Debbie Solaris

Ancient Egypt

FIFTY8 Interviews Debbie Solaris / EPISODE IV Egypt Part II The Energies of Egypt

Debbie Solaris accesses the Akashic Records to explore deeper insights into ancient Egypt. Debbie Solaris is an Extraterrestrial Contactee, Galactic Historian, and Starseed Intuitive.

According to Solaris, Egypt was a more integrated society in terms of energies during the times of the pyramids.

The Great Sphinx was constructed prior to the pyramids and originally had a feline face, representing the influence of Lyra.

The discussion also covers the influence of various energies that shaped the unique appearance and spiritual tapestry of Egypt.

Solaris examines the Egyptian gods with animal heads, such as Sekhmet, Taweret, and Sobek, and how these were an integration of Lyran concepts.

These animal gods represented women in powerful archetypal forms, with each animal possibly symbolizing energies from Sirius, Lyra, Reptilian, and Orion.

As the Orion-like Pharaohs rose to power, they altered the Sphinx to have a more human face.

The pyramids were seen as embodiments of knowledge, built to assist in ascension, which explains why the Egyptians held the afterlife in such high regard. Solaris also discusses their beliefs in the afterlife, the Book of the Dead, and the Cult of Ma’at.

The Book of the Dead contained spells designed to help the soul acquire the necessary qualities and wisdom for resurrection.

The conversation includes the god Thoth and King Thoth. Thoth, the bird-headed god, symbolized knowledge, communication, and wisdom, and was believed to have originated in Sirius.

King Thoth, a Pharaoh of Egypt’s First Dynasty, declared Egypt an empire, ruling with the power of a dictator, and oppressing the people’s rights. Before his rule, Egypt had flourished as a united civilization under the guidance of Osiris and his followers.

Solaris also mentions the physical changes in later Pharaohs, such as elongated heads, which were influenced by Orion.

This marked the beginning of Egypt’s decline. The parallels between Egypt and current events in the United States are also highlighted, particularly the way King Thoth and the later Pharaohs used Osirian knowledge for self-serving purposes rather than following the teachings of divine unity, which mirrors issues seen today.

The study of these energies and teachings is suggested to provide guidance in navigating modern-day chaos and to underscore the importance of balance between energies.

Solaris emphasizes the role of ascension and the significance of the Divine Feminine, noting that men require this connection to ascend, while women can achieve ascension independently by turning inward.

This knowledge is taught in the Ancient Schools of Tibet, where, despite public appearances of male leadership, it is a woman who truly leads due to the power of the Divine Feminine.

The stories of Horus and Hathor, as well as Jesus and Mary Magdalene, are used to illustrate the honor given to sacred unity during times of heightened awareness.

However, as later dynasties moved away from Osirian teachings, they embraced darker concepts, leading to the eventual fall of their kingdom, a fate that awaits all such regimes.

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