
6th Dimension

The Weaver or Spiders

The weaver or spider metaphor likely pertains to the Sixth Dimension in Matias De Stefano’s framework.

First World (~1 million to ~200,000 years ago)
Second World (~200,000 to ~50,000 years ago)
Third World (~50,000 to ~12,000 years ago)
Fourth World (~12,000 years ago to Present)


The Ark of Nuu

In ancient times, Nuu was the thirteenth generation from the first man. One day, the gods commanded Nuu to build an ark.


Nu, also known as Nun, is a deity in ancient Egyptian religion symbolizing the primordial watery abyss that existed before creation.

The beings in Sky World had more powers than human beings. For instance, they could make things happen just by thinking about it.

Ta’aroa was the ancestor of all the gods; he made everything. . . . He was his own parent, having no father or mother. . . .

Kukahi goes on to explain the Po as a time of nonhumans when there were no “souls” (’uhane) of men living in the flesh

12,800 Years Ago

Oceania Flood Stories

The wife of a very good man saw a very big fish. Others caught and ate the fish despite warnings. Water burst from the ground and drowned everyone.

12,800 Years Ago

African Flood stories

The great god Unkulunkulu warns people of a flood, and they survive by climbing the Drakensberg mountains.

A comprehensive list with the Flood Legends, grouped by continent.

Plato, in his dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critias,” describes the legend of Atlantis and its 10 kings.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Lemuria: Temples of Juvenation

In Lemuria, there were “Temples of Rejuvenation” where individuals could undergo processes to significantly extend their lifespans and maintain youthful vitality.

Long ago before Mother Earth existed, the Creator sat alone in darkness thinking, and with His thoughts He formed Mother Earth.

Creation Story

Cherokee Creation Story

In the beginning, all was water, and the animals lived in the heavens. It was very crowded there, and they longed for more room.

According to the extraterrestrials, humans have undergone 65 genetic alterations.


2033 Predictions

The US will experience civil uprisings due to a corrupt election, leading to significant changes in the political system.

The reptilian species had developed a highly advanced civilization, with technological and scientific knowledge far surpassing that of early humans.

Lacerta, the non-human reptilian creature interviewed by the author, claims to belong to an ancient race of reptiles that evolved on Earth millions of years ago.

Cycle of creation and destruction orchestrated by the “Illojim,” with each civilization reaching a certain level of development before being eradicated for unknown reasons.



Ila or Ilā is a deity in Hindu legends, known for their sex changes. As a man, they are called Ila or Sudyumna, and as a woman, they are called Ilā.


Revelation 12

A great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven royal crowns Rev 12:3

The Codex Vaticanus

Stars and Constellations

The Codex Vaticanus (CODEX B) is one of the oldest and most important manuscripts of the Bible.

Adam Story

Adam and Bahouna

The Creator had, moreover, strictly forbidden him to eat or drink. The great enemy, however, came to him, and painted to him in glowing colours the sweetness of the apple.

The Muslim Adam Story

The Creation of Adam and Hawa

The Mussulman tradition is, that Adam having eaten the bunch of grapes given him as a reward

Malagasy Adam Story

Zanahary shaped Andrianerinerina

In the beginning, Zanahary, the Creator, made the first human being, a man named Andrianerinerina.

Credo Mutwa

Women were mining

Mutwa explains that the mining of gold and other metals was an important activity in ancient South Africa, carried out by the indigenous people.

The Sumerian King List

Dynasties of Kish

After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish.



Poseidon divides Atlantis into ten portions, each ruled by one of his sons, with the eldest son, Atlas, ruling the central and most important part.

In ancient Sanskrit, the magnet was known as “the precious stone beloved of Iron,” and early Hebrew texts refer to it as Kalamitah.

the story of the Deluge plainly refers to the destruction of Atlantis and that it agrees in many important particulars with the account given by Plato.