attend one of the schools of Jupiter, or the children of Venus to be taught by a worshipper of Mercury.

Numerous religious or rather ethical precepts were learnt by heart, all indicating the conduct expected from 'a son of Mars,' the planet — or Venus or Jupiter as the case might be — under various conditions that might arise ; and the only literature studied was an endlessly voluminous commentary upon these, full of interminable stories of adventures and situations in which the heroes acted sometimes wisely, sometimes foolishly.



The atmosphere of Uranus is mostly hydrogen and helium, with a higher presence of "ices" such as water, ammonia, and methane, compared to Jupiter and Saturn.



“So, all of those realms – as in Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus – have their realms of consciousness also.


The Holy Seven

Jupiter-linked figures such as Enmebulugga and Aaron highlight religious leadership and societal prosperity.

Enmebulugga, Cleobulus of Lindos, Gautama Maharishi, Yan Hui, Aaron, Kanakamuni Buddha, and the Master of Babylon, together with their associations to Jupiter, Eloaios, the metal Copper, and the virtue Faith, represent influential figures known for their spiritual depth, leadership in religious contexts, and their contributions to the prosperity and ethical guidance of their communities.

Jupiter, the king of the gods in Roman mythology, symbolizes authority, law, sky, and thunder, but also protection and prosperity, reflecting the overarching and benevolent influence these figures have on their societies.



The Old Testament phrase Yahweh sabaoth or 'Jehovah of Armies' was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas or Sabazios.



The Old Testament phrase Yahweh sabaoth or 'Jehovah of Armies' was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas or Sabazios.



Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar System.

A gas giant, Jupiter's mass is more than two and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar System combined and slightly less than one one-thousandth the mass of the Sun.

“In that relation in Jupiter, makes for the bigness, the noblenesses, as are seen in the entity’s experience…” (6-2)

“In those in Jupiter, of those of the broadness of vision… Nature has made of the entity a leader…” (5-2)

“…in Jupiter we find the high ennobling influences in the experience of the entity; in materiality making for associations ever with those in high places, in power, in authority, that deal with problems in the affairs of great numbers of individuals or peoples, or the masses.” (1285-1)

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and one of the most prominent objects in the night sky.

Here are some key facts about Jupiter:

These bands are created by differences in the temperature and composition of Jupiter's atmosphere, and the colors are due to the various chemicals in it.

The Great Red Spot, a giant storm larger than Earth, is one of the most recognizable features of Jupiter and has been observed for over 300 years.

RingsAlthough not as prominent as Saturn's, Jupiter does possess a faint ring system, composed mainly of dust particles.

The Juno spacecraft, which arrived at Jupiter in 2016, is currently studying the planet in detail, providing unprecedented data about its atmosphere, magnetic field, and interior.

Its name derives from Jupiter, the chief deity of ancient Roman religion.


Jupiter, seen as a benevolent and expansive planet, might be recommended for times of planting or cultivating crops expected to yield abundantly.


Jupiter and Venus were good (the Auspicious Ones), while Saturn and Mars were evil (the Nefarious Ones).

Jupiter figures: Spiritual guidance and prosperity.

The cult recognized seven primary astral deities: the Sun, the Moon, and the five known planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Mars).

Of these Jupiter and Venus were good (the Auspicious Ones), while Saturn and Mars were evil (the Nefarious Ones).


The article suggests that the current era, marked by the upcoming Grand Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, embodies these oppressive qualities of Saturn.

Interview with Reptilian Woman

The circle with a dragon drawn on a blue background behind the stars represents Earth, and the seven The stars are Moon, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter and Saturn.

Khem – Zep Tepi

JUPITER (Pharaoh)

SATURN (daughter of JUPITER)