OSIRIS & ORION: The Pyramids & Sphinx Represent A Very Mysterious Epoch

Overview of Robert Bauval’s Discovery

In 1983, while camping in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Egyptian author Robert Bauval had an epiphany regarding the relationship between the Pyramids of Giza and the constellation of Orion. After years of studying ancient Egyptian star alignments, Bauval noticed the striking similarity between the layout of the pyramids and the stars in Orion’s Belt. This realization sparked decades of research into what became known as the Orion Correlation Theory.

The Connection Between the Pyramids and Orion

Ancient Egyptians believed in a connection between the stars and the afterlife. They associated Orion with Osiris, the god of the underworld, and the afterlife, and Sirius with Isis. The Pyramid Texts, specifically Text 1717, describe the dead king’s journey to the afterlife, closely tied to Orion. Bauval suggested that the three pyramids of Giza were a representation of the three stars in Orion’s Belt. His research delved into the Pyramid Texts and astronomical data to support the notion that the layout of the Giza complex mirrored the celestial alignment of Orion.

Evidence from the Giza Complex

Bauval’s theory is supported by earlier discoveries in the 1960s, when Egyptologist Alexander Badawi and astronomer Virginia Trimble found that the southern shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid aligned with Orion’s Belt around 2500 BCE, the supposed construction date of the pyramids. Bauval later demonstrated that the Queen’s Chamber’s southern shaft was aligned with the star Sirius, further linking the monuments to ancient Egyptian beliefs about the stars and the afterlife.

Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Egyptian Beliefs

The pyramids’ alignment with the stars is consistent with the ancient Egyptians’ cosmological beliefs. They viewed Orion as the celestial representation of Osiris and Sirius as that of Isis. The summer solstice, coinciding with the heliacal rising of Sirius, marked the beginning of the annual Nile flood, crucial for Egypt’s agriculture. This event also signified the Egyptian New Year, further embedding the significance of these celestial events in their culture.

The Orion Correlation Theory and Controversial Implications

While Bauval’s theory was initially aligned with mainstream Egyptology, further research led to controversial claims that the Giza pyramids could be much older than traditionally believed. Using advanced astronomical software to track the precession of the stars, Bauval found that around 10,500 BCE, Orion was at its lowest point on the meridian. This coincided with the position of the pyramids, suggesting they could be a “frozen” snapshot of the sky at that time.

The theory also raises the possibility that the Sphinx was originally constructed during this era, facing the constellation of Leo during the vernal equinox. Some scholars argue that the Sphinx’s original form might have been a lion, later altered by subsequent rulers.

The Sphinx and the Age of Leo

Bauval’s research also touched on the Sphinx’s alignment. The monument, facing due east, aligns with the constellation of Leo around 10,500 BCE during the vernal equinox. This suggests that the Sphinx may have been built to mark this significant period, further reinforcing the “As Above, So Below” concept found in Egyptian mythology, where the heavens were mirrored on Earth.

Ancient Egyptian Knowledge of Astronomy

Bauval’s theory suggests that the ancient Egyptians had a profound understanding of the stars, and used this knowledge in the construction of their monuments. Alignments between the pyramids and Orion, the significance of Sirius, and the astronomical role of the Sphinx point to a civilization deeply invested in reflecting the cosmos in their sacred architecture.

Key Points of the Orion Correlation Theory

  1. Orion and Osiris: The pyramids are aligned with Orion’s Belt, symbolizing Osiris in Egyptian cosmology. The Pyramid Texts confirm that dead kings were believed to join Osiris in the afterlife.
  2. Pyramids’ Layout: The diagonal layout of the three pyramids mirrors the stars in Orion’s Belt, with the smallest pyramid offset similarly to the smallest star in the constellation.
  3. Astronomical Alignments: The southern shafts of the pyramids are aligned with key stars, particularly Orion and Sirius, further cementing their connection to Egyptian cosmological beliefs.
  4. Controversial Dating: Bauval’s findings suggest that the pyramids might have been built around 10,500 BCE, aligning with the lowest point of Orion in its precessional cycle, rather than the conventional date of 2500 BCE.
  5. The Sphinx: Its alignment with the constellation of Leo during the vernal equinox further supports the idea that these monuments were built to reflect celestial events from a much earlier epoch.


Bauval’s Orion Correlation Theory has sparked ongoing debate in the field of Egyptology, with its implications challenging traditional views on the age of the pyramids and the Sphinx. The theory suggests that the ancient Egyptians were not only skilled builders but also sophisticated astronomers, embedding their understanding of the cosmos into their monumental constructions.

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