The blue beings

Blue Beings – Matías De Stefano



As for why Krishna is depicted as blue, there are different interpretations and explanations. One theory is that the blue color represents the infinite and boundless nature of the divine, which transcends all material forms and limitations. Another interpretation is that the blue color symbolizes Krishna’s association with the sky and the ocean, both of which are vast and unbounded. In some traditions, the blue color is also seen as a representation of Krishna’s divine nature, which is pure and free from any defects or impurities.

Painting of Radha and Krishna


There are depictions of human figures in Maya art that appear to be blue in color, but it is uncertain whether these figures represent actual blue-skinned people or if they are symbolic or mythological representations.


One example of blue figures in Maya art can be found in murals and ceramic figurines from the ancient Maya site of Cacaxtla, in modern-day Mexico. These figures are depicted wearing elaborate headdresses and jewelry, and their bodies are painted in bright colors, including shades of blue.

In other Maya art, blue is often used as a symbolic color, representing various concepts such as water, sky, and the underworld. The Maya associated different colors with different directions, and blue was often associated with the west, which was seen as the direction of death and the underworld.


Xiuhpohualli is the name of the 365-day solar calendar used by the Aztecs, who were a civilization that flourished in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century. The Xiuhpohualli calendar was used to mark the passage of time and to regulate agricultural and religious activities.

The Xiuhpohualli calendar was divided into 18 months, each with 20 days, for a total of 360 days. The remaining 5 days were considered to be a time of bad luck and were known as the Nemontemi. Each day in the calendar was associated with a specific deity or god, and each month had its own patron deity.

The Aztecs believed that the Xiuhpohualli calendar was created by the god Quetzalcoatl, who was associated with wisdom and knowledge. According to Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl descended to the underworld to retrieve the bones of the previous human race, which he ground up to create the maize from which the new humans were created. The Xiuhpohualli calendar was said to be a reflection of this cycle of creation and renewal.

The Xiuhpohualli calendar was closely linked to the Aztec religion and was used to mark important religious festivals and ceremonies. For example, the first day of the year, called “2 Serpent,” was a day of great celebration, as it marked the beginning of the agricultural cycle and the planting of crops. Other important dates included the start of the rainy season, the solstices and equinoxes, and the beginning of each of the 18 months.


One theory is that the blue skin may represent the color of the Nile River, which was central to the fertility of the land and the success of agriculture in ancient Egypt. Blue was also associated with the sky, and may have represented the idea of resurrection and the afterlife, which were also central to Osiris’s mythology.

Another theory is that the blue skin may have been a symbolic representation of the god’s role as a ruler of the underworld. In ancient Egyptian religion, the god Amun was often depicted with blue skin, and was associated with the underworld and the dead. It’s possible that the blue skin of Osiris was meant to evoke this connection to the underworld and the afterlife.

The God Amun offers a sickle weapon to the pharaoh Ramesses III as he strikes two captured enemies

Depictions of Osiris with blue skin are relatively rare in ancient Egyptian art, and most depictions show him with green or black skin, which was more commonly used to represent fertility, vegetation, and rebirth.

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