Debbie Solaris

Humanoid beings incarnated on Maldek

Galactic Akashic Reading | Man from Maldek & the Greys

Introduction to the Records

Debbie Solaris opened the records and addressed the individual’s soul group. She stated that the individual’s soul is not an extremely old one in the entire history of the universe. However, the soul group was initially supposed to go to another star system but was instead diverted to this solar system. The individual’s soul, originally from this solar system, waited for conditions to be correct for incarnation on various planets, though not Earth originally.

Connection to Maldek

Debbie explained that the soul has a connection to a planet called Maldek, which no longer exists today. Maldek used to be located between Mars and Jupiter, where the asteroid belt now lies. A group of humanoid beings incarnated on Maldek, which was a cold planet far from the Sun. Although initially peaceful, conflicts later broke out on the planet. The society was patriarchal, driven by masculine energy. Wars led to the destruction of the planet, leaving the asteroid belt behind.

Earth Incarnations and Karma

Many souls from Maldek were reincarnated onto Earth, and Debbie noted that the individual had previous incarnations in Atlantis. Their first incarnation on Earth occurred in Atlantis, where the individual was part of a scientific community. Debbie mentioned that many Atlantean souls are currently incarnated in the United States, especially since the 20th century. She also explained that Atlantis was technologically advanced but lacked spiritual focus, unlike Lemuria.

Connection to Atlantis and Nordic Influence

Debbie noted that Atlantean society was influenced by the Pleiadians and Nordics, and the individual might have some Nordic DNA. During the individual’s life in Atlantis, they worked as a scientist and were more of an observer soul, not directly involved in causes but reporting back to their higher self. After the fall of Atlantis, the individual reincarnated into Egypt.

Life in Ancient Egypt

In their Egyptian life, the individual worked as a builder, utilizing advanced technologies to construct large monuments. This lifetime was marked by technological advancement while maintaining some spirituality. The individual had a strong desire for knowledge and would travel to Alexandria to visit the library.

Interactions with Extraterrestrial Beings

The individual’s soul has connections with grey aliens and reptilians from a previous life on Mars. In that lifetime, they worked as a scientist on a Mars base and made soul contracts with the grey aliens, allowing them to collect genetic samples. The individual recalled an experience where they were shown various details, including luminescent plant life, during what appeared to be an abduction. Debbie suggested this might have occurred in a different dimension of Mars.

Astral Travel and Remote Viewing

Debbie acknowledged that the individual had skills in astral travel and remote viewing. She mentioned that the individual may not always remember their experiences in astral travel but has developed these skills from past lives, particularly on Mars. Additionally, the individual could practice remote viewing more consciously, as they had demonstrated the ability to observe events in the past.


Debbie concluded by affirming that the individual’s soul is evolving toward higher dimensions. In future incarnations, the soul will likely exist in the fourth or fifth dimensions on Earth. These future lives will be easier, as the individual continues their spiritual journey.

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