
Ignatius Donnelly

The Kings of Atlantis become the Gods of the Greeks

Berosus tells us, speaking of the ancient days of Chaldea, "In the first year there appeared, from that part of the Erythræan Sea which borders upon Babylonia, an animal endowed with reason, by name Oannes, whose whole body (according to the account of Apollodorus) was that of a fish; that under the fish's head he had another head, with feet also below, similar to those of a man, subjoined to the fish's tail.

Ignatius Donnelly

Traditions of Atlantis

"They raised many monuments of their power; and hence, among the Arabs, arose the custom of calling great ruins "buildings of the Adites." To this day the Arabs say "as old as Ad." In the Koran allusion is made to the edifices they built on "high places for vain uses;" expressions proving that their "idolatry was considered to have been tainted with Sabæism or star-worship." (Ibid.) "In these legends," says Lenormant, "we find traces of a wealthy nation, constructors of great buildings, with an advanced civilization, analogous to that of Chaldea, professing a religion similar to the Babylonian; a nation, in short, with whom material progress was allied to great moral depravity and obscene rites.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Origin of Our Alphabet

"So great is the analogy between the first principles of the Science of writing, as it appears to have been pursued in Chaldea, and as we can actually trace its progress in Egypt, that we can hardly hesitate to assign the original invention to a period before the Hamitic race had broken up and divided."

Ignatius Donnelly

Genesis contains a history of Atlantis

This perpetuation of forms and beliefs is illustrated in the fact that the formulas used in the Middle Ages in Europe to exorcise evil spirits were Assyrian words, imported probably thousands of years before from the magicians of Chaldea.

463.) The Jews took up this great truth where the Egyptians dropped it, and over the heads and over the ruins of Egypt, Chaldea, Phœnicia, Greece, Rome, and India this handful of poor shepherds--ignorant, debased, and despised--have carried down to our own times a conception which could only have originated in the highest possible state of human society.

Ignatius Donnelly

Civilization an Inheritance

Phœnicia, Egypt, Chaldea, India, Greece, and Rome passed the torch of civilization from one to the other; but in all that lapse of time they added nothing to the arts which existed at the earliest period of Egyptian history.

Ignatius Donnelly

The Deluge Legends of Other Nations

The author of the treatise "On the Syrian Goddess" acquaints us with the diluvian tradition of the Arameans, directly derived from that of Chaldea, as it was narrated in the celebrated Sanctuary of Hierapolis, or Bambyce.

W. Scott-Elliot

The Story of Atlantis

Their rites of sun and fire worship closely resembled those of the early Kelts of Britain and Ireland, and like the latter they claimed to be the "children of the sun." An ark or argha was one of the universal sacred symbols which we find alike in India, Chaldea, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and amongst the Keltic peoples.

Suffice it to say, that in India,[16] Chaldea, Babylon, Media, Greece, Scandinavia, China, amongst the Jews and amongst the Keltic tribes of Britain, the legend is absolutely identical in all essentials.

The origin of Nimrod

The decipherment of a vast quantity of cuneiform texts has allowed modern Assyriologists to piece together a more accurate history of Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia, Assyria, and Chaldea.

Frederick S. Oliver

The vailx, powered by currents derived from the Night-Side of Nature

Chaldea: Mentioned as the homeland of Chaldeans (captured people brought to Suern).

Chaldea corresponds to the region of southern Mesopotamia.

"I did not send the Chaldeans unto Gwauxln as objects of lust, neither as a retributive punishment, that by exile from their native Chaldea they might atone to Suern for their fathers, sons, brothers, or husbands who worked harm to Suernis.

Paschal Beverly Randolph
Paschal Beverly Randolph

Our history – A Shemitic Myth

Chaldea was an early nation, and yet, in my opinion, science will yet prove her, old as she is, to have been of Indo-Germanic origin; and so with many other of the nations of Asia, particularly those upon the Western portions thereof.

Paschal Beverly Randolph

86 Chaldean Kings – 34,080 years

Randolph references a list of Chaldean kings from ancient records, asserting that these kings ruled over an extensive period of time, indicating a long and complex history of civilization in Chaldea (Babylonia).

Ignatius Donnelly

The origin of our alphabet

Sir Henry Rawlinson suggests that the principles of writing in Chaldea and Egypt are so similar that they must have been developed before the Hamitic race divided ("The Original Invention of Writing").

Ignatius Donnelly

The Pyramid, the cross and the Garden of Eden

He conceived the use to which pyramids in particular were anciently applied to have been threefold--namely, as tombs, temples, and observatories; and this view he labors to establish in the third volume of his 'Indian Antiquities.' Now, whatever may be their actual date, or with whatsoever people they may have originated, whether in Africa or Asia, in the lower valley of the Nile or in the plains of Chaldea, the pyramids of Egypt were unquestionably destined to very opposite purposes.

Ignatius Donnelly

Civilization – A shared Origin

The torch of civilization passed from Phœnicia, Egypt, Chaldea, India, Greece, to Rome, without significant improvement in arts like architecture, metallurgy, and navigation until modern times.

Man: Whence, How and Whither

The Civilisation of Atlantis

The chapters XI — XIII on Peru and Chaldea in the present work shew remnants of their greatness, and these may be supplemented by some additional details.

Abraham 1

Egypt first discovered by a woman

20 Behold, Potiphar’s Hill was in the land of Ur, of Chaldea.

And the Lord broke down the altar of Elkenah, and of the gods of the land, and utterly destroyed them, and smote the priest that he died; and there was great mourning in Chaldea, and also in the court of Pharaoh; which Pharaoh signifies king by royal blood.

29 Now, after the priest of Elkenah was smitten that he died, there came a fulfilment of those things which were said unto me concerning the land of Chaldea, that there should be a famine in the land.

Note: Chaldea, historically, refers to a region in southern Babylonia, in modern-day Iraq, known for its rich history and as the center of the Chaldean Dynasty.

30 Accordingly a famine prevailed throughout all the land of Chaldea, and my father was sorely tormented because of the famine, and he repented of the evil which he had determined against me, to take away my life.