

Lee Carroll in Abydos, The Place Where Egypt Began

Local guides claim that an important figure from Egyptian history is buried there, though Lee Carroll adds that Kryon believes the site could be as old as 10,000 years.

This is not officially recognized by the Egyptian government.

Rob Skiba

The Tower of Babel and Confirming the Nimrod – Osiris – Orion – Apollo Connection

The speaker discusses connections between NASA’s space program and ancient Egyptian beliefs, particularly the association between Osiris, Orion, and Apollo.

After the lunar landing, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, a 33rd-degree Freemason, performed a ceremony involving bread and wine, reminiscent of ancient Egyptian rituals dedicated to Osiris.

The speaker also mentions the Washington Monument, linking it to the ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Gods of the Phœnician also Kings of Atlantis

In a time of plague be sacrificed his son to Ouranos, and "circumcised himself, and compelled his allies to do the same thing." It would thus appear that this singular rite, practised as we have seen by the Atlantidæ of the Old and New Worlds, the Egyptians, the Phœnicians, the Hebrews, the Ethiopians, the Mexicans, and the red men of America, dates back, as we might have expected, to Atlantis.

The Egyptians called him Thoth, and he was represented among them as "the god of letters, the clerk of the under-world," bearing a tablet, pen, and palm-branch.

This not only connects the Phœnicians with Atlantis, but shows the relations of Egyptian civilization to both Atlantis and the Phœnicians.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

We find the Egyptians in their early ages sun and planet worshippers.

The Egyptians worshipped the sun under the name of Ra; the Hindoos worshipped the sun under the name of Rama; while the great festival of the sun, of the Peruvians, was called Ray-mi.

But, compared with such ancient nations as the Egyptians and Babylonians, the Greeks were children.

These deities, including Zeus, were twelve in number: Zeus (or Jupiter), Hera (or Juno), Poseidon (or Neptune), Demeter (or Ceres), Apollo, Artemis (or Diana), Hephæstos (or Vulcan), Pallas Athena (or Minerva), Ares (or Mars), Aphrodite (or Venus), Hermes (or Mercury), and Hestia (or Vesta)." These were doubtless the twelve gods from whom the Egyptians derived their kings.

And here we find that the Flood that destroyed this land of the gods was the Flood of Deucalion, and the Flood of Deucalion was the Flood of the Bible, and this, as we have shown, was "the last great Deluge of all," according to the Egyptians, which destroyed Atlantis.

Ignatius Donnelly

Traditions of Atlantis

The Adites are represented upon the Egyptian monuments as very much like the Egyptians themselves; in other words, they were a red or sunburnt race: their great temples were pyramidal, surmounted by buildings.

The god Thoth of the Egyptians, who was the god of a foreign country, and who invented letters, was called At-hothes.

We thus find the sons of Ad at the base of all the most ancient races of men, to wit, the Hebrews, the Arabians, the Chaldeans, the Hindoos, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Mexicans, and the Central Americans; testimony that all these races traced their beginning back to a dimly remembered Ad-lantis.

Ignatius Donnelly

Artificial Deformation of the Skull

We have but to compare these lines with the skulls of the Egyptians, Kurds, and the heroic type of heads in the statues of the gods of Greece, to see that there was formerly an ancient race marked by a receding forehead; and that the practice of flattening the skull was probably an attempt to approximate the shape of the head to this standard of an early civilized and dominant people.

The annexed ancient Egyptian heads, copied from the monuments, indicate either that the people of the Nile deformed their heads by pressure upon the front of the skull, or that


The second is from an Egyptian monument of the time of Rameses IV.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Bronze Age in Europe

383.) He says, "It seems surprising that the nearest neighbors of the Phœnicians--the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Etruscans, and the Romans--should have manufactured plumbiferous bronzes, while the Phœnicians carried to the people of the North only pure bronzes without the alloy of lead.

Celtic Warrior, From Egyptian Monuments.

The accompanying figure represents one of these people as they appear upon the Egyptian monuments.

Morton thinks these people, as painted on the Egyptian monuments, to have "strong Celtic features.

Where can we find them save in that people of Atlantis, whose ships, docks, canals, and commerce provoked the astonishment of the ancient Egyptians, as recorded by Plato.

In the central figure we have a representation of an Egyptian-looking man holding a cup before him.

158) that the bronze implements found in Egypt, near Memphis, had been buried for six thousand years; and that at that time, as the Egyptians had a horror of the sea, some commercial nation must have brought the tin, of which the bronze was in part composed, from India, the Caucasus, or Spain, the nearest points to Egypt in which tin is found.

Heer has shown that the civilized plants of the lake dwellings are not of Asiatic, but of African, and, to a great extent, of Egyptian origin.

OSIRIS & ORION: The Pyramids & Sphinx Represent A Very Mysterious Epoch

In 1983, while camping in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, Egyptian author Robert Bauval had an epiphany regarding the relationship between the Pyramids of Giza and the constellation of Orion.

After years of studying ancient Egyptian star alignments, Bauval noticed the striking similarity between the layout of the pyramids and the stars in Orion’s Belt.

Ancient Egyptians believed in a connection between the stars and the afterlife.

Bauval later demonstrated that the Queen’s Chamber’s southern shaft was aligned with the star Sirius, further linking the monuments to ancient Egyptian beliefs about the stars and the afterlife.

The pyramids' alignment with the stars is consistent with the ancient Egyptians' cosmological beliefs.

This event also signified the Egyptian New Year, further embedding the significance of these celestial events in their culture.

This suggests that the Sphinx may have been built to mark this significant period, further reinforcing the "As Above, So Below" concept found in Egyptian mythology, where the heavens were mirrored on Earth.

Bauval’s theory suggests that the ancient Egyptians had a profound understanding of the stars, and used this knowledge in the construction of their monuments.

Orion and Osiris: The pyramids are aligned with Orion’s Belt, symbolizing Osiris in Egyptian cosmology.

Astronomical Alignments: The southern shafts of the pyramids are aligned with key stars, particularly Orion and Sirius, further cementing their connection to Egyptian cosmological beliefs.

The theory suggests that the ancient Egyptians were not only skilled builders but also sophisticated astronomers, embedding their understanding of the cosmos into their monumental constructions.

Luke Caverns

Ancient Civilizations and Mysteries: Exploring Mesoamerican Cultures

The speakers pondered whether such similarities between ancient Egyptian and Mesoamerican structures could suggest a shared knowledge or a coincidence in human development across different parts of the world.

The Olmecs are particularly interesting because they became powerful for reasons similar to those that helped other ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Origin of Our Alphabet

yet been obtained: we can trace it back from nation to nation, and form to form, until we reach the Egyptians, and the archaic forms of the Phœnicians, Hebrews, and Cushites, but.

The Egyptians spoke of their hieroglyphic system of writing not as their own invention, but as "the language of the gods." (Lenormant and Cheval, "Anc.

"According to the Phœnicians, the art of writing was invented by Taautus, or Taut, 'whom the Egyptians call Thouth,' and the Egyptians said it was invented by Thouth, or Thoth, otherwise called 'the first Hermes,' in which we clearly see that both the Phœnicians and Egyptians referred the invention to a period older than their own separate political existence, and to an older nation, from which both peoples received it." (Baldwin's "Prehistoric Nations," p.

The Egyptian hieroglyph for h is  while ch is .

We find the precise Maya o a circle in a circle, or a dot within a circle, repeated in the Phœnician forms for o, thus,  and , and by exactly the same forms in the Egyptian hieroglyphics; in the Runic we have the circle in the circle; in one form of the Greek o the dot was placed along-side of the circle instead of below it, as in the Maya.

We find in the archaic Ethiopian, a language as old as the Egyptian, and which represents the Cushite branch of the Atlantean stock, the sign for n (na) is ; in archaic Phœnician it comes still closer to the S shape, thus, , or in this form, ; we have but to curve these angles to approximate it very closely to the Maya n; in Troy this form was found, .

valley of the Nile, and we find that the Egyptian hieroglyphic for n was the serpent, ; the Pelasgian n was ; the Arcadian, ; the Etruscan, .

It has already been remarked by Savolini that this erect serpent is very much like the Egyptian Uræus, an erect serpent with an enlarged body--a sacred emblem found in the hair of their deities.

We turn again to the valley of the Nile, and we find that the Egyptian hieroglyphic for k was a serpent with a convolution or protuberance in the middle, precisely as in the Maya, thus, ; this was transformed into the Egyptian letter ; the serpent and the protuberance reappear in one of the Phœnician forms of k, to wit, ; while in the Punic we have these forms,  and .

So that the two lines projecting from the upright stroke of our English K are a reminiscence of the convolution of the serpent in the Maya original and the Egyptian copy.

Here again we turn to the valley of the Nile, and we find that the Egyptian hieroglyph for t is  and ; and in the Syriac t it is .

The hieratic Egyptian a was ; the ancient Hebrew, which was  or ; the ancient Greek was the foot reversed, ; the later Greek became our A.

And when we turn to the Egyptian q we find it in this shape,

The hieratic Egyptian figure for g was ; in the earlier Greek form the left limb of the figure was shortened, thus, ; the later Greeks reversed it, and wrote it ; the Romans, changed this into  and it finally became C.

The archaic Phœnician form of l was , or ; the archaic Hebrew was  and ; the hieratic Egyptian was ; the Greek form was --the Roman L.

The Maya e is ; this became in time ; then  (we see this form on the Maya monuments); the dots in time were indicated by strokes, and we reach the hieratic Egyptian form, : we even find in some of the ancient Phœnician inscriptions the original Maya circles preserved in making the letter e, thus, ; then we find the old Greek form, ; the old Hebrew, ; and the later Phœnician, : when the direction of the writing was changed this became .

The Samaritan i was formed thus, ; the Egyptian letter i is : gradually in all these the left-hand line was dropped, and we come to the figure used on the stone of Moab,  and ; this in time became the old Hebrew , or ; and this developed into the Greek .

We see this repeated in the Egyptian hieroglyphics for m, , and , and ; and in the Chaldaic m, ‏ו מ‎; and in the Ethiopic .

If now we turn to the Egyptian letters we find the sign k represented by this figure , simplified again into ; while the sign for k in the Phœnician inscription on the stone of Moab is .

The Egyptian hieroglyph for s is ; the Egyptian letter s is ; the Ethiopic, ; the Chaldaic, ; and the Illyrian s c is .

Maya, ; Egyptian, ; Ethiopian, ; Phœnician, .

Maya, ; Egyptian, ; Pelasgian , Arcadian, ; Phœnician, .

[paragraph continues]Maya, were supplied by imitating the Maya sign for b; and it is a curious fact that while the Phœnician legends claim that Taaut invented the art of writing, yet they tell us that Taaut made records, and "delivered them to his successors and to foreigners, of whom one was Isiris (Osiris, the Egyptian god), the inventor of the three letters." Did these three letters include the d and r, which they did not receive from the Atlantean alphabet, as represented to us by the Maya alphabet?

154, an interesting article pointing out other resemblances between the Maya alphabet and the Egyptian.

It is astonishing to notice that while Landa's first B is, according to Valentini, represented by a footprint, and that path and footprint are pronounced Be in the Maya dictionary, the Egyptian sign for B was the human leg.

"Still more surprising is it that the H of Landa's alphabet is a tie of cord, while the Egyptian H is a twisted cord.

But the most striking coincidence of all occurs in the coiled or curled line representing Landa's U; for it is absolutely identical with the Egyptian curled U.

The Mayan word for to wind or bend is Uuc; but why should Egyptians, confined as they were to the valley of the Nile, and abhorring as they did the sea and sailors, write their U precisely like Landa's alphabet U in Central America?

There is one other remarkable coincidence between Landa's and the Egyptian alphabets; and, by-the-way, the English and other Teutonic dialects have a curious share in it.

[paragraph continues]So far as sound is concerned, the English day represents it; so far as the form is concerned, the Egyptian 'cake,' ideograph for (1) country and (2) the sun's orbit is essentially the same."

It would appear as if both the Phœnicians and Egyptians drew their alphabet from a common source, of which the Maya is a survival, but did not borrow from one another.

And yet I have shown that the closest resemblances exist between the Maya alphabet and the Egyptian signs--in the c, h, t, i, k, m, n, o, q, and s--eleven letters in all; in some cases, as in the n and k, the signs are identical; the k, in both alphabets, is not only a serpent, but a serpent with a protuberance or convolution in the middle!

If we add to the above the b and u, referred to in the "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society," we have thirteen letters out of sixteen in the Maya and Egyptian related to each other.

3.) Suidas, a Greek lexicographer of the eleventh century, expresses tradition when he says, "Adam was the author of arts and letters." The Egyptians said that their god Anubis was an antediluvian, and it wrote annals before the Flood." The Chinese have traditions that the earliest race of their nation, prior to history, "taught all the arts of life and wrote books." "The Goths always had the use of letters;" and Le Grand affirms that before or soon after the Flood "there were found the acts of great men engraved in letters on large stones." (Fosbroke's "Encyclopædia of Antiquity," vol.

Ignatius Donnelly

Genesis contains a history of Atlantis

The Indian scalp-lock is found on the Egyptian monuments as one of the characteristics of the Japhetic Libyans, who shaved all the head except one lock in the middle.

The proverbs of "Ptah-hotep," the oldest book of the Egyptians, show that this most ancient colony from Atlantis received the pure faith from the mother-land at the very dawn of history: this book preached the doctrine of one God, "the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked." (Reginald S.

38.) "In the early days the Egyptians worshipped one only God, the maker of all things, without beginning and without end.

463.) The Jews took up this great truth where the Egyptians dropped it, and over the heads and over the ruins of Egypt, Chaldea, Phœnicia, Greece, Rome, and India this handful of poor shepherds--ignorant, debased, and despised--have carried down to our own times a conception which could only have originated in the highest possible state of human society.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Question of Complexion

The name of the Phœnicians signified red. Himyar, the prefix of the Himyaritic Arabians, also means red, and the Arabs were painted red on the Egyptian monuments.

The ancient Egyptians were red men.

In later ages so desirous were the Egyptians of preserving, the aristocratic distinction of the color of their skin, that they represented themselves on the monuments as of a crimson hue--an exaggeration of their original race complexion.


The Egyptians, while they painted themselves red-brown, represented the nations of Palestine as yellow-brown, and the Libyans yellow-white.

95) that the ancient Egyptians belonged to a brown race, which embraced the Nubian tribes and, to some extent, the Berbers of Algiers and Tunis.

He groups the Assyrians, Phœnicians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Andalusians, Bretons, dark Welshmen, and people of the Caucasus into one body, and designates them as "dark whites." The Himyarite Arabs, as I have shown, derived their name originally from their red color, and they were constantly depicted on the Egyptian monuments as red or light

160): "The language of the ancient Egyptians, though it cannot be classed in the Semitic family with Hebrew, has important points of correspondence, whether due to the long intercourse between the two races in Egypt or to some deeper ancestral connection; and such analogies also appear in the Berber languages of North Africa."

Ignatius Donnelly

Corroborating Circumstances

Without Atlantis, how can we explain the fact that the early Egyptians were depicted by themselves as red men on their own monuments?

266), declares, "With regard to the primitive dolichocephalæ of America I entertain a hypothesis still more bold, namely, that they are nearly related to the Guanches in the Canary Islands, and to the Atlantic populations of Africa, the Moors, Tuaricks, Copts, etc., which Latham comprises under the name of Egyptian-Atlantidæ.

That the Egyptians, the oldest colony of Atlantis, embalmed their dead in such vast multitudes that they are

Ignatius Donnelly

The Indentity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New

Among both the Peruvians and Egyptians the walls receded inward, and the doors were narrower at, the top than at the threshold.

This particular appendage vividly calls to mind the same feature in the symbolic adornments of Egyptian and Hindoo priests, and even those of the Hebrew hierarchy." Dr.

Agriculture.--The people of Atlantis were pre-eminently an agricultural people; so were the civilized nations of America and the Egyptians.

The Egyptians believed in the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body, and preserved the bodies of the dead by embalming them.

The Aztecs, like the Egyptians, mummified their dead by taking out the bowels and replacing them with aromatic substances.

The Peruvians, Mexicans, Central Americans, Egyptians, Phœnicians, and Hebrews each had a powerful hereditary priesthood.

The Egyptian priest of Sais told Solon that the myth of Phaëthon, the son of Helios, having attempted to drive the chariot of the sun, and thereby burning up the earth, referred to "a declination of the bodies moving round the earth and in the heavens" (comets), which caused a "great conflagration upon the earth," from which those only escaped who lived near rivers and seas.

The "Codex Chimalpopoca"--a Nahua, Central American record--tells us that the third era of the world, or "third sun," is called, Quia Tonatiuh, or sun of rain, "because in this age there fell a rain of fire, all which existed burned, and there fell a rain of gravel;" the rocks "boiled with tumult, and there also arose the rocks of vermilion color." In other words, the traditions of these people go back to a great cataclysm of fire, when the earth possibly encountered, as in the Egyptian story, one of "the bodies moving round the earth and in the heavens;" they had also memories of "the Drift Period," and of the outburst of Plutonic rocks.

The white bull, Apis, of the Egyptians, reappears in the Sacred white buffalo of the Dakotas, which was supposed to possess supernatural power, and after death became a god.

[paragraph continues]Hebrews, and Egyptians practised circumcision.

Both the Egyptians and the Peruvians held agricultural fairs; both took a census of the people.

The Peruvians, Egyptians, and Chaldeans divided the year into twelve months, and the months into lesser divisions of weeks.

The Mexicans added five intercalary days; and the Egyptians, in the time of Amunoph I., had already the same practice.

Cabera thinks he finds analogies between the Mexican and Egyptian calendars.

Adopting the view of several writers that the Mexican year began on the 26th of February, be finds the date to correspond with the beginning of the Egyptian year.

Ignatius Donnelly

Civilization an Inheritance

I shall undertake to show hereafter that nearly all the arts essential to civilization which we possess date back to the time of Atlantis--certainly to that ancient Egyptian civilization which was coeval with, and an outgrowth from, Atlantis.

Phœnicia, Egypt, Chaldea, India, Greece, and Rome passed the torch of civilization from one to the other; but in all that lapse of time they added nothing to the arts which existed at the earliest period of Egyptian history.

Herodotus tells us ("Euterpe," cxlii.) that, according to the information he received from the Egyptian priests, their written history dated back 11,340 years before his era, or nearly 14,000 years prior to this time.

They introduced him into a spacious temple, and showed him the statues of 341 high-priests who had in turn succeeded each other; and yet the age of Columbus possessed no arts, except that of printing (which was ancient in China), which was not known to the Egyptians; and the civilization of Egypt at its first appearance was of a higher order than at any subsequent period of its history, thus testifying that it drew its greatness from a fountain higher than itself.

"At the epoch of Menes," says Winchell, "the Egyptians were already a civilized and numerous people.

All these statements imply that even at this early period the Egyptians were in a high state of civilization." (Winchell's "Preadamites," p.

120.) "In the time of Menes the Egyptians had long been architects, sculptors, painters, mythologists, and theologians." Professor Richard Owen says, "Egypt is recorded to have been a civilized and

We shall attempt to show that it matured in Atlantis, and that the Egyptian people were unable to maintain it at the high standard at which they had received it, as depicted in the pages of Plato.

23), sees the unity of the Indo-European races manifest in their languages, literature, and philosophies, and argues that these pre-eminent traits are "the great marks of an original model," and that when we meet with them "fifteen, twenty, thirty centuries before our era, in an Aryan, an Egyptian, a Chinese, they represent the work of a great many ages, perhaps of several myriads of centuries.

Such is the first and richest source of these master faculties from which historical events take their rise; and one sees that if it be powerful it is because this is no simple spring, but a kind of lake, a deep reservoir, wherein other springs have, for a multitude of centuries, discharged their several streams." In other words, the capacity of the Egyptian, Aryan, Chaldean, Chinese, Saxon, and Celt to maintain civilization is simply the result of civilized training during "myriads of centuries" in some original home of the race.

Ignatius Donnelly

Some Consideration of the Deluge Legends

Now, we find in the Egyptian legends a passage of Manetho, in which Thoth (or Hermes Trismegistus), before the Deluge, inscribed on stelæ, or tablets, in hieroglyphics, or sacred characters, the principles of all knowledge.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of Other Nations

When the Greeks told the Egyptian priests of the Deluge of Deucalion, their reply was that they had been preserved from it as well as from the conflagration produced by Phaëthon; they even added that the Hellenes were childish in attaching so much importance to that event, as there had been several other local catastrophes resembling it.

This would be the only Egyptian mention of the Deluge, the same Manetho not speaking of it in what remains to us of his 'Dynasties,' his only complete authentic work.

The Egyptians had preserved in their annals the precise history of the destruction of Atlantis, out of which the Flood legends grew; and, as they told the Greeks, there had been no universal flood, but only local catastrophes.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge of the Bible

It refers altogether to the Mediterranean races, the Aryans, the Cushites, the Phœnicians, the Hebrews, and the Egyptians.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Destruction of Atlantis described in the deluge legends

So that the Egyptians, who possessed the memory of many partial deluges, regarded this as "the great deluge of all."

KRS-One Reveals a 5000-Year-Old Method to Find Your Soul

KRS-One explains that this exercise is based on techniques from ancient civilizations, such as Egyptian and Kushite systems, and the Ethiopian tradition.

Ginger Bayley

Atlantis, Pyramids, Astrology, Solar Energy, ETs and more! (Part 1)

Abbie channels an Atlantean woman who identifies herself as a former princess, describing her appearance as a mix of Egyptian and Middle Eastern features.

Ginger Bayley

Time Capsules, ET DNA, Under the Paw of the Sphinx! (Part 2)

The monuments contained human sacrifices and various ceremonial objects, similar to the artifacts found in Egyptian pyramids.

Ginger Bayley

Secrets of the Great Pyramids of Giza (Part 1)

Erik shares that ET technology was given to the Egyptians who built the pyramids.

Some Egyptians were actually extraterrestrials in disguise, including races such as Arcturians, Sirians, and Pleiadians.

The ETs didn’t physically build the pyramids but guided Egyptians in the process.

The most significant use, however, was for harnessing electromagnetic energy, which the ancient Egyptians knew how to utilize.

Only a select few among the Egyptians knew how to access this power.

Erik concludes that the Egyptians were the first group to utilize the pyramids after receiving knowledge from extraterrestrial sources.

The alignment of the pyramids with the Orion constellation was intentional, based on the Egyptians' religious beliefs and their understanding of energy flow.

Robert Sepehr

Atlantis, Fallen Angels, and Archaic DNA

Plato claimed to have learned of this myth from Solon, a respected Athenian statesman, who had been told about the Atlantean empire by ancient Egyptian priests.

The Egyptians preserved the memory of Atlantis in their temples.

Robert Sepehr

Hermeticism and Ancient Mysteries

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Hermes is equated with the god Thoth, known for inventing writing, and associated with wisdom, magic, and science.

Clara Iza von Ravn
W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

Of the 1st sub-race of our Aryan Race who inhabited India and colonial Egypt in prehistoric times we know practically nothing, and the same may be said of the Chaldean, Babylonian, and Assyrian nations who composed the 2nd sub-race—for the fragments of knowledge obtained from the recently deciphered[2] hieroglyphs or cuneiform inscriptions on Egyptian tombs or Babylonian tablets can scarcely be said to constitute history.

Five varieties of wheat were already cultivated in Europe in the stone age—one variety found in the "Lake dwellings" being known as Egyptian wheat, from which Darwin argues that the Lake dwellers "either still kept up commercial intercourse with some southern people, or had originally proceeded as colonists from the south." He concludes that wheat, barley, oats, etc., are descended from various species now extinct, or so widely different as to escape identifica[7]tion in which case he says: "Man must have cultivated cereals from an enormously remote period." The regions where these extinct species flourished, and the civilization under which they were cultivated by intelligent selection, are both supplied by the lost continent whose colonists carried them east and west.

or are they coeval?" Still more surprising is it to find thirteen letters out of the Maya alphabet bearing most distinct relation to the Egyptian hieroglyphic signs for the same letters.

It is probable that the earliest form of alphabet was hieroglyphic, "the writing of the Gods," as the Egyptians called it, and that it developed later in Atlantis into the phonetic.

It would be natural to assume that the Egyptians were an early colony from Atlantis (as they actually were) and that they carried away with them the primitive type of writing which has thus left its traces on both[8] hemispheres, while the Phœnicians, who were a sea-going people, obtained and assimilated the later form of alphabet during their trading voyages with the people of the west.

Professor Retzius, in his Smithsonian Report, considers that the primitive dolichocephalæ of America are nearly related to the Guanches of the Canary Islands, and to the population on the Atlantic seaboard of Africa, which Latham comprises under the name of Egyptian-Atlantidæ.

The ancient Egyptians depicted themselves as red men of much the same complexion as exists to-day among some tribes of American Indians.

Compare the Sanscrit "Dyaus" or "Dyaus-pitar," the Greek "Theos" and Zeus, the Latin "Deus" and "Jupiter," the Keltic "Dia" and "Ta," pronounced "Thyah" (seeming to bear affinity to the Egyptian Tau), the Jewish "Jah" or "Yah" and lastly the Mexican "Teo" or "Zeo."

They had even a ceremony resembling the Eucharist, in which cakes marked with the Tau (an Egyptian[11] form of cross) were eaten, the people calling them the flesh of their God.

Like the Egyptians they embalmed their dead, they worshipped sun, moon, and planets, but over and above these adored a Deity "omnipresent, who knoweth all things ...

The identity of design in the pyramids of Egypt and those of Mexico and Central America is too striking to be a mere coincidence.[12] True some—the greater number—of the American pyramids are of the truncated or flattened form, yet according to Bancroft and others, many of those found in Yucatan, and notably those near Palenque, are pointed at the top in true Egyptian fashion, while on the other hand we have some of the Egyptian pyramids of the stepped and flattened type.

A considerable immigration of Akkadians then helped to modify the Egyptian type.

The type of the ancient Egyptians, as well as of other neighbouring nations, was to some extent modified by this original Semite blood; but with the exception of the Jews, the only representatives of comparatively unmixed race at the present day are the lighter coloured Kabyles of the Algerian mountains.

Michael LaFlem

Le Flem discovers new hidden evidence of Atlantis’ lost civilization

Plato’s story, passed down through Egyptian priests and recorded by the Greek lawmaker Solon, depicts Atlantis as a powerful civilization that fell into decline after misusing its technological power.


Timaeus & Critias

"Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state [Athens] in our [the Egyptian's] histories.

The Oera Linda book (Fries)

The bagpipe is called by the Egyptians Sumâra el Kürbe.