Robert Nelson

Birthright (#3 Part 5) Robert Nelsons life

Interview with Robert Nelson: His Life and Spiritual Journey


The interview with Robert Nelson took place after midnight on July 31st. It is the third session, part five, in a series where Robert discusses his life experiences, particularly his involvement with spiritual practices, metaphysical work, and teaching.

Education and Early Career

In the early 1970s, Robert Nelson attended college, where he earned an Associate degree and later a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in German with a minor in French and education. He did substitute teaching in elementary education before obtaining certification and starting full-time teaching. During this period, he also attended various metaphysical groups, including the Unity Church, Unitarian Church, and the Church of Religious Science in his local area.

Spiritual Work and Healing

Throughout his life, Robert continued his involvement in spiritual and metaphysical practices. He frequently traveled across Central Florida, teaching and participating in spiritual work. He engaged in psychic readings and healing, often sharing stories of successful healing experiences.

One notable instance occurred at the Unitarian Church, where a woman approached Robert for healing after injuring her ankle. Without touching her, Robert held his hands near the injured area, and the bandage fell off, leaving the ankle restored. In another case, at the Unity Church, he helped an elderly woman who had knee surgeries that were unsuccessful. After applying the same healing method, her bandages came off, and she was able to walk unaided.

Challenges with Psychic Readings

While Robert enjoyed his spiritual work, the growing demand for psychic readings became overwhelming. He began receiving frequent requests, often from the same individuals asking similar questions. The readings became so frequent that they started consuming all his free time. Eventually, he stopped doing readings for personal peace and realized that people were relying on him to live their lives instead of taking control of their own situations.

Encounters with Archangel Michael

Robert’s connection with Archangel Michael began in the early 1970s. His mother, initially skeptical of Robert’s discussions about Michael, had a vivid dream involving Michael in a temple. Afterward, she asked Robert to apologize to Michael on her behalf, which led to a profound spiritual experience for Robert. In this experience, Robert witnessed Michael releasing an object in space, which he later recognized as a docking system between Russian Soyuz and American Apollo spacecraft.

Baptism and Spiritual Growth

In 1976, Robert experienced a significant spiritual moment when Archangel Michael instructed him to be baptized again. Despite initial resistance, Robert agreed. The baptism took place on December 24, 1976, in 30-degree temperatures in a consecrated swimming pool. Michael predicted snow in Florida, which came to pass, marking a rare event in the region.

During this time, Robert also began to understand more about his connection to Michael. Michael had indicated that he protected Robert and was part of his spiritual journey. This connection led to various spiritual insights and experiences throughout Robert’s life.

Flying Lessons and Past Life Memories

In the mid to late 1970s, Robert took flying lessons, inspired by a friend who was also a pilot. He enjoyed flying and practiced landing techniques, known as “touch and go” exercises. During one lesson, Robert was complimented by an experienced pilot for his ability to handle challenging conditions, which led Robert to recall memories of a past life as a naval aviator.

One significant incident during a flight involved narrowly avoiding a collision with a truck on a runway. This experience deepened Robert’s belief in spiritual protection, particularly from Archangel Michael.

Weather Influence

Robert shared an unusual experience at an airshow in Winter Haven, Florida. While attending the event, a storm approached, and Robert casually asked for 30 minutes to enjoy a meal before the rain began. The rain paused for exactly 30 minutes before resuming, reinforcing Robert’s belief in his spiritual connection and ability to influence weather patterns. However, his friend cautioned him against tampering with natural forces.

Continued Healing Work and Personal Struggles

Throughout this period, Robert continued his healing work, often meeting people in everyday situations who needed assistance. He once helped a woman with a broken wrist by applying spiritual healing techniques.

In 1976, Robert went through a “born-again” experience following his baptism. For about six months, he tried to suppress his metaphysical and psychic abilities, but eventually, he returned to his spiritual practices, accepting them as a fundamental part of his identity.


Robert Nelson’s life has been a continuous journey of spiritual exploration and service. His involvement in metaphysical work, psychic readings, and healing has shaped his path, and his experiences with Archangel Michael have played a pivotal role in his understanding of his spiritual mission. While he faced challenges with the overwhelming demand for psychic readings, he has continued to balance his teaching, healing, and spiritual growth.

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