
God Amun: Rams were associated with Amun, a major deity who was considered the king of the gods during the New Kingdom.

Amun was often depicted as a man with a ram's head or simply as a ram.





Egyptian Mythology: Donnelly points out that the Egyptian god Amun-Ra, a supreme deity, shares similarities with Zeus in terms of power and authority.

Amun-Ra is often depicted with attributes that are reminiscent of Zeus, such as the control over elements and a dominant position among the gods.

Egyptian Mythology: Another example from Egyptian mythology, apart from the previously mentioned Osiris, Isis, and Horus, is the trinity of Amun, Ra, and Ptah.

These gods were often combined into a single deity, Amun-Ra, representing the essential aspects of existence.

The Theban Triad: This triad consisted of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu.

Amun was a major god, often associated with the sun and air.

In ancient Egyptian religion, the god Amun was often depicted with blue skin, and was associated with the underworld and the dead.