
Lee Carroll in Abydos, The Place Where Egypt Began

Arrival at Abydos

The video begins with Lee Carroll introducing Abydos, described as the place where Egypt began. The group traveled to Abydos by bus, a two-hour journey. Abydos was once located directly on the Nile, but over thousands of years, the river changed its course.

Abydos is historically significant as it is the only place in Egypt where the full lineage of the kings, including all the dynasties, has been found. Carroll mentions how excited archaeologists were to discover this, and promises to show the viewers more of the site, including something interesting located behind the temple.

Inside the Temple

Abydos, like many other temples, is filled with historical information. Carroll highlights a room featuring an ancient boat used to guide souls into the afterlife. He also points out the hieroglyphs that still retain their color. The main focus is the King’s List, the only known record in ancient Egypt detailing the lineage of the kings, inscribed on the temple walls.

Behind the temple is an excavation site called the Osirion. Local guides claim that an important figure from Egyptian history is buried there, though Lee Carroll adds that Kryon believes the site could be as old as 10,000 years. This is not officially recognized by the Egyptian government.

Discussion with Hesham

Monica Morani introduces Hesham, who explains the significance of Abydos as a sacred place. According to Hesham, Abydos is considered the land of the ancestors, where the first pharaoh, Menes, who unified Upper and Lower Egypt, came from. It is also believed to be the burial place of Osiris, and pharaohs made pilgrimages to Abydos, even after death. After being embalmed, bodies were brought to Abydos as part of their final journey.

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