
These include Hawaii, Egypt, Crete, Australia, and the Celtic regions of Ireland and Scotland.

Between the ages of 12 and 30, Jesus is said to have traveled through India, Tibet, and Egypt, studying under spiritual masters.

In Egypt: Jesus studied the mysteries of life, death, and spiritual alchemy, possibly at Heliopolis.



She was one of the most important and widely worshiped deities in ancient Egypt.

Hathor was seen as a mother figure to the king and all of Egypt.

Ancient Egyptians in Egypt [coordinates n="26.8206" e="30.8024" z="6"]

For example, the development of metallurgy occurred at different times in different regions, so terms like "Bronze Age" or "Iron Age" can have varied significance depending on the location (e.g., Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Europe).

Post Flood

The Phoenicians

Phoenician cities grew wealthy from their constant trade with Egypt.

A Dweller on Two Planets

The Waters of Light

Then still on east across the country of Necropan, which country, now called Egypt, Abyminia, etc., then embraced the entire continent of Africa, under one government similar to that of Suern, and was inhabited by a people of kindred powers, but not nearly so far advanced.

The team utilized advanced DNA extraction techniques and high-throughput sequencing to overcome the challenges posed by Egypt's hot climate, high humidity, and the chemicals used in mummification, which had previously led scientists to believe that DNA preservation was unlikely.

Samples from 151 mummies at Abusir el-Meleq, a Middle Egypt site along the Nile, yielded mitochondrial genomes from 90 individuals and genome-wide data from three individuals.



One early explanation connects it to the Semitic root knʿ, meaning "to be low, humble, or subjugated," possibly referring to either geographical "lowlands" in contrast to Aram ("highlands") or a province of Egypt's empire in the Levant.

1 Kings 8:16 – "Since the day that I brought my people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city out of all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house, that my name might be there, but I chose David to be over my people Israel."

1 Kings 9:16 – "Pharaoh king of Egypt had gone up and captured Gezer and burned it with fire, and had killed the Canaanites who lived in the city."

2 Kings 23:29 – "In his days Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt went up to the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates.

Location: Northeastern Africa (modern-day Egypt)

Summary: Ancient Egypt was a dominant civilization known for its monumental architecture, religious practices, and long-lasting cultural influence.

Kushites (Ethiopians): A powerful kingdom in Africa, sometimes interacting with Egypt and Israel.

Ludim, Naphtuhim, Pathrusim, Casluhim: Descendants of Mizraim (Egypt), associated with various Egyptian and Libyan groups.

A Dweller on Two Planets

Technology vs Spirituality

The text contrasts the advanced civilizations of Poseid with those of Suemis (Hindustan) and Necropan (Egypt).

Necropan - The ancient name for Egypt, another spiritually advanced civilization akin to Suemis.

I was not averse to doing as he desired, and as the duty took me to a land barely mentioned hitherto, the account of my long-ago vacation trip may be prefaced by a description of Suemis, now called Hindustan, and Necropan or Egypt, the most civilized nations not under Poseid supremacy.

Matias de Stefano

The Exodus to Egypt

Cayce’s readings reveal that Hept-Supht was among the leaders who guided a group of Atlanteans to Egypt before the final cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis.

A Dweller on Two Planets


Nevertheless, it precedes the histories handed down in manuscript, papyrus rolls and rock-inscriptions by many centuries, seeing that Poseid was no longer known in the earth when history's first pages were chronicled by the earliest historian using papyrus; nay, nor even yet earlier, when the sculptors of the obelisks of Egypt and the rock-inscribers of the temples cut pictorial histories in enduring granite.

The influence of Alyne’s practices can be seen in ancient Egypt's medical and spiritual traditions and other cultures that inherited Atlantean knowledge.

Edgar Cayce


Chapter 4 of Edgar Cayce's "Atlantis" focuses on the Great Hept-Supht, who is described as an important Atlantean figure with a role in both the spiritual and material development of ancient Egypt.

This chapter ties the legacy of Atlantis to the foundational myths and historical events of other ancient civilizations, particularly Egypt, and highlights how Atlantean knowledge and influence extended beyond their own civilization.

Hept-Supht is depicted as a wise and powerful leader who was deeply involved in the preservation and transfer of Atlantean knowledge to other parts of the world, especially Egypt.

Cayce’s readings reveal that Hept-Supht was among the leaders who guided a group of Atlanteans to Egypt before the final cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis.

In Egypt, Hept-Supht and his followers contributed to the establishment of the early Egyptian civilization, bringing with them advanced knowledge in various fields such as architecture, medicine, and spiritual practices.

Hept-Supht’s primary mission in Egypt was the preservation of Atlantean wisdom.

This repository, according to Cayce, was carefully concealed in Egypt, with clues to its location encoded in various ancient structures and texts.

Cayce’s readings imply that his efforts to preserve and transfer Atlantean wisdom played a crucial role in shaping not just Egypt, but also other ancient civilizations.

The spiritual and technological advancements of Egypt, including its deep understanding of the afterlife, cosmic order, and the use of sacred geometry, are seen as direct continuations of Atlantean traditions.

These teachings were encoded in the rituals, hieroglyphs, and architectural designs of ancient Egypt, awaiting the time when humanity would be ready to fully comprehend and utilize them.

Chapter 4 emphasizes the enduring connection between Atlantis and ancient Egypt, with Hept-Supht serving as a critical link between these two great civilizations.

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis Readings

Cayce mentions that these survivors influenced the development of other ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt, Central America, and the Mediterranean.

His uncles' names appear more like nations than literal individuals, as seen in Genesis 10:6: "the sons of Ham: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan."

He proposed that this civilization could be the missing link connecting the ancient cultures of Sumer, Egypt, and even the Americas.

LaCroix emphasized that this site, along with others in the region, could provide the missing link between the ancient civilizations of the Middle East, Egypt, and the Americas.

Billy reveals that Yeshua spent this time traveling to Egypt and Tibet, where he learned various mystical and healing arts, such as Reiki and Qigong.

Billy discusses the Emerald Tablets, attributed to Thoth, an Atlantean priest-king who claimed to have ruled ancient Egypt for 16,000 years.

A corridor in Abydos, Egypt, holds a mysterious and ancient secret.

The walls here are adorned with depictions of all the kings who ruled, not only during the dynastic period of Egypt but also during a time referred to as the era of the gods and demigods.

This timeline stretches back to a period associated with the figure known as Zeptepi, the first era, which some researchers believe connects the legends of Atlantis with ancient Egypt.

Revelation 18

Thus shall Babylon sink

Key groups of survivors migrated to two major regions: Egypt and Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).

In ancient Egypt, several insects and animals were worshipped or associated with deities due to their perceived symbolic meanings and importance in Egyptian culture.

Goddess Wadjet: The cobra was a symbol of protection and royalty in ancient Egypt.

Wadjet, often depicted as a cobra, was the goddess of Lower Egypt and was associated with the protection of the pharaoh.

Scarab amulets were very popular in ancient Egypt and were believed to protect the wearer and ensure resurrection in the afterlife.

God Horus: Falcons were associated with Horus, one of the most important deities in ancient Egypt, who was depicted as a falcon or as a man with a falcon's head.

The connection between these creatures and the gods of ancient Egypt reflects the deep spiritual significance that Egyptians attached to the natural world around them.

In some cases, this worship took place in grand temples dedicated to the Sun god, such as the Temple of Ra in ancient Egypt or similar temples in other sun-worshipping cultures.

The Fall of Atlantis

Atlantis in the Old Testament

Wealthy Nations: Isaiah prophesies against various powerful and wealthy nations, including Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, and Tyre.

Wealthy Nations: Ezekiel prophesies against wealthy nations like Tyre and Egypt.

Destruction: Ezekiel contains prophecies of destruction against nations like Tyre, Egypt, and Jerusalem (Ezekiel 26–32).

Wealthy Nations: Jeremiah prophesies against wealthy nations such as Babylon, Egypt, and Moab.

Wealthy Nations: The book references wealthy cities like Tyre and Egypt, which are subjects of God's judgment.

Destruction: Ezekiel prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem, Tyre, and Egypt, along with the eventual restoration of Israel (Ezekiel 24-32).

109b-109cCritias mentions that Solon, after visiting Egypt, heard from priests about an ancient conflict between Athens and Atlantis.

They established an empire that extended beyond their island, controlling parts of Libya, Egypt, and Europe.

Verse: "The Lord, the LORD Almighty, he who touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mourn—the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egypt; he builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the earth; he calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land—the LORD is his name."

Philo, of Byblos

The Phoenician history

When he went to the southern land, Kronos transferred all of Egypt to the god Taautos, so that it might become his kingdom.

Islands & Coastlines

Islands mentioned in the Bible


Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai, also referred to as Horeb in some biblical texts, is traditionally identified in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

"And God spoke all these words: 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.