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Hathor was an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with several aspects of life, including love, beauty, music, fertility, and motherhood. She was one of the most important and widely worshiped deities in ancient Egypt.

Key attributes of Hathor:

  1. Goddess of Love and Fertility: Hathor was often depicted as a nurturing figure, connected to fertility, childbirth, and motherhood. Women, especially, revered her as a protector during childbirth.
  2. Music and Joy: She was the patron goddess of music, dance, and celebration. Her festival, known as the “Feast of Drunkenness,” was held in her honor, featuring joyful activities.
  3. Sky Goddess: Sometimes, Hathor was represented as a cow, embodying the sky itself and nourishing the earth, or as the celestial mother of the sun god Ra.
  4. Depictions: She was frequently depicted with a headdress of a sun disk between two cow horns or as a cow herself. She was also shown as a woman wearing a menat necklace, a symbol of joy and protection.

Symbolism and Worship

  • Hathor was seen as a mother figure to the king and all of Egypt. Pharaohs associated with her to strengthen their rule.
  • Temples dedicated to Hathor, such as the one in Dendera View, were important centers for religious activities.
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