Debbie Solaris

Conscious in an alternate reality

Debbie Solaris’ Introduction

Debbie Solaris describes an experience where she became conscious in an alternate reality, which she emphasized was not a dream but a vivid, hyperreal event.

She believes that humanity is in a process of shifting from the third dimension into the fourth and fifth dimensions, where realities are clearer, and telepathic communication is possible.

She highlights that in these dimensions, individuals can communicate with living beings and objects like plants and rocks, acknowledging that everything has consciousness.

Reflections on Earth’s Ascension

Debbie discusses her excitement about humanity’s accelerating spiritual ascension. She explains that more people are waking up and rejecting old paradigms, creating their own higher-dimensional realities.

Her mission involves helping others remember their origins and the civilizations they were connected with before.

She views her role as reminding people of their deeper spiritual connections, facilitating self-discovery and activating their potential for fulfilling their Earth missions.

Encounters with Souls from the Future

Debbie shares her experiences with clients who come from the future. She recounts a reading with a young woman from Alaska, whom Debbie identified as part of the Yael, a hybridized human race.

She explained that this individual was on Earth to change timelines and heal the land, especially in areas affected by activities like fracking.

Another case involved an older woman from the Assani race, also from the future, whose mission was to time travel and prevent Earth’s potential destruction. Both cases illustrate Debbie’s belief in the fluidity of time and the multiple paths available to souls.

Creation of the Universe and Earth’s Spiritual History

Debbie provides her perspective on the universe’s creation, explaining that physical life began in the Andromeda galaxy before beings decided to create the Milky Way for lower-dimensional experiences.

The Lyra system, with favorable conditions for life, was chosen as the birthplace of humanity. She also links the future alignment of Earth with Vega to a return to humanity’s original spiritual template, which she associates with Lyra.

The Role of the Draconians and Other Beings on Earth

Debbie discusses the Draconians, originating from another universe before being exiled to this one.

She differentiates between the neutral dragon beings and the more negative reptilian warrior caste. She explains that dragons, often perceived as mythological creatures, were once real and have since shifted to other dimensions due to humanity’s loss of belief.

Similarly, she describes the role of elementals—beings representing elements such as fire, water, and earth—throughout the universe, explaining that they help maintain physical realities and have been present in many star systems, including Earth.

Earth’s Return to the Original Human Template

Debbie expresses her belief that Earth is already ascending, as indicated by changes such as the sun appearing whiter and colors becoming more vibrant. She states that the Earth is moving out of the third dimension and that people will increasingly notice new abilities, such as seeing auras and communicating telepathically with other forms of life.

Debbie’s Awakening and ET Contact

Debbie recounts a profound spiritual awakening in 2012, triggered by a prayer for divine assistance. Shortly after, she experienced contact with Arcturian beings on a light-based starship, which she describes as organic and consciousness-driven.

During this experience, she learned that much of Earth’s reality is illusionary and was reminded of her mission on Earth as part of the Arcturian family. This experience profoundly shifted her perspective on life and removed her sense of fear, reinforcing her belief in the protection of lightworkers and starseeds.

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