The Greys


  • Zeta Reticulans
  • Roswell Greys
  • Grays
  • Xiamur


  • Follow the earth from their spaceships
Zeta Reticulans

Grey aliens are beings from outer space often mentioned in claims of close encounters and alien abductions.

People who report these encounters describe Greys as having humanoid features, including small bodies, smooth grey skin, large hairless heads, and big black eyes.

The popularization of Grey aliens can be traced back to the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case in 1961, which allegedly occurred in New Hampshire. Similar descriptions of these beings appeared in early accounts of the 1948 Aztec UFO Hoax and the 1947 Roswell UFO incident.

In the realm of extraterrestrial encounters, the Grey alien has become an iconic symbol of intelligent non-human life and space exploration. They are a recurring motif in popular culture, representing the archetype of an extraterrestrial being.

Zeta Reticuli

The association between Grey aliens and Zeta Reticuli can be traced back to the interpretation of a map drawn by Betty Hill, an alleged abductee, during her hypnosis sessions in the 1960s.

Under hypnosis, Betty Hill claimed to have been shown a star map by the aliens, detailing their home system and nearby stars. This account caught the attention of Marjorie Fish, a schoolteacher, in 1969.

Fish, intrigued by Hill’s account, attempted to create a three-dimensional model of the star map based on Betty Hill’s drawing. After extensive efforts, Fish concluded that the pattern of stars on the map matched the configuration of the Zeta Reticuli binary star system, which is located around 39 light-years away from Earth.

This interpretation fueled the idea that Grey aliens, as described by Betty Hill, originated from the Zeta Reticuli system.


The origins of the Grey alien concept can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1891, Kenneth Folingsby’s novel “Meda: A Tale of the Future” introduced small, grey-skinned aliens with balloon-shaped heads.

H.G. Wells, a prominent writer, presented a futuristic human appearance in 1893, describing humans with large heads and no mouths, noses, or hair. Wells continued this theme in his 1895 novel “The Time Machine,” depicting a successor species, the Eloi, in similar terms.

Occultist Aleister Crowley described a meeting with a similar entity named Lam in 1917. Crowley believed he had contacted this “preternatural entity” through a process called the “Amalantrah Workings,” which he thought allowed communication with beings from outer space and other dimensions.

Other occultists and ufologists later linked Lam to Grey encounters, describing it as a “cold, computer-like intelligence.”

In 1933, Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, writing as Gabriel Linde, published “Den okända faran” (The Unknown Danger), featuring extraterrestrials with short stature, big bald heads, dark gleaming eyes, and grey clothing.

This portrayal, aimed at young readers, included illustrations, becoming the prototype for the popular image of Grey aliens. These early literary and artistic representations contributed significantly to shaping the modern concept of Grey aliens.
Channeling of Bashar

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