Ginger Bayley

Pleiadians, Reptilians, and Demonizing the Good ETs! Part 3


Ginger Bayley welcomes viewers and introduces Abby D’Agnese. They continue their discussion on Atlantis, with Erik providing assistance, as well as potential input from Atlantean representatives.

Connection with Erik

Abby confirms Erik’s presence, as well as a woman who had visited her earlier in the day. The woman introduces a man she refers to as her husband and brother. Ginger shares an anecdote about ancestry and their conversation transitions into the main topic.

Pleiadian Influence and Societal Role

The Atlantean representatives describe themselves as having Pleiadian lineage, evident from their bright blue eyes. They explain that their role was to influence societal behaviors and that they took great pride in their physical appearance. Their genetics, enhanced by Pleiadian lineage, made it easier for them to maintain this appearance without the effort typical for humans.

Lifespan and Family Structure

The woman mentions that 106 years was a common lifespan, and by age 38, she already had two children. However, the family structures in Atlantis were complex, involving inter-family relations, which were necessary for societal functions.

Assistance from Extraterrestrial Races

The representatives confirm that Atlantis was supported by two alien races, including Pleiadians and another race with a name starting with “V”. These extraterrestrials aided Atlantis in its technological advancements. However, the introduction of reptilian DNA caused societal discord. The reptilians abducted humans and Pleiadian hybrids for experiments, leading to the eventual downfall of Atlantis.

The Downfall of Atlantis

The representatives explain that the Atlantean civilization was destined for failure due to the increasing influence of reptilians. A series of internal conflicts, overthrows, and betrayals led to the collapse of the Atlantean government, including the death of the female representative’s brother.

Educational System

The Atlantean educational system emphasized small group learning, focusing on developing individual talents rather than traditional classroom instruction. Children were identified early on for their abilities, such as telekinesis or other supernatural gifts, and nurtured in those areas.

Healing Methods

Healing in Atlantis relied on individuals with natural abilities, similar to modern-day Reiki practitioners. These healers could manipulate water’s energy to aid in the healing process, understanding that humans, composed largely of water, could be healed through vibrational techniques.


The Atlanteans were deeply connected to their extraterrestrial roots and demonstrated advanced spiritual awareness. Their leaders were often of extraterrestrial descent, and their governance involved guiding society through higher spiritual understanding.

Music and Art

Atlantean music utilized unique instruments, including water-based flutes and harp-like guitars. Their musical techniques involved manipulating sound vibrations to influence the environment. Visual art, including jewelry and carvings, was intricately designed to tell stories and represent lineage.


Atlantean technology, including crystal technology, was deeply integrated with their understanding of sound and vibrations. The representatives mention an undiscovered mineral found deep in the Dead Sea, which was used in their technological advancements.


Atlantis was governed by a council of beings with both human and extraterrestrial ancestry. However, the increasing influence of the reptilians led to internal power struggles, which eventually resulted in the overthrow of the original ruling structure.

Interstellar Space Travel

The representatives confirm that interstellar space travel was common, primarily facilitated by extraterrestrials. Over time, these ETs withdrew from Earth as the reptilian influence grew, leaving the Atlanteans to their fate.

Racism and Civilization Collapse

The representatives explain that the roots of modern racism are intertwined with the division and hybridization that occurred in Atlantis. As reptilian influence spread, the once-unified society fragmented, leading to chaos and eventual destruction.

Relics of Atlantean Civilization

While many Atlantean relics are believed to be lost beneath the ocean, the representatives suggest that there will be discoveries over the next century. They predict that these artifacts will not immediately be recognized as Atlantean but will become known over time.

Time Capsules and Functioning Machines

The representatives deny the existence of purposeful time capsules but confirm that remnants of Atlantean technology, including ET aircraft, are encapsulated deep in the ocean. However, these machines have deteriorated over time and no longer function.

Impact on Present Civilization

The representatives assert that about 80% of the current human population has Atlantean DNA. The knowledge of the Atlanteans was passed down, though only about 30% of their wisdom has survived.


The representatives express gratitude for the opportunity to share their story, emphasizing the importance of learning from past experiences to propel society forward. They note that many hidden truths will be revealed in the coming years, including new understandings of extraterrestrial involvement in Earth’s history.

In the next session, the discussion will focus on the Tonga explosion and its connection to an Atlantean mistake.

Home > Pleiadians, Reptilians, and Demonizing the Good ETs! Part 3

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