
Gabriele Heikamp

The Second Moon

It was used during the Lyra wars, and later, various extraterrestrial groups, including the reptilian forces, occupied it.

Debbie Solaris

Ancient Egypt

The Great Sphinx was constructed prior to the pyramids and originally had a feline face, representing the influence of Lyra.

These animal gods represented women in powerful archetypal forms, with each animal possibly symbolizing energies from Sirius, Lyra, Reptilian, and Orion.

Debbie Solaris

The Earth Experiment

She traces the origins of Avalon to the Lyra system, describing it as a paradise planet and noting that many people have fond memories of it.

The Lyra system, with favorable conditions for life, was chosen as the birthplace of humanity.

She also links the future alignment of Earth with Vega to a return to humanity’s original spiritual template, which she associates with Lyra.

Aboriginal people are described as truly Gaia beings, indigenous to Earth, unlike other humanoid races that originated from Lyra and other star systems.

Lyrans: Believed to be one of the oldest human-like civilizations in the galaxy, originating from the Lyra constellation.

Dolores Cannon

The Arcturians

Similar communities of advanced beings exist in other star systems such as Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Pleiades, Lyra, and Antares.