Paschal Beverly Randolph

86 Chaldean Kings – 34,080 years

In “Pre-Adamite Man,” Paschal Beverly Randolph discusses Chaldean chronology, providing a detailed account that challenges traditional historical timelines. Here’s a summary of his explanations:

Chaldean Chronology Overview

  1. Dynasties and Kings:
    • Randolph cites ancient records which list 86 Chaldean Kings reigning for a total of 34,080 years. This is followed by various dynasties, including Median, Chaldean, Arabian, and Assyrian rulers, amounting to a total of 222 kings over 36,000 years .
  2. Interpretation of Historical Data:
    • He discusses the staggering figures provided by Chaldean records, suggesting that these extended timelines imply an ancient and advanced civilization. The traditional historical view, which only acknowledges a few thousand years of human history, is contrasted sharply with these ancient accounts .
  3. Mythological and Historical Convergence:
    • Randolph argues that while some of these figures might seem mythological or exaggerated, they should not be entirely dismissed. He suggests that under the layers of mythology, there are truths about the vast antiquity of human civilization. He compares this with similar vast timelines found in other ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, and the extensive eras mentioned in Hindu and Buddhist traditions .
  4. Scientific and Archaeological Evidence:
    • He brings in geological and archaeological evidence to support his claims, pointing to findings that indicate human presence in regions like Egypt as far back as 13,500 years ago. This further corroborates the idea of an advanced pre-Adamite civilization.

Key Points and Implications

  • Rejection of Conventional Chronology: Randolph’s interpretation challenges the conventional biblical chronology which limits human history to about 6,000 years. He suggests that ancient civilizations like the Chaldeans provide evidence of a much older human history.
  • Integration of Various Sources: By integrating different sources, including ancient records, archaeological findings, and mythological texts, Randolph builds a case for the existence of ancient advanced civilizations. This synthesis of data from diverse origins supports his argument for rethinking the timeline of human history.
  • Comparative Analysis: The analysis includes a comparison with other ancient cultures and their timelines, showing a pattern of long historical periods that are consistent across different traditions.

Chaldean Kings and Chronology

Randolph references a list of Chaldean kings from ancient records, asserting that these kings ruled over an extensive period of time, indicating a long and complex history of civilization in Chaldea (Babylonia).

Summary of the Chronology

  • First Dynasty: Consists of 86 Chaldean kings who reigned for a total of 34,080 years.
  • Subsequent Dynasties: Include Medians, Chaldeans, Arabians, and Assyrians, adding up to a total of 222 kings over 36,000 years.

Table Format of Chaldean Kings

The following table provides a structured overview of the Chaldean dynasties as mentioned by Randolph:

DynastyNumber of KingsTotal Years Ruled
1st Chaldean8634,080
2nd Median8224
3rd Chaldean11258
4th Chaldean49458
5th Arabian9245
6th Assyrian45526
7th Unknown8122
8th Unknown682

Interpretation and Implications

  • Extended Timelines: The timelines provided challenge conventional historical narratives, suggesting that the Chaldean civilization existed much longer than traditionally accepted.
  • Historiographical Significance: Randolph’s account implies a need to reassess ancient historical records and acknowledge the possibility of advanced civilizations existing far earlier than the biblical timelines suggest.
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