Ancient Egypt

The first man, in the opinion of the Egyptians, was Hephestus, (afterwards the god Phtha,) who is also celebrated among them as the inventor of fire.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Summary of Part I: Menes—Adam

The first Pharaoh of Egypt, traditionally considered to have ruled around 3000 BCE. Randolph proposes that Menes ruled around 6000 years ago.

The convergence of timelines from Egypt is connected to the current 5D shift and the Age of Aquarius.

Elohim, as architects, created life in the universe starting from the sixth dimension, representing the pattern of life.

Thoth and his companions arrived in Khem after the fall of Atlantis. This period marked a time of confusion and fear among the locals, as they were unaccustomed to the advanced energies and wisdom that Thoth


Thoth and Ra

Ra, another Blue Avian, played a role in amplifying the sun’s light codes to aid in human awakening and consciousness expansion.

The people of Atlantis were not human. They came from various star systems and were part of an effort to cultivate and help the planet.

The pyramids, including the Pyramid of Giza, are over 22,000 years old. The Pyramid of Giza was not built haphazardly by slaves.

The Essenes believed in the existence of celestial beings, or Watchers, who guided them in transforming human flesh into celestial forms.

The Hyksos, whose name is often translated as “rulers of foreign lands,” were Semitic people who originated from the Levant.

Cycle of creation and destruction orchestrated by the “Illojim,” with each civilization reaching a certain level of development before being eradicated for unknown reasons.


Account of Menes

Menes instructed the people in the worship of the gods and in the practice of living together in cities.

Manetho divided the rulers of Egypt into 30 (or sometimes 31) dynasties, beginning with the semi-mythical First Dynasty and extending to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great.


Account of Sethos

In gratitude for the divine intervention, Sethos is said to have erected a statue of himself holding a mouse


Account of Cheops

Herodotus describes Cheops (also known as Khufu) and his building of the Great Pyramid in Book 2, Chapter 124-127 of “Histories”

Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, wrote that Egyptian history spanned over 11,340 years before his own time. This assertion is found in his work Histories

Edgar Cayce

Atlantis’ Readings

Thus I recreated in Greece all the best from the culture of Atlantis — hoping to preserve it in the memory of people on the Earth for many centuries.

The practice of artificially deforming the skull was prevalent among various ancient civilizations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.



Couvade ([kuvad]) is a term coined by anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor in 1865. It refers to rituals in various cultures that fathers adopt during pregnancy.



Thoth is a key player in human civilization. He appears many times through different reincarnations. Thoth is key to understanding our history.



Ptah was often depicted as a creator god who fashioned the world through his thoughts and words.