The Book of Saphah
The wise man hath found Git'm'ow full of cow, i.e., receptivity, and Tau, the bull, i.e., forcegiving.
Opposite from cow (receptivity).
The horses have I placed over the cows.
Cow receptivity (Panic).
Cow, an animal (Panic).
Haoma spake to the cows in the name of the Great Ormudz, Eolin (Vede).
Cow (Chine).
Cow (Poit).
Cow (Kii).
He who hath found the cow, etc.
How can the truths of Zarathustra approach them; the cow is not in them (Pali).
Save you* refrain from fish and flesh you* should not find the cows, i.e., receptivity.
They feasted on flesh and wine and the cows went astray, i.e., receptive to spiritual things (Pali).
As a cow utter'''; a sign of a female.
Save your spirits become as cows you* can not be impregnated with new things.
The much-learned man hath erected bars to keep off the cows (Chine).
A sign of a female; usually face and breasts; sometimes the udder of a cow or mare.
(Aribania.) The Cow'ans said: Let us go stealthily to the tent of Moses and his priests and learn the secret of his spirit power.
The Cow'ans said: Why should man follow Moses?
Gow, cow.
One had charge of all growing things in the water; another of the purity of vegetable seeds; another of grain seeds; another of breeding of horses and cows; another of mortal marriages; another of young children, newborn.
The term, cow, usually mean''' adaptability to the creative period.
In the original Panic, cow meant receptivity, as in English a term of dollars signify the extent of a man's possessions, although he may have only lands and houses.
So horses in the Yi-ha had no reference to the animal horse, nor had cow any reference to the animal cow.
First Book of God
Neither should any man nor woman have favor in the courts, who hold sacred the life of a cow, or a horse, or a dog, or any other animal on the face of the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above the earth.
Book of Cpenta-Armij, Daughter of Jehovih
The place of removal which Ahura had decided to inherit was in the second belt below meteoris, known in atmospherea at that time as Vara-pishanaha, which laid between the land of Vind'yu and the star-region known as the HORSE AND COW AND CALF PASTURES, a heavenly place, uninhabited.
The Oera Linda Book Reviewed
When the Magy found this out, he took the handsomest of his Finns and Magyars, and promised them “red cows with golden horns” to let themselves be taken prisoners by our people in order to spread his doctrines.
The motif of red cows with golden horns appears in various mythologies:
Egyptian Mythology: Hathor, the goddess of the sky, women, and fertility, was often depicted as a cow bearing the sun disk between her horns, symbolizing her role in the daily rebirth of the sun.
Hindu Mythology: Kamadhenu, the divine bovine-goddess, is considered the mother of all cows and is often portrayed as a white cow with a female head and breasts, adorned with various ornaments.
Sadhguru Reveals the Hidden Truth About Animals
Cows, in particular, were integral to human lives.
Cows often lived alongside humans, forming deep emotional bonds.
For example, a cow named Lakshi mourned the death of its owner by standing in front of the house for six days without eating or drinking before passing away.
Such connections led to cows being treated as sacred, with their milk seen as essential for nurturing and survival.
Flood Stories from Around the World
Sozun-uul, who didn't dare to oppose his mother openly, told his father a story about seeing a blue-black cow devouring a human so only the legs were visible.
Hkang-hkak told the sage to build a strong raft and take a cow on it, but not to warn anyone else, not even his wife or children.
Only Lip-long and the cow survived on the waters.
When he saw the fire coming, Lip-long killed the cow with a stick, cut it open with his sword, and crawled in its belly.
The fire swept over the cow, and Lip-long came out.
Finally, two men came back with the hide of a white bull buffalo which had tried to climb to the mountains but had drowned in the floodwaters, though a cow and young buffalo survived.
The Indentity of the Civilizations of the Old World and the New
In India a Brahman is not allowed to marry a wife whose clan-name (her "cow-stall," as they say) is the same as his own; nor may a Chinaman take a wife of his own surname.
The Oera Linda Book
When the Magy found this out, he took the handsomest of his Finns and Magyars, and promised them “red cows with golden horns” to let themselves be taken prisoners by our people in order to spread his doctrines.
If they had only invented one language things might possibly have still gone on well; but they invented as many languages as there are states, so that one people can no more understand another people than a cow a dog, or a wolf a sheep.
The largest can swallow a cow, but the smallest are the most deadly.
Sky Goddess: Sometimes, Hathor was represented as a cow, embodying the sky itself and nourishing the earth, or as the celestial mother of the sun god Ra.
Depictions: She was frequently depicted with a headdress of a sun disk between two cow horns or as a cow herself.
The worship of Crawling things
Deity Association: The cow is considered sacred in Hinduism and is associated with several deities, including Krishna, who is depicted as a cowherd.
The cow symbolizes non-violence, motherhood, and fertility.
Symbolism: Cows are revered as the embodiment of divine and natural beneficence, and they are often worshipped and treated with great respect.
The Baal Cycle
In a strange turn, Baal engages in a bestial act with a cow, resulting in a male offspring.
She captures Mot and interrogates him relentlessly, comparing her grief to that of a mother cow for her calf.
Legend of Nandi’s Birth
Pleased with his penance, Shiva granted him Nandi, born from the divine energies of a sacred cow.
Germanic Mythology and Ancient Civilizations
From this arose a human race represented by the giant Ymir and also an animal species, the cow Audhumla.
Epic of Gilgamesh: Tablet I
son of the august cow, Rimat-Ninsun;...
Khem – Zep Tepi
Hathor, the Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility, often depicted as a cow, was passionately worshipped by women.